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Online Readiness and Academic Pressure among College Freshmen

A Research Proposal Presented to the Faculty of the Senior High School in Digos

City In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Practical Research II

(Quantitative Research)

Rica Mae A. Bonggo

Kirk Anton R. Alcontin

Erika C. Alindajao

Kim Anthony R. Alcontin

Dave Michael Anticamara

February 2021


The study discusses the online readiness and academic pressure among
the college freshmen around Digos City. This study reveals specifically on the level
of: online readiness in terms of the following: internet connectivity and technology
or gadgets; academic pressure in terms of meeting the deadlines and academic
standards. This further examines the significant relationship between the online
readiness and academic pressure of the college freshmen. This is a descriptive-
correlational design using self-made questionnaires conducted to students through
simple random sampling design. The results show that the level of online
readiness among college freshmen that includes the internet connectivity and
technology or gadgets factors is high. On the other hand, the level of academic
pressure among college freshmen during the pandemic in terms of meeting the
deadline and academic standard is low. There is a significant relationship between
online readiness and academic pressure among college freshmen during this
pandemic. There is a significant relationship between online readiness and
academic pressure among college freshmen during this pandemic. This implies
that when the level of online readiness is high, the students’ ability to meet the
deadlines and achieve the academic standards is also high. To elaborate, when a
student has an immediate access to the internet and also has access to
technology and gadgets, the student has the ability to meet the deadlines and
achieve the academic standards. Thus, when the level of online readiness among
college freshmen is high, the academic pressure they experience is low.

Keywords: online readiness, academic pressure, internet connectivity, gadget,

deadlines, academic standards

Approval Sheet

This research entitled “Online Readiness and Academic Pressure among

college freshmen”, prepared and submitted by Rica Mae A. Bonggo, Kirk Anton R.

Alcontin, Erika C. Alindajao, Kiim Anthony R. Alcontin, and Dave Michael

Anticamara, is hereby recommended for approval.


Recommending Approval:



Date Signed: _________


Member Member
Date Signed: _________ Date Signed: __________
Date Signed: _________

Approved and accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Practical

Research II (Quantitative Research).


Principal IV
Date Signed: _________

Table of Contents

Abstract ii
Approval Sheet iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables v
List of Figures vi
Acknowledgements vii
Background of the study 8
Statement of the Problem 9
Hypotheses of the Study 10
Significance of the Study 10
Scope and Delimitation 11
Review Related Literature 12
Conceptual framework 19
Research Paradigm 20
Definition of Terms 20
Research Design 22
Locale and Respondents of the Study 23
Sampling Design 23
Data Gathering Procedures 23
Instrumentation and Validation 24
Statistical Treatment 26
References 37

List of Tables

Table 1. Scaling and Mean Range (Online Readiness) 25

Table 2. Scaling and Mean Range (Academic Pressure) 25
Table 3. Internet Connectivity 28
Table 4. Technology/Gadgets 29
Table 5. Meeting Deadlines 31
Table 6. Academic Standards 32
Table 7. The Relationship between the Two Variables 33

List of Figures

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram showing the relationship between 19

dependent and independent variables used in this study.


The researchers would like to acknowledge and extend their appreciation

for the individuals who have given support and guidance in completing this study.

First and foremost, the researchers would like to express their gratitude to

Almighty Father for guidance and wisdom that he had showered upon the

researchers in conducting this study.

The researchers especially would like to express their sincere appreciation

to Dr. Moises R. Perral who never left students and immensely believed to what

they can make and achieved in research conducting.

To the panel of examiners namely, Mrs. Marites O. Manceras, Mrs. Mildred

T. Mirabueno, MA, Mrs. Mizraim Rebuta, and to the chairman of the board, Mr.

Juner O. Gultiano, MA for furnishing suggestions and corrections to the study

making it more sustainable and appropriate.

Acknowledging as well the respondents of the study who willingly answered

the questionnaires and cooperated very well upon conducting the study.


Chapter I


The first quarter of the year 2020 has built long term custody on everyone’s

home. The unexpected death throes caused by the COVID-19 virus brought

mental and physical disabilities where limited movements have been implemented

to secure the health of the people. Albeit pandemic influenced the lifestyle of the

people in various ways, learners pursue its education. The students forge towards

this new mechanism of education, yet the pressures were hard to contrive for both

teachers and learners.

Even before the COVID 19 pandemic, students are facing different

challenges in terms of their academic life such as, assignments, project,

recitations, examinations, quizzes and many more. It affects their academic

performance on having this kind of pressure especially now that online platforms

are encouraged due to the pandemic. Since online learning provides greater

control to students through a lot of restrictions, they can create their own learning

strategies. This enables students to take up new courses and learn almost from

anywhere and anytime. Online learning readiness plays a significant role to

encourage learners to be involved in online learning activities. Online learning

readiness can be perceived as a crucial factor to be considered in any

development of online learning environments (llgaz & Gulbahar, 2015).

When college students begin college, they experience pressure from

distinct factors. For example, they experience pressure from their parents to


succeed, from their professors, and pressure from themselves to do well in class.

They may not be focused and always pushes through their limits for they don’t

want to have a failing grade. For some students, pressure leads to stress, and

there are also a lot of factors that would cause stress. We do note that stress

levels can lead to terrible effect that can completely change students’ lives and

may result to failure. According to Dwyer, A. L.., & Cummings, A. L,. (2001) stated

that for a student, stress may be caused by failure, problem or loss of a family

member or close friends. For some students, their pressure was due to lack of

resources like internet, technology or gadgets at home. This study would be of

great help for college students to be aware of the factors that causes academic

pressure as well as the things that are needed for the preparation as they enter

tertiary education.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to determine the online readiness and the factors

that caused academic pressure among college freshmen. This study will be

conducted during the first semester of school year 2021-2022. Hence, this aims to

answer the following research questions:

1. What is the level of online readiness of college freshmen in terms of:

1. Internet Connectivity

2. Technology/Gadget?

2. What is the level of pressure among college freshmen during the pandemic

in terms of:

1. Meeting the Deadlines


2. Academic Standards

3. Is there any significant relationship between online readiness and academic

pressure among the college freshmen learners?

Research Hypothesis

The following hypothesis will be treated to answer the objectives of this

study. Its acceptance or rejection will depend on the result of the statistical data

analysis using 0.05 level of confidence. It follows then that if the variables have no

significant difference, the null hypothesis is follow.

Ho: There is no significant relationship between online readiness and

academic pressure among college freshmen, S.Y. 2021-2022.

Significance of the Study

The significant point of this study is to explore the connection between

online readiness and its connection to students’ academic pressure. Furthermore,

this study endeavors to determine the online readiness among college freshmen

and how it is linked to academic pressures. The following may benefit the study:

College Freshmen. Since the freshmen are the main proponents of this

study, the possible outcomes of this investigation will provide them additional idea

and knowledge of specific ways that will guide them in learning online and reduce

academic pressure.

Parents. Parents are the greatest influencers that will assist the student’s

learning. With the outcomes of this study, parents will evaluate the needs of the

students and provide them the support they need.


CHED. As Commission on Higher Education has a heavy role in providing

the best education for the students as it holds the power to implement orders

which will then be followed by schools, the study will give them idea in recent

struggles of the students upon learning online. Further, this investigation will be a

proof that can move the Commission on Higher Education to reconsider the calling

of the students’ struggles and reconsider the face-to-face educational system to be

administered again.

Future Researchers. If this study will help the future researchers as they

can use this study to be their helping tool in conducting further research related to

this study.

Scope and Delimitation

The study will be conducted among higher education institutions around

Digos City and does not have a specific place to be investigated since the target

proponents for this study are the college freshmen in the school year 2021-2022.

This will look from their readiness on online learning in terms of their capabilities in

using the internet and the technology; and will look for certain possibilities in terms

of meeting deadlines and academic standards that will cause academic pressure

towards the freshmen. Furthermore, the researchers aim to describe and

determine the levels and relationship between online readiness and academic

pressure among college freshmen through descriptive-correlational design.


Review of Related Literature

This part presents a selection of literature and studies that are related to the

present study. The researchers have gathered through deep readings of online

materials that all of which has a great significance of the problem during the

process of research writings. Most of the literature gathered discusses the sources

of online readiness namely internet connectivity and technology; and certain

factors or influences that cause academic pressure of meeting deadlines and

academic standards.

I. Online Readiness. The rise of distance education has created a need to

understand students' readiness for online learning and to predict their success.

Several survey instruments have been developed to assess this construct of online

readiness. However, a review of the extant literature shows that these instruments

have varying limitations in capturing all of the domains of student online readiness.

Important variables that have been considered in assessing the online readiness

of students for distance education include attrition and information and

communications technology (ICT) engagement. Previous studies have indicated

that high attrition rates for online programs can be prevented by assessing student

online readiness. The present study examined undergraduate students' online

readiness using an instrument that was developed by the researchers that

included constructs such as information communications technology engagement,

motivation, self-efficacy, and learner characteristics. The additions of these

subscales further strengthen the reliability and validity of online learning readiness

surveys in capturing all the domains of student online readiness. Online learning


readiness can be described in two major features competence and confidence in

using internet and technological tools; and ability to teach separately (Tang & Lim,


Internet Connectivity. The transition from high school to college involves

significant changes academically, interpersonally, and intrapersonal (Shaver,

Furman, &Buhrmester.1985). The transition typically marks the first significant

move away from the family and towards adulthood (Eccles, Templeton, Barber, &

Stone, 2003). As a result, college students in large numbers are now using the

Internet, it may serve as a new avenue of potential social support that way not

previously available. Particularly for college students, Internet use has become a

normative aspect of daily life (Anderson, 2001: Birdsell, Muzzio, Krane, &

Contteau. 1998), individuals between the ages of 18 and 24 had the highest rate

of Internet use (44%) of all age groups (Schau, 2000). The 2001 freshman college

class was born the year the PC, was introduced to the general public (Jones,

2002; Turrow, 1999). Further, nearly all college students today were online before

they began college (Cole, 2001; Horrigan, 2002: Jones; Perry, Perry, & Hosack –

Curlin, 1998).

Technology. The fast advancement of technology in recent decades has

prompted numerous scholars to look at the elements that influence its successful

deployment in various disciplines. As a result, the current research sought to

determine the characteristics that influence e-learning acceptance and

preparedness in the context of foreign language acquisition. A number of

hypotheses were created, and a framework was developed after reading the


relevant literature. The study’s quantitative survey was completed by a group of

university students specializing in English teaching. Smart partial least squares

(smartPLS) software was used to evaluate the collected data. The findings

revealed complicated connections between perceived usefulness, perceived ease

of use, e-learning motivation, online communication self-efficacy, and language

learners’ acceptance and preparation for e-learning. Furthermore, the data

demonstrated that, despite the mediation impact of perceived usefulness,

perceived enjoyment had no effect on e-learning acceptance and preparedness

among language learners.

Self-Paced Studying. Self-pacing can be identified through learning on

your own time and have a full control of your schedules. Digital or online learning

offers an opportunity to learn on your own paced; by this means, online learning

reduces learning stresses as well as increasing learning satisfaction (Dickey,

2005). However, most of the students were suffering and struggling upon learning

on their own since all of them has their own abilities and capabilities and


II. Academic Pressure. Pressures and stresses are now understood as a

lifestyle crisis (Masih & Gulrez, 2006) affecting any individual regardless of their

personal development stage (Banerjee & Chatterjee, 2016). Studying was never

perceived as stressful event because it is the only task students were expected to

undertake. What proved to cause academic pressure among the students was the

expectations parents had for their children that may influence their thoughts.

However, pressure is necessary to challenge students to learn. Therefore,


students need to create strategies to cope with their stressors for them to reduce

the negative effects on their learning and performance. Approaches are needed

that reduce the negative aspects of pressure which hinder/hamper students’

learning and performance. The key to reducing distress is providing students with

or feeling of control over their education, information about what to expect, and

feedback regarding what can be done to improve their performance.

Meeting Deadlines. A deadline can be defined as the time or date before

which a particular task must be finished or a particular thing must be done. School

works or any particular works will always have deadlines in order for the students

to be productive and deals with time management. It is important and crucial for

the student’s to gain and learn this opportunity in order to organize things and

works. However, meeting deadlines increases pressure on individual if they cannot

handle their workloads alone and because of procrastination. Deadlines can be

seen on a negative and positive side: increases pressure that affect performance

(negative side); and increases productivity (positive side).

Whenever a learner encounter with procrastination, it is believe that they

will lose interest with their school works and become unaware of the time that

passes by. When deadlines are approaching, the students will then become

pressure with the workloads that awaits them and will possibly copy-paste their

answers from a classmate or from the internet. Therefore, meeting deadlines can

increase pressure and affect the performance of the student. On the other hand,

meeting deadlines also increases productivity. Time management, being organize

and self-awareness will help the students to attain their goals before deadlines. It


is essential to learn and know how the students handle themselves appropriately

to avoid getting pressures from approaching deadlines.

According to a statement issued by the National Telecommunication

Commission (NTC), the internet connectivity in the Philippines continues to

improve as of April 2021. However, this was criticize by an ICT expert, Santos, that

the speed of the internet cannot be considered a success of improvement but also

the accessibility of it by the many- is work from home accessible to more people?

Is online learning accessed more and more by students? In the same way, It is

believed that meeting deadlines in this time of pandemic requires internet

connection since it became a major tool for effective teaching as well as a learning

tool. As stated by Stephanie O’Brien, Ph.D, a mass communication lecturer at

UNCA says that the outbreak of COVID-19 adds another layer of anxiety and

stress to already stressful situations. It takes energy and mental work as well as

the completion of requirements for a course and degree. This implies that the

students struggle to meet deadlines with online classes that can affect their mental


As stated by Adholay, Abdullah, et. al. (2018) that Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) is making the leap to transform all aspects of

life, online learning has become widely viewed as the future of education.

However, some countries like Yemen are lagging behind in the adaptation of ICT

due to many challenges faced. That includes limited resources, weak

infrastructure, and a high student population. Other students have trouble in online


modality learning because of lacking knowledge they acquired, that can affect their

academic performance in school.

Academic Standards. Academic standard refer to the achievement of the

students attained whether to be met or surpassed. Academic standards relate to

the intellectual abilities of students. Authors have noted that academic standards

are conceptually complex and difficult to define (Woolf & Cooper, 1999; Coates,

2010). Academic standards distinguished from standards of competence, service

standards and organizational standards by centring Harvey’s definition on

academic attainment (Harvey, 2002).

Academic standards will also put pressure among the students because it is

difficult to attain these standards. Getting good grades will never be easy.

Learners have different intellect, limitations, knowledge, and learning strategies.

Hence, academic standards can also create pressure among learners because of

the thought that in order to be successful, a set of standards must be met or

surpassed, where in fact, and it is true.

The use of the internet is crucial in order for the students to gained

educational information. Academic standards describe the goals of schooling, the

destinations at which students should arrive at the end of the unit or term (WNET

Education, 2004). Basically, an academic standard is the written statement of

‘expectation’. Academic standards was being criticize and fall into three major

cramps: One group worries that standards will force teachers to "teach to tests"

and focus on rote learning rather than on more creative and individualized

education. Another group is concerned about where standards are set: too high


and low achievers (particularly in disadvantaged communities) will become

discouraged and drop out; too low and high achievers will not be challenged

properly. The third group has no objection to standards per se, but believes that

they should be set by local school boards, not by federal or state authorities. This

implies that a set of academic standard can cause pressure both to teachers and

learners with the thought that they need to meet a certain expectation in order to

pass and be successful.

The internet has significant relationship with academic standard since this is

the tool where learners get and gain information for their assignments, activities,

performances, and etc. This can be understood that if a learner has a low internet

or network connectivity, pressure may enter then. The learners start to feel

pressure because they could not get the information they want quickly. Hence,

internet or network connectivity is important in these days because this is the only

way for the students to gain information, interact, and able to achieve the

expectations of today’s educational system.

Factors that Affect Academic Pressure. College students frequently

experience stress because of a variety of academic and environmental factors.

Academic, social, environmental, psychological, and physical adjustments are all

harmed by uncontrollable stress. The amount of academic and environmental

stress among College of Education (CoE) students at EIT was extensively

investigated in this study. It was looked into in terms of the students' overall GPA

and gender. The study was particularly interested in the primary intellectual and

environmental elements that contribute to increased stress among college


students. Furthermore, one of the key concerns was to look into the stress

management measures used by college students. A total of 107 students from the

College of Education's second, third, and fourth years were randomly and

conveniently selected to fill out the self-developed questionnaire and participate in

the focus group discussion in order to get trustworthy data. Descriptive and

inferential statistical techniques were used to analyze the data. A Software

Package for Social Sciences aided the data crunching process (SPSS). According

to the findings of the survey, the majority of College of Education students are

under moderate academic and environmental stress. The pupils' gender and

cumulative GPA were likewise shown to have no statistically significant

differences. However, the level of environmental stress was only found to have a

minor statistically meaningful link with CGPA. The majority of pupils expressed

themselves as they used various positive stress management techniques. The

research is intended to make a significant contribution to determining stress levels

and identifying the most stressful academic and environmental elements.

Conceptual Framework

Moore's Theory of Transactional Distance (1993), which has a direct

influence on online learning, is the foundation of this research. It describes and

quantifies the learning interaction between teacher and student in an e-learning

setting where the two are separated by a significant physical or temporal distance.

Modality in the Internet Learners' and instructors' relationships can change

dramatically as a result of learning. Due to several technological and online issues,

it might influence distance communication as well as several misconceptions.


According to the theory, pedagogical issues arise as a result of the physical and

temporal distance between the learner and the teacher, which must be mediated

by the structure of a course and the interaction between the learner and the

teacher in order to minimize misconnection and misunderstanding. As a result,

online modality learning can be used in a variety of disciplines, although the said

blended learning may result in misunderstandings and other errors between

students and teachers.

Research Paradigm

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Academic Pressure among

Online Readiness
College Freshmen
A. Internet Connectivity
Figure 1. Schematic Diagram showing the relationship Meetingdependent
the Deadlines
B. Technology/Gadgets
B. Academic Standards
independent variables used in this study.

Definition of Terms

Academic Pressure. In this study, this term refers stress experienced by

understudies on account of their failure to perform well school activities or tasks in

every schedule during online class.

Academic Standards. Refer to the achievement of the students attained

whether to be met or surpassed.

Freshmen. This refers to the students that are newly enrolled in college.

They are in the first year of the curriculum.


Deadlines. A deadline can be defined as the time or date before which a

particular task must be finished or a particular thing must be done.

Online Readiness. This term refers to how the college freshmen has

equipped himself/herself as to the necessary preparation in terms of online

distance learning modalities where the classes are done in different online

platforms such as google meet, skype, Microsoft teams, and other platforms that

are used by the teachers/instructors. This includes the preparedness in terms of

internet connectivity, availability of gadgets, and the applications.

Stress. This term is a sort of feeling or a condition of mental pressure and

stress brought about by issues in one's day to day existence and school works.

Stressors. In our study, this term refers horrible mishaps any sort of shock

to the body can cause an intense pressure reaction problem

Chapter II



The purpose of this chapter is to explain in detail the research methods and

the methodology implemented for this study. The chapter will explain first the

research design followed by the locale and respondents of the study. The chapter

then goes on to discuss the sample size and the sampling strategy applied by the

researchers, and the data gathering procedure which have been used. It includes

with a statistical tool or treatment.

Research Design

This study is descriptive correlational quantitative research design. Under

this type of research utilizes the descriptive method of research to determine the

connection of online readiness and academic pressure among college freshmen

Academic Year 20221-2022. It would see it dependent variables relating to what

causes academic pressure with certain factors of meeting the deadlines and

academic standards were connected to the online readiness among the


Under this type of research, the researchers used a descriptive-correlational

design which is aiming to describe and determine the online readiness and

academic pressure among college freshmen in various college schools around

Digos City. The data gathered and obtained from the survey questionnaires

through online platform answered by the respondents themselves.

Locale and Respondents of the study


The study will be conducted among higher education institutions around

Digos City since the main proponents of this study are the college freshmen.

However, during this time of pandemic where face-to-face interview and/or survey

is not applicable for the researchers to conduct. The modality learning such as

online learning has been promoted by the government, and by this, the online

survey through Google form will be applied.

The proponents of this study will be the college freshmen with the aim

sample of fifty-five (55) respondents. The researchers will approach the

respondents through online messenger with the Google form of survey


Sampling Design

Researchers will be using random sampling design in which this study,

“Online readiness and Academic Pressures among College Freshmen”, students

will be chosen randomly to achieve the aim population of 55.

Data Gathering Procedure

Asking Permission. The researchers will ask permission with the

respondents via online messenger that a survey will be conducted with them. After

the researchers and the respondents agreed with the conduction, the researchers

then proceed with distributing the survey questionnaires with the Google form.

Distributing and Retrieving of Instruments. On the day of conducting

the survey, the instructions of what the respondents will do are written on the

Google form since the conduction will be through online platform because of the

unavailability of performing the face-to-face survey. Once the respondents


answered the survey, the documentation of the answered form together with their

names will automatically be on the spreadsheet that only the researchers have.

Collating and Processing the Data. After the distribution and retrieval of

the instruments, the researchers will collate and organize them. At this point, the

statistical tool will be applied as to treat the data gathering.

Interpreting and Analyzing the Data. After the collation and the treatment,

the data will be interpreted and analyzed as to give the answers for the research

problems of the study.

Instrumentation and Validation

The researchers used a survey rating scale/questionnaire which consists of

twenty-four (24) items to gather the respondents' feedback. The most widely used

scale uses fixed choice response formats and designed to measure attitudes or

opinions is the Likert-type or frequency (Bowling, Burns and Grove, 1997). Table 1

shows the rating scale to measure attitudes specifically agreement and

disagreement directly.

Survey questionnaires used by the researchers has a total of twenty-four

(24) items. It will be divided into two (2) parts. Part 1 of the questionnaire consists

of the online readiness of the students with six (6) items for internet connectivity,

and another six (6) items for technology/gadgets. Part 2 of the questionnaire

consists of the academic pressure experienced by the students: six (6) items for

meeting deadlines, and six (6) for academic standards. This part of the

questionnaire has a total of twenty-four (24) items.


Table 1. Scaling and Mean Range (Online Readiness)

Mean Range Scale Description Descriptive Equivalent
4.50-5.00 5 Always This indicates that the respondents strongly
agree to the stated situation and can be
interpreted as very high level of online readiness.
3.50-4.49 4 Oftentimes This indicates that the respondents agree to the
stated situation and interpreted as high level of
online readiness.
2.50-3.49 3 Sometimes This indicates that the respondents somewhat
agreed/disagree to the stated situation and
interpreted as average level of online readiness.
1.50-2.49 2 Rarely This indicates that the respondents disagree to
the stated situation and interpreted as low level of
online readiness.
1.0-1.49 1 Never This indicates that the respondents strongly
disagree to the stated situation and interpreted as
very low level of online readiness.

Table 2. Scaling and Mean Range (Academic Pressure)

Mean Range Scale Description Descriptive Equivalent
4.50-5.00 5 Always This indicates that the respondents strongly
agree to the stated situation and can be
interpreted as very low level of academic
3.50-4.49 4 Oftentimes This indicates that the respondents agree to the
stated situation and interpreted as low level of
academic pressure.
2.50-3.49 3 Sometimes This indicates that the respondents somewhat
agreed/disagree to the stated situation and
interpreted as average level of academic
1.50-2.49 2 Rarely This indicates that the respondents disagree to
the stated situation and interpreted as high level
of academic pressure.
1.0-1.49 1 Never This indicates that the respondents strongly
disagree to the stated situation and interpreted
as very high level of academic pressure.


Statistical Treatment

Responses of the questionnaires by college freshmen were statistically

analyzed with the data requirements of the study. Descriptive statistics such as

frequency count, mean, percent and rank are considered.

To know there is a correlation between the independent and dependent

variables, Pearson Product Moment of Correlation coefficient was applied with a

0.05 level of significance.

Mean. Used to measure the average set of values by adding the group of

values and divide the numbers of term in the set.

Pearson R. This is a measure that will determine the relationship between

the Online Readiness and Academic Pressure among college freshmen.

P-value. Used as an alternative to the rejection point to provide the least

significance at which the null hypothesis would be rejected.

Chapter III



This chapter presents the results and discussions of the study. The

presentation of results is based on the order of the presentation of variables

mentioned in the statement of the problem. This looks into the relationship

between online readiness and academic pressure among college freshmen.

The first question aims to find out the level of online readiness among college

freshmen in terms of internet connectivity, and technology/gadgets.

On the other hand, the second question pertains to look for the level of

academic pressure among college freshmen during the pandemic in terms of

meeting the deadlines, and academic standards.

The last question aims to answer if there is a significant relationship between

online readiness and academic pressure among college freshmen based on the

average mean scores computed under the students’ level of online readiness and

their level of pressure during the pandemic.

Online readiness among college freshmen

Internet connectivity. Based on the tabulated results in table 3, out of 55

respondents, the highest mean score obtained is 3.9 under the first indicator which

indicate that the respondents has access to a dedicated network connection or

have an internet service provider. This means that most of the college freshmen

have a high level of online readiness in terms of having access to the internet.

It has 3.6 as the overall mean which signifies that most college freshmen

have access to internet or has internet connectivity. This also signifies that the


level of online readiness among college freshmen in terms of internet connectivity

is high.

According to Dimakis (2020), the internet seems to be slowly positioning

itself as one of the basic needs, much like water, oxygen or electricity in the

contemporary society. Especially the world is currently facing a pandemic; the

internet has been used as an alternative tool to continue the education. Both

education and the internet are geared towards informational exchange, creation of

knowledge and communication in general. This implies that internet connectivity

significantly impacts the education of a student, especially today.

Table 3. Internet Connectivity

Indicators Mean Interpretation
1. I have access to a dedicated network connection 3. 9 High
or have an Internet Service Provider.
2. I have access to Internet for substantial period of 3.7 High
time; perhaps 45 min or so, at least 3 times a
3. I find Internet less expensive in making my 3.5 High
paper works.
4. I find using Internet more productive even less 3.7 High
time is spent.
5. I can use the Internet easily whenever I’m doing 3.8 High
my assignments.
6. I have experienced acquiring good grades of my 3.6 High
submitted assignment where the answers came the
Overall mean 3.6 High
Point Scale Interpretation
5 4.50 – 5.00 Very High
4 3.50 – 4.49 High
3 2.50 – 3.39 Average
2 1.50 – 2.49 Low
1 1.00 – 1.49 Very Low


Technology/Gadgets. As presented on the tabulated results in table 4, the

gathered data has gained the highest mean score of 3.6 which indicate that most

of the college freshmen have gadgets that they can use for online learning and

surfing the internet.

As can be gleaned on Table 3, technology/gadgets for online readiness

among college freshmen obtained an overall mean score of 3.88 which signifies

that the level of online readiness of the college freshmen in terms of technology

and gadget is high.

Many proponents of computer-mediated distance education emphasize the

positive aspects of computer-mediated distance education and understate the

kinds of communicative and technological skills and work needed by students and

faculty (Hara, 2020). According to Arnesen, Elstad, et. al. (2017), developing

students’ digital skills and self-confidence in their ability to purposefully use online

learning opportunities is considered important for achieving educational objectives.

In some point, the pandemic aid the learners to utilize and improve their

technological skills.

Table 4. Technology/Gadgets

Indicators Mean Interpretation

1. I have gadgets such as mobile phone and 4.3 High
computers that I can use for online learning and
surfing the internet.
1. I am pretty good at using the computer. 3.6 High
2. I am comfortable surfing the Internet. 3.7 High
4. I am capable of using technology for information 4.0 High
presentation such as PowerPoint, and digital media.
5. I am familiar with the software such as word 3.8 High
processor, spread sheet, or browser.
6. I use search engines such as Google confidently. 3.9 High


Overall mean 3.88 High

Point Scale Interpretation
5 4.50 – 5.00 Very High
4 3.50 – 4.49 High
3 2.50 – 3.49 Average
2 1.50 – 2.49 Low
1 1.00 – 1.49 Very Low

Academic Pressure among College Freshmen

Meeting Deadlines. Based on the tabulated results shown in table 5, the

highest mean obtained is 4 under the second indicator which signifies that the

college freshmen are well-aware of the deadlines and has the capability to

prioritize important tasks. This implies that the college freshmen have a low level

of academic pressure and that they have a good response in handling tasks during

online classes.

As presented on Table 5, meeting deadlines obtained an overall mean

score of 3.7 which can be interpreted that the level of academic pressure

experienced by the college freshmen in terms of meeting deadlines during online

classes is low.

Deadlines are important norms in most interactions between agents.

Intuitively, a deadline states that an agent should perform an action before a

certain point in time (Dignum, Meyer, et al, 2004). School works or any particular

works will always have deadlines in order for the students to be productive and

deals with time management. It is important and crucial for the student’s to gain

and learn this opportunity in order to organize things and works. However, meeting

deadlines increases pressure on individual if they cannot handle their workloads


alone and because of procrastination. Deadlines can be seen on a negative and

positive side: increases pressure that affect performance (negative side); and

increases productivity (positive side).

Table 5. Meeting Deadlines

Indicators Mean Interpretation
1. I am well-aware when our deadlines are. 3.9 or 4 Low
2. I prioritize my tasks from the most important to 4 Low
the least.
3 I have my own list of projects and deadlines so 3.6 Low
that I am aware of what is due and when.
4. I can manage myself and my own time making 3.7 Low
our paper works.
5. I am flexible upon my responsibilities on our 3.7 Low
school works and assignments.
6. I finished my tasks days earlier before 3.5 Low
Overall mean 3.7 Low
Point Scale Interpretation
5 4.50 – 5.00 Very Low
4 3.50 – 4.49 Low
3 2.50 – 3.49 Average
2 1.50 – 2.49 High
1 1.00 – 1.49 Very High

Academic Standards. Based on the tabulated results shown in table 6, the

highest mean obtained is 3.6 under the first indicator which signifies that most of

the college freshmen are able to answer all of the required tasks confidently and

accurately. This implies that the college freshmen have a low level of academic

pressure and that they have a good response in completing tasks during online


As presented on Table 6, academic standards obtained an overall mean

score of 3.4 which can be interpreted that the level of academic pressure


experienced by the college freshmen in terms of achieving the academic standard

during online classes is average.

Authors have noted that academic standards are conceptually complex and

difficult to define (Woolf & Cooper, 1999; Coates, 2010). Academic standards

distinguished from standards of competence, service standards and organizational

standards by centring Harvey’s definition on academic attainment (Harvey, 2002).

Table 6. Academic Standards

Indicators Mean Interpretation
1. I was able to answer all of the required tasks 3.6 Low
confidently and accurately.
2. I receive commends coming from our teacher 3.3 Average
during online classes.
3. I encounter less difficulty in answering my 3.2 Average
tasks and quizzes.
4. I get good results from my quizzes and exams. 3.5 Low
5. I can teach my struggling classmates 3.3 Average
regarding the lessons.
6. I easily acquire knowledge and skills during 3.2 Average
distance learning.
Overall mean 3.4 Average
Point Scale Interpretation
5 4.50 – 5.00 Very Low
4 3.50 – 4.49 Low
3 2.50 – 3.49 Average
2 1.50 – 2.49 High
1 1.00 – 1.49 Very High

Relationship between the two variables. It can be seen in table 7 that the

online readiness as the independent variable and academic pressure among

college freshmen has a significant relationship which has a 0.00001 p-value under

0.05 value of significance. The relationship between these two variables has

moderately positive correlation since the r value of these two variables is 0.6191.


It can be seen that the internet connectivity under online readiness has

significant relationship in terms of meeting the deadlines and the academic

standards with a p-value of 0.000074 and 0.004161 respectively. Internet

connectivity has a moderate positive correlation in meeting the deadlines with

0.5086, however, shows a weak positive correlation in terms of the academic

standards with r score of 0.3805.

Moreover, the technology/gadgets also has a significant relationship

between in terms of meeting the deadlines and the academic standards with both

p-value of 0.00001. Technology or gadgets has a moderate positive correlation in

meeting the deadlines and academic standards with r scores of 0.6194 and 0.5641


Table 7. The Relationship between the Two Variables

Independent Dependent r P-value Strength of HO Remark
Variable Variable Correlation
Internet Meeting 0.5086 0.00007 Moderate Reject Significant
Connectivity Deadlines 4 Positive
Academic 0.3805 0.00416 Weak Accepted Not
Standards 1 Positive Significant
Technology/ Meeting 0.6194 0.00001 Moderate Reject Significant
Gadgets Deadlines Positive
Academic 0.5641 0.00001 Moderate Reject Significant
Standards Positive
Online Academic 0.6191 0.00001 Moderate Reject Significant
Readiness Pressure Positive
among college among Correlation
freshmen college


Chapter IV

Summary, Conclusions, and Implications

This chapter provides the summarization, conclusion and implications for

this study conducted by the researchers.

Summary of Findings

This study probes the relationship of online readiness and academic

pressure among college freshmen. This specifically sought to answer the following

questions: What is the level of online readiness of college freshmen in terms of

internet connectivity and technology or gadgets? What is the level of academic

pressure among college freshmen during the pandemic in terms of meeting the

deadlines and academic standards? This study also sought to find out if there is

any relationship between online readiness and academic pressure among the

college freshmen learners.

There are 55 college freshmen who were subjected to a random sampling

and took a survey wherein the online readiness among these college freshmen

was measured in relation to the academic pressure they experienced during this

pandemic. The data gathered were analyzed after getting the arithmetic mean,

Pearson-R correlation, and the p-value. Results revealed that the levels of online

readiness and academic pressure have mean scores 3.89 and 3.55 respectively

and both signifies a high level.

In terms of online readiness, technology or gadgets has the highest mean

score of 3.89 which signifies that its level of online readiness is high. For the


academic pressure, meeting deadlines has the highest mean score of 3.75 which

signifies that its level of academic pressure is low.

Being said, the online readiness and academic pressure among college

freshmen has an r-score of 0.6191 which shows that the strength of the correlation

is moderate positive correlation supported by its p-value of 0.00001 that is less

than the 0.05 level of significance and proves that there is a significant relationship

between the two variables.


In the light of the findings of the study, the following are the derived


1. The level of online readiness among college freshmen that includes

the internet connectivity and technology or gadgets factors is high.

2. The level of academic pressure among college freshmen during the

pandemic in terms of meeting the deadline and academic standard is


3. There is a significant relationship between internet connectivity under

online readiness and meeting the deadlines under academic

pressure; however there is no significant relationship between

internet connectivity and academic standard among college

freshmen during this pandemic. Moreover, there is a significant

relationship between technology/gadgets under online readiness and

meeting the deadlines and academic standards under academic

pressure among college freshmen during this pandemic.



Based on the results and findings of the study, the following are the


1. Internet connectivity and technology or gadgets affects the students’

level of readiness during the conduct of online classes. The more a

student has immediate access to the internet and also has access to

technology, the more it would be ready for online classes.

2. Meeting deadlines and academic standard during this pandemic

affects the students’ academic pressure. Meeting deadlines and

achieving academic standard during these online classes puts a little

pressure on the students.

3. When the level of online readiness is high, the students’ ability to

meet the deadlines and achieve the academic standards is also high.

To elaborate, when a student has an immediate access to the

internet and also has access to technology and gadgets, the student

has the ability to meet the deadlines and achieve the academic

standards. Thus, when the level of online readiness among college

freshmen is high, the academic pressure they experience is low.


Based on the results and findings of the study, the following are the



1. There is a need of students to adopt the learning technique using advanced

mechanism for them to be knowledgeable enough of today’s modernity

2. There is a need of proper guidance from teachers since they are the ones

who are assigned to enhance learners' competency and provide knowledge

in using modernized mechanisms especially during online classes.

3 Study different factors that affect academic pressure among students aside

from online readiness and are recommended to widen the target



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Survey Questionnaires
Never-1 Rarely-2 Sometimes-3 Oftentimes-4 Always-5
Questions 5 4 3 2 1
About the internet
1. I have access to a dedicated network connection or have an
Internet Service Provider
2. I have access to Internet for substantial period of time; perhaps
45 min or so, at least 3 times a week.
3. I find Internet less expensive in making my paper works.
4. I find using Internet more productive even less time is spent.
5. I can use the Internet easily whenever I’m doing my
6. I have experienced acquiring good grades of my submitted
assignment where the answers came the Internet
About technology/ gadgets
1. I have gadgets such as mobile phone and computers that
I can use for online learning and surfing the internet.
2. I am pretty good at using the computer.
3. I am comfortable surfing the Internet.
4. I am capable of using technology for information presentation
such as PowerPoint, and digital media.
5. I am familiar with the software such as word processor, spread
sheet, or browser.
6. I use search engines such as Google confidently.
About Meeting Deadlines
1. I am well-aware when our deadlines are.
2. I prioritize my tasks from the most important to the least.
3. I have my own list of projects and deadlines so that I am aware


of what is due and when.

4. I can manage myself and my own time making our paper
5. I am flexible upon my responsibilities on our school works and
6. I finished my tasks days earlier before deadlines.
About Academic Standards
1. I was able to answer all of the required tasks confidently and
2. I receive commends coming from our teacher during online
3. I encounter less difficulty in answering my tasks and quizzes.
4. I get good results from my quizzes and exams.
5. I can teach my struggling classmates regarding the lessons.
6. I easily acquire knowledge and skills during distance learning.

12 items for online readiness and 12 items for Academic Pressure among
College Freshmen. The total items of the survey questionnaires is 24 items.


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