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Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

Idioms &
S.No Meaning Example Sentence

1 To make clean to tell the truth about After months of lying about the money,
breast of something, especially I decided to make a clean breast of it and
something bad or illegal that tell the truth.
you have done, so that you
do not have to feel guilty any

2 To keep one’s To hold back an expression She should have learned to keep her
temper of anger temper when she was a child.

3 To drive home To emphasize an important The teacher repeated the point three
point about something (to times just to drive it home

4 To have an To have a selfish reason for The best reporting is done by people who
axe to grind saying or doing something don’t have an axe to grind.

5 To end in If something ends in smoke All the efforts of the warden to bring him
smoke it produces no concrete or round ended in smoke.
positive result.

6 To be above To be honest and legal The deal was completely above board

7 To pick holes To find mistakes in The lawyer picked holes in the witness’s
something someone has story.
done or said, to show that it
is not good or not correct.

8 To leave To leave someone at a time I hope they can find someone to replace
someone in when they need you to stay me at work. I don’t want to leave them in
the lurch and help them the lurch.

9 To play second To be in a less important Radio has been playing second fiddle to
fiddle position than someone or television for decades now.
something else

10 A black Sheep an odd or disreputable My father was the black sheep; he ran
member of a group, away at 16 to become an actor and his
especially within a family. parents never forgave him.

11 A man of A person or an idea that is He was chosen to be the straw man as

straw weak and easy to defeat. they had struck a deal with the opponent
to lose the fight.

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

12 To smell a rat To suspect that something is I don’t think this was an accident. I smell
wrong a rat.

13 To hit the nail To be right about something Praveen hit the nail on the head when he
right on the said most people can use a computer
head without knowing how it works.

14 To set one’s To oppose something Despite fierce competition from rival

face against companies, they’ve set their face against
price cuts.

15 To cry wolf To cry or complain about Pay no attention, she’s just crying wolf
something when nothing again.
really wrong/give false alarm

16 To put one’s To get busy, to help out, to It’s time to put your hand to the plow
hand to plough start working

17 To catch a To deal with someone or Now that she finally agreed to meet with
tartar. something that proves you, you just might find that you’ve
unexpectedly troublesome or caught a tartar.

18 Bored to death to be very bored The speeches went on for an hour. I was
bored to death.

19 You've got to this cannot be the truth Raj: Sandeep

be kidding is getting married. Did you hear?
Anu: You've got to be kidding!
20 sick and tired to be angry and bored becau I'm getting sick and tired of this song.
se something unpleasant has They play it way too often at this club."
been happening for too long

21 call it a day to quit work and go home; to I'm tired. Let's call it a day.
say that a day's work has
been completed

22 Get on one's to annoy someone, especially You're beginning to get on my nerves."

nerves by doing something again
and again

23 Couch potato a lazy individual, addicted to Couch potatoes contend to become very
television-watching fat and unhealthy, you know.

24 Read one's to guess what someone is "I was going to suggest that. You must
mind thinking have read my mind.

25 Feel blue to feel sad Whenever I feel blue, I like to listen to

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

upbeat music."

26 Fender bender a minor car accident I can’t believe the damage is going to
cost me 800 bucks. It was just amender

27 Get foot in the to have an opportunity I think I could get the job if I could only
door get my foot in the door.

28 Chicken a coward. "Everyone thinks I'm a chicken because

I didn't go bungee jumping with them."

29 Give to make things difficult for Stop giving me a hard time. There was
somebody a someone nothing I could do about it."
hard time

30 Make up one's To decide something, esp. "I can't make up my mind. Can you help
mind what to do me decide?"

31 Go Dutch to share the cost of I actually prefer going Dutch because I

something, don't want to feel indebt to anyone."
especially a meal;[for each
person in a pair or a group]
to pay for himself or herself

32 Throw in the to quit; to give up. "I saw a fight last almost two hours
towel before one guy threw in the towel."

33 Rain or Shine whatever the weather is; No "We're going camping this weekend rain
matter what the or shine."

34 Easier said said of a task that is easier The doctor says I should stop smoking
than done to talk about than to do. but that's easier said than done.

35 Jump to to guess the facts about "Will you stop jumping to conclusions.
conclusions a situation without having You should get all the facts before you
enough information make any decisions."

36 Out of the happening suddenly and He's pretty funny because he will crack a
Blue unexpectedly funny joke out of the blue."

37 On the Dot at exactly the right time. "I don't want to be waiting for you, so
you'd better be there at three o’clock on
the dot."

38 In a tight to be in a difficult situation After taking up this subject I really don’t

corner understand it and feel like I put myself in

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

a tight corner.

39 A wild goose a situation where you waste After two hours spent wandering in the
chase time looking for something snow, I realized we were on a wild goose
that you are not going to chase.
find, either because that
thing does not exist or
because you have been given
wrong information about it.

40 Does not hold not able to be proved, not A lot of the stuff I believed in when I was
water correct or true 17 just doesn’t hold water today

41 On the cuff On credit I’m sorry, Kamal. We can’t put anything

more on the cuff.

42 Out and out complete, absolute, He’s an out and out liar

43 A white something that has cost a lot The piano table she bought turned out to
elephant of money but has no useful be a white elephant

44 Fair and Completely fairly, justly, She won the game fair and square.
square within the rules

45 No love lost if there is no love lost There’s no love lost between those two,
between between two people, they do they could never work together
not like each other

46 Played havoc to damage something Stormy conditions played havoc with the

47 Green Thumb An extraordinary ability to Houseplants provide much pleasure for

make plants grow well / an the city dweller with a green thumb.
exceptional skill for
gardening or for growing
pants successfully

48 broke down to become very emotional I didn't know anyone who was killed, but
I still broke down and cried when I heard
about the bombings.

49 throw dust to mislead; deceive: He threw dust in our eyes by pretending

into my eyes to be a jeweler and then is
appeared with the diamonds.

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

50 a man of straw a person or an idea that is He was accused by his opponents of

weak and easy to defeat being a man of straw and lacking
in decisiveness.

51 off and on / Something that happens at I've had toothache on and off for
On and off different times, in an a couple of months.
intermittent way

52 give and take mutual concessions, shared Willingness to give and take is important
benefits, and cooperation; for success in marriage.
Lively exchange of ideas or

53 bad hats someone who deliberately That man is bad hat

stirs up trouble

54 break the ice to attempt to become friends A nice smile does a lot to break the ice.
with someone; to be the
first one to do something.

55 chickened out to manage to get out of som Sanjay chickened out

ething, usually because of of the plan at the last minute.
fear or cowardice.

56 make do use whatever you can find; When our kids don't have toys, they
substitute make do with pots and pans.

57 donkey's years a very long time I haven't seen her in donkey's years.

58 who wears her to display one's feelings she wears her heart on her sleeve, and
heart on her openly and habitually, rather because of
sleeve than keep them private. that it's easy to hurt her feelings.

59 talk something To consider something The panel talked over the proposal.
over thoroughly in conversation;
discuss something:

60 wet behind the young and inexperienced He may be wet behind theears, but he's
ears well-trained and totally competent.

61 kicked up a to become a nuisance; to I kicked up such a row that they told me

row/fuss/stink misbehave and disturb to leave.

62 send packing to send someone away; to The maidproved to be so incompetent

dismiss someone, possibly that I had to send her packing.

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

63 to eat to be someone's guest. The least you can do when you're eating
anybody's salt someone's salt is to help them out
around the house.

64 come to grief to experience something In the end, he came to grief because he

unpleasant or damaging. did not follow instructions.

65 through thick through good times and bad We've been together through thick and
and thin times thin, and we won't desert each other now

66 once in a blue very seldom; rarely Once in a blue moon I have a little wine
moon with dinner.

67 bury the to make peace Let's stop arguing and bury the hatchet

68 a cut above better than other people or Sachin Tendulkar’s batting skills make
things him a cut above the rest.

69 in the loop having knowledge of and I am very interested to know the

involvement in something outcome of the debate, kindly keep me in
the loop.

70 cut and dried it is clear and easy to There is no cut and dried method for
method understand doing this.
it is final and will not be

71 blacked out to pass out; to become Suddenly the man blacked out during the
unconscious. parade and had to be helped to a quiet

72 hold your Wait! Hold your horses for a moment while I

horses make a phone call

73 curtain lecture a scolding or rebuke given in The Principal called the latecomers to her
private, esp by a wife to her room and delivered a curtain lecture on
husband the subject of late hours

74 ended in to be destroyed or ruined; The project to clean the River Ganga

smoke. figuratively, to come to ended in smoke.

75 set about to make someone begin He immediately set about organizing the
doing something. apartment.

76 go through the to do a lot of difficult things Those intending to take up the military
hoops. before you are allowed to service must be prepared to go through

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

have or do something you the hoops.


77 playing ducks To squander; waste. He is playing ducks and drakes with the
and drakes wealth of his father.

78 facts spoke What you do or what is Facts spoke louder than words at the
louder than evident Company meeting where the Director
words is more significant than what tried to paint a rosy picture of the
Company’s financial health.
you say.

79 had killed the To destroy something that is By initiating the flight with Sakshi in
goose that lay profitable to you. Office, Kajal had killed the goose that lay
the golden the golden egg.

80 I let the chips Let something happen regard I let the chips fall where they may and do
fall where they less of the consequences and not worry too much about what I want to
may no matter what happens do next.

81 a leopard something that you say After trying hard to convince Narendra to
cannot change which means that a person's change his ways, Raman realised that a
its spots. character, especially if it is leopard cannot change its spots.
bad, will not change, even if
they pretend it has I

82 not count our to plan how to utilize good Before starting work on our new project,
chickens results of something before our mentor told us to not count our
before they those results have occurred. chickens before they hatched.

83 pick holes and pick something to We should not pick holes in other’s
pieces to criticize something reputation.
severely; to point out the
flaws or fallacies in an

84 brought to Call to account, investigate; The notorious thief was at last brought to
book to punish someone book by the diligent cop.

85 hard and fast if there are no hard and fast There is no hard and fast rule regarding
rule rules, there are no clear rules this subject.
which you must obey

86 to make light to treat something as if it He made light of his teacher’s advice.

were unimportant or

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

87 to all intents in all the most important To all intents and purposes he is a
and purposes ways ; In every practical Goodman
sense, virtually.

88 took to their to run away quickly When the police came, the thieves took
heels to their heels.

89 In deep waters to be in a difficult situation We're going to be in deep water if the

which is hard to deal with bank refuses to authorize a bigger loan.

90 Jaundiced eye Preconceived opinion not You must not evaluate anything with
based on reason or a jaundiced eye.

91 cry up to scream or shout in pain, She cried a warning out to the others.
joy, anger, etc.

92 to beat the air Continue to make futile The candidates for office were so much a
attempts, fight to no purpose like that we thought our vote amounted
to beating the air

93 To lose ground to fall behind someone or so Stocks lost ground today despite good
mething. economic news.

94 To make both to have enough money to My wages were so low that I had to take
ends meet pay for your basic expenses a second job just to makeends meet.

95 To fall back on to depend on something after The family has no savings to fall back on.
a loss or failure

96 To make one’s to make someone very angry It just makes my blood boil to think of
blood boil the amount of food that gets wasted
around here.

97 to keep your to stay calm, especially in You can easily overcome this situation, if
head difficult or dangerous you keep your head.

98 in the same Attuned to something; to It is clear that the ideas of both

groove relate to someone or reformers ran in the same groove.

99 goose bumps The literal tiny bumps you When she told me that she loved me, I
get all over your body when got goose bumps."
you are experiencing intense

100 stay in touch To stay connected Call me more often man. We got to stay

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

in touch."

101 have the guts Brave; courage "I don't have the guts to go bungee

102 Im beat Very tired "I had a tough day today. I'm totally

103 It's about time Finally; When you wait for "It's about time I got a chance to play."
something, the time on a
clock is the biggest factor.

104 to keep an eye To watch after; to supervise; Don't worry about your luggage. I'll keep
on to take care of an eye on it."

105 know Have knowledge of every Ask Mary to help you with your
something detail of something. homework. She knows calculus inside
inside out out.

106 give someone To help someone Can you give me a hand setting up the
a hand dining table?"

107 now and then Once in a while My mother calls me every now and
then to see if I'm doing well."

108 keeping my Hoping for good luck "I hope it works. Let's cross our fingers."
fingers crossed

109 out of this Amazing That's the coolest thing I've ever seen.
world It's really out of this world."

110 pain in the ass A source of trouble or I have a meeting at 7:00 in the morning.
annoyance; used to indicate It's a pain in the ass waking up that
that something bothers you early."
very much. "Ass" can be
seen as profanity, so another
way of saying this would be
"Pain in the butt" or "Pain in
the neck."

111 piece of cake Describes something that is Learning to type is a piece of cake. It
easy to do. just takes persistence."

112 sooner or later Eventually She'll realize that she's doing something
wrong sooner or later."

113 pull someone's Making someone believe I didn't know you believed me. I was
leg something that is not true. just pulling your leg."

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

114 put oneself in To think from another point "If you put yourself in my place, you
one's place of view. would understand why I did that."

115 I can eat a To express the desire to eat I'm so hungry that I can eat a horse."
horse a lot of food.

116 read between To understand the underlying Sam isn't very good at reading between
the lines meaning of something that is the lines. You have to tell him exactly
not completely clear. what you want."

117 rings a bell To remember something It rings a bell, but I'm not one hundred
percent sure."

118 sleep on it To take time to think about I'm going to need to sleep on it. I don't
something. want to rush my answer right now."

119 play it by ear To decide to do something as Should we plan something for this
the situation develops; Saturday or should we play it by ear?"
choosing to deal with a
situation as more events

120 speak of the When someone appears just Vikram did great on her presentation.
devil as you are talking about that Speak of the devil... Hi Vikram."

121 grab a bite To get something to eat If you didn't have lunch yet, let's grab a
bite to eat."

122 take it easy To relax; to stop working so Take it easy man. You're putting too
hard; to calm down much pressure on yourself

123 Go with the to not go against the Why do you do everything differently?
flow common way of doing things You should just go with the flow."

124 Twenty-four Constantly; always available; If a business doesn't provide twenty-four

seven every minute of the day and seven customer support, they will not
night succeed.

125 Under the Feeling sick; not well I'm going to stay home because I'm
weather feeling under the weather today.

126 Don't sweat it To tell someone not to worry You can't do anything about it, so don't
sweat it.

127 you can say Completely agreeing with a That was an absolutely delicious lunch.•
that again statement You can say that again!

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

128 broke to have no money I can't pay my bills. I'm broke.

129 beats me To not know; to not It beats me how they finished before us.

130 I don't buy it Disagree; to not be She said she was sorry but I don't buy it.

131 keep your cool To act normal I know you're upset but you have to keep
your cool

132 sort of A little; kind of Dinner was sort of expensive.

133 good for you Expressing that you are Good for you, you finally passed your
happy for a person test

134 shotgun To claim the front seat in a Why does he always get to ride shotgun?

135 now you're Used to agree with someone A cold drink sounds great, now you're
talking talking!

136 over my dead Disallow absolutely You want a tattoo? Over my dead body.

137 cat got your Used when someone has You're being awfully quiet, cat got your
tongue nothing to say tongue?

138 give it to me used when you want to hear Just give it to me straight, I can take the
straight the truth news.

139 it's written all Used to tell someone that I know you did it, it's written all over
over your face their face expression is your face.
giving a message

140 go for it To encourage someone to do Don't let anyone stand in the way of your
something that they have dreams. Go for it!

141 good for Negative statement to That girl is a good for

nothing indicate someone has no nothing troublemaker.
value; useless

142 get a life A negative way of telling Would you stop bothering me and get a
someone to stop bothering life!
you; to tell someone to stop
being a loser

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

143 my two cents To give or share your opinion I don't agree with what's happening.
That's just my two cents.

144 take a hike To tell someone to go away He asked for my phone number and I
in a negative way told him to take a hike.

145 nature calls This is used when you have I have to go to the restroom. Nature
to go to the bathroom. calls.

146 no sweat Telling someone it is "no No sweat. It's not that big of a deal

147 pie in the sky Pleasant to imagine but His dreams of becoming a famous singer
impossible to attain are just a pie in the sky.

148 no strings Without any conditions We are giving away free t-shirts, no
attached strings attached.

149 back to the Going back to work after a Ok everyone break time is over, get back
grind break to the grind.

150 just my luck Expression used when Just my luck, my boss asked me to work
something bad happens to late tonight.

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

S.No Collocations

1 Large amount - adj+noun

2 physical activity - adj+ noun

3 matter of choice - noun +noun

4 strongly driven - adv+ adj

5 personal preferences - adj+noun

6 walking distance - adj+ noun

7 large number - adj+noun

8 natural disaster - adj+noun

9 vicious cycle - adj+noun

10 technological improvement - adj+noun

11 writhed in pain - verb+ expression with preposition

12 large collection - adj+ noun

13 brilliant ideas - adj+noun

14 difficult situation - adj+noun

15 quality education - adj+noun

16 extensive discussion - adj+noun

17 extremely helpful - adv+adj

18 corrective measures - adj+noun

19 serious disaster - adj+noun

20 Hectic schedules - adj+noun

21 quick holiday - adj+noun

22 easily accessible - adv+ adj

23 health personnel - noun+noun

24 necessary funds - adj+ nun

25 extensive growth - adj+noun

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

26 poor posture - adj+noun

27 policy guideline - noun+noun

28 cascading effect - adj+noun

29 economic slowdown - adj+noun

30 newly adopted - adv+adj

31 genuine issues - adj+noun

32 awaiting approval - verb+noun

33 office supplies - noun+noun

34 basic infrastructure - adj+noun

35 great strides - adj+noun

36 present form - adj+noun

37 great fanfare - adj+noun

38 new entity - adj+noun

39 bigger stake - adj+noun

40 future growth - adj+noun

41 business initiatives - adj+noun

42 good price - adj+noun

43 higher price - adj+noun

44 better price - adj+noun

45 potential buyers - adj+noun

46 financial matters - adj+noun

47 reasonable assumption - adj+noun

48 financial reasons - adj+noun

49 significant difference - adj+noun

50 market conditions - adj+noun

51 wide impact - adj+noun

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

52 final product - adj+noun

53 completely baseless - adv+adj

54 latest move - adj+noun

55 spread awareness - verb+noun

56 biggest worry - adj+noun

57 entire exercise - adj+noun

58 wider platform - adj+noun

59 worst drawback - adj+noun

60 massive loss - adj+noun

61 few things - adj+noun

62 primary duty - adj+noun

63 strongest point - adj+noun

64 new entrants - adj+noun

65 career advancement - adj+noun

66 policy decisions - adj+noun

67 organic systems - adj+noun

68 electronic firms - adj+noun

69 highly qualified - adv+adj

70 expert knowledge - adj+noun

71 larger objective - adj+noun

72 political ploys - adj+noun

73 small fraction - adj+noun

74 latest technology - adj+noun

75 psychological impact - adj+noun

76 entire brunt - adj+noun

77 steadily increasing - adv+verb

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

78 technological development - adj+noun

79 natural passions - adj+noun

80 strong character - adj+noun

81 strict measures - adj+noun

82 industrial progress - adj+noun

83 industrial power - adj+noun

84 industrially backward - adv+adj

85 endless stream - adj+noun

86 extraordinary beauty - adj+noun

87 learning experience - adj+noun

88 rigorous imrpisonment - adj+noun

89 closest comparison - adj+noun

90 main lesson - adj+noun

91 firm belief - adj+noun

92 urgent need - adj+noun

93 suitable measures - adj+nun

94 desired result - adj+noun

95 good margin -adj+noun

96 fresh dimesnion - adj+noun

97 popular techniques - adj +noun

98 completely reliable - adv+ adj

99 probably true - adv+adj

100 biggest cause - adj + noun

101 serious action - adj+noun

102 huge respite - adj+noun

103 badly hit - adv+adj

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

104 possible reason - adj+noun

105 growing problem - adj+noun

106 fully mature - adv+adj

107 major section - adj+noun

108 practical aspect - adj+_noun

109 better opportunities - adj+noun

110 suitable title - adj+noun

111 wrong picture - adj+noun

112 political gain - adj+noun

113 wrong answer - adj+noun

114 growing competition - adj+noun

115 essential condition - adj+noun

116 totally different - adv+adj

117 totally lost - adv+adj

118 totally unexpected - adv+adj

119 strongly support - adv+verb

120 vaguely remember - adv+verb

121 completely satisfied - adv+adj

122 excruciating pain - adj+noun

123 surge of anger - noun +noun

124 keep an eye - verb+noun

125 do the housework - veb+noun

126 take a chance - verb+noun

127 get the message - verb+noun

128 lose my temper - verb+noun

129 pay more attention - verb+noun

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

130 answer the phone - verb+noun

131 attend to guests - verb +noun

132 select an outfit - verb+noun

133 manage a team - verb +noun

134 serve tea - verb+noun

135 arrange meetings - verb+noun

136 order food - verb+noun

137 polish shoes - verb+noun

138 critical thinking - adj+noun

139 express an opinion - verb+noun

140 deliver a presentation - verb+noun

141 disseminate knowledge - verb+noun

142 conduct research - verb+noun

143 pose a question - verb+noun

144 formulate a proposal - verb+noun

145 cultivate an interest - verb+noun

146 raise arguments - verb+noun

147 absolutely fantastic - adv+adj

148 absolutely impossible - adv+adj

149 extremely cheap - adv+adj

150 terribly disappointed - adv+adj

151 absolutely priceless - adv+adj

152 incredibly noisy - adv+adj

153 absolutely delicious - adv+adj

154 extremely important - adv+adj

155 awfully short - adv+adj

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

156 quick look - adj+noun

157 valid reason - adj+noun

158 good reason - adj+noun

159 strong reason - adj+noun

160 main reason - adj+noun

161 obvious reason - adj+noun

162 driving force - adj+noun

163 urgent issue - adj+noun

164 major concern - adj+noun

165 striking difference - adj+noun

166 general outcome - adj+noun

167 severe challenges - adj+noun

168 increasingly difficult - adv+adj

169 blind faith - adj+noun

170 proper diet - adj+noun

171 regular exercise - adj+noun

172 highly effective -adv+adj

173 remarkably poor - adv+adj

174 major problem - adj+noun

175 quickly glanced - adv+adj

176 steady growth - adj+noun

177 latest report - adj+noun

178 substantial growth - adj+noun

179 issue notice - verb+noun

180 widely known - adv+adj

181 easily available - adv+adj

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

182 better option - adj+noun

183 point of view - noun+noun

184 certain point - adj+noun

185 vast majority - adj+noun

186 strict compliance - adj+noun

187 mainly responsible - adv+adj

188 available options - adj+noun

189 tremendous support - adj+noun

190 critical role - adj+noun

191 overall growth - adj+noun

192 decisive action - adj+noun

193 practical impact - adj+noun

194 biggest challenge - adj+noun

195 immediate attention - adj+noun

196 badly affected - adv +adj

197 chronic addiction - adj+noun

198 frenetic activity - adj+noun

199 average ability - adj+noun

200 latest acquisition - adj+noun

201 dreadful accident - adj+noun

202 casual acquaintance- adj+noun

203 crowning achievement - adj+noun

204 uncanny accuracy - adj+noun

205 itemised account - adj+noun

206 glowing account - adj+noun

207 signifcant advance - adj+noun

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

208 unfair advantage - adj+noun

209 dangerous adversary - adj+noun

210 blunt advice - adj+noun

211 ugly affair - adj+noun

212 everyday affairs - adj+noun

213 deep affection - adj+noun

214 bygone age - adj+noun

215 hidden agenda - adj+noun

216 naked aggression - adj+noun

217 binding agreement - adj+noun

218 covert aid - adj+noun

219 broad aims - adj+noun

220 truimphant air - adj+noun

221 considerable alarm - adj+noun

222 cast-iron alibi - adj+noun

223 detailed analysis - adj+noun

224 pent-up anger - adj+noun

225 unusual angle - adj+noun

226 formal announcement - adj+noun

227 vast amount - adj+noun

228 straight answer - adj+noun

229 generous allowance - adj+noun

230 feasible alternative - adj+noun

231 emotional appeal - adj+noun

232 overwhelming ambition - adj+noun

233 healthy appetite - adj+noun

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

234 flattering allusion - adj+noun

235 deafening applause - adj+noun

236 formal application - adj+noun

237 personal attack - adj+noun

238 liquid assets - adj+noun

239 brilliant article - adj+noun

240 marked aptitude - adj+noun

241 crude attempts - adj+noun

242 worrying aspect - adj+noun

243 amical arrangement - adj+noun

244 hostile appearance - adj+noun

245 wild assertions - adj+noun

246 unfounded assumption - adj+noun

247 special assignment - adj+noun

248 fruitful association - adj+noun

249 packed audience - adj+noun

250 absolute authority - adj+noun

251 proper authorities - adj+noun

252 firm attitude - adj+noun

253 deep aversion - adj+noun

254 highest award - adj+noun

255 consumer awareness - adj+noun

256 deprived background - adj+noun

257 delicate balance - adj+noun

258 fumbled the ball - verb+noun

259 secret ballot - adj+noun

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

260 immediate ban - adj+noun

261 renowned authority- adj+noun

262 merchant bank - adj+noun

263 hard bargain - adj+noun

264 cultural barriers - adj+noun

265 key goals - adj+noun

266 losing battle - adj+noun

267 callous behavior - adj+noun

268 cling to the belief - verb+noun

269 considerable benefit - adj+noun

270 deep-rooted bias - adj+noun

271 bounds of bitterness - noun+noun

272 foot the bill - verb+noun

273 caught in the blast - verb+noun

274 devastating blow - adj+noun

275 soften the blow - verb+noun

276 monumental blunder - adj+noun

277 shoulder the blame - verb+noun

278 benefit concert - adj+noun

279 outstanding bill - adj+noun

280 awkward choice - adj+noun

281 deep - rooted belief - adj+noun

282 best behavior - adj+noun

283 strong bond - adj+noun

284 economic boom - adj+noun

285 brand loyalty - adj+noun

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

286 total breakdown - adj+noun

287 scientific breakthrough - adj+noun

288 bated breath - adj+noun

289 teetering on the brink - verb+noun

290 annual budget -adj+noun

291 heavy burden - adj+noun

292 expanding business - adj+noun

293 get down to business - verb+noun

294 new business - adj+noun

295 rough calculation - adj+noun

296 personal call - adj+noun

297 perfect calm - adj+noun

298 maximum capacity - adj+noun

299 loving care - adj+noun

300 special care - adj+noun

301 carve out a career - verb+noun

302 successful career - adj+noun

303 advisory capacity - adj+noun

304 argued the case - verb+noun

305 petty cash - adj+noun

306 heading for a catastrophe - verb+noun

307 complicated case - adj+noun

308 overriding cause - adj+noun

309 throw caution - verb+noun

310 daunting challenge - adj+noun

311 utmost caution - adj+noun

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

312 original cause - adj+noun

313 borderline case - adj+noun

314 irrefutable case - adj+noun

315 common cause - adj+noun

316 rise to the challenge - verb+noun

317 turn of the century - verb+noun

318 test case - adj+noun

319 good cause - adj+noun

320 boost our chance - verb+noun

321 marked change - adj+noun

322 utter chaos - adj+noun

323 infinitesimal chance - adj+noun

324 oozes charm - verb+noun

325 sole charge - adj+noun

326 dependable character - adj+noun

327 yawning chasm - adj+noun

328 ruined our chance - verb+noun

329 friendly chat - adj+noun

330 blank cheque - adj+noun

331 run a check - verb+noun

332 wild-goose chase - adj+noun

333 serios charge - adj+noun

334 routine check - adj+noun

335 service charge - adj+noun

336 fighting chance - adj+noun

337 new circumstnaces - adj+noun

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

338 law-abiding citizens - adj+noun

339 tenous claim - adj+noun

340 adverse circumstances - adj+noun

341 exaggerated claim - adj+noun

342 force of circumstances - noun+noun

343 legitimate claim - adj+noun

344 precarious circumstances - adj+noun

345 well-worn cliches - adj+noun

346 inhospitable climate - adj+noun

347 head-on clash - adj+noun

348 peaceful coexistence - adj+noun

349 pure coincidence- adj+noun

350 impressive collection - adj+noun

351 range of colors - noun+noun

352 great comfort - adj+noun

353 invite comments - verb+noun

354 award-winning commercials - adj+noun

355 words of comfort - noun+noun

356 breakdown in communications - noun+noun

357 close-knit community - adj+noun

358 worlwide community - adj+noun

359 firm commitment - adj+noun

360 advisory committee - adj+noun

361 amusing companion - adj+noun

362 unsuitable company - adj+noun

363 constant companion - adj+noun

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

364 finance committee - adj+noun

365 internal communications - adj+noun

366 boring company - adj+noun

367 draw a comparison - verb+noun

368 show of compassion - noun+noun

369 multi-national company - adj+noun

370 large compensation - adj+noun

371 severe competition - adj+noun

372 key component - adj+noun

373 back-handed compliment - adj+noun

374 cut-throat competition - adj+noun

375 generous compensation - adj+noun

376 flood of complaints - noun+noun

377 compliments of the house - verb+expression with preposition

378 fishing for compliments - verb+expression with preposition

379 stiff competition - adj+noun

380 serious complaint - adj+noun

381 rival company - adj+noun

382 pay a compliment - verb+noun

383 vital component - adj+noun

384 acceptable compromise - adj+noun

385 inner compulsion - adj+noun

386 total concentration - adj+noun

387 fair compromise - adj+noun

388 express concern - verb+noun

389 revolutionary concept - adj+noun

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

390 improve concentration - verb+noun

391 brand-new concept - adj+noun

392 voiced concern - verb+noun

393 overwhelming compulsion - adj+noun

394 make a concession - verb+noun

395 sizeable concession - adj+noun

396 whole concept - adj+noun

397 strong compulsion - adj+noun

398 charity concert - adj+noun

399 happy conclusion -adj+noun

400 universal condemnation - adj+noun

401 terms and conditions - noun+noun

402 drawn to the conclusion - verb+noun

403 dreadful condition - adj+noun

404 abrupt conclusion - adj+noun

405 appalling conduct - adj+noun

406 difficult conditions - adj+noun

407 astonishing conclusion - adj+noun

408 boost confidence - verb+noun

409 speedy conclusion - adj+noun

410 stipulate the conditions - verb+noun

411 foregone conclusion - adj+noun

412 first -class condition - adj+noun

413 beat a confession - verb+noun

414 take a look - verb+noun

415 take care - verb+noun

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

416 take a minute - verb+noun

417 take a walk - verb+noun

418 take offence - verb+noun

419 take cover - verb+noun

420 take pity - verb+noun

421 take steps - verb+noun

422 take advice - verb+noun

423 take heart - verb+noun

424 take a break - verb+noun

425 take a risk - verb+noun

426 take the credit - verb+noun

427 take stock - verb+noun

428 heavy smoker - adj+noun

429 devoted wife - adj+noun

430 golden opportunity - adj+noun

431 slightly annoyed - adv+adj

432 make a mistake - verb+noun

433 make a noise - verb+noun

434 do housework - verb+noun

435 make a phone call - verb+noun

436 do the laundry - verb+noun

437 do homework - verb+noun

438 do some reading - verb+noun

439 make an appointment - verb+noun

440 make a promise - verb+noun

441 make a resevation - verb+noun

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

442 do yoga - verb+noun

443 have a haircut - verb+noun

444 take notes - verb+noun

445 have a bath - verb+noun

446 break the law - verb+noun

447 have a drink - verb+noun

448 break a promise - verb+noun

449 have a headache - verb+noun

450 break the news - verb+noun

451 have a seat - verb+noun

452 break a worldrecord - verb+noun

453 break a window - verb+noun

454 break someone's heart - verb+noun

455 take a chance - verb+noun

456 have breakfast - verb+noun

457 take time - verb+noun

458 load a truck - verb+noun

459 get fired - verb+noun

460 explain a process - verb+noun

461 request a quote - verb+noun

462 sign a contract - verb+noun

463 provide information - verb+noun

464 attend a session - verb+noun

465 meet a deadline - verb+noun

466 scan a barcode - verb+noun

467 make amends - verb+noun

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

468 make a decision - verb+noun

469 make a mess - verb+noun

470 make your bed - verb+noun

471 do a favor - verb+noun

472 utterly stupid - adv+adj

473 richly decorated - adv+adj

474 fully aware - adv+adj

475 maiden voyage - adj+noun

476 round of applause - noun+noun

477 bars of soap - noun +noun

478 plane took off - noun +verb

479 bomb went off - noun +verb

480 snow was falling - noun+verb

481 dog barking - noun+verb

482 lions roar - noun+verb

483 committing murder - verb+noun

484 had run of money - verb+expression with preposition

485 filled wth horror - verb+expression with preposition

486 drive anybody to crime - verb+expression with preposition

487 placed gently - verb+adv

488 whispered softly - verb+adv

489 vaguely remember - verb+adv

490 market forces - adj+noun

491 sales figures - adj+noun

492 annual turnover - adj+noun

493 dismiss an offer - verb+noun

Idioms & Phrases and Collocations List

494 come to the point - verb+expression with preposition

495 make a profit - verb+noun

496 go into partnership - verb+expression with preposition

497 free time - adj+noun

498 spare time - adj+noun

499 take your time - verb+noun

500 close a deal - verb+noun


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