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Imagine a world without communication, how would it look like?

Describe how the society would be

without it. Cite at least five (5) scenarios.

1. There will be no way for us to convey our feelings to each other. Even the blinking of the eye, or the
pouting of the lips are communicative. Remove those and humans are considered non-living things.

2. Chaos will rule the world. Because we are not able to convey what we want and what we do not want, there
will be anarchy. No one will be able to enforce the laws without communication.

3. The world will collapse. Well, not in the literal sense, but it could be the end of the human species if we do
not communicate.

4. Countries won't rise without giving opinions and proposals which is why communication is very important.
That is why we have the English language as our universal speech, therefor even if we all belong to different
states and nations we're able to communicate and understand each other.

5. if we live our lives today without the use of communication, we won't be able to live in peace,
misunderstandings will occur which may lead to unnecessary arguments.

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