Improving Exercise - E10 - Unit 10 I. Phonetics

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I. Phonetics
1. A. destroy B. defence C. eliminate D. hydroelectric
2. A. eliminate B. cancer C. natural D. damage
3. A. season B. reading C. heart D. disease
4. A. cancer B. environment C. animal D. worrying
5. A. animal B. cancer C. disease D. nature
6. A. provide B. pollute C. defence D. worry
7. A. circulation B. variety C. eliminate D. appearance
8. A. scientist B. frequent C. valuable D. erosion

II. Circle the best answer

1. Their sister goes shopping with her friends each two weeks.
2. He said he would never sell the ..................... collections of stamps that his mother gave to him. (A. value; B.
valueless; C. valuable; D. valuation)
3. People can’t clean up the polluted environment, but they can stop …………… the problem. (A. worsening; B. worsen;
C, to worsen; D. worsened)
4. Man and animals need a constant supply of water to live. (A. rare; B. short; C. valuable; D. regular)
5. We should do something immediately to save the Earth ................... being destroyed. (A. from; B. in; C. on; D. without)
6. Farmers use herbicides to eliminate weeds. (A. get on; B. get rid of; C. run off; D. take care of)
7. …….. the tractor …… last year? (A. Was ... bought; B. Did... buy; C. Has ... been bought; D. Does ... buy)
8. Would you like going to the cave with us this Sunday?
9. The farm is famous ..................... its production of wine. (A. in; B. about; C. with; D. for)
10. The ....................... is a place which is very large and thickly covered with plants, trees and bushes and is also the
habitat of wild animals. (A. marine; B. forest; C. mountain; D. species)
11. Students ............................ to wear jeans at school. (A. don’t allow; B. aren’t allowed; C. aren’t allowing; D. wasn’t
12. ................... the fire before? Yes, when I was on business in the North. (A. Were you seen; B. Do you see; C. Did you
saw; D. Have you seen)
13. Trees, plants and grasses hold .................. water necessary for life. (A. back; B. on; C. away; D. off)
14. I don’t have my car now. It ................. in the garage. (A. is repaired; B. is being repaired; C. was repaired; D. has
15. The boy can’t speak English without make mistakes.
III. Put the words into the correct form:
1. We can’t stop the ............... of plants and animals. (appear)
2. It is ............... to ride a motorbike in Vietnam without a helmet. (possibility)
3. My son’s study is ................ He often gets bad marks at school. (worry)
4. Man is ............... doing harm to the environment. (constancy)
5. A lot of money has been spent on ............... of the animals’ natural environment. (reconstruct)
6. Some people think that zoos are places where animals are ............... against their will. (prison)
7. The new law to ............... wildlife in Vietnam is going to be passed. (conservation)
8. Water ............ has become more and more serious due to the nuclear tests in the seas and oceans. (pollute)
IV. Turn into Passive Voice
1. They must do a lot of things to clean up this river.
2. Professor River hasn’t taught that course this semester.
3. They aren’t painting my house because it is raining.
4. Millions of people read this paper everyday.
5. Have they changed the date of the meeting?
6. My father took me to school everyday when I was small.
7. They usually change money at that bank.
8. Someone stole my money from my purse this morning
9. Nobody referred to that problem at the last meeting.
10. Maria has never done this kind of work before.
V. Put Verbs in the correct tenses and forms
1. Many accidents (cause) by dangerous driving.
2. Cheese (make) from milk.
3. The roof of the building (damage) in a storm a few days ago.
4. There’s no need to leave a tip. Service (include) in the bill.
5. You (invite) to the wedding. Where did you go?
6. A new hospital just (build) near the airport.
7. The situation is serious. Something (must/ do) before it’s too late.
8. A decision (not/ make) until the next meeting next month.
9. Whales (hunt) for food and clothing.
10. More laws on environment protection (should/ pass).
11. His key (not/ find) yet. He can’t remember where he (leave) them.
12. Ann (look) very different now. When you see her, you (not/ recognise) her.
VI. Turn into Active Voice
1. Books on marine life are sold in Trang Tien bookshop.
2. Those books weren’t kept for reference last year.
3. The Earth is being seriously threatened.
4. Some exercises should be given to this boy on summer holiday.
5. How many games have been played?
6. Can English be spoken in Chinese restaurants?
7. Will the baby be sent to the orphanage?
8. The patient in the observation ward is going to be examined.
VII. Turn into Passive Voice
1. No one knows him.
2. Is Linda going to give a lecture on tropical fauna?
3. They were doing their homework when the teacher came.
4. I will deliver a speech on the unemployment in Vietnam next week.
5. Ms Jane hasn’t taught history in this course
6. What must the Government do to solve that problem?
7. Who invented the radio?
8. What could they do at the camping festival yesterday?
9. How is Mary going to make a cake for her birthday party?
10. When did they finish the work?
11. In some parts of the world, tea …………..( serve ) with milk and sugar.
12. When I arrived, the dinner…………( serve )
VIII. Make sentences with the given cues
1. My house/ build/ grandfather/ over fifty years ago.
2. If/ she/ not invite/ birthday party/ I/ not go.
3. I/ never/ meet/ such/ clever boy.
4. Maria/ write/ letters/ friends/ when/ pen/ break.
5. The House of Parliament / going/ decorate/ for Chrismast/ next Sunday?
6. If/ you/ not/ take/ taxi/ miss/ your train.
7. I/ read/ book/ when/ friends/ come.
8. Children/ not/ finish/ work/ yet.
IX. Rewrite the following sentences
1. The Browns have bred endangered animals on their farm for 14 years. Endangered animals……………….
2. ‘I’m enjoying my new class but the study is really hard, so I won’t be able to come back next weekend.’ Sarah told
me that…………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. He isn’t old enough to take that job. -> If he…………………………………………………………………
4. We can’t clean up our polluted rivers and seas overnight. Our polluted rivers and seas……………………..
5. I advise you to put your money in the bank. If I………………………………………………………………
1. Tom can’t look up this word because he doesn’t have a dictionary. If………………………………………
6. Without plants, most water would run off as soon as it falls. If……………………………………………….
7. Be careful or you will set your house on fire. If you .........................................................................................
8. People speak English in international conferences. English .............................................................................
9. ‘I haven’t seen Kate since Christmas’. Tom said……………………………………………………………...

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