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Negative Phrases Bad Terrible Awful No way Not at all Forget it Horrible Degusting

Awkward Weird
Positive phrases . Great Wonderful Excellent Absolutely Definitely Fantastic Assure
Certainly Amazing Awesome Superb Good.

Chat opening
Thank you so much reaching out to us
Thank you to connecting with Zomato chat support. How may I help you
Is there anything else. I might help you with today
Welcome to Zomato chat support, this is Hemant, how may I assist you today
Can I help you with anything else.
Hello, Hi, Hey There! My name is Hemant. How may I help you Today?
!hi Hi there how can I help you today
!problem What brought you here Today.
Good morning, We hope that you are not facing any major issue now. Let us know if you need any help

I will certainly help you will that however I need some details from you
So you are saying that correct
Verify this information
Can I place your chat on hold
May I take your precious time to fetch the information for you.
Please allow me a few minutes to go through your previous chat so that I can assist you accordingly
Hi sir I can understand your concern. Let me quickly go through the previous chat so that I can assist you in
much better way
As of now

Understand the concern

Please let me know if I understand you correctly
Please tell me if I get it right
I can help you with that
If I am right getting it you were saying this .
This is what I understand you are telling me.
Get back to you soon
May I put you on hold while i checking order or for you
We would like to see exact area where you are facing problem
Can I put you on hold for a moment
I will need to put you on hold for a few minutes
Please allow me another minutes. I will be back with you right away
I understand and I will do my best to take care of this issue for you
I will be assisting you shortly.
Sir can you please share the image? So that we can work more efficiently with the issue. Allow me to pause for
2 minutes here while I reach your situation is that okay.
Will it be ok for you hold on for a few minutes while I am checking this information
Please give me a minute. I am going to connect you with my colleague. Who is more familiar with the problem
you have just described.
That’s a great question! To be honest, I am not sure about this possibility yet. Let me find it out for you.
I am resolving this conversation for now. Please do reach out to us if you have more queries. We are always
happy to help you.
We understand your concern. Please allow us to fix this issue for you.
!hold – Apologies, I need some time to solve this issue. Do you mind if I get back to you in a few minutes.
!transfer I will be assisting you better but this is a dominoes query so I have to transfer this to any person from
!holdchat – can I place your chat on hold for moment.
Sorry to hear that you do not like our company. You do not have much experience with us. You are always
welcome to try us out.
It sound like you had a bad day. I hope rest of it will be better.
Of course, You are allowed to have your own opinion.
We received your message and we fully understand your concern. Please let us resolve this issue for you within
5minutes. Let us know if this is an acceptable timeframe for you.
Please let me know if I understood you correctly.
Your issue is currently being examined by us. You will receive more information within ….
Let me find a definite solution so that your experience does not get hampered.
Your concerns are completely justified and there is no way we can ignore this pressing matter at hand. Give me
some time to come back to you with definitive solution.
That is a interesting question and needs expert inputs. Let me check it with my manager right away.
I am sorry but I am not sure if I can help with that. Would you hold on for a moment so that I can contact with
my supervisor?
Give your detail it will help us to work on you issue smoothly.
I have a trouble diagnosing this issue that you are describing
I need some additional information to solving this issue.

Thank you for your patients and understanding during Investigate the issue.
I apologize for that inconvenience. Let me see what I can do for you
I apologize that this happened. I wise do my best to fix this situation
I am sorry to hear that. I can imagen that must be frustrating.
I can understand that must make you feel upset and we will work toward fixing this situation for you.
I definitely know that could be frustrating. I can understand how you feel.
That’s terrible
I can understand the time is very difficult. Lets see what we can do for you today
You are absolutely correct sir.
I know exactly how it feels.
I am really sorry to hear that
That is good question let me find out for you.
I am sorry to keep you waiting
I am sorry you are not happy with our service. Lets see what we can do to make things right
I can understand your frustration and I will do my best to help you
I am sorry for delay on my part. I am pulling up your accounts details
I apologise for the inconvenience I can completely understand your feelings. I am really sorry just allow me a
moment to check with the restaurant.
I once again heartily apologize for the inconveniences caused to you Rohit
My deepest apology to you
Once again, I apologise from the bottom of my heart. Our sincerest apologies. Sorry for the trouble caused to
I am extremely sorry about your situation. I understand that it caused you a lot of trouble. Let me see what my
team and I can pull you out for you.
I am sorry for the trouble. We are looking into the matter.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused
!sorry – I apologize for the trouble. I understand your frustration/ concern . I will work on your solution right
away .
We are sorry to hear about your bad experience about our service. We are usually know for our great customer
service experience, and we regret that we missed the marked. We will make sure this does not happen again.
I am very sorry about the situation.
We appreciate that you reached out. We are sorry to have caused you an inconvenienc. Let me check how to fix
this issue and make up for our mistake. I update you.
We will do our best with issue. I will personally prioritize your case, so the issue can be fix as soon as possible.
Sure I am happy to help you with this.
Everybody entitled to their own opinion
I deeply apologize for this inconvenience
I am so sorry you have to deal with this problem.
We are very sad about your negative experience
Is it okay to put you on hold for a moment
It will just take moment to go through the detail.
We are sorry about the issue let me have word with manager to find out how we can fix this for you
We will take care your issue on top priority basis

Provide resolution
You will receive more information on this
Let me check that right to tell more about it
Surely I will take care of it now
Am I able to answer all your questions
As I am learning about it
Sorry I do not have information on that may I put you on hold for a few moment
I am sorry this question would be out of my expertise but Daniel from the tech support department will be able
to help you. Would you like me to connect you with that
Jerry I am going to connect you with steve from shipping department
Let me transfer you to marketing department
Thank you for waiting /holding. I have a details of your latest payment
Please bear with me for a few more minutes
There was a miscommunication at the merchant department
It seems as if this issue may take more time to resolve than anticipated so it is okay if I borrow some more time.
!resolve – I am resolving this conversation for now. Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
Always happy to be of service.
!redeem – Here is your redeem code
!promo We are offering promo code. Would you like that I initiate from my side.
I do to make things right for you.
The hold take bit longer than I initially thought.
The hold take bit longer than I expected.
We need just bit more information from you before getting this resolve.

Compensate the user

Currently this is not possible with our capacity
Due to approaching holidays we won’t be able to fulfil your request.
I hope this will solve your problem
Thank you very much for alerting us about this
We will add to your subscription period for the next month to make up for this unfortunate situation
Thank you very much for your valuable time and patience
Perfect I am really glad to hear that
It is been great talk to you
I appreciate your valuable time
Thank you for your precious time
Have I fully adders your situation today
I know nothing can compensate this situation. But as a token of gesture, I am initiating a full refund for your
You should be disappointed and angry. But Zomato doesn't serves customer like this. So from our end we will
try to compensate as much as possible.
Our customers are our top most priority and their satisfaction is all our priority
I promise this won't go unnoticed.
We will add promo to you to make up for this unfortunate situation.
I am initiating refund from my side or end to make up for this tragedy
This is currently not possible with over capacity.
We are extremely sorry for causing inconvenience. This amount will be reverted to your account within in 2-7
business days.
We work everyday towards a delightful customer achievement.
You have been granted
Thank you very much on holding and apology for the wait.
I apologise for the inconvenience face by you. Let me call the delivery partner check why your order has not
been delivered yet.
I can understand what you are going through had I been at your place. I would have felt the same.
It is makes me really sad to hear that this happened. Let me call the restaurant and check why the instructions
mention by were not followed.
Being the vegetarian I can totally relate to you. Let me check how the order mix up happened and non veg dish
delivered to you. Please allow me a moment to get this checked with the restaurant and the delivery partner.

Do let us know if you have any future question

We hope you are satisfied with our service, “It was great opportunity for us to serve you.

We understand the delivery experience was not up to mark. We hope you treat this as an exception and continue
ordering from Zomato.

Speak to you soon

Glad I could help you out. Have a great day ahead

Can I help you address your concern.

Thank you for sharing your valuable feedback with us. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. We are know
to create an exceptional customer service experience, and we regret to have missed the mark. We will never let
this happen again

Thanks for connecting our support team.

Thanks for giving us the privilege to honour your request.

Would you like to know more?

Did I answer all your questions until now?

!bye – It is been great chatting with you. Please do let us know if there is anything else we can help you with.
Have wonderful day.

!wc You are welcome have nice day!

Glad that we have it sorted out for you! Is there anything else I could assist you with Today?

Should you have any future questions. Please feel free to contact us at any time. Thank you for chatting with us
and have great day. Goodbye!

Thank you for reaching out! Have a great day and talk to you soon!

Thank you for contacting our live chat support. If you need any future assistance. We are at your service. Have
nice day.

Glad to hear that all is clear. Have a great day. Bye!

Always happy to help you! Until next time.

Feel free to reach out anytime. Goodbye!

I am glad we mange to solve your issue! At Zomato Chat Support

Thank you for contact to us.

Glad we sorted that out for you

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

If new problem arise, do not hesitate to get I touch with us. You can also contact us on social media.

Hope I was able to help

Please do write us back in case you need any future help from our Zomato Chat Support Team.

Please reach out to us in case any other concern. We would be here to help you.

Please do let us know in case you need any other help and we would surely help you with that problem.

Thank you for chatting with Zomato. Do let us know any other query about our service.

Hi, this is Kunal and I will be assisting you today. I am really sorry for this inconvenience. Don't worry, I'll
definitely help you regarding this issue. Kindly allow me a minute while I check the details regarding this order.
Let me quickly call the restaurant regarding this issue. I do understand the inconvenience you have faced, and I
extend my sincere apologies for the same. I can understand how frustrating this can be. I am sorry it is taking
some time. Please stay connected.
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