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This is to certify that the MSc. thesis proposal entitled “Assessment on causes of
professionals turnover and their effects on building construction project performance in
Hawassa city” was prepared by Hawa Yesuf Id. No. GPCoTMR/026/11 has met the required
standard for submission in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of
Science in Construction Technology and Management at Civil Engineering Department,
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Institute of Technology, Hawassa

Approved by:

Dr.Desalegn Girma (PhD) ________________ ________________

Name of the Main Advisor Signature Date

Tadewos Awugchew (MSc) ________________ ________________

Name of the Co-Advisor Signature Date


As a member of the examining board of the MSc. proposal defense, we certify that we have
read and evaluated the proposal prepared by Hawa Yesuf Id. No. GPCoTMR/026/11 entitled
with “Assessment on causes of professionals turnover and their effects on building
construction project performance in Hawassa city” for the degree of Master of Science in
Construction Technology and Management at Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil
Engineering and Built Environment, Institute of Technology, Hawassa University.

Approved by:

______________________ ____________ _______________

Name of evaluator Signature Date

________________________ ________________ ________________

Name of evaluator Signature Date

________________________ ________________ ________________

Department Approval Signature Date

Table of content
Table of content ........................................................................................................................... i

ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................... iii

List of tables .............................................................................................................................. iv

List of Figure .............................................................................................................................. v

Summary ................................................................................................................................... vi

1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1

1.1. Background .................................................................................................................. 1

1.2. Problem statement ....................................................................................................... 2

1.3. Research Questions...................................................................................................... 3

1.4. Objectives of the Study................................................................................................ 3

1.5. Significance of the Study............................................................................................. 4

1.6. Scope and limitations of the Study .............................................................................. 4

2. LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................... 5

2.1. Causes of professional turnover .......................................................................................... 5

1.3. Effect of professional turnover .................................................................................... 7

1.4. Strategies to minimize professional Turnover ............................................................. 9

3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...................................................................................... 10

3.1. Description of the study area ..................................................................................... 10

3.2. Study Subject ............................................................................................................. 11

3.3. Study Design.............................................................................................................. 11

3.3.1. Study type ........................................................................................................... 11

3.3.2. Sample size ......................................................................................................... 11

3.3.3. Sample procedure ............................................................................................... 11

3.4. Study Methodology ................................................................................................... 12

3.4.1. Primary Data ...................................................................................................... 12

3.4.2. Secondary Data .................................................................................................. 12

3.5. Data Management and Analysis ................................................................................ 12

4. WORK PLAN AND BUDGET BREAKDOWN ............................................................. 14

4.1. Work plan .................................................................................................................. 14

4.2. Budget breakdown ..................................................................................................... 16

5. EXPECTED OUTPUTS ................................................................................................... 16

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 17

BOQ Bill of Quantity

IBM International Business Machine

SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Science Software

List of tables
Table 1 work plan of the thesis................................................................................................. 14
Table 2 Budget allocation ........................................................................................................ 16

List of Figure
Figure 1: Earth map of Hawassa city (source Tariku Nigusie) ................................................ 10

Professionals are the most valuable asset for an efficient any organization and this is
especially in case of construction . It has been observed since long those professionals in
an organization also represent the most complex resource to manage compared to any other
resources that are required for satisfactory completion of a project. The major current
problem that the Ethiopian construction industry facing today due to expansion in
infrastructural growth is the shortage of professionals. The loss of professionals,
relevant and talented professional could stagnate organizational performance and
productivity. In order to remain competitive and be productive, every construction project
will have to manage their professional turnover wisely. This study attempts to identify the
causes of professionals turnover and their effects on building construction projects of
Hawassa City and to propose frame work used to mitigate the rate of professional turnover in
Construction building projects. Purposive sampling is the method that will be used to gather
relevant data from different construction projects by using questioner, interview as primary
data collection methods. The thesis will be undertaken in Hawassa city and will be finalized
within six months and twenty six thousand and four hundred Ethiopian birr. Finally the study
will show the trend and the current practice of professional turnover management, identify
causes and their effects of professional turnover, and propose frame work which used to
reduce professional turnover on building construction projects in Hawassa.

Keywords: professional turnover, Construction project, Causes and effects of professional




The concept of “Human Resource Management” implies that employees are vital resources of
an organization. Of the existing types of resources found in organizations, human capital
refers to the professionals of an organization which are in reality the most important ones
when it comes of the success of the organization (Surji 2013).Professionals are one of the
most valuable resources of an organization and indeed an organization is nothing without
professionals. Getting and keeping good people is critical to the success of every organization.
Professional turnover is an important and pervasive feature of the labor market (Martin 2003).
Professional turnover is the rate at which professionals leave a company and have to be
replaced by new or existing professional. Professional turnover affects both workers and
firms. The loss of professionals, relevant and talented professionals could stagnate
organizational performance and productivity. Hollman (2006) added that the loss of an
professionals triggers additional work stress and lowers motivation for the professionals
that stays behind.

According to T/Tsdik( 2013), high professional turnover has become a problem for both
governmental and non-governmental institutions. Well experienced and qualified
professionals leave position they held in their offices. Recently the level of turnover in
Ethiopian government as well as non-government organization increase at an alarming
rate. Most organizations are facing a frequent turnover of professionals, and as such the high
turnover is costing them in terms of productivity, money and time. (T/Tsdik 2013) added that
turnover affects productivity, product and service quality, and profitability. The cost of
replacing workers in any company is high, finding professionals can be difficult, and
investment in training may not pay back as quick as desired, however the degree may
vary almost in every organization in every industry faces the turnover problem, which is
persistent and expensive.

According to Hinkin (2000) stated that indirect cost of turnover leads to decrease in
productivity, project overtime and an increase in payment of those that are retained. Turnover
of construction workers have an adverse effect on performance and productivity, it also

reduces the profit realized by a company. Hence, the initiation of this study is due to
turnover is a critical human resource issue in the building construction projects of
Hawassa City and discussion with professionals along with reading of past studies and
researches showed that human resource management researches are not involved in
building construction projects of Hawassa City. After observing these problems, I would
like to assess the causes of professionals turnover and their effects on building construction
projects performance in Hawassa City.

1.2.Problem statement

According to Maxwell (2010), a key problem to professionals turnover is that the

organization loses the most experienced and skilled staff that the organization had invested
heavily in training on various organization job task functions. This therefore means that, the
organization must incur huge costs in terms of time and finance to train the newly recruited
professional in order to make them effectively adapt to organization working environment and
demonstrate the required skills and experience.

According to Phillip (2009) cited in Ruth Nyaga (2015) professionals turnover influences
allocation of the job tasks functions to inexperienced employees who lacks technical know-
how on effective execution of organization services, this greatly degrades the quality of
organization services and as result, low level of customer satisfaction is realized. The
organization sales revenue declines and this lowers the level of organization efficiency.

The research conducted on Ethiopian Road Authority by Abera (2007) on skilled workforce
turnover indicate that the turnover is affecting the organization in terms of productivity,
money and time, Better opportunity in external market, and dissatisfaction with workplace.
Frequent turnover of professionals, could cost construction companies in terms of
productivity (performance), money (cost) and time (schedule). Professional turnover affects
the project work in that it requires time to replace and experience the new one to hand over
the new environment/system. There is also a skill and experience gap in the newly
assigned personnel to execute the project based on plan and schedule.

Since the building construction projects have different professionals. The building
construction is relied on not machineries or other fixed assets, but human brain or skills
and qualification of its human resource. The building construction project need professionals
with high skills and qualification with required competency on areas of Engineering
works and related study . For example; Architects, Civil Engineers, Mechanical & Electrical
Engineers, Project Managers and Quantity Surveyors. Importance of coordinating and using
professionals of the building construction project has great value in context of its work.
So this study is aimed at assessing causes of professional turnover and their effects on the
building construction project performance of Hawassa city.

1.3.Research Questions

1. What are the mitigation measures to reduce professional turnover on building

construction project in Hawassa city?
2. What are the causes of professional turnover in Construction building projects in
Hawassa city?
3. What are the effects of professional turnover on construction building project
performance in Hawassa city?

1.4.Objectives of the Study

General Objective

The general objective of the study is to assess the causes and effects of professional turnover
on building construction project performance in Hawassa city

Specific objectives

1. To assess the causes of professional turnover on building construction projects in

Hawassa city
2. To identify the effects of professional turnover on building construction project
performance in Hawassa city
3. To propose a frame work to reduce professional turnover on building construction
project in Hawassa city

1.5. Significance of the Study

The finding of this research is believed to make significant contribution in identifying the
cause of professional turnover and shows the how it can affect the final efficiency of building
construction project performance in the city of Hawassa. Study will be vital for the human
resource practitioners who design and administer professional retention and development
system to achieve organizational objectives and tackle the problem regarding professional
turnover on different construction projects found in Ethiopia more specifically to
building construction found in Ethiopia.. Furthermore, the findings of the study will benefit
construction practitioners and policy makers in general and local government, private
enterprises, contractors and clients in particular by enhancing the area of interest. The findings
of the research will also give insight for researchers and students interested for further
investigation in related areas to point out ways of grouping and ranking the major causes and
effects of professional turnover on building construction projects.

1.6.Scope and limitations of the Study

Although building construction projects uses different types of human resource like
professionals, skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers. This thesis will basically focus on
causes and effects of professionals (Architects, Civil Engineers, Mechanical & Electrical
Engineers, Project Managers and Quantity Surveyors) turnover on public building
Construction projects in Hawassa city due to limitation of time and budget.

The emergence of different organizations in the nation and the related increase in the
requirement of professionals leads for competition of organizations to hire and maintain the
best employees. Hence professional turnover becomes one of the major human
resource problems of most organizations (T/Tsdik ,2013). Different scholars have defined
professional turnover in the following manner. According to Ivancevich and Glueck (1989),
professional turnover is the net result of the exit of some professionals and entrance of others
to the organization. Singh et al, 1994, also define professionals turnover as the rate of
change in the working staffs of a concern during a definite period. Kossen (2002)
defined the professional turnover as it is the amount of movement in and out (of
professionals) in an organization. Professional turnover is the proportion of professional
leaving in a given time period but prior to the anticipated end of their contract (T/Tsdik,

2.1. Causes of professional turnover

Turnover basically arises from the unhappiness from job place for individual professionals.
But being unhappy in a job is not the only reason why professional leave one company for
another. If the professions that they possess are in demand, they may be lured away by higher
pay, better benefits or better job growth potential. That's why it is important to know and
recognize the difference between professionals who leave the job because they are unhappy
and those who leave for other reasons. There are number of causes that contribute to
professional turnover. Some of these causes are listed below.

Job dissatisfaction

Understanding the factors that influence turnover gives organizations the opportunity to
reduce selection and training costs, increase employee morale and customer satisfaction, and
enhance organizational productivity. The study of turnover has a rich theoretical history in
which multiple models have been advanced to understand this complex decision (Hom &
Griffeth, 2001). Most of these models are based on the premise that if an individual is
unhappy with a job and finds another job, she/he is likely to leave the current job. Thus, the

focus of most turnover models is on job attitudes (job satisfaction or job commitment) as the
primary drivers of turnover.

Lack of organizational commitment

Apart from job satisfaction, organizational commitment too has been frequently related
to turnover. (Griffith et al., 2000) identified lack of commitment as an important precursor to
employee quit process. Previous research supports the idea that attitudes related to
organizational commitment are strongly associated with turnover. Organizational
commitment is found to be strongly negatively related to turnover intention as well as
actual turnover and concluded that organization commitment is one of the significant
factors that impact turnover intention.

Lack of Employee Motivation

According to Armstrong (2014) contends that motivating professionals can be a

manager's biggest challenge. Professional motivation is a key to the overall effectiveness of
an organization. An understanding of the applied psychology within a workplace, also known
as organizational behavior, can help achieve a highly motivated workforce. Fair promotion
conducted on bases of performance greatly motivates professionals and a key de -
motivating factor to professionals is failure by the organization management to carry out
promotion not on basis of performance and merit.

Alternative employment opportunity

Perceived alternative employment chance, conjointly referred to as perceived easy movement,

is that the perception of the provision of job alternatives .This perception is an uncontrollable
issue as a result of it is closely related to the external surroundings, cherish availability of job
vacancies and percentage, and it reveals the significant relationship between convenience of
jobs and voluntary turnover (Muhammad et al., 2005).

Remuneration /salary and Benefits

Pay is some things given in exchange for services rendered in a company. It has a vital role in
holding and gratifying prime quality professionals however at the expense of the labor prices
for any organization (Zeynep Ton, 2008).

Lack of Training and Development

According to Paul.M (2009) cited by Bansri Jayesh (2015) training and development is a
function of human resource management concerned with organizational activity aimed
at bettering the performance of individuals and groups in organizational settings. It has
been known by several names, including "human resource development", and “learning and

Work Environment

Professionals must have the necessary tools to perform their duties. This includes the proper
equipment, machinery and computer technology as well as adequate lighting, work space and
ergonomically-correct seating. Poor working conditions due to physical elements lead to low
productivity and overall job dissatisfaction. The latter, particularly when left unaddressed
leaves professionals feeling unappreciated and they ultimately leave. According to Moureen
(2004) work environment is also one of the main causes for professional turnover.
Professionals prefer to work in an environment which is suitable for them. This is the
most common reason why they jump from company to company in just a few months.

1.3.Effect of professional turnover

Professional turnover has many effects on performance of building construction projects some
of the effects are discussed below from different literature.

Increase in work load for employees

According to Horton(2007), states that the escalation in the rate of professional turnover
is a major concern for businesses and is clearly impacting on organizational performance.
High level of stress leads to employees making unnecessary mistakes/accidents and low

morale leads to them not caring about what they do. Professional turnover breaks the team
spirit and group cohesion, which is necessary for the successful and smooth running the

Disruption to service delivery and loss of profit

As the labor market continues to tighten, employers are increasingly concerned about
maintaining a stable workforce. They need competent, dedicated, and effective workers to
serve their customers to fulfill their missions. Without a sufficient qualified and productive
workforce, employers are vulnerable to competitive forces as well as the impact of negative
relationships with their customers (Horton, 2007).

Increased Customer Dissatisfaction

According to Homer (2007) states that professional turnover is costly and disruptive. It
reduces the outputs and is disruptive as it requires the schedules and programs to be modified.
It causes the organization to lose a lot of money because they have to employ other
professional to come and help. There are a number of reasons that contributes to the
rate of turnover in companies and they vary. They both stem from the company the
employees. Turnover is a very expensive aspect to companies, the reason the professionals
gives it importance.

Cost and time overrun

Loss of employee talent hinders the development of new products, disrupts client
relationships and delays customer deliverables. These production delays, along with
replacement costs of professional turnover, negatively affect overall project performance and

Incurs additional cost of recruiting

When professional leave a firm and needed to be replaced by a new professional, the firm will
need to replace an advert which entails a cost and also the training of new professional on the
work he is to carry out in the organization, thereby incurring a cost on the firm. New
professional who come in to replace the outgoing professional will not have the basic
knowledge and expertise to execute their task. Professional who are new in an
organization are accident prone due to their little knowledge of the organizations
environment( Homer ,2007).

1.4.Strategies to minimize professional Turnover

It is continually important to stay key people in a corporation. the best organizations style,
implement and leverage systems that find warning signals projected by unhappy
professionals and thus, managers and organizations ought to attempt by all suggests that to be
prior to their competitors in holding their workers by learning a way to specialize in key
worker satisfiers and dissatisfies. Round the world, discontentment with financial gain is
one in all the foremost causes of workers leaving a company. Therefore, it's imperative for
an organization to develop retention plans, together with relationship building with the key
professionals (Thomas, 2013)

1. Recruit Suitable Employees and Retain Valuable Employees

2. Provide suitable pay scale.
3. Organizational Factors, promotion satisfaction, organization Culture.
4. Effective Leadership.
5. Task significance and clear job expectations
6. Training and Development.
7. Job Satisfaction

This chapter deals with description of the general process in which the research was
conducted. Further it outlines the study area, the research type, study population and sampling
techniques, data sources, and method of data collection

3.1. Description of the study area

The study area of this research will be Hawassa city 275km far apart from the capital city of
our country, which is the capital city for South Nation, Nationalities and peoples, southern
parts of Ethiopia. This place is situated in Sidama, Southern, Ethiopia. Its geographical
coordinates are 7° 3' 0" North, 38° 28' 0" East and its original name is Hawassa.

Figure 1: Earth map of Hawassa city (source Tariku Nigusie)

3.2.Study Subject

This study use both the qualitative and quantitative approach of data collection (Mixed
methods research). The pragmatic approach to science involves using the method which
appears best suited to the research problem and not getting caught up in philosophical debates
about which is the best approach. Pragmatic researchers therefore grant themselves the
freedom to use any of the methods, techniques and procedures typically associated with
quantitative or qualitative research. They recognize that every method has its limitations and
that the different approaches can be complementary. https://www.alzheimer-
approaches.The study will uses interview for qualitative and questionaries’ for quantitative

3.3.Study Design

3.3.1. Study type

Both primary and secondary data will used to gather the necessary data for this
research. Primary data will collected using questionnaire and interview will used to collect
a first-hand data from managerial, academician, and professionals in building construction
project . The secondary sources of data consulted include books, journals, and articles from
the internet, annual report, manuals and websites.

3.3.2. Sample size

The study is specifically concerned with building construction project. The sample size of
this study will be professionals in building construction projects. Sample size will determined

by using Yamane (1967:886) formula n= where n= number of samples, N= total

( )

population and e= margin of error tolerance (Taro, 1967).

3.3.3. Sample procedure

In this research methodology, the researcher will used purposive sampling method as
the researcher interest to include projects from different corners of the city. Purposive
sampling was used to select five cluster of the project depends on size of branch and
number of professionals‟. And also project managers and human resource support

process will purposively sampled due to the information they have by the virtue of the
position they hold.

3.4.Study Methodology

3.4.1. Primary Data


Questionnaire provides first-hand information for the subject matter of a research as it is

focused on issues which further serves as a survey to understand the main concerns and
attitudes of respondents towards the problems. In this thesis, questionnaire will be
administered to some purposively selected professionals of the building construction projects.

Interview is one of the primary data collection methods which are flexible and adaptive way
of investigating underlying motives of a subject in a way that visual observation cannot. This
type of interview has a predetermined set of questions (vary from questionnaire) with a
flexible order depending on what the interviewer perceives the subject matter by looking at
the respondent capability and exposure or experience. The interview will undertake based
study on causes and effects of professional’s turnover on building construction project
performance in the targeted firm. Project managers and human resource support process will
purposively sample due to the information they have by the virtue of the position they hold.

3.4.2. Secondary Data

Secondary data will be gathered through reviewing, examination of documents, reports and
records of published documents on which it has concrete ideas on professional turnover in
building construction Projects . Secondary data clarify the past performance of construction
projects, so it gives us a big chance to compare and contrast the recent with the past

3.5.Data Management and Analysis

The process of data presentation and analysis involved the basic qualitative and quantitative
analysis technique. Qualitative data can be gathered from key informants’ through interview,
document review then organized and categorized thematically and written up in to narratives.

The narrative followed by analysis and interpretation. On the other hand, the data gathered
informally will be analyzed through concepts of explanation and elaborate description of
ideas and opinions of respondents. Information obtained from questionnaire and interview
will be analyzed, coded and updated according to coding framework. Data conducted through
interviews will record and analyzed and data obtained through questionnaires will code and
analyzed using statistical package for the social science software (SPSS) which is the current
version developed by IBM Corporation, Logo icon v23, Stable release on 26.0 / April 9,
2019, Operating system are Windows, macOS, Linux on z Systems, Linux and UNIX and
Platform Java. The researcher will use descriptive statics. For the purpose analysis tables,
charts and percentages will be used which involve classifying collected data on the basis of
variable along or together with other variables.


4.1.Work plan

Table 1 work plan of the thesis


Activities November December January February March April May

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Thesis Title selection,

proposal writing and 10th

Proposal presentation 13th

Literature review
Design questionnaire and
Questionnaire distribution

Data collecting, Data

analysis, data summarization
Analyzing the whole thesis
Summarize the thesis
First draft thesis submission
Final draft thesis submission

4.2. Budget breakdown

The following costs are forecasted expenses the researcher incurs as a result of the research
process and activities. N.B The amount is estimation, not the actual cost.

Table 2 Budget allocation

No. Item BIRR

1 Transportation and fuel costs 4,500.00
2 Stationary costs 4,500.00
3 Copy, print and binding 5000.00
4 Miscellaneous costs 3,000.00
5 Per-diem 7000.00
6 Total cost 24,000.00
7 Contingency (10%) 2,400.00
8 Total cost after contingency 26,000.00

1. This paper will show the trend and the current practice of professional turnover
management on building construction project in the city of Hawassa.
2. It declares the causes of professional turnover on building construction project in
Hawassa city.
3. The study identify the effects of professional turn over on building project
4. The study will propose frame work which used to reduce professional turnover on
building construction projects in Hawassa.


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