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    SALIENT FEATURES             

                           Features of Schemes

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1. Every slum structure existing prior to 01/01/1995 is treated as protected structure. 

2.  Every slum dweller whose name appears in the electoral rolls as on 01/01/1995 and who continues to stay
in the slum is eligible for rehabilitation.

3.  Every eligible residential slum structure is provided with an alternative tenement admeasuring 225.00 sq.
ft. preferably at the same site, irrespective of the area of slum structure.

4.  Every eligible slum structure that is being used for commercial purposes is granted an alternative tenement
having area equal to the structure subject to an upper limit of 225.00 sq. ft.

5.   A minimum of 70% of eligible slum dwellers in a slum pocket come together to form a co-operative housing society for
implementation of Slum Rehabilitation Scheme. (SRS)

6.  The underlying land is used as a resource for the SRS.

7.  The slum dwellers appoint a developer for execution of SRS.

8. The developer puts in resources in the form of money, men and material for construction of free houses for the slum dwellers.

9.  The developer is compensated for his efforts in the form of free sale component.

10. The developers are allowed to construct tenements for sale in the open market. The area allowed for sale in the open market is
equal to the area of tenements constructed for Rehabilitation of slum dwellers.

11.  Floor Space Index (known as FAR elsewhere) upto 2.5 is allowed for SRS.

12. The developer is required to construct the rehabilitation tenements on the plot itself. The balance FSI left is
allowed for construction of free sale tenements.

13.  The spill over entitlement to the developer is permissible for sale in the form of transferable development
right in the open market. These transferable rights can be utilised on other non slum pockets subject to the
provisions of D. C. Regulations.

14. The plots which are reserved for public purposes and which are over run by slums can also be taken up for implementation of a Slum
Rehabilitation Scheme.

15. In case of plots reserved for unbuildable reservations, 33% of the reservation area is left free for the intended reservation.

16. In case of plots reserved for buildable reservations, a certain predetermined proportion of the permissible built up area is to be
constructed as per the requirement of user agency and handed over free of cost to the city administration as a part of SRS.

17. Slum Rehabilitation Authority is designated as a local planning authority to provide all the requisite approvals for SRS under one
roof. The authority is mandated to act as a facilitating agency for implementation of SRS.

18. Along with the free rehabilitation tenements the developers also have to provide space for amenities like a creche (Balwadi), society
office, welfare centre.

19. Facilitating measure in the form of additional 5% incentive commercial area is available to the projects being implemented by either
a society of slum dwellers directly or a NGO.
Three types of SLUM REHABILITATION SCHEMES are permissible.

These types are as per the provisions of different sections of Development Control Regulations (DCR) under
which they are approved. viz.
* under provisions of DCR 33(10) also called in-situ scheme
* under provisions of section 3.11 also called PAP scheme
*  under provisions of DCR 33(14) also called transit scheme
33.10 scheme
In the schemes approved under the provisions of this DC regulation, the slums are rehabilitated on the same
3.11 scheme
In the schemes approved under the provisions of this DC regulation, an owner of vacant unencumbered land
can use it for construction of PAP tenements for which he is compensated by TDR for land and for construction.
33.14 scheme
In this scheme, the landowner is allowed to consume the existing FSI potential of the land, owned by him. The
additional potential of 1.5 for suburbs, 1.66 for difficult area & 1.00 for islandcity (only for government or
public sector plots) is granted under this scheme.
The developer constructs transit tenements out of a prescribed part of this additional potential. The balance of
the additional potential is allowed as free sale component.

Special Appendix IV dealing with slum rehabilitation schemes.

1. DCR 33(10) & 33(14) exclusively deal with slum rehabilitation.   

2. Incentive commercial FSI of 5% granted to the society of slum dwellers or an NGO if the project is run by
3. One Balwadi and welfare center and society office each of 20.90 areas is to be provided for every 100
rehab tenements or part thereof.

4. Area of Balwadi, welfare center, society office & common passage upto 2.0 m wide is allowed free of FSI in
rehab building.

5. These areas and area of eligible religious structure, other social infrastructure like school, dispensary,
gymnasium run by public authority or charitable trust as well as incentive commercial area in addition to FSI
for rehabilitation tenements are termed as Rehabilitation component. 

6. Sale component equal to 0.75 times the rehabilitation component in city areas; equal to rehabilitation
component in suburbs and extended suburbs and equal to 1.33 times the rehabilitation component in difficult
areas is allowed. 

7. Maximum permissible FSI to be consumed at any site shall be restricted to 2.5 and balance can be claimed
as TDR, to be sold in open market. 

8. Minimum density on plot shall be 500 tenements per net hectare.

9. All the activities existing in the slum even if non-conforming with the zone of the area shall be allowed to be

10. All reservation plots upto 500 in area under slum shall be cleared of slums and the slum dwellers
shall be relocated elsewhere.

11. Plots reserved for non-buildable reservations and encumbered with slums shall be cleared if the area is
less than 500 or they are encumbered to an extent less than 25%.

12. Special concessions in building requirements are granted. Viz. Relaxations in open space requirement;
Relaxations in room size requirement.

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