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Cagayan State University Carig Campus


Second Semester, Academic Year 2020-2021

Physical Activity Towards Health and Fitness IV
(Specialized PE Team Handball)


Course Name: Physical Activity towards Health and Fitness IV (Specialized PE Team Handball)
Course Description: This course is a training of freshmen and sophomore students of the University. It is a skill subject; hence,
burners are exposed to real field activities in Team Handball. This course consists of learning opportunities in the brief history, the
equipment, the playing area and the rules and regulations of the aims to enrich the learners w/ knowledge and develops
handball skills.
No of Units: 2


Origin of the game

- The beginning of the game
- Indoor Handball
Equipment and Facilites
- Playing Court
- Lines
- Ball
- Goal
Basic Skills
- Catching
- Dribbling
- Passing
- Shooting
Players’ Position

Officiating Officials of the Game

- Referees
- Scorekeeper and Timekeeper
Basic Rules of the Game
- The playing court
- The players
- Ball-playing rules
- Goal scoring rules
- Fouls
- Punishments
- Playing the ball
Referees’ Handsignals
- Entering the goal area
- Illegal dribble
- Too many steps or holding the ball for more than 3 seconds
- Restraining, holding or pushing
- Hitting
- Offensive foul
- Throw-in – direction
- Goalkeeper throw
- Free throw – direction
- Keep the distance of 3 meters
- Passive play
- Goal
- Warning (yellow) – Disqualification (red), Information written report (blue)
- Suspension (2 minutes)
- Time-out
- Permission for two persons (who are entitled to participate) to enter the court during time-out
- Forewarning signal for passive play

Suggested Learning Materials

 Frick, T. (2000) Team Handball

 International Handball Federation IX. Rules of the Game Indoor Handball, Edition: 1 July 2016

These specific materials will be distributed to you via Messenger (or the Learning Management System or
LMS of the campus as soon as it is available).

• Teacher Marked Assignment (TMA) Briefer (at relevant points of the course)
• Other resources (at relevant points of the course)
• A list of online links will be provided (Try to access these online sites)
• Lessons in both PDF and Word file
• Other relevant course materials

The lessons that will be distributed to you are taken from the instructional material developed by some
faculty members handling the said subject course. The material has been approved for validation in the
University. As mentioned, contents of the said material were largely based on the references listed above.

Course Requirements

As students in the ‘new normal’, you know that for the most part you will be studying on your own. Do
read/view the resources (lessons and other helpful reading materials) sent to you, guided by the course
schedule. In so doing, you would be able to keep pace with the discussion, assignments and other

A. Participation in the Study Session Activities

The course you enrolled is basically an online one, and as was mentioned, it involves for the most part self-
directed learning. However, we are placing a section in the course called study session where we can
interact with one another through online discussion forums/threads (via Messenger and when it is made
available, LMS Carig).

Please participate actively in the online study sessions since this is an opportunity for you to clarify what
you have learned on your own not only with us but also with other members of the class. It is also a good
way to learn from one another. Also, part of your final grade for this course will be based on your
participation in the study sessions/forums/discussion threads.

B. Quizzes

There will be quizzes in this course. We will make the proper announcement on the manner quizzes will be

C. Final Examination

There is only one major examination in this course subject--the final exam. This will cover the major
concepts and organizing principles of the course, with particular emphasis with all units. This exam will be
scheduled soon. We will make the proper announcement on the manner the examination will be

Grading System:

The following are the percentages for each course requirement

Component Mark Individual/Group

Submission of Assigned activities 20% Individual
Participation in Study Sessions 30% Individual
Quizzes 20% Individual
Examination 30% Individual
TOTAL 100%
*To be explained in a briefer at the appropriate time

Instructor Information

SEAGAMES 2019 Technical Staff

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