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Product Case 101

July 2021
● Information about a product case (10 min)
● Phases to solve a product cases (25 min)
● Q&A about the theory (15 min)
● Things to know to crack a case like a P.O (10 min)
● A real case & Design Sprint (30 min)
● Q&A about the case (15 min)
What is a product case?

A case of a specific product scenario

that needs you (and no other than you)
to make a decision
A case is likely to have...
● A company (of course!)
● A bunch of information (about what they're doing)
● A problem statement (and why they need your help)
● An open-ended question (please answer heartfully)

Company Information Problem Statement Question

MoMo Cinema App Diversified segments lead How to transfer the core
to untargeted features values to the most
potential users?
Deep knowledge about the domain
Framework to solve is needed

Target Target
User Stories Business Stories
Stakeholders Stakeholders
Tech • Biz • User-voice Mostly traditional teams
Delivery Product Business Delivery
Prod. Roadmap • Prod. Case Case Biz Roadmap • Vision •
Statement • Prod. Plan Execution Plan
Key Output Key Output
Active Users • Satisfaction Revenue • Profit • Cost
Score • Retention

How to approach
appropriately ?
Phases to solve on product case
(for your entrance to the A Program)

The 4 “I” phases

Immersion Insight Ideation Implementation

Gather your general Deep-dive Come up with your Tell your story and
knowledge for what is meaningful brightful solutions answer the question
Phases of “I” & Build

Design Thinking

es Propose

Design Thinking
● Objective: to give you a feel of what is going on
● Methodology: read effectively about your case
○ Watch out the keywords, they're dangerous
○ Explore outside, there is no box !
○ Highlight what is important
○ Mind-mapping the connection
● Key Outcome: Be included
● Objective: to achieve your findings
● Methodology: utilize the framework
○ Empathize the users (by mapping or observation)
○ Analyse the data (if any)
○ Understand users’ problem (by MECE, 5W1H, etc.)
○ Benchmark (by Competitive Audit & the app itself)
○ Find the gap, the plothole, the something wrong
● Key Outcome: Make everything connected
● Objective: to turn your findings to solutions
● Methodology: Develop a wide range of possibilities
○ Build your point of view about the users
○ Bring perspectives of your team into the whole
○ Develop solutions by HMW or similar frameworks
○ Collect, digest and select the sexiest
● Key Outcome: The actionable solutions
● Objective: to combine your solutions into proposals
● Methodology: approach the viewers with visual ways
○ Share the mutual understanding with the mapping
○ Tell your story with the slides
○ Show the prototype/wireflow of your ideas (if any)
○ Estimate or measure your impact
● Key Outcome: make viewers included, connected, actionable
Feel puzzled ?
Ask me!
Cracking a case like
a real Product Owner
(or things I should’ve known before becoming a P.O)

Graphic from Absurd Design

Think about the market,
before the rest.
How it should help in your case study
● Spend your time to immerse & find insights
● Everything should be logically connected
● Re-evaluate your ideas and solutions

Graphic from AKTIA Solution

Listen to customers...
How it should help in your case study
● Maniacally focus on customers' problems
● Nobody wants to build products that nobody uses.
● Listen to validate whether your hypothesis is real.
“I'll admit it…
I didn't validate
my hypothesis with users,
but don't worry…
I know them very well”

Graphic from UX Theater

...but do not listen
to customers.
How it should help in your case study
● Don't listen when you're building the solutions.
● Don't listen when it comes to usability testing.
● Don't listen if they want a faster horse, not a car.

Graphic from Meine

Don't confuse yourself
with customers.

How it should help in your case study

● Don’t building things just to satisfy you and only you.
● You may be a customer, but not a reflection of a real one
● Seriously, just don't.

Graphic from Absurd Design

(by Hai Pham)

MoMo is one of the biggest mobile app in Vietnam currently, with more than 25 millions users, 5 millions monthly
active users (these numbers are not exact in real context). Therefore, it is going to transfer the business model, from an E-wallet to
become a Super Platform where users can access, explore and use thousand of features from external
developers. Some examples of this model are App store (Apple), Google Play store, Alipay, Shopee, . . .

The challenge is how we can design product solutions that can change user behavior from only making
transaction to visit and discover new feature more frequently

Business’s goals

The business team plans to launch 3,000 features (developed by external partners) in the next 6 months, beside
300 current internal features owned by MoMo. A core goal is to increase the MAU (monthly active users), then
secondary goals are to increase the engagement frequency of each user and revenue contributed by discovery

Product’s goals

The product team has 6 months to design, build and run experiments before launching an MVP (minimum viable
product) version to support business achieve their goal, at the same time the team must insure that the app
performance and user discovery experience are improved
Current solutions Discovery Here are some solutions that MoMo already launched for “Discovery” in the last 6 months

Favorite icon
Where you can customise to display
services that you like

Recommend icon
Where MoMo automatically (or manually)
recommend the most relevant service
icons to you

“Flash sale” items

Service category
Where MoMo triggers users to discover
Where all service icons are categorised special items that are on sales in the
into service groups limited time
Current solutions Discovery Here are some solutions that MoMo already launched for “Discovery” in the last 6 months

“All services” page “Notification” page

Where users can see all serviced Where users can receive update
which are categorised under the (push notification) from MoMo, or
format of group listing they can visit notification center to
discover content

Breakdown KPI

Images from

Increase MoMo’s
monthly active users
to 10 million.

Note: Đây không phải là con số thực tế, chỉ minh họa cho case này
KPI breakdown


Traffic Conversion

# session / user # average time spent % engagement rate % conversion rate

Formular: visit session / Formular: minute spent / Formular: service (product) click Formular: conversion / click
visit user (attributed by visit session (in discovery / visit user (from discovery (from discovery touchpoint)
discovery) page) touchpoint)

Explanation: growing this Explanation: growing this Explanation: growing this metric Explanation: growing this
metric means how to make metrics means how to means how to lead user open metric means how to make user
user visit app more make user stay longer in service (or product) from convert more frequently from
frequently through app screens including discovery touchpoints when they discovery touchpoints
discovery touchpoints discovery touchpoints login app
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday

Problem-framing Prototyping
Understanding the problem Building alignment and vote on Understanding the problem
space, challenges, user and the prototype to build. space, challenges, user and
focus area. focus area. Test

User interviews to get real


Test logistics

Preparing for interviews and

Ideation The flow recruiting users.

Breakout session to map the

Breakout sessions to remix and
flow of the prototype with a
improve and 4-step sketch.
storyboard. Check-ins Summary

Updates on prototype for sprint Summary of sprint and sprint

team feedback. close.
1 week before 1 week before Day 1

Research Design sprint Insights

Quant Qual Problem Solution Prototyping User test: Summary

survey interviews framing building Product &
trình bày đưa ra build bản Marketing
lại vấn đề, statement minh hoạt user ability test
xem vấn để giải solution đã và market test
đề đấy quyết vde chọn để make sure
tập trung trọng tậm, các insight và
vào khía đưa ra hypothesis là
cạnh nào idea và hợp lý
chi tiết lựa chọn
hơn để idea tập
giải quyết trung

Research &

Images from



Methodology Quick 7-question survey on MoMo app In-depth interviews, 90 minutes each

Sample size n = 7,250 full responses n = 7 interviews

High-frequent visiting user: High-frequent visiting ser:

● Login app within 30 days ● Login app within 30 days
● Located in HCM & HN ● Located in HCM & HN
Target ● Visit at least 3 features in the whole ● Visit at least 3 features in the whole
respondents time time
● Have at least 1 transaction in MoMo

Timeframe 7 days 3 days

IMMERSION Research outcome


● Ngoài giao dịch, user chủ yếu vào app để xem

● Lý do mở app: 50% giao dịch, 15% tìm kiếm ưu khuyến mãi hoặc chơi heo đất
đãi, 15% cho heo ăn, 10% kiểm tra thông báo (chỉ ● User nhấn mạnh nhu cầu khám phá, cập nhật các
6% tìm kiếm gì đó mới mẻ) chủ đề gần gũi, diễn ra lặp đi lặp lại hàng ngày
● Làm gì sau giao dịch: 36% về màn hình chính, (ăn uống, di chuyển, thời tiết, tin tức, mạng xã
23% kiểm tra LSGD, 18% kiểm tra số dư & vé. 21% hội)
thoát app ● User thụ động khám phá dịch vụ, chương trình
● Nguồn khám phá dịch vụ mới: 27% thông qua mới vì đã có out-app notification thông báo nhắc
Data fact & key nhở
quảng cáo trong app, 21% chủ động tìm hiểu,
observe 20% qua Social & PR ● User có để ý đến banner như là khu vực cung cấp
● Vấn đề khi khám phá: (1) không biết khám phá ở thông tin khuyến mãi, thấy cái nào phù hợp thì sẽ
đâu, (2) Chưa có nhu cầu, (3) Số lượng dịch vụ ấn vào
mới ít ● User gợi ý đưa những nội dung hot nhất lên trên
● Cách tìm lại dịch vụ yêu thích: (1) vào Tất cả dịch đầu
vụ, (2) nhìn vào Dịch vụ yêu thích, (3) vào thanh ● User sẵn sàng dùng nhiều app, mỗi app lựa chọn
search 1,2 ứng dụng tốt nhất, có khuyến mãi lớn nhất,
hoặc trải nghiệm tiện nhất, . . .


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Insight Empathy map

Which segment in this slide?

Insight Empathy map

Active Users !!!

Insight Segmentation

Output from “Immersion” give us

the idea of how to segment
users into key groups, based on
their traits & behaviours
towards “discovery”
Insight Pain & Gain

Active users Smart users Raw users


Map the

Images from

INSIGHT User journey
How your team decide which
are final problems to solve?


Images from


Top Voted How Might We’s

HMW bring users' HMW trigger HMW help users

daily activities to "discovery" mode come back to
in-app discovery after completing what they have
blocks? conversion? discovered
1 2 3


Images from


The idea is to generate as many ideas as possible within a short

timeframe, focusing on quantity of ideas not quality

Then, once you’ve got a bunch of divergent thinking on one

topic, to begin converging on some winning ideas by voting on
the favourites.


Images from



Images from



Images from

IMPLEMENT Prototype #1

Trigger x-banner (or

popup) on the top of
Home after users
complete trans &
back to Home

Use a discovery
guider (mascot) to
increase users
IMPLEMENT Prototype #2

Build “add to
favorite” button to
easily save service
to Home page
IMPLEMENT Prototype #3

Display discovery
content after users
complete a
transaction (“do”
IMPLEMENT Prototype #4

Display dynamic
widget at Home to
deliver discovery
content that refresh
in daily

User Test

User Test

Images from

Feel puzzled ?
Ask me!

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