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How Educational Institutions become money

minting machines
“Education should be right, not a privilege”
-Senator Bernie Sanders
Education is the most important weapon one can use to bring about a change. But, here
we first need to change the way education is being imparted nowadays in our
educational institutions as it has become a privilege to be educated and is no more a
right. The fee structure of prestigious educational institutions says it all. Beginning with
primary classes and looking up to the higher education level we see competition rising
everywhere and due to the lack in number of governmental institutions and lack in the
infrastructure of these Institutes, students have to approach the private institutions in
order to fulfill their dreams. But, this is an option only for the privileged ones as the
students who are unable to pay the humongous fee of these institutes either have to
drop out or have to choose the courses which are not of their first preference which in
turn proves that education is not free.

Bait for scoring high Marks :-

“Whatever the cost of our libraries, the price is cheap compared to that of an ignorant
― Walter Cronkite

Every parent wants his/her child to achieve a good position in order to be successful in
the eyes of society and to achieve that parents and students are under a lot of stress
due to which parents enroll their children in the high fee demanding intuitions even if
they are unable to manage two square meal for the family.
The main issue is that the education system in our country has become examination
oriented and in this system, the learning has taken a backseat. It is better to say we have
an examination system rather than a fully functional education system. The aim of any
education policy cannot be to only score high marks, rather thrust must be there on
learning. Students are going for tuition because in these coaching centers they are
trained on the ways and means of scoring high marks in any examination. The thrust in
those coaching centers is on suggestive learning - study things/questions that will be
asked in the exams. It is like a one-size-fits-all education system. Every student is unique
and has a set of certain capabilities. The schools where the primitive years of a student
are taken care of must focus on the traits of each student and guide them accordingly.
This one-size-fits-all education system must change and educators must develop a
system where a student is nurtured into a wonderful human being, rather than injecting
the syllabi inside their minds.

Situation of Educators in these institutions:-

Being a school teacher is not easy. From temples of learning, schools are turning into
profit-making enterprises not necessarily following the best practices. Teachers are
often arm-twisted into accepting meager salaries. Any dissent and they are shown the
door. Financial exploitation isn’t the only challenge teachers working in private unaided
schools. Their working conditions directly affect the quality of teaching and learning.

This business oriented attitude of educational institutes not only hampers the teaching
learning process but also puts undue pressure of learning and scoring high on students
which is a cause of increase in student stress levels and bad performance at institutes.
Along with students the parents and teachers suffer the blow of the same as the parents
are stressed about their child’s performance and the teacher are put under pressure to
work long hours while they are underpaid. And this is not only the scenario in private
institutions but governmental organizations as well, as the role of a teacher is not
limited to being and educator rather the teacher performs several administration work
and also have to visit different areas of work as and when required, which affect their
performance as a teacher.
There needs to be a solution to tackle the situation in hand which will eventually
improve the teaching learning process and improve student learning as well.

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