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Date: March 26, 2022


Subject: Request for your Contribution

Dear Mr./Mrs. {{NAME}},

Christmas is said to be a time to celebrate and I would like to grab this opportunity to request you to
support “{{INSTITUTION/PROJECT}}” for the Christmas Celebrations. This program is going to be held
on 20th December at {{LOCATION}}.

{{INSTITUTION/PROJECT}} is a non-profitable organization, which provides shelter and looks after all

Like every year, we are planning to celebrate Christmas with all the members of our home. Hence, I
kindly request you to help us go about this program. You can help us in the form of a donation. We
will sincerely appreciate your generous contribution.

With lots of love, Merry Christmas!

Yours sincerely,



{{Formal Name + Title}}

Donations to: {{DONATION DETAILS}}

Page 1 of 3
Date: March 26, 2022


Subject: Request for your Contribution

Dear Mr./Mrs. {{NAME}},

Warmest greetings from us. Christmas is said to be a time to celebrate and I would like to grab this
opportunity to request you to support “{{INSTITUTION/PROJECT}}” for the Christmas Celebrations.
This program is going to be held on 20th December at {{LOCATION}}.

I am writing this letter to you on behalf of our NGO to bring to your notice regarding the charity that
we are raising to help the {{FOCUS GROUP}}.

We have had this plan for a while, to {{{DESCRIBE PLAN}}} and have been formulating the plan for the
last few months. However, what occasion better than {{EVENT}} to kick start this project? In the past
too, you have always supported {{MISSION STATEMENT}} and see it as the most important priority.

We plan to raise enough funds for {{MISSION STATEMENT INSTITUTION THAT IS SOLICITED FOR}} for

This would help in reducing {{ISSUE}} to a great extent. However, for this to formulate, we need your
fullest cooperation.

The charity fundraising shall take place on 22 nd December 2021 at {{LOCATION}}. We hope you shall
grace us with your presence and invite others to those who wish to make their willful contribution
towards this move. You can help us in the form of a donation. We will sincerely appreciate your
generous contribution.

With lots of love, Merry Christmas!

Yours sincerely,


{{Formal Name + Title}}

Donations to: {{DONATION DETAILS}}

Page 2 of 3
Date: March 26, 2022


Subject: Request for your Contribution

Dear Mr./Mrs. {{NAME}},

I am writing this letter in anticipation of your valuable donation towards {{Name of the event}}.
It is {{description of the event}}.

The {{Name of your organization}} is a voluntary charitable institution. We work for {{MISSION
STATEMENT INSTITUTION THAT IS SOLICITED FOR}}. We usually organize some campaigns to appeal
to many esteemed institutions like yours to extend their charity to support us in helping these

We extend our warm welcome to you, to take part in our event. We would greatly appreciate your
kind donation towards this great cause. Your help will surely reach out to the one who is in need. In
appreciation of your donation, we will give you a donation certificate and advertise your company on
our event banners.

You may please feel comfortable to contact us for any additional information. We look forward to
hearing from you soon.

With lots of love, Merry Christmas!

Yours sincerely,


{{Formal Name + Title}}

Donations to: {{DONATION DETAILS}}

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