Logo Design Unit Choice Board Menu 1

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Logo Design Unit Choice Board Menu

Unit Project:
You will design a professional logo for a randomly assigned business in this unit. The final result
will reflect usage of design elements/principles and consideration of industry trends.
Learning Objectives:
- Explore how visual art concepts (the elements and principles) influence ways we
process, feel, or think about a product.
- Use the various parts of the creation process to construct an original logo.
- Explore the questions: what is the purpose of a logo? What makes a logo successful?
- Learn and utilize industry design standards to inform your design.
Directions for Choice Board Menu:
The creation process stages organize the activities in the Choice Board. Each week we will
focus on specific stages. You will choose and complete 1 of the 2 activities listed in that
week’s stage section. You must follow the activity directions carefully and submit them on time.

Stage 1: Ideation and Concept Development

-Complete 1 activity (10 points) due: May 5, 20XX
Activity 1: Logo Example Analysis- Independent Visual Activity
(Thinking skills used: analyze, understand, apply)
- Use the internet to look up 4 examples of logos for your assigned business
prompt (ex. Coffee company logos)
- Follow the link to Concept Board
- You may have to sign up for a free account, use your school email
- Answer and include the following:
- Attach 4 images, one for each different logo you found
- Be sure to include a citation for your logo in MLA format
- Use Pen and Pad’s Guide to Logo Citation for logo citation format
- Use the text box feature to respond to the following for each logo
- What does the logo depict? What is the subject/what is shown?
- What kind of colors were used mainly?
- What does the logo make you feel like or think about?
- Use the text box feature to respond to the following at the bottom of your
board (you only need to answer these once):
- What are some similarities among the 4 logos you found?
- Consider color, symbols/motifs used, layout, etc.
- What sets each logo apart from one another?
- Consider types of colors, style, emphasis on certain parts
- Once done, click the share button to receive a share link
- Copy and email the share link to me (torreslauren135@gmail.com)
- Include your Name, Class Period, and Activity Number/Name in the
subject line
Logo Design Unit Choice Board Menu

Scoring Guide: 10 points total

- Share link works and is correctly attached/submitted through email __
- Concept board includes 4 different logos properly cited. Logos are relating to the same
type of business or industry __
- Each logo includes responses on their subject, color, and your reaction to them __
- There is a response describing the general similarities and differences of all the
- Responses are written in complete sentences __
- Concept Board is neatly organized __

Activity 2: Create Logo Concepts- Collaborative Visual and Kinesthetic Activity

(Thinking skills used: create, evaluate)
- After receiving your assigned business prompt, think of 4 objects, words, or
ideas that relate or can represent your business
- Sketch a symbol/image for each of the objects, words, or ideas you came up
- Be sure to label what word relates to what symbol
- Take a picture of the sketches you have created
- Upload the image to our class Padlet
- Explain the following in your Padlet post
- What are the symbols? Explain each one.
- How does it relate to your business? Explain each symbol.
- Does it meet the criteria for good logo design (it’s simple, memorable, and
unique)? If not, how would you change the sketches?
Logo Design Unit Choice Board Menu

- Comment on at least 1 peer’s post whether you agree with their choice of
symbol, thoughts on relevancy to business, and their analysis of design

Scoring Guide: 10 points total

- An image of all your symbols was included in your Padlet post __
- Images are labeled with the word/idea it represents __
- Responses address all sketches specifically __
- Sketches and responses show careful thought ___
- Comment on another student’s post _

Stage 2: Prototype Creation

-Complete 1 activity (5 points) due: May 12, 20XX
Activity 1: Design Proposal Graphic Organizer- Independent Visual Activity
(Thinking skills used: understanding, applying, evaluate)
- Using your basic pencil sketch of your design, print and complete the graphic
organizer attached on our website to plan out your design
- Answer the prompts regarding your design
- Information/details about your design should be specific and clear
- Answers should be written in complete sentences
- Attach a sketch of your design to your completed printed graphic organizer
- Turn in graphic organizer in class, on my desk, by the stage 2 due date listed
Scoring Guide: 5 points total
- Graphic organizer fully completed __
- Responses written in complete sentences __
- Information included is specific and clearly thought out __
- Graphic organizer turned into the appropriate location __

Activity 2: Anatomy of Your Design- Independent Visual and Kinesthetic Activity

(Thinking skills used: analyzing, creating, applying)
- Once you have a basic pencil sketch of your design, neatly create a poster
including the following:
- Your design sketch attached to the upper corner
- Color palette: create a row of boxes (one for each color used)
-explain below the boxes what the colors mean/why you chose them
- Line width: include samples of the types of line you will include
- Shape: draw and explain the general shape of your logo (will it be
round/circular, rectangular/blocky, organic?)
- Form: explain what your logo is depicting, what does it mean?
- Turn the poster in class, on my desk, by the stage 2 due date listed above
Scoring Guide: 5 points total
- Poster format is neatly constructed and organized__
Logo Design Unit Choice Board Menu

- Poster includes the required information of each section __

- Poster includes a sketch of your design concept __
- Information included is specific and thought out
- Poster was turned into the appropriate location __

Stage 3: Review and Refinement

-Complete 1 activity (5 points) due: May 19, 20XX
Activity 1: Logo Design Experiment- Independent Visual and Kinesthetic Activity
(Thinking skills used: evaluate)
**You can make adjustments traditionally or using a drawing software like Photoshop**
- Using your logo draft for reference considerably adjust the following to your
- Change at least 1 color used (choose a complimentary color, a
different saturation, or another value)
- Change the line thickness or add lines (make them thick, thin, fluid, or b r
o k e n)
- Change the proportion or composition (Choose a part of your design to
make bigger/smaller or rearrange the placement of the content)
- Take a picture or screenshot of your changed design
- Attach the picture of the changed design and the original design to a google doc
and answer the following in complete sentences
- Did you like/agree with any of the changes you made? Why or why not?
- How did these changes affect the overall meaning, tone, or feeling?
- Email the google doc to me (torreslauren135@gmail.com)
- Include your Name, Class period, and Activity Number/Name in the
subject line
Scoring Guide: 5 points total
- Changes made to the design are substantial __
- Each change prompted above was made __
- Images of both the changed design and the original are attached to the google doc __
- Google doc written responses addressed all the questions __
- Responses were genuine, thought out, and in complete sentences __

Activity 2: Logo Design Mockup- Independent Visual Activity

(Thinking skills used: evaluate, apply)
- Click on the link to Rush Order Tees Design lab
- Upload an image or file of your logo draft using the ‘upload art’ button
- The site will automatically use a shirt to display design
- Take a screenshot or picture of the design on the product
- Click on the left ‘Change Product’ link and choose a product that is not a shirt
- Take a screenshot or picture of this second product
- Attach the images to a google doc and answer the following in complete
Logo Design Unit Choice Board Menu

- Which format did you prefer to display your logo? Why?

- Did either format distort or changed the look of your logo? How?
- What would you change to your logo to make it appear better on the
chosen formats?
- Email the google doc to me (torreslauren135@gmail.com)
- Include your Name, Class period, and Activity Number/Name in the
subject line

Scoring Guide: 5 points total

- At least 2 different products with your logo were tested __
- There was an image for each product attached to your google doc __
- Google Doc written responses addressed all the questions __
- Google Doc response submitted through email with the appropriate subject line __
- Responses were genuine, thought out, and using complete sentences __

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