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:6230~A.Wilshire. :Blyd.~ .Suiteti LosAngeles, California 90048

Phone: (337}344~8876
r~Ted:L. Gunderson,' hereby swearunder thepains and penalties of: j ury ~at the following statements are true andcorrect;


name is 'Ted L,Gul1,derson.l.<m1 .theownet and operator ofTed L..Gunderson & Associates, s,ectlrity .and': ... consulting firm.based out.ofSanta Monica, CaIifotnia.:I .am currently R licensed pri vate ·lnve:stigatqf' In thestate. of .qa:liforni:L 1. haye:p:~rfo.rmed,private Investigation: and security work for

numerous: individuals; companies, .and governments woddwide since Jouilding:my· firm: .in. 1979, .I'have worked for, amongst' :others~:F.Lee-Bailey, ·E~q.; The :California::N.arcQtics Autl1qrity by: appointment of'Govemor Jerry Brown, The. 1984 .Los Angeles. OlympicCommittee, :<\11d' the 1979P-an AlDe:dcan:Games:in .San Jt18l1,:PUe.rto:Rico byappointment ofth;en U;S,Aitoiney General Griffln Ben. .. . .. ....

decadesirrtheF .B;l ..Between 195.1·.Mo.19f>O:I :W~Wan F;BJ .. .Special Agen]. In 196.0:I·was .promoted .asa supervisor atF:.B,.L . Headquanecs in Washington, D.C.,:whereIwasin charge .of

Previous to:my work :as:a:private investigator I spentnearly three .

White .House Marters .at F.B;l, .Headquarters ..In: 1965.·1was: .promoted .again to A~srst@t .Specia] Ag~Q.t-,ln~Ch~g~: f.Internal o :S:ectuity and Anti-Terronsm .of.the .F~Il.LNewHaven; Connecticu; :FJeld: Office. 'In t970: I V\taspromQted.tQ.AssistaJ:it Speeial.Agent'In-Charge of'the F .HI.. hiladelphia, Pennsyivania.Field P Office .. :On .July 12, :1972 :T successfully negotiated with &0 'terrorist l1"ijack~.r-sofNatiQual. Alrllnes f!igbt·496 for tbe .release -0 f 119 .
passengers at Philadelphla.Interrrational'Airport, :Iu·1973·:1:· was oromoted.toChiefInsuectcr a:tF.BJ". Headouarters. Ialsoserved

ilTvestigat.iops .:covering :4:6 .: :F:J3I.Field Officesnationwide. :Fol1owing :the·assaMinationof Presidem. JOM :F. :Kennedy;.1 was re Special Inquiry
Crime .and.Racketeerlng'

as Special Agent-In-Charge-of

the F .B.. . 'Memphis and Dallas I

Field 'Offices. I retired from the!, J3:.L as .Senior Special: Agent-In-

Charge of the Los Angeles Field: Officeof the.FJ3J. ·with over 700 employees and. a, budget .of.over 22 .million dollars in .197~. .. ..


Lhave read the.Complaint in the current .acticn .ofMr, Keith Labella against F .B.t andD.O.l Itis my :professional.dpiniofl, . basedoninformation, knowledge-and belief that the information soughrbyMr. .Labellain this F .O.l.A. 'suit. regarding "gang stalking" ,."gang-srelkinggroups" .and "gang stalkingmethods"
reasonably.describes an ongoing, active, .covert'nationwide program that is in effect today, .and, based. on my investigations

andexperience, has been.operational.smce at least the early

1980'·s ..Since the J9~O)s .gangstalking has, intensity and-sophistication. by adapting to new. communications andsurveillance teclmology. These programs Me using: codenames Echelon Progxam.)Catnlvore. System, and Tempest Systems, The Echelon Program is administered. by the:~.s.A. out O{F.01tMeade,Marjland,· and: monitors all email.and phone .calls


inthe world. Carnivore Systemis administered :by the.·N;;S.A:. out. of.Fort Meade.Maryland, and can download. ani computer.system Without :being traced. 0);' otherwise .: cnQW1o tothe owner . J

:SY·steltis:Qand¢cipher \vh<it is on, any computer: screen up to a

quarter ofa.mileaway ..These programs are:ne:gativ~ly:i1upacting thousands of.Americans.and severely abusingtheir civil.rightson.a . daily basis.: .4. Based on rny: investigative work, which includes .intelligence from
·souroe.s such .as active .and former members of the .Intelligence Services (irichldingtheF.BJ., the Cil.A, theN.S.A.:andMilitary Intelligence), :information .from illfottnantS. criminal: enterprises, and, vi ctim testimonies,' I: have come to 'the conclusion that thoHsands:ofvidims.:havebeentargeted.hy.anillegal .govemment.rcguecrlminal enterprisethatis active 24 :hours:a day within the U.S. This cotispii'acy fartoo active to be controlled or


gain. These operations require extensive financing.wich no return

~nt~rp.d.$~ whos.~goals are achievingfinancial


'on.theinvestment. Thisprogram's operations :arefinancedby 'illegalblackoperations, i.e., narcotics, prostitution, child

kidnapping (children sell at covert auctions for up to $50,000 per chi1cfl,.htin~ trafficklng, . gambling afl.dotber;'~ckets; . .. . . ..


Ihave documentationandknowthu; tbroQghQl~Hh~U;S,,. operating

24 hours-a -day ·and 7.days-a - week, 'there ·is aCentral Command, Iocated.within.the U.S., withmultiple satellite offices. whose

administrators can in:stantly :ii1itiatesurveillance, phone 'taps and

harassment against any individualin the country. Theyhave the technology •.financing and manpower' to dispense .illegal surveillance and harassment .ageinstanyone at any time; day or njgbt.l.luwe. files-on-numerous cases -of active, programmatic, illegalgovernment harassment currently being conducted.against thousands ofAID.~dp~ns. This makes :theF:BJ/:s. former COINTELPRO :pl'Ogl'al'n.,whicli·~ worked OU.,inclttdi:ng .in a . supervisory cepacity.Iooklike aSuudayschool:program:by" companson.


1- fh:rn:ly b~H~ve-that most individuals werking inthe:FJ3.1" other

irrtelligenoeagencies.tandthe gcvernment.overallarehonest, lawabiding public .servants.Hcwever, a sophisticated' network ofrogue operatives 'has -secretly·infiltrated the F ,B I., other :intelligence agencies including CJ;A., ·and oilier keygovernment'positions. :rh~~ rogue-element. seeks PE:TS9.rW power and ,wealth. ,and c·Ol1siders themselves above the:law :andthe Constitution. They are-carrying. out the aforementioned ~].lJ·V.~iU<UIC~:tP)o.· arassment activities in h conjunction-withorganized crime.fhecult movement America


including, Samnic .cnlts, .oth~rGo:nun¢(cial .and political Interests, and -even mis g1.iideq :dvic· organizatlons and neighborhood. .groups ..
This illegal·surveiltanc.eand:harassment program is. being .called gang stalking and organized.stalking :by the .victims targeted by.It. the. victims :are targeted. for a variety of reasons: including .. governmentand corpo.m~·\vhi.$·U¢bl0.w~rs.~,p;;~rti~s·~o financial-and employment disputes, partiesto .maritaldisputes (usually divorced women), and. evenjiltedperamours, Journalists. covering controversial issueaandceven attorneys-and 'private 'investigators representing. unpopular. clients or interests,. have been targeted by this ::pm.grat\1,. .



Individuals targeted.bythis programhave been-subjected to.illegal

and .unconstitutional .phone taps, illegalre- routing. ·of:business and .. .

private phonecallsforpurposes cf'harassment.frlegalaudio "bugging", surreptitious entry into home; office, and. vehicle, visualsurveillance iii the home conducted by illegalplacement.of miniature remote wirelesscameras :(ofte!L1.::lcc~.ssjbl~ internet), via .illegalinternet sp)Ware, illegal GPS'tracking (often through their .ownmobile phones), regularfixedand mobile surveillance, mail misdirection, mail theft and tampering; financial and employment sabotage, slander campaigns andcomnnmity ostracizing, internet disinformationand.smear campaigns, poisoningassaults and murder, illegal set-ups on .drugchatges and other felony charges; amongst many etbercivil rightsabuses.


In addition ·to·high-ranking members of the' F .S.I..,·other services.rand the governmentoverall, wealthy, powerful members ofcriminal syndicates.multi-millionaires and the corporate elite are using the governmentgang 'stalking program to harass .enemies ..They can get a targeted individual harassed for the rest of that individual's life (individualcasesof gangstalking lasting' for overadecade are ·cQffirIl0b} .The 'higher starus members of-the gang stalking conspiracyinitiate rhe gang-stalking and coordinate logistics . funding. Lower echelon government rogue

op~J;"~tivesJQw.~ranking members of the:military (in violation of r

Posse Comitatu s),petty .criminals and street thugs. perform the actual grunt work of daily monitoring and 'harassmentof individuals targeted by the program. 9. Basedon rnyprofessional experience, .extensivefntelligence ·information and.belief, it is lUY professional 'opinion .that the F.B.I. .• s.involvedinandhas Iuvestigativeflles on.thesubject.of gang stalking, related. gang .stalking methods) and .gang 'stalking' groups. inthe :F.B.I.;,s vast .intelligence files.thaeere responsive to Mr .. Labella'sP ~O.I.A.Complaint. Furthermore; I .have personally referred numerous victims of gang stalking:to the appropriate agents at:theRB.I. forinvestigation of theircases, I'have also furnished theF.BJ. with·documentation·ofailaCtive, international child kidnapping ringprobably operated :by;rogue·C.I.A. agents. The;F;B.T.'has ignored my requests toinvestigateeven thoughit is their responsibility to jnvestigatekidnappihgs.1 have a contact in Germany who advises me that the C,X.A,'hassetup .secret operations onUiS ..military bases for the kidnapping, sale and




WO!;WWlae. 1,llt;'::,t'.ti.l, maypensmg.a

unique.codenameand nomenclature for.the gangstalking . pheriomenoninits .records ..However.fhis lS: .~ semanticdifference, and ..inno.waychang~s-my professional opinion that the -. :B.I. has F investigative .files .on the :nationwide'phenomenonof gang stalking described in reasonable andspecific detail in Labella's F.OJ:A ..Complaint. The1seF..H.I ..files contain information. responsive to:Mr. ~::tl::ieUa'sIi',.OJ.A. Complalntregarding the subject of-gang stalking, 'IheF .B..I, and. other- intelligenceagencies 'are administering and. covering up therogue, covert, government criminal :enterprise; of.gang stalking. The gang: stalking


phenomenon. appears: iitthe records of both the F:.B,I~ :and the

N.S.A,. intheir recordspertainingto.the Echelon Program, Carnivore System, :and Tempest Systems. In addition, the :gang stal1;:illgphenomenon appears.inthe.records 0f both. the F .B:~L ·and. the N .. .A. in their records pertaining to information collected by S Narus systems. Narusisa whollyowned subsidiary of defense contractoc Boeing. t4at producessophisticeted, masssurveillance computer systemscurremly being used by bothtbe F.B.I:. and the N.S.A.


:daY of:U.t4±&


Los Angeles; California.

. .


. Ted L. Gunderson

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to me on the basis of. satfsmctory e\ildenoo 'to

islare .;8ubscnb~d:to fl,e ~t~in tn.strument alJ.d ac~n~wt8.dged.: t~ a m~. :~Ihat .~she/I:hey executed,the s<lmei1filirsfherlthelr au1honzed . :capactty~ and that by :hisiher1ff;:e'ir signature (s)· on ihe be the persor;w1. wh~ instrument .the perso~, or .tne Entity· upon 'behalf .of


:which .the persorus) .actsd e .exeouted me mstrumem,

J :certify under PENALTY OF PERJURYuoderthe:laws . of the State of California that the foregoing paraqraph 1$ tr.ue and correct. . .' .

------------Descripiion .ofAMached:DocUlmenl

.ThOUg!i' Ihe.i!Jfarm8Iian below is not ,equ/rod byl<i:w, it liWy pro·ve valuSble /0 petsMS .relying an th~·dacumenf .. ·i!rlrj COI.II(J preveirt.fmIJ.dulenlremQvalandreatiachment:of tliis (orin tQ:anoif).ii;jociniJe~t .. .

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Signer(s)· Other Tlh<lill :Nam"d :A.b.O){6: F------ ..-----------------

C~pacitV(ie$l Claimed ·by ·Signer(s.>

Signet.'$.Name:~ ~div.idual ...

l ;.:_~~'D.QJF.L....,1,.:'f)/:"C Name:,_,_ G·" " .. .~igm:n's

... .. ... . . 0 Individual DParmer[JTrustea ... .
Gel1e~1 .



o .Corporate'
q ~TiIle(s)::

o ·Tru:ijtee o .Guardian. o Other:

Pa,rlner-[:] Limited 0 DA1tQm",yin Fact

or .cClns~rvat!)r

o GorpQr:aiE! Olfil;·~:n.tI~(s):_-'---o Limited

0 General


0 Guardian
[:;Jpfher; __ _

.or C9nsW~to(



Signer ls Rep:resenting :

Signer Is- Represelltl ng.:_..,...._-,-~


e.,roD? t~ct\H'NQI3i)J A2;Mtialitn",~3.S0·D,", S01>~·A:twor,pP.o..9~ 2.4:02+~fI1~.~rlh,.CA ~1.3~3-24tQ?!.fA~A·.N~~a~~I~~~li


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_..• ···········-.···.···.-.0 ..................•..•......•..


FBI Buresu Chjef~ Senior. Special Agent.In Charge, (Ret.) Head of the-Los Angeles Office of-the

.Federal Bureau: ~fInvestjgatii:in

.6230. A Wi lshlreBlvd .

. Los Ange[es,CA 90048. :Direct Line; (337)344-'8876 :Cid ifciiii I.ajilv·eiltigatiOii License Number: 128]8·

·rc~.LGIJil.dersorL&; Asaocieies.
Fbiltider, owner ~ud:op~r.ttor·Qfthis international :security·consultiilgand investigation firm j II 1979 .. Inves.tigator for F.: Lee: Bailey: Esq., Mr. Bailey describes 1M Gunderson as aperson "whose investigative skill s are unsurpassed try ·anyone I know or: have Mil lion dojJai,S (USD 22-,OOQ;OO~.QO).,

known;;, At tll~time: cif ~iiiimeni ffom.·the ·fed.erilJSureau of frtvestigailon$, 'tea ·nild 10{)personr)¢1:tm:<;ler h is:comnlli!l9: ~td: heo~~ted: ~n~titiWi.l·bUQg¢t :9f"Tw~nty:Twti .
.. .

:Ted :is·a renowned lecturer, plihiishedauthor arid researcher. J\fatlomll Television: and l'adibappearances :inc lude'''rhcGcral doShow~~!<~4 Hours .'Mystcde;s;', ,~Unsolved 8 Mystenes" and ·'Larry King Li ve" ~.Hehasbeen regLilarly featuredon Diseovery

Channel and -Lifetime.

t<IS An geie:s ·O)YihpksCommitlee·

-1981 ~1982


California Narootics AUthority ...,Consu lta:nt appointed by: Governcr.Jeny Brown, PaiiAmetica:n. diiffie~.S® jtiM,PliertoJHco ';"S~uritY Cdo:rdinator Special App6inte~of trIH'~ Sta~es A,tt(lmey OeIietal ..OrlfiiIll3 ~. ell; B

195"l ~..I97'9

.1977' ... 79
·1973';;77 :1913 1965 -:73


Spee:i~l Ageht':ln·:cI1tIrg~· Meniphi!i, TeJ}i1ess~: and Pa)la~, exas. T Cbiefin.spe.ctor Assistant Sped al Agent ~tn·¢harge,New: Haven, Connecticut P:hiladelt)hia,petiIiSYlvID11a. . Special Agent SUpe:ryISOfS ~ FederalBureat; ofInvestigiltioi1S Headquarters, Wasnington, D,C_ . SpeCial' :Agent· ..

.SenIorS·p·edaIAli!ent~Iit.;ch·I··_· W,sAiLdes· Cidifomia· . .... ... ..1:> .... ..arg., ..... g. ....• . .. ..




1.989 1950 1979 197.7

"How to

Lo¢iJ;t~ Anyone: AmNl'hereWithoutl.MvillgHome"·'-"

RP:Duhori Bache lor of Science - UriiverS ityof Nebraska


P.isClngu:iShed AIU~1I1u~ Awatd :i(i. ~e,oognitibilofD_istinguished lind Devoted SerVlc~toHis.CounttY ....;.Uilive"rsity.ofNebms.k!i. AluQYli·Highest Effort Award. iu·tbe.Field oHawEriforGem¢nt$lgma Alpha Epsilon 800iaJ Fraternity. . ..... . ..... . ... .. .. .. :Law iirifcircimentUffii::er ilfth6. Y6ii·_. AFlJ.CIO Mem!·Ttan¢s •Counsel; •Los Angeles, Cal\flJroia

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