Level of English Test

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Тест складається з 

30 запитань, на кожне з яких є лише один правильний варіант відповіді.

Якщо Ви не знаєте відповіді, рекомендую залишати запитання без відповіді. Ви виключите випадкові
правильні відповіді і отримаєте точний результат. Тест побудований за принципом “від простого до
складного”: чим ближче до кінця тесту, тим важчими будуть здаватись завдання.

1. How old are you?

A. I have 27 years old 1. When Gregory arrived at the disco, Hania ..... .
B. I have 27 years
C. I am fine   a) already left
D. I am 27 years old   b) has already left
  c) had already left
2. Simon ______ very tall 2. What are you doing tonight? B: I'm not sure,
A. Is I .... to the cinema.
B. Am
C. Has   a) will go
D. Be   b) would go
  c) might go
3. _______ some more tea? 3. Simon forgot .... the lights before he left.
A. Do you like
B. Would you like   a) turn off
C. You’d like   b) turning off
  c) to turn off
4. How _______ do these jeans cost? 4. It's no use .... to him. He doesn't listen.
A. Much
B. Many   a) to speak
C. Is   b) spoke
  c) speaking
5. I _______ agree with you 5. Karla was offered the job .... having poor
A. Doesn’t qualifications.
B. Don’t
C. Haven’t   a) despite
  b) although
6. Do you want to go to the gym?   c) even though
A. I’m too tired
B. It’s very good. 6. John is a/an _____ person. He always breaks
C. She is really busy now. things around.
a) Clumsy
b) Flexible
7. Maria is only 5 but she can read and write. She c) reliable
is really_____.
A. Sad 7/. She used to smoke cigarettes.
B. Happy
C. Interested a) She is used to cigarettes
D. Clever b) She smoked before, but she doesn't now
c) She usually smokes cigarettes.
8. Linda has a white cat and a black cat.
A. Linda likes brown cats
B. She has two cats
C. Linda’s cat is black and white

1. Can I park here?

A. Sorry, I did that 1. He eventually managed .... the door by kicking it
B. It’s the same place
C. Only for half an hour hard.

2. Last week we .... to Warsaw.   a) open

A. Go   b) opening
B. Went   c) to open
C. Goes 2/. There's no point .... staying up all night if your
D. going exam is tomorrow.

3. What colour will you paint the children's   a) on

bedroom?   b) with
A. I hope, it was right   c) in
B. We can’t decide 3/. Shall I take you to the station?
C. It wasn’t very difficult.
a) Would you like me to take you to the station?
4. I .... the film we saw at the cinema on b) Must I take you?
Wednesday. c) Will it be necessary to take you there?
A. Didn’t like d) Did I take you before?
B. Haven’t liked
C. Doesn’t like 4/ She wasn’t ...... to reach the ceiling.

5. .... ever seen a comet?   a) tall enough

A. Did you   b) so tall
B. Have you   c) as tall
C. Do you 5.You don't have to do this test.

6. I wish I .... play a musical instrument. a) You can choose not to do this test.
A. Could b) You mustn't do it.
B. Can c) You can't do this test.
C. Should d) You have no desire to do it.

7. Choose correct answer 6.Not only ..... to London but she also visited many
A. What date is your birthday other places in England.
B. What date you have your birthday
C. When your birthday is   a) she went
D. When is your birthday   b) went she
  c) did she go
8. A dog is bigger than a mouse, but smaller than 7.My sister ..... regretted turning down the chance of
an elephant. studying at the Teacher Training College in Gorzów.
A. A dog is very big
B. A dog is the biggest   a) entirely
C. An elephant is bigger than a dog   b) bitterly
D. A dog is very big   d)absolutely

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