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Section 3

Conclusion remarks

However for Afghanistan, war has resulted in mass murders,

human abuse, numerous migration and immigration of innocent
people. In The Kite Runner Hosseini reflects to life in Afghanistan in
three different stages. Firstly, life before (1979) which was before
the invasion of the Soviet Union. Hosseini refers to that period as the
beautiful days to live in Afghanistan. Furthermore he also describes
the role of women during that period. Secondly, life after 1979when
the Soviet Union took over and produced a heavy war. During this
period hell life began in Afghanistan and thousands of innocent
people were killed everyday. Hence it forced people to either
migrate or immigrate in seek of safety. We can see the fact that this
was the period where Hosseini himself immigrated along with other
Afghans leaving behind their homeland and fortune. However people
were still abused, disrespected or even killed by the Soviet soldiers
when they fled. Hosseini restates a clear image to us
“Tell him I’ll take a thousand of his bullets before I let this indecency
take place,” Baba said. Finally, the third stage was the Taliban period.
Early during this period people were happy by the expel of the Soviet
Union from Afghanistan. People lived with a new hope inside, a hope
that they thought would bring back Afghanistan to its beautiful days.
Furthermore many people returned to their homeland. Soon Taliban
began committing crimes in the rights of women, children, men,
education in addition to everything related to life. Hosseini reflects in
the novel that the world was unaware of the crimes committed by
Taliban in Afghanistan “Tell the rest of the world what the Taliban
are doing to our country.” Wahid said. Afghanistan was no longer a
country to live in. This again resulted in migration and immigration
of numerous citizens. Moreover the clashes occurred after 1979,
killed approximately 2 million Afghan civilians. According to a
research conducted by UN in 2016 more than 2 million Afghans were
displaced to nearby countries.

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