Test3 (SP22) - Attempt Review

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Started on Friday, 25 March 2022, 3:04 PM

State Finished
Completed on Friday, 25 March 2022, 3:44 PM
Time taken 40 mins 1 sec
Marks 25.00/25.00
Grade 10.00 out of 10.00 (100%)

Question 1 Assume that a 95% confident interval for mean of population is (12, 18).

Correct What is decision will we make if we test H0: µ=11 versus H1: µ ≠ 11 at α = 0.05 ?
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00 a. None of others.
b. Do not reject H0
c. Reject H0 
Question 2 How large must the sample be if you wish to be at least 95% confident that the error in estimating p is less than 0.1,
Correct regardless of the true value of p?

Mark 1.00 out

of 1.00 Let z0.025 = 1.96; z0.05 = 1.65.

a. 97

b. 167
c. 69
d. 136
e. None of the others

Use this formula

where z0.025 = 1.96, E = 0.1

=> n = 97

Question 3 Let != be "not equal to". A bearing used in an automotive application is supposed to have a norminal inside diameter
Correct of 1.5 inches. A random sample of 36 bearing is selected and the average inside diameter of these bearing is 1.4895
Mark 1.00 out
inches. Bearing diameter is known to be normally distributed with standard deviation σ =0.02 inch. Test the
of 1.00 hypotheses H0: µ=1.5 versus H1: µ != 1.5 using α =0.01
Let z 0.005=2.58

a. Reject the null hypothesis. 

b. Do not reject null hypothesis.

(1.4895- 1.5)/(0.02/6) = -3.15 <-2.58

=> Reject H_0
Question 4 The data below are the final exam scores of 3 randomly
selected statistics students and the number of hours they
Correct studied for the exam.
Calculate the correlation coefficient r.
Mark 1.00 out  
of 1.00
Hours, x:  8  10  6
Scores, y:  72  87  66

a. 0.763
b. 0.971 
c. 0.857
d. 0.717
e. None of the other choices is correct

Question 5 The fraction of defective integrated circuits produced in a photolithography process is being studied. A random
Correct sample of 500 circuits is tested, revealing 20 defectives.

Mark 1.00 out

Calculate a 95% two-sided CI on the fraction of defective circuits produced by this particular tool.

of 1.00 Let z0.025=1.96; z0.05=1.65.

a. None of the others 

b. (0.0228; 0.0517)
c. (0.0398; 0.577)
d. (0.5005; 0.5015)
e. (0.5007;0.5075)
Question 6 Suppose data is obtained from 20 pairs of (x,y) and the sample correlation coefficient is 0.75.
Correct Test the hypothesis that H0:ρ =0 against H1: ρ >0 with α=0.05.
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00
Let t0.05,18=1.734.

a. Reject H0 
b. Do not reject H0

test statistic
t = 0.75/sqrt((1-0.75^2)/18) = 4.8 > critical value ==> Reject H_0

Question 7 The diameter of holes for a cable harness is known to have a normal distribution with σ = 0.01 inch.

Correct A random sample of size 10 yields an average diameter of 1.5045 inch.

Mark 1.00 out

Find a 99% two-sided confidence interval on the mean hole diameter.

of 1.00

Given z0.01 = 2.33, z0.005 = 2.58

a. (1.4980, 1.5110)

b. (1.4971, 1.5119)
c. (1.4963, 1.5127) 
d. None of these

σ = 0.01
n = 10
xbar = 1.5045
alpha = 1-0.99 = 0.01
za/2 = z0.005 = 2.58
xbar - 2.58*σ/sqrt < true mean < xbar + 2.58*σ/sqrt  
1.4963 < true mean < 1.5127

Question 8 A hypothesis will be used to test that a population mean equals 5 against the alternative that a population mean is
Correct less than 5 with unknown variance. What is the critical value for the test statistic `t_0` for the following significance
Mark 1.00 out
level: `\alpha =0.10` and `n=15`. Let `t_0.1,14`=1.345; `t_0.1,15`=1.341.
of 1.00
a. 1.761
b. -1.345 
c. None of these
d. 1.345
e. -1.761
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00

a. (ii)
b. (iv) 
c. (i)
d. (iii)
Question 10 The life in hours of a 75 - watt light bulb is known to be normally distributed with standard deviation 25 hours. A
Correct random sample of 20 bulbs has a mean life of 1014 hours. Construct a 97% lower - confidence bound on the mean
Mark 1.00 out
life. Let z0.03 =1.89; z0.05=1.65; z0.005=2.58.
of 1.00
a. 1023
b. None of the other choices is correct
c. 1025
d. 1005
e. 1003.4 
Question 11
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00

a. (iii) 
b. None of the other choices is correct
c. (ii)
d. (iv)
e. (i)

Question 12 A random sample has been taken from a normal distribution and the following confidence intervals constructed
Correct using the same data: (38.02, 61.98) and (39.95, 60.05).

Mark 1.00 out

One of these intervals is a 95% CI and the other is a 90% CI. Which one is the 95% CI ?

of 1.00
a. (38.02, 61.98) 
b. (39.95, 60.05)

larger CI, wider interval

Question 13 A university dean is interested in determining the proportion of students who receive some sort of financial aid.
Correct Rather than examine the records for all students, the dean randomly selects 200 students and finds that 118 of them
Mark 1.00 out
are receiving financial aid. Use a 90% confidence interval to estimate the true proportion of students who receive
of 1.00 financial aid. Let z0.1 = 1.28 ; z0.05 = 1.65.

a. None of the other choices is correct

b. (0.433; 0.567)
c. (0.533; 0.647) 
d. (0.563; 0.723)
e. (0.143; 0.641)
Question 14
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00

a. None of these
b. 1.57
c. 7.4
d. 16

e. 9.8

Question 15 An engineer who is studying the tensile strength of a steel alloy intended for use in golf club shafts knows that
Correct tensile strength is approximately normally distributed with standard deviation 60 psi. A random sample of 12
Mark 1.00 out
specimens has a mean tensile strength of `bar x \=3450` psi. Test the hypothesis that mean strength is 3500 psi. Use
of 1.00 `\alpha \=0.01`. Let `z_0.005\=2.58`; `z_0.1\=1.29`.

a. Do not reject the null hypothesis and conclude the true mean tensile stength is significantly different from
3500 at `\alpha =0.01`.
b. Reject the null hypothesis and conclude the true mean tensile stength is significantly different from 3500 
at `\alpha =0.01`.

Question 16 When σ is unknown and the sample size n is not large enough, which distribution should be used to construct a
Correct confidence interval on the true mean of population?

Mark 1.00 out

of 1.00
a. a chi-square distribution (X2)
b. a t-distribution (T) 
c. standard normal distribution (Z)

Question 17 Suppose that 2000 customers are surveyed and 1200 are satisfied or very satisfied with a corporation's product and
Correct services. Test the hypothesis H0 :p=0.7 against H1 :p ` !=` 0.7 at ` alpha`= 0.05. Let z0.05 =1.65; z0.025 =1.96.

Mark 1.00 out

of 1.00 a. do not reject the null hypothesis
b. reject the null hypothesis 
Question 18 The life in hours of a 75-watt light bulb is known to be normally distributed with σ = 25 hours. A random sample of 20
Correct bulbs has a mean life of x = 1014 hours.

Mark 1.00 out

Construct a 98% two-sided confidence interval on the mean life.

of 1.00

Given z0.02 = 2.05, z0.01 = 2.33

a. None of these
b. (1003, 1025)

c. (1001, 1027) 
d. (1000, 1020)

σ = 25
n = 20
xbar = 1014
alpha = 1-0.98 = 0.02
za/2 = z0.01 = 2.33
xbar - 2.33*σ/sqrt < true mean < xbar + 2.33*σ/sqrt  
 1001 < true mean < 1027

Question 19 An article in Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology,

Arthroscopy [“Arthroscopic Meniscal Repair with an Absorbable
Correct Screw: Results and Surgical Technique” (2005, Vol. 13, pp. 273–279)] showed that only 25 out of 37 tears (67.6%)
Mark 1.00 out
located between 3 and 6 mm from the meniscus rim were healed.

of 1.00 Calculate a 95% lower confidence bound on the proportion of such tears that will heal.

Let z0.025 = 1.96; z0.05 = 1.65.

a. None of the others

b. 0.549 < p 
c. 0.525 < p
d. p < 0.497
e. 0.577 < p

p^ = 67.6%
1-alpha = 0.95
=> alpha = 0.05
z0.05 = 1.65
Use this lower bound for p

0.549 < p

Question 20 A Type II error is committed when

Mark 1.00 out a. we do not reject a null hypothesis that is false. 
of 1.00
b. we reject a null hypothesis that is true.
c. we do not reject a null hypothesis that is true.
d. we reject a null hypothesis that is false.
Question 21
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00

a. (i) 
b. (iii)
c. (iv)
d. (ii)

test statisstic t = R/sqrt((1-R^2)/(n-2) = 0.7/sqrt((1-0.7^2)/48) = 6.79

Reject H_0
Question 22 Given the ANOVA table.
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00

Find the f0.

(Round the values to three decimal places)

a. None of these
b. 33.370 
c. 41.471
d. 37.082

Question 23 Choose the true statement:

Mark 1.00 out a. Rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true is defined as a type I error. 
of 1.00
b. P(type I error) < P(type II error)
c. P(type I error) = P(type II error)
d. Fail to reject the null hypothesis when it is true is defined as a type I error.
Question 24 Four pairs of data yield r = 0.96 and the regression equation ŷ = 3x. Also, ȳ = 12.75. What is the
Correct best predicted value of y for x = 4.8?
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00 a. None of the other choices is correct
b. 0.942
c. 14.4 
d. 2.826
e. 12.75

Question 25
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00

a. 85.18x + 1.51
b. None of the other choices is correct
c. 85.18 – 1.51x 
d. 85.18x – 1.51
e. 85.18 + 1.51x

 Test 2 (SP22) Test3(SP22) Đề 2 

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