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Lesson 1= QUESTIONS BEFORE STARTING: -to the person who requested for the

1. How many players will the tournament handle? Is it variable?
2. If a tournament has less than the full complement of players, how do we handle it?(for ex: 3
players 1 winner, how will it play?)
3. Should the ordering of who plays each other be random or ordered by input order?
4. Should we schedule the game or are they just whenever?
5. If the games are scheduled, how does the system know when to schedule games for?
6. If the games are played whenever, can a game from the second round be played before the first
round is complete?
7. Does a system need to store a score of some kind or just who won?
8. What type of front-end should the system have? ~website/phone app/ etc DON’T EVER
9. Where is the data be stored?
10. Will the system handle fees, prizes, or other payouts?
11. What type of recording is needed? After every round or just in the final?
12. Who can fill in the results of the game?
13. Are there varying level of acces?
14. Should this system contact users about upcoming games?
15. Is each player on their own or can teams use this tournament tracker?


Answers to the previous questions:
1. Variable number of players ~ we don’t know exactly
2. A tournament with less than perfect number (2,4,8,16….) shoul add “byes” =ceratin people are
selected at random to skip the round without even pairs
3. Random
4. Whenever the players want they can play
5. We don’t care because it isn’t scheduled
6. No , each round should finish first
7. Just a number for each player. This way the system can handle a checkers tournament( the
winner has 1and the looser 0)
8. Desktop system FOR NOW
9. Ideally in Microsoft SQL, but please put in an option to store in a text file instead
10. Yes. The tournament should have the option of charging entry fees. Prices should also be
available, where a tournament administrator chooses how much money to award a variable
number of places. The total cash amount should not exceed the income from the tournament. A
percent based system would also be nice to specify.
11. A simple report specifying the outcome of the games per round as well as a report that specifies
who won and how much. This can be just displayed on a form or they can be emailed to
tournament competitors and administrator
12. Anyone using the application should be able to fill in the game scores
13. No but the competitors are not allowed into the application, they do everything via email
14. Yes, the system should email users when they are scheduled to play
15. The tournament tracker should be able to handle the addition of other members. All members
should be treated as equal(all of them get emails). Teams should also be able to name their
Big picture design: - Structure=Windows forms application and class library
- Data=SQL and/or Text file
- Users= One at a time on one application
- Key concepts: email,sql, custom events, error handling, interfaces, random
ordering, bonus: texting(equivalent to email)

Lesson 3= Data design

Mapping the data: Should rewatch video
Should do research, try to get out as much as possible in the beginning
Lesson 4= User Interface Design
Imagine how the application should look, without going into too much detail, best to put it on paper

This is way more detailed than it should be because it is done with a program but it is an example
Lesson 5= Logic planning
What each different piece of the app should do. Write some notes of each button/interaction

Lesson 6= Class library creation

Carefull naming of everything

Lesson 7= Form building(actually creating the interface)

Put a form on the planning,

Lesson 8= SQL Database Design

Lesson 9= SQL connect to project
How do we get that connection information?
How do we connect two different data sources to do the same task?(sql+textfile)

Static class for data info

Interface for data source – interfaces always start with I; they always contain public item-> no
public modifier needed

Move all the code in the library, maybe the user interface will be replaced

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