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機 密 (只 限 閱 卷 員 使 用 )



2019年 香 港 中 學 文 憑




- 本 局 擁 有 並 保 留 本 評 卷 參 考 的 所 有 財 產 權 利 ( 包 括 知 識 產 權 )。在 未 獲

- 在任何情況下,均不得容許本評卷參考之全部或其部份落入學生手
中 。 本 局 籲 請 各 閱 卷 員 /教 師 通 力 合 作 , 堅 守 上 述 原 則 。

This marking scheme has been prepared by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment
Authority for the reference of markers. The use of this marking scheme is subject to the
relevant service agreement terms and Instructions to Markers. In particular:

- The Authority retains all proprietary rights (including intellectual property rights) in
this marking scheme. This marking scheme, whether in whole or in part, must not be
copied, published, disclosed, made available, used or dealt in without the prior written
approval of the Authority. Subject to compliance with the foregoing, a limited
permission is granted to markers to share this marking scheme, after release of
examination results of the current HKDSE examination, with teachers who are teaching
the same subject.

- Under no circumstances should students be given access to this marking scheme or any
part of it. The Authority is counting on the co-operation of markers/teachers in this

香 港 考 試 及 評 核 局 保留版權
Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority
All Rights Reserved 2019

2019-DSE-CHEM 2–1
機 密 (只 限 閱 卷 員 使 用 )


1. In order to maintain a uniform standard in marking, markers should adhere to the marking scheme agreed
at the markers’ meeting.

2. The marking scheme may not exhaust all possible answers for each question. Markers should exercise
their professional discretion and judgment in accepting alternative answers that are not in the marking
scheme but are correct and well reasoned.

3. The following symbols are used:

/ A single slash indicates an acceptable alternative within an answer.

* Step-mark (for questions involving calculations)

† Correct spelling required

4. In questions asking for a specified number of reasons or examples etc. and a candidate gives more than
the required number, the extra answers should not be marked. For instance, in a question asking
candidates to provide two examples, and if a candidate gives three answers, only the first two should be

5. In cases where a candidate answers more questions than required, the answers to all questions should be
marked. However, the excess answer(s) receiving the lowest score(s) will be disregarded in the calculation
of the final mark.

6. Award zero marks for answers which are contradictory.

7. Chemical equations should be balanced except those in reaction schemes for organic synthesis. For
energetics, the chemical equations given should include the correct state symbols of the chemical species

2019-DSE-CHEM 2–2
機 密 (只 限 閱 卷 員 使 用 )
When a script contains answers of Materials Chemistry or Analytical Chemistry, tag the script as
‘With answer of other question’ and mark the answer for Industrial Chemistry. Do not
report it as a ‘Problem script’.
For chemical equations, states symbols are not required BUT equations must be balanced.

1. (a) (i) The Haber process produces ammonia / NH3 which can make fertilisers / N-rich 1
compounds / NH4NO3 etc. to increase crop yield.

(ii) (1) CH4 + H2O  CO + 3H2 1

(2) Because biomass is a renewable (energy) resource. 1

(iii)  Comparing Trial 3 with Trial 2 (both same in [B(aq)], double the [A(aq)] leads to a 1
double of the initial rate. Hence, the order of reaction with respect to A(aq) = 1.
 Comparing Trial 1 with Trial 2 (both same in [A(aq)], double the [B(aq)] leads to 1
four times of the initial rate. Hence, the order of reaction with respect to B(aq) = 2.
[OR Express in calculations]

(b) (i)  Use concentrated / saturated sodium chloride solution / brine as electrolyte. 1
 (Anode:) 2Cl(aq)  Cl2(g) + 2e 1
 (Cathode: ) 2H2O(l) + 2e H2(g) + 2OH(aq) OR 2H+(aq) + 2e  H2(g) 1
For those without equations:
Chloride ions are oxidised to chlorine (at the anode) and water / H+(aq) is reduced
to hydrogen ( and hydroxide ions at the cathode). (Only 1 mark)
 The membrane is permeable to cations but not anions. 1
Sodium hydroxide solution is obtained in the cathode compartment. (1)

(ii) Cl2(g) + 2NaOH(aq)  NaOCl(aq) + NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) 1

[NOT accept
Cl2(g) + 2OH(aq)  OCl(aq) + Cl(aq) + H2O(l)]

(iii) Atom economy for Reaction (I) = 32 / 108.5 = 29.5 % [30 / 29.49 / 29.493]
Atom economy for Reaction (II) =32 / 68 = 47.1 % [47 / 47.06 / 47.059] 1
Reaction (II) is greener (as it has a higher atom economy). 1
For wrong answers,
Award 1 mark if Reaction (II) has a higher atom economy and mention Reaction (II) is
Without calculations:
Award 1 mark if mention “Reaction (II) is greener as it has a higher atom economy.”

2019-DSE-CHEM 2–3
機 密 (只 限 閱 卷 員 使 用 )
(c) (i) limestone / marble / calcite / aragonite / chalk (mineral) 1

(ii) Carbon burns in air to produce heat. / C(s) and air has an exothermic reaction. 1

(iii)  High operation pressure needs high (construction) cost. 1

 High operation pressure shifts the equilibrium (position) to the left, decreasing the 1
[Not accept easy to explode]

(iv) k2 Ea 1 1
 log ( )= (  ) OR k = Ae-Ea/RT 1*
k1 2.3R T1 T2
k2 160 103 1 1 1*
log ( )= (  ) [If just give this equation, can give 2 marks]
k1 2.3  8.31 1200 1500
k2 1
 = 24.8
[No answer mark for the answer if it has a unit.
No answer mark for k1/k2
Range: 23.8 – 25.8, number of decimal places: maximum 3
Accept fraction and ratio
k1 : 1200 K; k2 : 1500 K]

(v) Higher temperature shifts the equilibrium (position) to the right,( increasing the yield ). 1

2019-DSE-CHEM 2–4
機 密 (只 限 閱 卷 員 使 用 )
When a script contains answers of Industrial Chemistry or Analytical Chemistry, tag the script as ‘ With
answer of other question’ and mark the answer for Materials Chemistry. Do not report it as a
‘Problem script’.

2. (a) (i) Cellulose consists of many (polar) hydroxyl / OH groups. 1

The hydroxyl groups / cellulose attract water molecules by hydrogen bonds. 1

(ii) (Nematic Phase: elongated molecules roughly of the same size, more or 1
less parallel to each other but without a long range order)

(iii) Catalyst is used. 1

High atom economy (100%) / no side products 1
/ Less auxiliaries / less derivatives

(b) (i) †Body-centred cubic / †body-center cubic 1

(Do not accept “BCC”)

(ii) Alloy B
 It does not contain poisonous lead compounds (alloy A). 1
 Its melting point is relatively low (when compared with alloy C). 1

(iii) Brass is harder / is more corrosion resistant / has a more appealing appearance than 1

(iv) (1) H H 1

H Cl n

(2) extrusion (moulding) / injection (moulding) 1

(c) (i) (1) O O 1

or NH2CONH2 or
O O 1
H H or HCHO or

(2) †condensation (polymerisation / polymerization) 1

(ii) (1) Sulphur / S 1

(2) †vulcanisation / †vulcanization 1

(iii) (1) Z is elastic whereas X is rigid. 1

2019-DSE-CHEM 2–5
機 密 (只 限 閱 卷 員 使 用 )
(2) (Structure) Z has a cross-linking structure whereas Y has a linear structure. 1
(Between chains) Z has strong sulphur-sulphur links / covalent bonds between 1
polymer chains whereas Y does not.

Hence, Z is more heat-resistant / abrasion-resistant than Y (more suitable for

making car tyres).

2019-DSE-CHEM 2–6
機 密 (只 限 閱 卷 員 使 用 )
When a script contains answers of Industrial Chemistry or Materials Chemistry, tag the script as
‘With answer of other question’ and mark the answer for Analytical Chemistry. Do not
report it as a ‘Problem script’.
For chemical equations, states symbols are not required BUT equations must be balanced.

3. (a) (i) (IR) Peak / at 2070 – 2250 / 2150 cm–1 corresponds to CC 1
Relative molecular mass of 40 confirms it to be HCCCH3 1

(ii) Immiscible (with water) / low boiling point / easily evaporate 1

(iii) (Heating)with Tollen’s reagent / Ag(NH3)2+, 1

only A gives silver (mirror). [A comparative sense] 1

React with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. Recrystallise the products, carry melting point test (1)
and check literature values.

(b) (i) To prevent the formation of solid (Ag2CO3 / Ag2SO3 / Ag2SO4) etc. 1
/ AgNO3(aq) can form precipitate / solid with carbonate / sulphite / sulphate ions.

(ii) 1

Correct labelling:
Burette, conical flask, KSCN(aq), (acidified )bacon / sample with / AgNO3(aq) 1

(iii)  No. of mole of KSCN(aq) = / No. of mol of Ag+(aq) left in the mixture = / No. of 1
mol of Ag+(aq) reacted with KSCN(aq) = 0.1 × 0.00942
 No. of mol of AgCl formed
= 1.0 × 0.0025 – 0.1 × 0.00942 = 0.001558 [“0.0025 –”] 1*
 Percentage by mass of sodium = (0.001558 × 23.0 / 2.0) × 100% [“23/2”] 1*
= 1.79% 1
[1.78 – 1.81] [Accept 1 to 3 decimal places]

(c) (i) (1) Because different substances have different adsorptivity to the stationary phase 1
and different solubility in mobile phase. 1
[Different adsorptivity / absorptivity / polarity / attraction (1)
Concept of different phases (1)]

(2) Column chromatography 1

2019-DSE-CHEM 2–7
機 密 (只 限 閱 卷 員 使 用 )
(ii) The chemical species for the peak at m/z = 91 may be C6H5CH2+ / C7H7+ 1
OR m/z = 91 => contains C6H5CH2

The chemical species for the peak at m/z = 140 may be C6H5CH2CH235Cl+ 1
(or m/z = 142 may be C6H5CH2CH237Cl+)
OR m/z = 140 => contains C6H5CH2CH235Cl
OR m/z = 142 => contains C6H5CH2CH237Cl
If both chemical species do not have + sign, deduct only 1 mark.

Possible structure:


(iii) (1) High levels of dioxins may cause cancer / are toxic . 1

(2) Modern analytical instruments are (accurate) and sensitive enough to / measure 1
very low levels of dioxins.

2019-DSE-CHEM 2–8

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