SLR - Year 11 - Task 1 - Outdoor Recreation Task

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Xavier High School


Year 11 Sports, Lifestyle and

Task Outdoor Recreation Task

Date Issued: Friday,11th Date Due: Friday 25th March,Week 9,

March,Week 7, Term 1 Term 1
Assessment 30%

Outcomes Being Assessed Submission Information

1.3 demonstrates ways to enhance safety in Submit your assignment in hard
physical activity copy to your classroom teacher
3.6 assesses and responds appropriately to on the due date.
emergency care situations
4.1 plans strategies to achieve performance

Context for the Task

In this module students will develop the skills and knowledge necessary to participate safely
in outdoor recreation activities. Students will investigate reasons for participation in
outdoor recreation, and develop the skills associated with navigation, wilderness first aid
and campsite planning.

You will be given time in class to research, take notes and develop responses to the
questions provided on the following page.
Your report needs to be submitted to schoology by the due date.
Your task should be between 700-1000 words.
Outline of task:

Using the environment below that you will visit this year.
a) Murray River - Noriel to Howlong

Your task should include responses to the following questions:

Part 1) Navigation
Using the topographical map that you have been provided of the location that you will be visiting. On this map
you will need to label the route you will be taking throughout the trip ensuring that you also identify the
- rest stops
- water availability
- total distance travelled (4 marks)

*Identify: Recognise and name

Part 2) Weather and Climate in this environment

Describe the climate for this particular environment at the time of year you will be travelling to the area. List
the equipment and clothing you will need to pack for your trip as a result of the expected climate.
(4 marks)

Part 3) Safety considerations

Outline what steps you should put in place prior to departure to ensure you can access help in an emergency.
(4 marks)

Part 4) Participation in the environment

Analyse the reasons why people choose to participate in recreational activities in this environment.
(8 marks)
This should include examples from 2 or more of the following examples:
Challenge, social benefits, personal growth, physical development, psychological benefits, appreciation of the

*Analyse: Identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications
Marking Guidelines for 11 SLR Outdoor Recreation Task 2022

Name: Overall Mark: /30

Part 1) Navigation
Locate a topographical map of the location that you will be visiting. On this map you will need to label the route you will
be taking throughout the trip ensuring that you also identify the following: rest stops, water availability and total
distance travelled
Marking Criteria Mark
● Presents a topographical map of the location to be visited.
● Clearly labels the route to be travelled.
● Recognises and names rest stops, water availability and total distance travelled.
● Presents a topographical map and OR clearly labels the route to be travelled and OR recognises rest stops or
water availability or total distance travelled.

Part 2) Weather and climate

Describe the climate for this particular environment at the time of year you will be travelling to the area. List the
equipment and clothing you will need to pack for your trip as a result of the expected climate.
Marking Criteria Mark
● Provides accurate characteristics and features of the climate for chosen environment.
● List accurately equipment and clothing needed for the expected climate of chosen environment
● Sketches in general terms; indicates the main features of the climate for chosen environment.
● Lists some equipment and clothing needed for the expected climate of chosen environment.

Part 3) Safety considerations

Outline what steps you should put in place prior to departure to ensure you can access help in an emergency.
Marking Criteria Mark
● Sketches in general terms; indicates the main features of the steps need prior to departure to ensure help is
accessible in an emergency.
● List the steps needs prior to departure to ensure help is accessible in an emergency.

Part 4) Participation in the environment

Analyse the reasons why people choose to participate in recreational activities in this environment. This should
include examples from 3-4 of the following examples: Challenge, social benefits, personal growth, physical development,
psychological benefits, appreciation of the environment.

*Analyse: Identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications
Marking Criteria Mark
● Identifies reasons (components) why people choose to participate in recreational activities in the chosen
environment and draws out and relates the implications of these
● Provides relevant examples
● Identifies some reasons (components) why people choose to participate in recreational activities in the chosen
environment and draws out and relates some implications of these
● Provides some relevant examples
● Sketches in general terms reasons why people choose to participate in recreational activities in the chosen
● Provides limited examples
● Presents some relevant information relating to reasons why people choose to participate in recreational

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