PCV Lab-5 - Hematology

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Lab-5- hematology Assist.

lec: Dhuha Farhan

PCV ( packed cell volume) or Hematocrit

Definition: Hct is a macroscopic observation where the percentage volume
of the packed RBCs is measured.

1. This also called packed cell volume or PCV.

2. The Hct closely reflects the hemoglobin and RBC values.

1. The patient blood is taken in EDTA.

2. It is stable for 48 hours at 4 °C and 6 hours at 23 °C.

Purpose Of the Test (Indications)

1. It is used to diagnose anemia.

2. Hct is done in patients with bleeding or blood loss.

3. It is part of a complete blood count.

1. The word hematocrit means to separate the blood where the plasma and
blood cells are separated.

2. This test gives information about RBC concentration and helpful to see

3. This is basically a measurement of total blood volume and RBCs ratio as a


1. In a capillary tube or Hct tube blood is centrifuged. Cells mainly

RBCs will settle down and clear plasma appears on top.

2. Now, this is the ratio of settled cells and upper clear plasma and
calculated in %.
Lab-5- hematology Assist.lec: Dhuha Farhan

Quality Control Of The Hemoglobin:

1. This hemoglobin quality control can be done by checking Hb results in g/dL
by comparing the result with hematocrit results.

2. Hct results in % units, using the following formula:

The formula for hematocrit from Hb

3. One g/dL Hb unit = 3 Hct unit

1. For example, if the Hb is 13 g/dL

2. Then Hct is = 13 x 3 = 39 %

4. Now compare the result with the Hct value.

Factors Which Will Affect Hematocrit Are :

1. Abnormalities of RBCs morphology will affect Hct.

2. Raised values of WBC will alter the Hct.

3. People from high altitudes have increased Hct.

4. Dehydration and hemodilution will affect the Hct.

5. Pregnant ladies will have low values due to hemodilution.

Method To Estimate The Hct:

1. Microhematocrit tube method.

2. Wintrobe hematocrit method is the macro method.

3. Automated method.
Lab-5- hematology Assist.lec: Dhuha Farhan

Normal value :
 Male : 42 – 52 %
 Female : 36 – 48 %
 Late pregnancy : 23 – 37 %
 At birth : 44 – 62 %

1. Decreased values are an indicator of Anemia.

2. Decreased values are also seen in, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Hodgkin’s

disease. and Myeloproliferative disorders.

Raised Hct Is Seen In:

1. Erythrocytosis.

2. High Altitude.

3. Dehydration leading to Hemoconcentration e.g. diarrhea, burns, and


4. Severe chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD).

Lab-5- hematology Assist.lec: Dhuha Farhan

Decreased Hct Is Seen In:

1. Anemia.

2. Hemoglobinopathies.

3. Hemolytic anemia (Erythroblastosis fetalis, drug-induced hemolytic anemia,

and paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria.

4. Hemorrhage.

5. Bone marrow failure

6. Autoimmune diseases.

7. malignancies like lymphoma, leukemia, multiple myeloma, and Hodgkin’s


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