Mid Year Exam Paper A

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Part I (50 Marks) Time: t hour
Answer all questions.
Electronic calculators can be used in this paper.
All workings must be shown clearly. Omission of essential working will result in loss of marks.

1. During the semi-final match between Germany and Brazil at the 2014 World Cup. approximately
3.56 x 107 'tweets'were sent in a period of 2 hours. If the same number of 'tweets'were sent every two hours
for a period of 3 years, find the total number of 'tweets' sent, giving your answer in millions, and correct to
3 significant figures. (Take 1 year - 365 days).
ll million = 106l

) ,. Solve the following equations.

(a) 27 -3x2 =0 tzl

(b) 5x'?- lOx- (x-2)=0 I2l
;- 2**t=z

3. Form a quadratic equation in the form ai + bx + c, where a, b and c are integers, given that the roots of the
equation are 0.8 and]4 . t3l

4. Solve the inequality I+- - !<s - z*l ( 17 and illustrate your answer on a number line.

State the largest prime number satisfying the inequality. 141

5. Solve the inequality 2x -8< 13 < 3.r - 10.
Hence, write down the integer values of "r satisfyin C 2x -8< I 3 < 3.r - 10. t3l

6. Given thaty =2r" +7x- 13,find the values of -r wheny = 6, giving your answers correct to 2 decimal places.

i\,{JD-\ trAR DX.{\1IN,{TION SPLC]tN,lF,\ I+TtN E @

7. Given that x..= 3.4 x y =.f .lJ x l0-r0 znd z - 846 x 106, express each of the following in the standard
formA x 10", where I < A < l0 and n is an integer , giving your answer correct to 4 significant figures.
5ry gJ-xz
(a) 7xy' O)
(c) --^r-
{ t6l

E. A straight line passes through the points P(-5,3) and Q(3,-lI). Find
(i) the gradient of the line,
(ii) theequationof theline,givingyouranswqrintheform ax+by =c,where a,bandcareintegers.. [3]

9. Bank A's interest rate for a fixed deposit is 2.EVo per annum compounded every half a year for a fixed
period of 4 years. Bank B offen a fixed deposit rate of 2.92Vo simple interest per annum for a period of
4 years.
Which bank should you deposit your savings at? Show your reasoning by doing a detailed calculation. t4l

10. Solve the equation 7l -5 = Ex, giving your answers correct to 2 decimal places. t41

11. The perimeter of a rectangular field is 500 m and its area is L4 m mt. Find the width and the length of the
diagonal of the field. t4j

12. Solve the inequalities x +7 > 5 and 2x -7 < 2.

Hence state the integers satisfying both x + 7 ) 5 andb -7 < 2. I4l


Part II Time:"l hour 15 minutes

Electronic calculators can be used in this paper.

All workings must be shown clearly. Omission of essential working will result in loss of marks.
Section A (22 Marks)
Answer all questions.

1. Solve the following equations.

@) 6l - x=2 (b) * -t I4l

, Giventhat 2 < x < 5 and 6 <y < 10,find

(a) the greatest possible value of b - y, tll
(b) the least possible value of y - 2x, tll
(c) the least possible value of;ry - x, tll
0 (d) the greatest possible value of (x + y)(x - y), tll
(e) the least possible value of -+ tzl

From the graph, find

(a) the temperature of the water in the tank after

(i) 16 minutes, (ii) 54 minutes, I2l

(b) the time taken for the temperature to reach

(i) 34"C, (ii) 54"c, t2)

(c) the temperature when the heater is switched on, Q]

4. Two cities are located 250-km apart. A cargo train travelling from one city to the other city will take
75 minutes longer than a pa'ssenger train whose speed is l0 km/h faster than the carso train.
(D Find the speed ofthe cargo train. t4l
(ii) Hence find the time taken for the passenger train to tiavel from one city to the other city. 121


Section B (28 Marks)
Answer all questions.

5. The distance from the Sun to a star is 4230 terametres. The distance of the Earth to the moon is
0.38 gigametres. How many times is the distance of the Sun to the star grditer than the distance of the Earth
to the moon?
I terametre = l0'2 m, I gigametre = 10e m]

Give your answer in standard form correct to 3 decimal places. t3l


In the diagram, A is the point (0,4), B is the point (4,2) and C is the point (-2,0).

(a) Find the gradient of the line AC and of the line A,B. I2l
(b) Find the equation of the line
(i) AC, l2l
(ii) AB, 12)
(iii) which passes through B and is parallel to AC. tzl
(c) Find the coordinates of the point D such that ABCD is a parallelogram. t2l
(d) Find the coordinates of the point K such that ACBK is a parallelogram. I2l

7. Answer the whole of this question on a sheet of graph paper.

Given that y = (x - 3)(x + 2), copy and complete the following table. tll

(i) I unit on the x-axis and 1 cm to represent I unit on the y-axis, draw the
Using a scale of 2 cm to represent
graph of y = (x
- -3 .r < 4.
3)(x + 2) for t3l
(ii) Writedowntherangeof valuesof-rforwhich(x-3)(x+2)<0. tzl
(iii) Writedown the equation of the axis of symmetry of tlre graph. tll
(iv) By.drawing a suitable straight line,estimate the solutiuons of the quation xt - 2x -6 =O. [3]
(v) Bydrawingatangent,estimatethegrdientofthecurve!=x2-x-6atthepoiflt'wherex=2. t3l



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