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ee In this chapter, you will learn about av hist set > The meaning of Intelligence > What Artificial Intelligence means. > Broad categories of Artificial Intelligence-Artificial Narrow Intelligence and Artificial General Intelligence. > Advantages and disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence The relation and application of Artificial Intelligence in our daily lives. An introduction to the three domains of Artificial Intelligence-Data Science, Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing v Three Al based games to understand each of the Artificial Intelligence domains ina fun, interactive way. What is Intelligence? Intelligence in human beings is the ability to think, solve problems and lear from experiences. tis the ability to understand, learn and think and use the learning gained to adapt to new situations. It enables an individual to have the ability to respond to a given situation by anticipating the possible consequences of his actions. The famous psychologist David Wechsler has defined intelligence as,” The ability to act Purposefully, think rationally, and deal effectively with the environment.” ~uiie Scanned with CamScanner Human beings can think and sense ing in their environment what's happening in that (6 They are able to understan a happening and are able to make decisions based on that and also ac accordingly. Artificial intelligence (Al) is the machine's attempt to replicate the capability to think like human beings and also mimic the actions that would be taken by them. These Al machines could be a computer software or a combination of computer hardware and software. In the year 1950, mathematician and computer engineer Alan Turing introduced a test to determine whether a machine can think like a human or not i.e. whether it can demonstrate intelligence This test was known as the “Turing Test” Itwas based on the “Imitation game" with some modifications. (Imitation Game: An interrogator is in a room separated from another person and the machine. Interrogator has to put Questions to the person and the machine without knowing which of them is the Person and which is the machine. Both will provide answers. At the end of the interrogation he has to determine which of the two was a person and which one was the machine), While this technique has Measure of various Al projects, In.the year 1955, Joh intelligence as “the scienc on the cam, internet-based Servic ie. Gone through several updates sin n McCarthy, coined the term artifi e and engineering of Making intelli McCarthy presen language that Still conti Of artificial intelligence °S and several Other a Artificial Intelligence Sono To programme han a computer, robot, or software to think and act like humans. ‘Turing Test 1ce then, it still continues to be a al intelligence. He defined artificial igent machines,” nce ataconference summer of 1956. field of artificial Inues to Scanned with CamScanner developed for artificial intelligence was Information Processing Language (IPL). It was developed by Allen Newell, Cliff Snaw and Herbert A. Simon. The code for IPL was created to help with programs that perform simple problem-solving actions. Artificial intelligence (Al) is a branch of computer science concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. It is hence, an endeavour to replicate or simulate human intelligence in machines which are programmed to think like human beings and mimic their actions. The recent advancements in Al techniques are engaged in building machines that not only mimic but also exceed human intelligence in a few cases which involve vast amount of information. In fact, artificial intelligence tools are already having a significant impact on the way business is conducted worldwide, as it enables tasks to get completed with a speed and efficiency that is not possible for human beings. Broad Categories of Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Generally Falls Under Two Broad Categories: 1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence 2. Artificial General Intelligence ARTIFICIAL NARROW ARTIFICIAL GENERAL INTELLIGENCE INTELLIGENCE Machine's ability to perform a Machine can be made to single task extremely well, think and function as human even better than humans. mind. Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) is also referred to as Weak Al or Narrow Al. Narrow Al operates within a limited context and is often focused on performing a single task extremely well. Narrow Al merely simulates human behaviour based on a narrow range of parameters and contexts. As these machines operate under a narrow set of constraints and limitations, they are referred to as Weak Al or Narrow Al. Narrow Al machines are goal-oriented and designed to perform singular tasks — ie. they are able to handle just one particular task. Some examples of Narrow Al are: facial recognition, speech recognition, searching the internet (Google search), voice assistants (Siri by Apple, Alexa by Amazon, Cortana by Microsoft), manufacturing robots and drones, IBM's Watson email spam filters and self-driving cars. These machines are very good in completing the specific task they are programmed to do. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI): AGI is also referred to as Strong Al or True Al. It is the concept of a machine with general intelligence that mimics human intelligence or behaviours, with the ability to learn and apply its intelligence to solve any problem. These are machines with general intelligence and like human beings, they would apply that intelligence to solve any problem. Strong Al ‘exist, While weak Al merely simulates human cognition, strong Al would actually Scanned with CamScanner e (Al) is 4 theoretical form of machine intelligence that i Al include the ability to reason, sol ; , Solve aracter's! 0 d nt processes: make judgements, plan objective thoughts and mines Blade Runner 2049, The Ter ist concept as a part of ns, belie! . ciousness: metropolis, ovies such as howcase intelligence © ficial intelligence ™ jina and Al Artificial this futur! has recently been crowned as the world’s fastest . f ronavirus USING artificial intellige u supercomputer arch related to cO an's Fugak' .d for rese currently being use Scanned with CamScanner vee where the integration of Al tools helps in minimizing the risk of false diagnosis leading to better treatment, Digital assistants help In day to day chores. They interact with the users and save the need for human resources, Examples of these include; Alexa by Google, Siri by Apple, GPS, etc Medical applications are helping in detecting and monitoring neurological disorders, Robotic machines are being used for precision surgeries such as radiosurgery in operating tumours which they are able to do without damaging the surrounding tissues. Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence ‘Al Machines are expensive. Apart from the initial purchase price, their cost of repair and maintenance is also high. As a result, only those businesses that have sufficient funds will be able to implement Al technology. Many low-skilled jobs will be replaced by machines leading to unemployment. Many factories and industries have already automated certain jobs through using intelligent machines that have led to some people becoming unemployed. As machines can work with no break, industries prefer investing in machines as compared to humans. Human beings dependency on machines has increased and is continuing to do so. It may lead to a situation where it will become difficult for us to work without the assistance of a machine. Machines are only able to do what they are trained and programmed for. Machines don't know what is ethical and what's legal and because of this, they don't have their own judgement making capability. Machines can't be creative. They can only do what they are being taught or commanded. Human beings, on the other hand, are sensitive and they are also creative. They can generate ideas and can think out of the box. ‘Al machines don't have feelings because of which they don't have a sense of belonging or togetherness or a human touch. Scanned with CamScanner 1 0) 21918800 }0U S11! 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The advertisements on the search engines are also enabled by Al and are personalised and based on the search history of the user. Google yahoo! @) Wows Y msn Abeut Education All human beings are unique and each learns differently at his or her own pace. Some are better at analytical thinking, while others may be more creative and have better writing skills. An identical curriculum and style of teaching for all types of students can cause some students to lose interest in learning because of their inability to learn at the same pace Artificial intelligence solves this problem by providing flexible curriculum and educational J materials, which will be adapted according to a student's profile. As a result, students are able to study according to their own capabilities, learning styles and habits Healthcare Prevention and patient risk assessments using artificial intelligence-based patient surveillance and predictive algorithm platform are being adopted in many hospitals. Al driven detection and diagnostics tools for automatic detection for certain diseases is helping to improve detection and diagnosis Robotic surgeries that take place today happen with a precision that is difficult for human beings to have and has Al behind it. Commuting Google Maps and other travel apps are frequently used, not only for getting directions but these apps also monitor traffic to give us real- time traffic and weather conditions and suggest alternate routes to avoid traffic jams. Scanned with CamScanner Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc. recommend the lation is based on the past viewing history of by artificial intelligence eS prime video NETFLIX Dienept hotstar — ices such as recommend red ertainment serv! atch. The n engine is powe! hey might e recommendation the user and th Banking he scene when online banking transactions are being done. It plays a key role in ensuring security of our transactions and detecting fraud igence is behind Smart home devices Our homes smart appli gly “smart” by having more and more ng and cooling have “smart” thermostats ily habits of the house owner to adjust the ate lists for what is needed and is no longer in the fridge. Digital Voice Assistants Digital voice € assistants su ch Provide answers to questions aske as Siri and Alexa ‘d from them. bs = @.. as “lse@- > E use Al's natural language processing '° Scanned with CamScanner Surveillance and Security Video monitoring software operated by Al helps decrease the quantity of time spent on surveillance. Facial recognition plays a major role in security and surveillance by helping to detect and identify persons wanted by law. Humanoid Robots Humanoid robots are used in several areas such as for research and space exploration, personal assistance and caregiving, education and entertainment, manufacturing and maintenance, healthcare, etc Sophia is a social humanoid robot developed by Hong Kong-based company Hanson Robotics Sophia was first activated on February 14, 2016, and is the world’s first robot citizen or humanoid robot. This is due to her Al, which has been developed to allow her to make eye contact, recognize faces and understand human speech. The picture alongside is that of Sophia during her visit to West Bengal, India in the year 2020. Three Domains of Artificial Intelligence In order to make machines artificially intelligent, training has to be given to them. Machines: are fed with data. The type of data that is fed to the machine depends on application for which Al algorithm is being developed. Al models are categorised on the basis of type of data fed to them. They can broadly be categorised into three domains. The three domains of Al are: 1. Data Sciences 2. Computer Vision 3. Natural Language Processing Data Sciences There is a vast amount of data available today with every organization. What does one do With all this data? How does one make sense of the huge data that is available? How do we make it useful to us? What are its real-world applications? This is where the role of data scientists comes into play. They sift through a huge volume of data, looking for connections and patterns in order to draw meaning from the data, Data science is the extraction of meaningful insights from raw data. Data science uses various tools, algorithms and machine learning principles in order to in Scanned with CamScanner iden patter hms and lysing yn analy’ co id decisi a SR TMi | ane of rns from Ine aa 7 discover Ee other techni ing algor = a science 10 eerie ne aim of making in with the 1d “how a mation, forecasting, pattern detection, fraug snow! events Occ ancien aay be used for auto! can Pleat int role in sever, in Data sciences plays an mort ve ier rn peer finance and cybersecurity. ter : the past or current data and predicts the futy TS Our ns. It answers the open-ended questing 88 to “en ‘ lat” nce Data scle! indati recommel iving Sen nd * healthoare, logistic Computer Vision Human beings use their eyes to see the w Computers to “see” by using machine le; Computer vision is the field of computers see and understand digit Videos, Computer vision includes all /orld around them, Computer vision means getting ‘aming and deep learning algorithms and models study of how ‘al images and tasks such as 9 seen, » and extract; information fro M it for further use. a computer Vision ig Used for facial fecognition, = aa es and object 'ecognition, robotics N Self-drivi eo ing cars amongst Many other Natural Language Processj on COMPUters do re milions of zeros ate usind : Pi communicate nd one's called mace, gs do. They domai ‘ng is 0 0 guage processing '§ # Scanned with CamScanner vW artificial intelligence (Al) that gives computers the ability to read, understand and interpret human language Chatbots using NLP Chatbots are software applications that use natural language processing. These automated messaging programs simulate human conversation. Expedia, for example, developed a chatbot for customers to check their trip status, find hotels, and book flights. as)© Important uses of NLP Wh Creditworthiness Sentiment assessment Analysis Advertising and ec Marketing Chatbots Hiring and Fake news recruitment identification Natural language processing (NLP) is concerned with giving computers the ability 10 understand written and spoken words in the same way that human beings €o: Softwares that check spellings while typing on the computer and autocompleting the sentences that are being typed are examples of NLP. Other examples include fake news identification, chatbots, sentiment analysis, marketing and advertisement, Spam mail filters that prevent junk mail from getting into the main email Inbox and Voice text messaging are Geta Multiple Choice Questions. (1) What is artificial intelligence? a) putting your intelligence into @ computer ) programming a computer with your own intelligence ) making a machine intelligent 4d) playing a game ona computer (2) Who coined the term ‘artificial intelligence"? also examples of NLP. a) Allen Newell b) Cliff Shaw o) Herbert A. Simon d) John MacCarthy in Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner

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