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60003180058 AI LAB VARUN VORA


Aim: List the PEAS Descriptors and justify the environment categorization for the agents

Experiment: Specify Peas Properties and types of task environment with

justification for the following

1. Online tutoring system

• Performance measure: 1) Maximize student's score on test 2) Increasing

the student’s understanding of the concepts
• Environment: 1) Student (User) 2) Laptop/Monitor 3)Teacher
• Actuators: Smart Displays, Speaker
• Sensors: eyes, hands, Microphone
• Environment Categorization:
Fully Observable: Yes
Reason: The system will always be aware of the state of the environment.
For example, it will be aware of any technical issues like bandhwidth
issues etc. The state of the user will also be known beforehand.
Deterministic: No
Reason: If an agent's current state and selected action can completely
determine the next state of the environment, then such environment is
called a deterministic environment. There will always be a state of
uncertainty that there may be some technical problem arising from the
user’s side
Episodic: No
Reason: In an episodic environment, there is a series of one-shot actions,
and only the current percept is required for the action. Here, the previous
actions act as a guide for the further events.
Discrete: Yes
Reason: there are a finite number of percepts and actions that can be
performed within it. All the possibilities are taken into consideration
Single Agent: No
Reason: There are multiple factors that affect that are operating in the
environment like the kind of machine the user uses determines the
functioning of the agent.
Static: No
Reason: More than one agent can determine the action of the system. Eg:
An unstable internet connection can lead to undesirable changes.

60003180058 AI LAB VARUN VORA

2. Mushroom picking agent

• Performance: Percentage of good mushrooms in correct bins
• Environment: 1) Conveyor belt with mushrooms 2) mushroom-bin 3)non-
• Actuators: The arm of the robots
• Sensors: 1)Cameras 2) Motors 3)Joint angle Sensors
• Environment Categorization:
Fully Observable: No
Reason: The agent in the scenario is only able to “see” the mushrooms
directly in front of it and at a given angle. It cannot perceive the entire
conveyor belt by any means
Deterministic: No
Reason: The environment is random in this case in the following ways.
The mushrooms will be in an unorderly manner and the possibility of
power failures make the scenario not deterministic.
Reason: The picking of mushrooms is not influenced by any previous
event. Thus, the choice of action depends on the episode itself
Discrete: No
Reason: The mushrooms on a conveyor belt will not be in an orderly
manner. Hence a clearly defined percept and action is not possible, which
makes it continuous
Single Agent: Yes
Reason: : A single mushroom-picker is in the environment and there are
no other agents in play.
Static: No
Reason: The conveyor belt is moving which changes the environment.
Hence dynamic. Human intervention is also a possibility.

3. Crossword Puzzle Player

• Performance: 1) Correct words filled 2)Percentage of error in word

• Environment: 1) Crossword Board 2) Crossword Keys
• Actuators: Hand to place letters
• Sensors: 1)Cameras 2) Board state sensors
• Environment Categorization:
Fully Observable: Yes
Reason: The entire crossword board and all available keys are available to
60003180058 AI LAB VARUN VORA

the agent.
Deterministic: Yes
Reason: Only the actions of the agent change the crossword board and
keys. No other external factors influence change in the environment.
Episodic: No
Reason: The new word made by the agent is derived from the previous
letters placed. The agent will need to analyze its previous actions in order
to proceed.
Discrete: Yes
Reason: All states of the system are finite.
Single Agent: Yes
Reason: There is no other agent in the system other than crossword puzzle
Static: Yes
Reason: The changes in the environment are only due to the agent placing
letter keys and no other factors. Hence, the environment is static

4. Football player

• Performance Measure: 1)Number of Goals 2)Games Won 3) Graphic

• Environment: 1) User (Player) 2) Computer
• Actuators: 1) Legs of Robot. 2) Monitor 3) Speaker
• Sensors: 1) Joystick/Keyboard
• Environment Categorization:
Fully Observable: Yes
Reason: The complete state of the environment can be accessed at every
point and is aware of every change taking place
Deterministic: No
Reason: The agent’s actions do not completely determine the next state of
the environment. There may be situations where unforeseen interruptions
occur which forces the agent to change its course of actions
Episodic: No
Reason: It does not involve a series of one shot actions and the next action
will be based on the player’s previous actions.
Discrete: No
Reason: There are infinite possibilities as every action is dependant on the
previous action.
Single Agent: No
Reason: Other agents are a part of the environment like other football
Static: No
60003180058 AI LAB VARUN VORA

Reason: More than one agent can determine the action of the system. Eg:
An unstable internet connection or a less powerful desktop can lead to
undesirable changes.

5. Shopping for used AI Books on the Internet:

• Performance measure: 1)Percentage of relevant books shopped 2)Cost of

• Environment: 1) Device 2)Website with Books
• Actuators: 1) Device Interface 2) Hands
• Sensors: Eyes
• Environment Categorization:
Fully Observable: No
Reason: The agent can only see a part of the available books on a website.
Hence, some relevant used AI books must be missed out regardless.
Hence, the environment is partially observable
Deterministic: No
Reason: Random factors come into play in the environment such as
bandwidth, malfunctions and power outages, which makes the
environment Stochastic
Episodic: Yes
Reason: Every action is separate from previous action. The agent selects
used books of AI. The agent needs to search -> select -> buy. This
decision should not be influenced by a previous action.
Discrete: Yes
Reason: All possible states are finite. The action of shopping a book is
finite and makes finite changes to the environment.
Single Agent: No
Reason: Multiple people would be shopping simultaneously, buying
limited stock of books. Thus, making changes to the environment.
Static: No
Reason: Other agents must also be searching for books; thus, a book can
be sold out which makes the process dynamic rather than static.

6. Auction Bidding Agent

• Performance measure: 1) Response time 2) Finding good deals

• Environment: AI system
• Actuators: Bidding Portal
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• Sensors: Changes sent by the API to the agent

• Environment Categorization:
Fully Observable: Yes
Reason: All the situations are always taken into consideration. The system
functions with respect to the changes occurring in the environment.
Deterministic: No
Reason: The environment change is not exclusively dependent on the
changes made by the system. Things like device processing power and the
backend API updating the bidding price would play a major role in
determining how smoothly the system functions.
Episodic: No
Reason: All actions are determined by the previous action performed by
the system. For example, if the prices have changed, the system will make
the decision based on the previous price.
Discrete: No
Reason: There are infinite possibilities, and the system cannot account for
each possibility. Each auction is determined by the system spontaneously.
Single Agent: No
Reason: There are various factors that can affect the functioning of the
system. Internet connectivity and updating the backend API are the major
factors that can affect it.
Static: No
Reason: More than one agent can determine the action of the system. Eg:
An unstable internet connection can lead to undesirable changes as in
getting slower inputs from user which can lead to false prices shown on
the system.

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