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UNDERSTANDING AND USING Baie srammar Pea orl cao access co Betty S. Azar OB keen) Sir-\eayaee s Eton! UNDERSTANDING AND USING English Grammar FIFTH EDITION Betty S. Azar Stacy A. Hagen Understanding and Using Eagtish Grammar, Fifth Eaition ‘ith Essential Online Resources Copyright © 2017, 2009, 2002, 1989, 1981 by Betty Schramper Azar All rights reserved, No part ofthis publication may be seproduced stored ina rerieval stem, or transmitted in any form or by ny means electronic, mechanial, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permiuion of se publisher, ‘Azar Associate: Sue Van Eten, Manager Pearson Education, 221 River Steet, Haboken, NJ 07030 Staff eredits: The people who made up the Understanding and Using English Grammar Fifth Edition ‘eam, representing content creation, design, manufacturing, marketing, multimedia, project mavarenene Publishing rights management and resi are Pietro Along, Rhea Baaker, Elzabeth Barker Cake Bowen, Stephanie Bullard, Jennifer Casuo, Tracey Cataldo, Dave Dickey, Waren Pachbach, Naney ‘Hleggran, Lester Holmes, Gosia Jros-White, Barry Katzen, Amy McCormick, le Matnat, Bran Panke, ‘Stuart Rede, Jennifer Respiler,indsy Richman, Robert Ruvo, Alexandra Suarez, Pate Var EU ond Joseph Vel, ‘Contributing Editors: Barbara Lyons, janice L. Baie ‘Text composition: Aprara Discliimer: This work is produced by Pearson Education and i not endorsed by any trademark owner referenced inthis publication, Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data ‘A catalog record forthe print edition is aralable from the Library of Congress Printed in the United Staes of Ametice ISBN 13; 978-0-13-426880-8, ISBN 10: 0-13-426882-2 ISBN 15: 978-0-13-427525-3 (Internation Editon) ISBN 10: 0-13-427525.X (international Edition) 82019 To my beautiful grandsons, Jude and Asa BSA, For Andy and Julianna SH. Preface to the Fifth Edition Acknowledgments Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 PRESENT AND PAST; SIMPLE AND PROGRESSIVE . 1-1 Simple Present and Present Progressive ...... seeseeeee 1-2. Simple Present and Present Progressive: Affirmative, Negative Question Forms (ies 1-4 Verbs Not Usually Used in the Progressive (Stave Verbs) - 7 1-4 Simple Past Tense 12 1-5 Simple Past vs. Past Progressive 0.20). sss so te 1-6 Unfulfiled Intentions: Was/Were Going 5 022.000 Da PERFECT AND PERFECT PROGRESSIVE TENSES 6.0.0... 20000000 8 2-1. Regular and Irregular Verbs - 26 2-2 TnegularVerb List... 226 23 © Since ad Fors. 29 4 aspeced Time and Repeated Seni 2000003 2-5 Have and Has in Spoken English... a 2-6 Present Perfect vs. Simple Pst es 2 Present Perfect Progrestive.- 40 oe eat Perea rey eee 2-9 Had in Spoken Boglsh. : 46 2210. Past Perfect Progressive a7 FUTURE TIME . 253 241 Simple Putas: Worn of Wit eel He Gong, cscvssscescyesesvsonn 5A 3:2 Willvs. Be Going To. 56 3.3 Expressing the Future in Time Clauses 260 34 Using the Present Popresive andthe Sipe Preset to Express Future Time 2 3.5. Foture Progressive... Be hen 3-6 ature Perfect and Future Peifoct Progressive 00. 0scsctotseessses 6 REVIEW OF VERB TENSES. 0 SUBJECT.VERB AGREEMENT. . npee ane 78 5-1 Final-s-es: Use and Spelling. ..... = oo 5-2 Basic Subjece-Verb Agreement... =o) CONTENTS v 53 Collective Nouns 5-4 Subject-Verb Agreement: Using Expressions of Quantity 5-5 Subject-Verb Agreement: Using There + Be 5-6 Subject-Verb Agreement: Some Irregularities Chapter 6 NOUNS...-.... T5Racinasaneat agora Regular and Inegulr Plural Nouns ‘Nouns as Adjectives Possessive Nouns ‘More About Expressing Possession. Count and Nencount Nouns Nencount Nouns, ‘Some Common Noncount Nouns | Expressions o? Quantity Used with Count and Noncount Nouns, Using A Few and Fes A Liale and Live 10. SigsasExpesiony of Quantiy, One, ah By 6-11 Using Ofin Expressions of Quantity... Chapter7 ARTICLES. ToL Amticles (4, As, The) wit Indefinite and Dette Nowe 7-2 Articles: Gensric Nouns . 7-3. Descriptive Information with Definite and Indefinite Nouns . 7-4 General Guidelines for Article Usage ...... 75 Using The or ® with Titles and Geographic Names - Chapter 8 PRONOUNS » 3 81 Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives 8-2 Agreement with Generic Nouns and Indefinite Pronouns. 8-3 Personal Pronouns: Agreement with Collective Nouns, 8-4 Reflesive Procouns... 8-5 Using You, On, and They a6 Iipersonal Pronouns 86 Forms of Ore... 8-7 Common Expressions with Osher Chapter 9 MODALS, PART 1 3 9-1 Basic Modal Introduction. ..... 268 9-2 Expressing Necessity: Mus, Have Ta, Have Got To . 9-3 Lackof Necessity (Nor Have Te) and Probibition (Must Not) 24 AdvebiolSugerions: Sho, Ough To Had Bou, Could 9-5 Expectation: Be Supposed To/Should 98 Alli: Con, nm How Ty and Be Ae 9-7 Possibility: Com May Might... Sisdetaumpeers 9-8 Requests and Responses with Modals.... 11. 0s).csssssvsse 9-9 Polite Request with WouldYou Mind... coca 9:10 Making Suggestions: Ler’, Why Don’t, Shall 7/08 ae Chapter 10 MODALS, PART 2. 10-1 Using Would ro Express a Repeated Action in the Past» 10-2 Expressing the Past: Necessity, Advisability, Expectation .. |. vi CONTENTS 82 86 88 94 95 98 ppt 103 105 107 107 2110 13 415 417 122, 123 2125 2128 130 134 139 140 Tas: 146 147 151 153 157 -161 162 163 165 167 1m 173 175 176 47 180 184 195 187 103. Expressing Past Ability... : 191 104 Degrees of Certainty: Presert Time 192 10-5 Degrees of Certainty: Presert Time Negative 194 10-6 Degrees of Certainty: Pastime 196 10-7 Degrees of Gerrainty: FutureTime ..... = 199 10-8 Progressive Forms of Modals . . , 201 10-9 Combining Modals with Phrasal Medals 205 10-10 Expressing Preference: Weuli Rather...» ents 207, 10-11 Summary Chart of Modals and Similar Expressions... 208, Chapter 11. THE PASSIVE. senmat CAA bgymess ate cee 215) 11-1 Active vs. Passive ae +216 11-2. Tense Forms of the Passive ee tin 11-3 Using the Passive. : ee a Ticd The Passive Formn of Modal and Pheasal Modals =. ‘ 225 11-5. Stative (Non-Progressive) Prssive. . meee ct 11-6 Common Stative (Nom Progen) Pane Vat + Trepstons Coie 24 11-7 The Passive with Get inka ks 8 11-8 -edi-ing Adjectives...- i en see 2A Chapter 12 NOUN CLAUSES. ee ee core 12-1 Introduction... sTeevsnaaxene 248 12.2. Noun Clauses with Question Words... 0.60 escteceee 2 as 12-3 Noun Clauses with Whetherot If. Specs ON eae 12-4 Question Words Followed by Infinitives «00... a 2 256 12-5 Noun Clauses with Thar... : fv ae ve «287 12-6 ‘Quoted Speech. ....-.0scsesetenseerereseeens 14) 260. 12-7 Reported Speech Sp pee! 12.8 Reported Speech Modal Verbs in Noun fs 204 12.9 The Subjunctive in Noun Clauses ...- 267 Chapter 13. ADJECTIVE CLAUSES. .....-2-2200eseerseeeeees m2 ID-1_ Adjective Cause Pronouns Used tthe Subject. a eo 13-2 Adjective Clause Pronouns Used as the Object of aVerb «2.2... 2.5 276 13. Adjetve Cause Pronouns Used asthe Object of Preposiéon ++ 278 13-4 Using Whose . LL 280 135 Using Were in Adjecive Causes. fon TNT 82 13-6 Using IVhen in Adjective Clauses 2 é pees 15-7 Using Adjective Clauses to Modify Pronouns... . 287 13-8 Punctusting Adjective Clauses .... Fi 288 13:9 Using Expresions of Quanaty in Adjective Clauses... 1292 13-10 Using Whick to Modify aWhole Sentence .....-.++ L293 _ 13-11 Reducing Adjective Clauses to Adjective Phrases 6... -.6-sccreseees0s 295 Chapter 14 GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES, PART 1... - : oo 302 14-1 Gerunds and Infinitives: Introduction . saneoscosaves seanates 08 142 Common Verbs Followed ty Gerunds... +++ TI 304 143 Common Verbs Folowed ty Infiitves : eee a0) 14-4 Infinitives with Objects. 308: CONTENTS. vi 145 Common Verbs Followed by Either Infinitives or Gerunds au 146 Using Gerunds as the Objects of Prepositions . .... . 316 147 Go+ Gerund : 2321 148 Special Expressions Followed by -ing on 323 149 e+ Infinive; Gerunds and Infinitives as Subjects... 325 14-10 Reference List of Verbs Followed by Tnfinitives. 327 111 Reference List of Verbs Followed by Gerunds... 328, 14-12 Reference List of Preposition Combinations Followed by Gerunds... 329, Chapter 15 GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES, PART 2 ce 334 15-1. Intinitive of Purpose: In Order... 335 15-2 Adjectives Followed by Infinitves 0000000000020) 337 15.3 Using Infinitives with Too and Enough... a 15-4 Passive Infinitives and Gerunds: Present. Serco 15-5, Past Forms of Iafinitives and Gerunds: Active and Passive |... 1... 343 15.6 Using Gerunds or Passive Infinitives Following Need : 345, 1547. Using Verbs of Perception. ... SUI a 158. Using the Simple Form After Lor and Help. 1121) I jas 15-9 Using Causative Verbs: Make, Have, Get ee oe 15-10 Using « Possessive to Modify a Gerund ..0 221.0. .c ss. ow ‘Chapter 16 CGORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS ....2.0..002e0ccccseeeeeeeseses 387 16-1. Parallel Structure . ties | = 358 162 Parallel Structure: Using Gomnise oe 163, Punctuation for Independent Clauses; Conneing ‘Them with And and Buz... et 362 164 Paired Conjunetions: Boch. And; Nor On. Bie do: Either. Or; Neither. Not sss 364 Chapter 17 ADVERB CLAUSES. -.370 17-1 Introduction ai 17-2. Using Adverb Clauses to Show Time Relationships 17-3. Using Adverb Clauses to Show Cause and Effect... AE Eapresng Comat (Unexpected Resi): Using on Pgh 17-5 Showing Direct Contrast: While... . a 17-5 Expressing Conditions in Adverb Clauses: jiClaases 177 Shortened If-Clauses 17-3. Adverb Clauses of Condition: ‘Using Whether Or Nor and Evin mf 3B 17-9. Adverb Clauses of Condition: Using In Case... pevreen tj 17-10 Adverb Clauses of Condition: Using Uniess...00000000 00022 )..0 0.01 aa7 17-1 Adverb Clauses of Condition: Using Only If...) 0.020000 2220.11 388 Chapter 18. REDUCTION OF ADVERB CLAUSES TO MODIFYING ADVERBIAL PHRASES... ee 18+. Introduction. acest. Je 18-2 Changing Time Ciauses to Modifying Adverbial Phrases «02.00.1112! 304 18-5 Expressing the Idea of “During the Same Time” in Modifying Adverbial Phrases ert SE 18-4 Expressing Cause and Effect in Modifying Adverbial Phrases. 395 185. Using Upon + -ingin Modifying Adverbial Phrases. A 399 ‘CONTENTS: Chapter 19 CONNECTIVES THAT EXPRESS CAUSE AND EFFECT, CONTRAST, AND CONDITION ..... cece 404 19-1 Introduction... occ pemnecsye 1 405 19-2 Using Because Of and Due To os 406 18-3 Cause and Effect: Using Therefore, Gonseguenthy and So. 408, 19-4 Summary of Patterns and Punctuation... a0 19.5 Other Ways of Expressing Cause and Effect: ‘Such .. That and So ... That seine 412 19-6 Expressing Purpose: Using So Thar - 158 pee ald 19-7 Showing Contrast (Unexpected Result) cont fee a6 19-8 Showing Direct Contrast 418 15-9 Expressing Conditions: Using Orhoratie and Or (le) . 420 Chapter 20 CONDITIONAL SENTENCES AND WISHES: oe 20-1 Overview of Basic Verb Forms Used in Conditional Sentences .. ar 20-2. Expressing Real Conditions in the Present or Future .. ern) 20-3 Unreal (Contrary to Fact) in the Present or Future «..... 430 20-4 Unreal (Contrary to Fact) in the Past on cree AO 20-5 Using Progressive Verb Forms in Condivional Semences, ...0..s.cee+e+ 438 20-6 Using "Mined Time” in Conon] Sentences +0... +sorsreers1ss MO 20-7 Omitting If... 2441 20-8. Implied Conditions ee 20-9 Wishes About the Present and Past. saseisnere 445 20-10 Wishes About the Future; Use of Wich + Would dsm ees eS ‘SUPPLEMENTARY GRAMMAR CHARTS «5... — = 452 Basic Grammar Terminology « sees 52 ‘Ac Subject, Verbs and Objecs- 452 AD Adjectives. 2452 AB Adverbs - : 1453 ‘A-t_ Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases... ee ‘AS Preposition Combinations with Adjectives and Vebs o..0...2c0cs.21 454 Unit B: Questions... +. Bel Forms of Yes/No and Information Questions B2 Question Words... 3 Shortened Ya!No Questions Bt Negative Questions.....e.000000e5 are BS Tag Questions... ceeeeae cntaaaee Contractions.......e:scerereeeees Negatives... auspncguenes Del. Using Nor and Other Negative Words. - D2 Avoiding Double Negatives... D3 Beginning a Sentence with a Negative Word... Unit E: Verbs ... Esl TheVerb Be : T-2 Spelling of -ing and -ed Verb Forms E-3 Overview of Verb Tenses... Unit CONTENTS ix “Summary ef Verb Tenses... - “Regular Verbs: Pronunciation of 2d Endings ‘Pronunciation of Final -s in Verbs and Nouns Linking Ver>s ee : Troublesome Verbs: RaiveiRise, SeiSiz, LayiLie. Icregular Vebs: An Alphabetical Reference List. ak=(e (erm Com ial) Fifth Edition Understanding and Using English Grammar is a developmental skils text for intermediate to advanced, “English language learners. Ic functions principally as a classroom teaching text but also serves as & ‘comprehensive reference text for students and teachers. Understanding and Using English Grammar takes + time-tested approach that blends direct grammar instruction with cazefully sequenced practice to develop all language skils, Grammar is viewed as an organizing system to help students make sense of the language they see and hear, rather than as a mere collection of rules, This perspective provides a natural, logical framework for students to make English their own. “This edition has been extensively revised to keep pace with advances in theory and practice. Every aspect of the previous edition was reviewed, including the charts, exercises, and sequencing of ‘grammar points, We are excited to introduce significant new features and updates + New as well as updated grammar charts based on corpus research reflect current usage and highlight the differences bervicen written and spoken English in informal and formal contexs. + Pretests at the start of chapters let learners check what they already know and orient themselves to the chapter content. + A wide range of thematic exercises provides opportunities for contextualized language use, + A variety of new readings covers current topics, strategies for student success, study skills, and other academic and practical content. + More meaning-based and step-by-step practice helps learners better grasp concepts ‘underlying the target grammar. + Article use (a, the, an) is nov the focus of an entire chapter. + New guided writing activities are supported by writing tips and editing tasks. + Self-study practice for gerunds and infinitives has been added, beginning with Chapter 1, so that students can learn at their own pace. + A fresh design includes « generous use of photos to add interest and serve as the basis for fuency practice + Allarge increase in the number of exereises supports teachers who would prefer not 10 supplement, + Three topics, absent in the Fourth Edition, aré back in the Fifth Edition: The Subjunctive fn Noun Clauses, Pat Forms of Infnitéves and Gerunds, and Using a Posessve to Modify a Gerund. ‘Now more than ever, teachers will find that they can select from an extensive repertoire of presentations, activities, and tasks depending or the specific needs of their classes. To accommodate all ofthe new material, some Fourth Edition content has been moved to MyEnglishL ab, Components of Understanding and Using English Grammar, Fifth Edition: + Student Book with Essential Online Resources includes the access code for audio, video, expanded proctice of gerunds and infinitives, selF- assessments, and teacher resources with the Student Book answer key. + Smdent Bock with MyEnglishLab includes the access code to MyEnglishl-ab, an easy-to-use ‘online learnirg management system that delivers ich online practice to engage and motivate students, + A comprehensive Workbook consists of self-study exercises for independent work. + ATeacher's Guide fearures step-by-step teaching suggestions for each chart and notes on Key {grammar structures, vocabulary ists, and expansion activities, + A revised Test Bank with quizzes, chapter tests, and mid-term and final exams. + A Chartbook, a reference book that consists of only the grammar charts. +, 1 website that provides a varity of supplementary classroom materials ‘as well ab a phce where teachers can support each other by sharing their knowledge and experience. MyEnglishLab ‘MyEnglishLab provides a range of interactive activites that help motivate and engage students. ‘MyEnglishL ab for Understanding and Using English Grammar, Fifth Edition has been thoroughly revised and includes: + Rich online practice forall skill areas: grammar, reading, writing, speaking, and listening. + Instant feedbsck on incorrect answers. + Remediation sctvites, + Grammar Coach videos. + Bonus materiel not included in the Student Book, including expanded practice of gerunds and infinitves. + Robust assessments that include diagnostic tests, chapter review tests, mid- and endof-term review tests, and final exams, * Gratebook are diagnostic tools that allow teachers to monitor student progress and analyze data to determine sieps for remediation and support, + Student Book answer key in the Teacher Resource folder. ‘The Azar-Hagen Grammar Series consists of * Understanding and Using English Grammar (blue covet), for upper-level students, + Fundamentals of English Grammar (black), for midctevel students. * Basic Enslish Grammar (sed), for lower or beginning levels. xxl PREFACE We are indebted to the reviewers and other outstanding teachers who contributed to this edition by {ving us extensive feedback on the Fourth edition and helping us shape the new Fifth edition in particular, we would like to thank Maureen S, Andrade, Utah Valley University; Dorothy “Avondstondt, Miami Dade Colleges Judith Campbell, University of Mon:teal; Holly Cin, Houston Community College; Eileen M. Cotter, Montgomery College, MD; Andrew Donlan, International Language Institute, Washington, D.C.; Gillian L, Durham, Tidewater Community College; Jill M. Fox, University of Nebraska; William Hennessey IV, Florida International University; Clay Hindman, Sicrra Community College; Sharla Jones, San Antonio College; Balynda Kelly Foster, Spring International Language Center, CO; June Ohmberger, Suifolk County Community College, NY, Deniz Ozgorgulu, Bogazici University, Turkey; Jan Peterson, Edmords Community College; ‘Miriam Pollack, Grossmont College; Carol Siegel, Community College of Baltimore County: Plizabeth Marie Van Amerongen, Community College of Baltimore County; Daniels C. Wagner- Loora, University of Maryland, College Park; Kirsten Windah, Cuyahoga Community College. ‘From the start, we have benefited from a first-rate management and editorial rear that helped ‘us every step of the way, Gosia Jaros-White, our publisher at Pearson, handled each stage of the procese With focus, efficiency, and Kindness, We were lucky to once again have Robert Ruvo, our project manager at Pearson, to Keep track of a myriad of detail with schedule, production, and Geuvery. Barbara Lyons, our development editor, brought unparalleled skill and insight to the (Charts and exercises, Our longtime production editor whiz, Janice Bailli, has an encyclopedic Knowledge of the series, and every page benefited from her expertise, We are grateful as always 10 Sue Van Etten, ovr steady and savvy business and website manager, for reeping the business side of ‘things running smoothly, "Wed also like to thaaik the talented viters we are so fortunate to have: Geneva Tesh, Houston Community College, for the new Workbook and MyEnglishLab materials Kelly Roberts Weibel, Edmonds Community College, for the updated Test Bank, and Martha Fall, the New England ‘School of English forthe revised Teacher's Guide. ‘We ate grateful to the Pearson design team of Tracey Cataldo, Warren Bullard for their creativity and patience. ‘Our gratitude alse goes to Pietro Alongi, Director of Content, and Amy McCormick, Category “Manager at Pearson. ‘They have been involved with the series for many years now, and we appreciate the dedication they bring to each new edition and thei vision for the series. ‘Our thanks also to out illustrators Don Martinetti and Chris Pavely ‘or their engaging artwork. ‘Finally we wow like to thank our families for slways supporting us and cheering us on. icchbach, and Stephanie Bey S. Azar Stacy A. Hagen Write “ ‘fa sentence has the correct verb form and “I” for incorrect. Check your answers below. After you complete each chart listed, make any necessary corrections. Ait is consisting of oxygen, nitrogen, and other gases. (1 Tam working overtime this week. (1-1) Does the copy machine working right now? (1-2) We aren't knowing Sam's wife. (1-3) _~ My cell phone netvork is always being slow. (1-3) —~ Gloria canceled her doctor's appointment because she fele better, (1-4) Turned on the stove, am boiling the water, and forget to put in the rice. (1-4) A few liren draved some pictures this morning while the texcher was talking. (1-5) When I tumed the key, the car wasn't starting. (1-5) —~ I as going o call you, burmy phone died. (1-6) 6 RLS bE ouoMUEs towsouy ‘Match the description with the sentence. Which sentences do you agree with? action happening right now b. general truth abit Hook atthe stars every night. —— I’m looking at en astronomy textbook. The earth revolves around the sun, eke "This basic agra be used in ll tense desertion. Ciiee ee mt ~|—. tam (9) Water consists of hydrogen snd eigen. The sle present says that something was Mbrethes 21,600 es | PUH He past tine presen ad (0 Tea Tage Parson brothas 21,600 tes i bo un the utr, Rexoreses gona Statements ofc and gars ut, (6) Tho words ound, (getup at seven every moma, ‘Te simple presenti used to expect (6) Vavays ca sald er unoh, iets et ewig sth, (1) Te stunts oe sting st thelr desks right The present progressive expresses an row actin that ln progress atthe maven (4) I sed an umbroia because i raining a 2 resent progressive is a temporary (0) tam taking fre courses hia semester, Sahat begun in te pat eonting st presen, and wal probably end at some portin th future. “See Appenx Char 2 for pling rues fo ing Yerba and Appendix Chart £6 or finals pronunciation EXERCISE 2» Lot's talk. (Chart 1-1) ‘Work in small groups. Each member ofthe group should contribute one sentence for each topic. ‘Share some of your sentences with the class. 1, ‘Tell your group one daily habit you have, 2, Look round the room. Make a sentence about one activity that is happening right now. 3. In one sentence, state a general truth about the world. EXERCISE 3» Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-1) ‘Complete the sentences, Use the simple present or the present progressive of the verbs in parentheses. 1. a. Kristin sin the shower, She (was) is washing _ her hair, . Kristin (aus) her hair every other day of 80. 2, a, Tony usualy (si) b. Today he (if) in the front row during class In the last row. 3. 9, Lars (work) —___ dhe night shift on weekends. b. He's not home now, He (ork) ‘double shift. 4. After six days of rain, 'm glad that the sun (shins) >. Every moming, the sun (shin) Jn my bedroom window and Geen oe rep. 2 cHaPrer 5. a, Babies (grow) very quickly. Newborn babies are very different from three-month olds. , Your baby (ere) — 0 fast, She isn’t a newborn anymore! 6. a, Please be quiet. I (ery) to concentrate on my math homework. b. Bach day, our math teacher (ry) ________—t© explain the material clearly, ‘but [am very confused. EXERCISE 4> Let's talk. (Chart 1-1) ‘With a partner, take turns making a few sentences about each picture. Use the present progressive ‘You can be imaginative! Examples: Parse A: In pictute 1, the boy is watching sports on TV. He is holding a remote. He is changing channels, He is looking for a beseball game. Ee Paxrnsn Bs In picture 2, the boy is not watching TV. Fes playing the guitar. _Maybe he is practicing a popular sons. Ete. EXERCISE 5 > Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-1) ‘Choose the correct completon(s). Diseus your answers with the class 1, In early summer, the sun __ around 2, It’s a beautiful evening, I'm sitting outside. 9:00 Pa. in my hometown. ‘The sun behind the mounesins, 4, sets (L's a general statement of fact.) sets (Ie a general truth.) >. is setting (I's happening right now.) bis setting (I's happening right now.) «, Both are possible. . Both are possible. Present and Past Simple and Progressive 3 i jee —— in abour 15 minutes. 6. Leo his bike through downtown ahi Ee traffic every day to work, a, ides (I's habitual activity.) is iding (I's happening right now.) . Both are possible ‘4, cooks (It’s a general ruth.) bis cooking (I's happening right now.) ¢, Both are possible. 44, Hurry! The rice —— over anto the stove 4. boils (Isa gener statement offic.) 7. Jenna___ for her grandparent at thet hotel. ‘i bolling (W's bappening right now.) 2. works (Isa habitual activey) . Both are possible, bis working U's happening ight note) «. Both are possible, 5. Dr, Costa bis hospital patients . before office hours 8, Francine and Marco each het 2. visits Ps a habitus! actives) several times a day: + is visting (e's happening right now) 2 text (I's e habitual activity) € Both are possible, bare texting le’ happening right now) ©. Both are possible, G EXERCISE 6> Listening. (Chart 1-1) Listen to the sentences. Choose all the corsect completions. Outdoors 1. sighe now. every day. in the suramer. 2. today. inthe winter. every April 3. every yea. right now. this week, 4. right now, today. every winter. 5. every summer. right now, in the spring. 6. this week, every January. every winter 7. sight now, cexety summer. this month, EXERCISE 7» Reading and grammar. (Chart 1-1) Read the pasage. Add the endings mer where necessary, You may Doyo, — — rae Our Amazing Heart “pane ‘The hears an amazing onan. Iebeat-— 100,000 -gen | times a day and pump. 2,000 gallons of blood trough Hee 60,00 mie of ood ves ino bse. Blood i Sel eset alegre a the body. It also remove waste from our tissues. Here evi arctan ea oe eng omits ind pte oe = 4 cHaPreR EXERCISE 8 » Warm-up. (Chart 1-2) ‘Choose the correct completions. 1, Gold air isn't! doesn't rise, 2, What is docs water consist of? 3, Is/ Does the earth spinning rapidly or slowly? ae aie Crees —— — mano ey ae ka =n oe phew ee oe Bes at fe cai ee BS roe |S ee ee L ee ete oe EXERCISE 9» Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-2) Complete te sentences with Do, Does, I, ox Are, On an Airplane 1, —Are__ you ready for takeof? 8 ‘ey serve food on this fight? 2, _____ tte plane taking off soon? 9, ____ the movie beginning? 3. _____ you nervous? 10. __ you like to ly? 4, ——___ you have your seat belt on? 11, ____- the co-pilot fying the plane? 5 che seats comfortable? 12, ___ the pilot sleep during the fight? 6 your seat comfortable? 13, ____ the pilots sleep during the fight? fi the seat go back more? 14. _ the plane on sutopilot? EXERCISE 10» Trivia game. (Chart 1-2) ‘Work in teams. Make true sentences. The team with the most correct answers (factually and grammatically) wins. Use the simple present or present progressive. 1, Toe (melt) doesn't meit_at 32°F (0°C). 2, Cold weather (cause) —______ fingernails to grow foster 3. The average person (al!) asleep in seven minutes, 4, Sale water (freee) sat the same temperature as freshwater. Protent and Past; Simple and Progressive 5 5. Our noses (grow) —__tonger as we age. 6. Our feet (lecoms) _____ smaller as we age. 7. Red blood ces in our body (dvi) right now: 8. On avernge,a person (blink) _____more chan 20,000 times a day, 9. Honey (spi!) 10. A cat (use) ___ its whiskers for hunting. 11. The earth (revolve) —______around the moon right now, 12. The earth (ger) _ warmer according to scientists EXERCISE 11» Reading and grammar. (Charts 1-1 and 1-2) Choose the correct completions. Tornadoes Ute Sate hansen, eof hd tte Tr aqua, ee setng fa they are not/ de not $0 common in the mountains. “cold ac meets /is meeting warm F shania Theva mea ig epitome | sone ace 38 nro Thay ing wanes end Rowee Stoning eel Segond te agcnng. ae 2 Riphenow atomado ming over the plains. People sce anes seterin underaround aes such a basen Several strmehasesg:t/a sen ready to follow the tao and cll dt, They Toten / re teing. 10 wether raion for orm updates Aeyou)Do you fila with made? ‘Ave you/Do you ave tormadoes in your area? 6 CHAPTER? eee EXERCISE 12» Warm-up. (Chart 1-3) ‘Choose the correct completions. 1, ‘The chefs in his kitchen right now. He — a. cooks '. is cooking 2, He some soup, a. tastes ». is tasting 3, It too salty a. tastes b. is tasting 4, He__it fa. doesn't like isn’ tliking Ne kee Ae Musi acs) {@) Vin your cous, Semen, atom she onomarsi Tn, rie tate, nok actos, and aro arly used in progressive (©) acomsecr | en knowing your cous ce ee ersaete ores omen Verbs That Ar Usely Non Progressive ike krow) snow Me dete belong const haar age balove spprecat —fear——poeeass contain» saund = csagree out Careabout hate own ‘mean | recognize please rin ost on promise remember prefer ese mater Took ke aaze Supecee nes reeenbie—suprce ‘nderstans want vies (6) ine hat yeu oueinis very ice. ‘Some vos ke think, have both non-progressive meanings tnd progressive masnings. Ino: thine means “love” Ind; am thinking mene nought re gong eur ny | rninaiggt now (0) tin iniokng about yp to Rome. ‘Common Verbs with Both Non Progressive and Progressive Meanings (lke think) Non sHooressve rocres took: | Rooks cold outside. | Olga is looking out the wincow. pone Jack pps tobe red today. ‘he's enparng ona TV sow today. think on that Ls 9008 teschat, im hinkin about my fay nom feel | Iu Lsieagoodtesches | in ong tetrad ty. fave (hove aba tn pov ged ne [ee | Doyeusoe hate? Tre dot seo a patent ght now taste The soup ase say. “hechet xn he soup met Someting asad What 62 ‘Ams sing th eran ose she wert to buy tov Ken ore baby ut an enor pretod. inact me’ oving i be | Maryland wo. Alle wort se cone Hes beng oth? “Aisiar Being on adv describes weparary Debavir. tate example, Al ually nt foolsh bt igh 0m he ting tt wa Present and Past; Simple and Progressive 7 ee EXERCISE 13> Reading, grammar, and speaking. (Charts 1-1 > 1-3) Pare I. Read the paragraph. Underline the verbs that are generally non-progsessve. Then write the correct verb endings in the Ist of benefits: -s, -es, or -ies. Write O for no ending, A Summer Internship Lilly wants to get a job asa restaurant chef. Her culinary arts instructor believes a summer internship ata major restaurant isa good ide. Intems work for ‘ree ot for a low wage, but they understand that they are receiving valuable experience in return, Some schools offer credit for an internship, and Some companies hire thei intern when the internship is over. Following are other benefits: 1, An internship apply_—_ classroom knowledge to real-world work experience, 2. Ieprovide__ on-the-job teining, 3. Teteach__ important workplace habits (eg, being on time) and workplace etiquette (how to behave at a company. 4 Interns learn about various jobs and opportunities within a company: 5. Ir give students the charce to network with employees. 6, The job experience look good on a résumé, Part II, Find information about a volunteer organization that interests you. Tt could be a cub at your school, @ group in your community, a world organization, ete. Make a list of the ways itis helpful. Write 5-7 eentences and present theus wo die class. ‘Title your ist Benefits of se EXERCISE 14> Let's talk. (Chart 1-3) Discuss the differences in meanicg of the italicized verbs in each group of sentences. Work in pairs, in small groups, of as ¢ class, At the Park 1. a, These flowers smi good, B. Jane és smelling the flowers, 2. a. I think this paris beautiful ', Iced to relax, am dhnking about all the homework Tave. 3. a. You look cold. Tl lend you my cout ’. T'm looking at the sky. A storm is coming. 4. a. [see colorful kite, Ie over there ', Alex is coming later. He i seing a doctor about his headaches, «. Jack and Ann come bere every weekend. They are seeing each other, 8, I remember my fist time here, Do you remember yours? , Lm remembering a family picnic here with my cousins, It's a happy memory. ‘The children want a snack. They've hungry. > The children are being awfilly quiet. What are they doing? 8 CHAPTER Every weekend there is an outdoor play here. Some of my frends are appearing in i. ‘There is « man coming toward us. He's smiling. He appear to know us. Gabriel i being rude, He's just sitting there, not taking to anyone. No, he isn’t rude, He's just shy. ‘The baby i feotng the gras, The grass feels sot. Lnneed to sit down. T'm not feling well right now. 4. fol that its important to take care of our parks. EXERCISE 15> Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-3) ‘Choose the correct completions. 1, This isn't my book, Je te Mi 4, Olga is smiling. She —_ a good time. @ belongs », is belonging a, has ’. is having 2, Ask Ahmed for your book. He it. 5. Relax. Everything is OK. I you. a has. ». ishaving believe bam believing 3. Your bookis over there, Ahmed it 6. My computer says my file no longer. 2. holds b. isholding a. exists is existing EXERCISE 16> Let's talk. (Charts t- ~> 1-3) ‘With a parmer, choose one of the pictures and complete the related conversation, ‘Then practice your conversation and perform it forthe class, You can look at your book before you speak. When {you speak, look at your partner. 1, A: Mmmm. That looks —. 2. A: You look __. B: Thanks, 11's fresh out of the oven. B Tam, A: Ieit__? A: What's _? B: Yes, And i's ray own recipe, Would you BI stke 10 __? Az Youneed co A: Wow Trrastes B: Tow; but Ihave too much/many —. Present and Past Simple and Progressive 9 EXERCISE 17» Looking at grammar. (Charts 1-1 > 1-3) ‘Choose the correct completions. 1. A: What are you looking /do you look a B: You! You ook /are looking like your father ‘A: Are you thinking /Do you think so? Many people tell me 1 am resembling / resemble my mocher. Br 1 scejam seeing your father’s face when ook at you, 2. A: Why are mosquitos existing / do mosquitos exist? B: 1 know /am knowing one reason: they are a food source for other animals. 3, Rightnow{ sit/am siting in the cafeteria. Yolo texts /is texting, Ming’ is opening / opens his lunch. jae is taking takes bite ofhis sandwich. Ali is staring / stares offinto space. He scems/is seeming tobe daydreaming, but pethaps he thinks is thinking about the test ‘eathour. What do you think are you thinking AW is doing / does? GQ EXERCISE 18> Grammar and listening. (Charts 1-1 > 1-3) ‘Complete the sentences with the given verbs. ‘Then listen to the forecast and check your answers Weather Report Hello, this is Gayle Givens, your WWKK weather reporter. Well, it certainly (be) ‘beautiful day today. I (wand) City Park and boy.* the sun sure (stn) here at nt ti) eS meme npee ey ws ag soning ga eepentpagrantwaxdas et a ‘over the ocean and colder air (move) cooler unlikely, © temperatures fortomorrow. I (think) rain (be) 7 however, Stay tened for the three-day forecast right after this mestage, EXERCISE 19» Looking at grammar. (Charts 1-1 + 1-3) ‘Complete the sertences. Use the simple present or the present progressive ofthe verbs in parentheses 1. Look! It (bein) is beginning to rain, Unfortunately, I (have, not") ‘a urmbrella with me. I (eon, no) ssn umbrel, Spiro is lucky. He (ear) (cea) ‘ waterproof hat on rainy days ‘Boy's a ealamaton to expres a song ecg anlar fo wa **A form of doi uly wed in te negative when the main veri have, especialy in Ameccan Engl (Am) but io ‘Summon n Both Enh (ek): don hawea ar: Ung have without fort ef donee soot Sar een Thawed cr raincoat. I 10 Harter? —— - | 2. Martha is in science class. The chemistry expesiment she (a) is dangerous, $0 right now she (be) —_ very careful, She (ean, no) to spill any of the chemical, She (be, akans) ____ careful when she does @ chemisery experiment. 3, Righe now I (look) angry. Twonder what's the matter. She (hace) ______a frown on her face. She certainly at Nicole. She (lok) Chases, mot) — any fun right now. 4. As Flow (om he) — the soup? (ismeed) tre gate? Bi Novi Gam) delicous. 1 (rind) me of my mons woop. EXERCISE 20» Reading and writing. (Charts 1-1 -+ 1-3) Part I. Read the review of the movie. Underline the verbs. 20x01 know these worde? ‘What verb ese i uned to dese the sen? nat marsh The Fugitive ue ‘The Fugitive is an action-packed, ied cdgeotyourseatmovi the AEM) police unjustly accuse Dr. Richard ~ Suspense Kimbat, ve main character, of tis wife's mutter. court nds him gully and sentencas him fo death. Gn the way to all, the prison bus crashes and Kimball escapes. AUS. marshall, Samuel Gerard, vows to catch Kimball. Several times ine almost succeeds, but Kimball stays one step ahead of Gerard. In one inedible Scene, Kimball jumps from the top of a dam inloa twer Io escape, kirbal dowsat want Gerard to catch him, but he also wants to solve ‘the murder of his wif. His search for answers takes him to Chicago, He finds upsetting information about a fiend and the tienc's work ‘with a pharmaceutical company. Aller many suspenseful szanes, Kimball ins the real kilers and leads Gerard to ther, Part I. Action in stories (books, movies, TV shows, etc.) is often told in the simple present tense. Find a sovie you fke. Ta simple English, tell what happens, give details about the movie, and tell hhow it ends. Here are some possible ways to begin: i an inspiting/exciting/funny ete. movie. (The main characte) + A deamatic/suspenseful/ exciting movie is. Tn this mavies + (The name of the movie) is about. In this movie, Pare HL. Edit your paragraph, Undesline the verbs, Did you use present tense? Check for the correct use ofthe third person -si=es/-ies endings. EXERCISE 21» Warm-up. (Chart 1-4) Ask another classmate these questions. Share your answers with the class, Find out the most 1 In what century did your great grandparents live? They lived inthe 2. Where did they grow up? They grew up in (eltycountry) century ees {a} Meow yootray | te tom wotenea TV ast ih, | 6 ack won 0 wre ea. (8) cameto worklato {@) We so gat movi at gt (1) nity na atthe ote this maming. |) You 1 tra yestarday, (P) Andrew caught the bal, an down the el, anc sored @ pt Regular Verb Forms ‘At one particular die no past ts happened, bbagan and ended in he past Most simole past verbs 260-0, 28 na) (0). ‘Some varbs have regula past ene fos, a (2 (, andi OIE, Sas Appenx Char E-9 frais of trgular “The simple past forms of be are was ard were, 2 () andi) Not that in asia of ations, the vere are the same tanto, 35 ncoaeece Androw caught the bal runing down ‘he eg, and ooore& pox 1 1 bea You Yeu, Dig yu Ho, Sho, tt | ope, He, See.) ctl not hla, a we We Did We They They De they Irregular Verbs Forms: AF RNATHE necawe 1 You Hessnoit } oi tt notot, out? We Trey Be Verb Forms ARIMA NEGATE cuEsnon He, She, ft was here. | Ho, She. it wasnot hers. | Wis shavehe,it era? You, We, Tey were here, | You, We, They wareot here. | Were Yourwerimay here? *Sce Appendix Chart 5 for informatio about fin -ed peoneneiaon 12 CHAPTER EXERCISE 22> Looking at grammar. (Char: 1-4) Complete the scntences with the correct simple past form of the verb, ‘An Online Order 1, Anders (order) 2. The next morning he (realize) colored ink to. printer ink online Ist Monday. he (need) 3. He (ap) to call the company to add more, but no one (ansesr) sa there (6) —____—no voicemail 4, Anders (worry) ‘that the website (bd) ____ fe. 5. He (onal) ‘the company and (explain) his situation, 6 The manager (respond) 4 few hours later and (fix) the order quickly. 1, Anders (las) femal from the company. shen he (receive) confirmation EXERCISE 23> Let's talk: pairwork. (Chart 1-4) “Take turns ssking and answering questions. You cin answer yes OF 0 Srruarion: You just came back from 2 vacation in Greece. Your friend is asking you questions. Examples: fly back lastnight? Parris A: Did you fly back last night? Pare B: Yes, I flew back lastnight. ‘happy 10 see your cousins? Paxrsn A: Were you happy to see your cousins? Parrnan B: Yes, I was happy to see my cousins. ‘Parerwen A: (book closed) Parra B: (book open) 1, have a great trip? 8, speaka litte Greel? 2. come back feeling rested? 9, eat in typical Greek restaurants? 3, meer all your cousins? 10, lie on the beach? 4, hang out with* local people? 11, buy some Greek sandals? 5. do. lot of tourist activities? 12. bring me a souvenit? 6. excited to be there? 13, take a lot of photos? 7. spend time in museums? 14, sad to leave Greece? hang wth = spend te wih Present and Past Simple and Progressive 13 EXERCISE 24» Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-4) ‘Complete the sentences with the correct forms of verbs that make sense, More than one verb may be appropriate, Some answers ere negative ‘Srrusriow 1: Maria visited a friend at the hospital. A woman in the elevator had a cold and sneezed several times. The next day... ache el eave schedule take eat have make speak to ‘wake up 1. Maria in the morning with a fever and headache. 2. She well 3, Her entire* body 4. She her temperature with a thermometer, 5. She. 2 bigh fever. 6, She the house all day, 7. «few spoonfuls of chicken soup, 8 ‘the nurse at the doctor's office. 9, ‘an appointment for the following day. Professor Moore is our new math teacher. He is very hard to follow. Yesterday, he... fintroduce leave 10. 100 fast. 11 the material to us quickly. 12, the board with examples. 13, ime for questions, unfortunately 4, everyone in the class G FRERCISE 25> Listening. (Chart 1-4) ‘Listen to the beginning of each sentence. Circle the correct completion(s). More than one ‘completion may be possible, 4. happy. ‘geod about my decision. on some ice, 2. twa clases. bout his wife, night, 3. the car with gas? ‘sick? OK? 4. with colored pencils. several faces, for several hours. 5. in the woods. some money, the rain, "oe = whale OS _ [a — 14 cHaprers ——— lll 6, apicture from math class. some money fom the bank. 2, my hand, some rice, ‘was cooking, 8, the washing machine? these jeans? my shire? 9, at the sad ending. the actors when the play finished. 10, over the fence. very quick in e sunny spet, EXERCISE 26> Reading and grammar. (Chart 1-4) Part I. Read the passage. Underling the past rense verbs Po you kno we Mom these woniee eat ~ marathon “AN INCREDIBLE FEAT. == =" | In2011, tthe age of 100 Favia Singh dd someting incredible: ean 6 26-nle (42m) marathon! He was th st 100yea-od toe una merahon, Singh decided he wared te compet in facns when He saw 2 marathon rece on TV. Ho was 83 He didnt tow much abou tailng and showed up for hiss session ina suit ard to ginal fom nda, Singh ved to England nthe 1906 after ie iflo and son dled. AL the tne, he sai e el moce dead than tive. He was very depressed and alr believed ht lng-dstance running saved him, Ho compete nis rst marathon in Landon atthe age of 62, te propared for tn ony ton weeks Hs best tne was at tho 2003 Tororo iaertont Marathon, He ran itn fve houts and 420 minutes. Singh bocere word-tamaus and even carted the Obmpictrch in 2012, n 2013, he decided torte fom long- ——Ramwin ks iendon distance running and completed hi ns marathon in Hong Kong. Part II. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Cover the reading. be cary leave run Y become fee! retire wear 1, Fauja Singh became _ a marathon runner when he was depressed. 2, He______a suit and vie to bis Sat training. 3. He___ India after the death of his wife and son, 4. Avthe age of 89, he ___his first marathon. 5. Before he began training, he eaid he ______more desd than alive 6. His best running time _____five hours and 40 minctes, Present and Past Simple and Progressive 15, 7. He __ the Olympic torch in 2012. 8, He ____ fom marathon running in 2013, EXERCISE 27> Warm-up. (Chart 1-5) Write the sentence (a, oF 6.) thar correctly describes each scene. ita was standing under a uee when it began to rein 1. Rit stood under a tee when it began corn eae ae SIMPLE PAST (a) I walked to schoo! yesterday, (©) 1o0ught anew car thee days ago. (1 ten coed my cup, the colts Seton my lp 16 CHAPTER? Sime pst cats at an acivty (©) sohn fod in Paro frten yours, but 2 Sfbon Began and ences at Twelve infiome, parka en te past. (0) Ft stood under tee when itbevan | a sentance contains when ar has the | imple past in both clauses, te acon in @ With optus ‘he nhen-lause happens fst ‘me she tuto Rweetate, | nf; Jet Thera began, 2nd: Fa stood under tre, PASTPROGRESSIVE ——_(@) a8 walking down the teat when | in (Tet: {as waking down the i began to ran street oat tbagan tora | (1) While sas walking down thestreet, Both sctlona oooured atthe same F began train time, But one actin bagan arr ana L ws in progres won the ther action (0) Pita oe stancing Under ara when [Ebenen tran | (i Nesptctdoccian naar ‘ll My tating aon Bt on, stuching. probaly eomnusd. | (4) hp oe stcg in one 00m of Sametime a past ogress ued (2 apartment roommate ssn bob para ols seman when to hung ary ine atherfoor. _ selons‘re in progtee imstanaousy EXERCISE 28 » Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-5) ‘Write “1” before the action that started first. Write "2" before the action that started second. A Stormy Walk Home 1, HiMom, I ns leaving you a voicemail when you picked up.* a, 11 was leaving you 2 voicemai b, 2_You picked up, 2, Thad a terrible walk home. When the storm started, I was coming home from work. 8, The storm started, I was comiag home, 3. A painter next door was climbing a ladder when lightning hit the house 8, A painter was climbing a ladder. 8. Lightning hit the hovse. 4, Theard him yell while Iwas running for coves , heard him yell 6, Twas running for cover, 5. He fell off the ladder when he saw the flash. Fortunately he's OK, 8. He fell off the adder. , He saw the fash, Present and Past; Simpl EXERCISE 29> Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-5) ‘Complete the sentences, Use the simple past or the past progressive ofthe verbs in parentheses. Last Night 1, Berween 5:00 and 7:00 vt, (si) —__uas sitting _in class, Thad a Jot of things ‘on my mind. I (hind) —___ about some family issues. I (stan, not) 10 the teacher, 2, Tewas a beautiful evening when I walked home, The moon (shin) lover the water, and a warm breeze (blow) 3. 1 (ap) —__by a ftiend’s apartment, but he (be, not) home. He (st) _____in heavy trafic, He (get, na) ___ home unti 10:00. 4, My neightors (argue) about something when I (aalé) by them outside my spartment building. 5. A package (wai) ______ for me at home. 1 (open) itand (find) _____an early birthday present. 6. While T (red) to my nephew, he (ja) asleep, s0 1 (cover) ____ him up and (neat) ___ out ofthe room. EXERCISE 30> Let's talk. (Chart 1-5) ‘Choose the question or statement you would expect the speaker to say, Discuss your answers, Work in pairs, in smal groups, or as a class. 1, When I went ro bed late lastnight, I noticed that the light was on in your bedroom, 1a, Were you reading? 'b. Did you read? 2, Jane's cousin was at the party lastnight. 1. Were you meeting him? . Did you meet him? 43. A small airplane flew over our house several times last night. a, We were sitting out on the patio, and it made us nervous. 'b. We sat cut on the patio, and it made us nervous. 4, I'm nor sure if T met Carot Jones at the party last night, Describe her for me, a, What was she wearing? ’. Whar did she wear? EXERCISE 31» Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-5) ‘With a partner, take turns asking and answering the questions, Choose all the expected answers. i ‘What were'you doing at 5:00 a.a.? 1. @ I was sleeping. | . Idreamed. © Twas lying in bed. 2, What did you do when you got home last | 2. a, I was cooking dinner, night? b. made dinner. «. Ifixed dinner. 18 CHAPTER? —______ — 3. a, Twas thinking about all the things T need t0 do coday. |b Toas thinking dour my fami c. Iwas remembering my wedding day. “Gr Whar did your mom lke best abouther | 4. a. She was liking the beach. vacation? ', She enjoyed the warm weather. . She was enjoying the swimming pool 5, Who were you texting just now? 5. 8, [text my mom. | °° 6. Tam telling my manager I'm sick . Iwas texting a‘iend, , What did your fiend make for breakfast? | 6. a. He hed eggs and coflee. 'b, He wes having rice. He was making toast and tea. 7. Where did you live whea you were younger? | 7. a. We lived inthis town for a while. >, We moved around alot. ‘c. We were movirg from town to town. '3. Where were you going when Tealled you? | 8. a, Twas walking tthe bus. b, Twent to the ba stop. ¢. Iwas heading* downtown, radia pong EXERCISE 32> Gramimar and speaking. (Chart 1-5) ‘Work witha partner. Complete the sentences with the given verbs and the words in parentheses. Use the simple pas or the past progressive, Practice one of the conversations and perform it for the cass or sell group. You can look at your book before you speak. When you speak, look at your partner. 1. break | cross ip, A: How (yo) BI. ‘of the dorm, 2. find Took | park A: You're a half-hour late, Where were you? BL. for place to park. A: Go) one? B: Well, yes and no. T car illegally. 3. ash decide Took (see! work. As How did i go? (90) my ‘the manager for a raise when you her yesterday? B: No, she ‘on a big presentation for next week. She pretty busy. T to wait uni later, Present and Pest Simple and Progressive 19 @ 4. coat | miss) ee A: (0) B: Not the room while Dr. Romero. 5, drive ger! happen | beep! pay’! see |A: Thad a bad day yesterday B; Ob? What ——, 'B; Really? That’ too bad. What was it for? in the meeting? the bus and (no) ___________ to walk into, his speech, a tafe ticker. |A: For running 2 red light, T home and (not) attention to the road. I (not) diving. the red light and just EXERCISE 33» Listening. (Chart 1-5) Part I. Anna had a scary experience las night. Listen to her story with your booke closed. ‘Then open your book and listen to the statements, Circle “T” for true and "F” for false Po te Se at see of Pare Listen agun. Complete the tentences with the vers you hee, A Scary Night 1 : a ere experience ast ight. You won't beticve what happened! A man wile Ka ale, There Las ut epg peacefully When someone ; the las in the aig dor! Thesound ———meup. 1 the Sling door open, 501 each forthe phn by he bed nd led the Police, My oe into my apartment as [told the operator there was an intruder in my hott. 1 in my bedroom coset whe the burglar room. Soon rom the crack inthe close oon I ude with my nrep into my sirens asthe police —___—_“1o my building, the burglar as be 1 ‘The police juinped out of their cars aud followed him, but he managed to get away in a car ‘hat was wating for him. The police —_____packin thei care and drove after him. ‘aes Teamed shat they _____him 9 few miles from my building I . really frightened by all this. It really ean imagine: Pan staying at my sister's house forthe rest of the week. me, as you 20 cHaprer 1 EXERCISE 34> Warm-up. (Chart 1-6) CCitcle ye if tne speaker is expressing an intention or plan; circle no if not. 1, Lam going to call you at 9:00 tomorrow: yes no 2, Twas going to call you, bur T couldn’t find your phone number. yes no 4. Twas going to clase when Iran into a friend from my childhood, yes ne 4 Iwas planning to goto college right after high school but ye no then decided to work for a year first. Paced (a) Jack vos going fo got he movi lat right, but Wes ware gong tak about past introns. Usual these ie changed ns min. fre efilegifentons, 2, sciuiza someon irtended To obit dd not. “The mearing in a: Jack was planing to goto te morte, econ butte dant 90 (0) as panning to go, bat ‘Other ways of expressing until intentions are to use yas hoping to go, bt couldn. ln mind a tk sts oe, | Tae thinking about gong, but de. EXERCISE 35 > Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-6) ‘Choose all he sentences sha ae true about the given sentence. 1, Lwas going to pay you back forthe taxi. 1. I paid you back ’, Tas planning to pay you back. ¢. Ididn't pay you back. 2. Twas going to stay home on my day off, but I hed too much work atthe office. a, Twas intending to stay home. bi. Iworked at the office. Thad a lot of work, but I stayed home, 3, Jared was going to the hospital to see his mother when he began to feel il. 4, Jared was on his way to the hospital ', Jared had plans to see his mother but needed to change them. «. Jared didn't go to the hospital 4. My dad was going to surprise my mom with jewelry for her birthday. a. He wanted to give her jewelry. ’, He gave her some jewelry ©. He didn’t surprise her with jewelry. 5, Twas going to the tain station when I remembered your phone cal. ‘a. [vas planning to go to the train station, but I didn’t Tas on my way to the train station, ¢. Ididn't go to the tain station Present and Past Simple and Progressive 21 EXERCISE 36> Writing or speaking. (Chart 1-6) “Toke turns completing the sentences. Work in pairs or small groups, Share some of your answers with the elas. 1. Twas going to get up early this morning, but 2, Las planning ro vist you this weekend, but 3. Twas going to call you on your birthday, but ———————— 4, We were heping to see that movie ina theater, but GO 6, We were going to invite Thomas to go outro dinner with us, but 7. Twas goingto replace my computer witha tablet, but eee ee EXERCISE 37» Check your knowledge. (Chapter 1 Review) Correct the erro: Breakfast is an important meal. I'm always eat a big breakfast. ‘While I was working in my office yesterday, my cousin stops by to visit me. ‘Yuki staied home because she catched a bad cold, [My brothers looks like our father, but Iam resembling my mother. . Jun, are you listen to me? Tam talk to you! ‘While I was surfing the Internet yesterday, I was finding a really interesting website. Did you spcke English before you were come here? ‘Tam not agree with your opinion, 9. My roommate usually watch television, listen to music, or going out in the evening. 410. Right now Sally inthe kitchen eating breakfast. 111, While I'm ¢riving home last night, 1 heared a strange noise in the engine. 12, Why you talking sbout me? I'm not appreciate that. 13, Yesterday; while I was sitting at my computer, Shelley was suddenly coming into the room, wasn't knowing she was there. Iwas concentrate hard on my work, When she suddenly speak, Tam jump. She startle me, 22 CHAPTER + — EXERCISE 38> Reading and writing. (Chapter 1) Part I, Read the journal entry. Underline the past tense verbs. Poeun these Words? - somenhat ‘A Hopeful Beginning -onbarpasad | Today was my fist doy ot he university, and wostate for aabus class, | didn't remember the name of the building and went interrupt {She wrong ono. Aor about fen mines of contuon. finally ound the right class and walked in somewhat embarassed. A gi with

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