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Name: Muvida Dheliana

Registered Number: F041201065

1. What is culture?
culture is transmitted from one generation to the next so this talks about how we
teach a way of life to the next generation so humans are the only mammals with
culture that enable them to adapt to their environment so they can survive on both
the equator and even in the Arctic so that's just a more in-depth look at culture.
2. What is communication?
Communication refers to a two-way process of delivering information, ideas,
feelings or opinions between two or more people, both verbally and non-verbally,
using the media. Communication is important because it is a process in which a
person or group of people creates and uses information so that they are
interconnected with the surrounding environment
3. What is language?
Language is a structured communication system used by conventional spoken,
manual (signed), or often written symbol systems by which humans, as members
of social groups and participants in their culture, express themselves. Language is
important because it is a tool to show self-identity, through language we can also
show our point of view, our understanding of something, our education, even our

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