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Complete the sentences with can and can not

1. A cats can climb tree, but it can’t fly

2. A fish can’t walk, but it can swim
3. A dog can bark, but it can’t sing
4. You can buy stamps at the post office, but you can’t buy shoes there
5. A tiny baby can cry, but it can’t talk
6. I can write with a pen, but I can’t write with paper clip
7. I can’t read a book by moonlight, but I can read in sunlight
8. Trees can produce oxygen, but rocks
9. Fish can’t live in air, but they can live in water
10. You can store water in a glass jar, but you can’t store it in a paper bag
11. You can drive from Bukittinggi to Padang, but you can’t drive from
Bukittinggi to Sweden
12. You can’t ride on the back of a cat, but you can ride on the back of a
13. Randi’s friends are going to the park to play soccer. Randi wants to play too, but he has
a broken toe, so he’s on crutches. Randi can go to the park and watch the game,
but he can’t play in the game
14. Ria has to go to the airport. The airport is 25 miles (40 kilometers) from her house. She
Can’t walk to the airport. It’s too far. She can take a bus. However.

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