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Background and Overview

TABLE OF Impact of COVID19 on the industry
CONTENTS Our perspective on it's future vision
Presentation Outline

What is Digital Media?

03 Any content which can be digitized and transferred
through the internet, computer networks, and
electronic devices.

Taking over traditional media
Digital media is the reason for the displacement of
consumption from traditional media
Types of Digital Media

Audio Social Media

04 The forms of audio digital media are
digital radio, podcasts, and OTT platforms are on the rise due to
Social media platforms like Facebook
and Instagram have not only remained a
audiobooks. In the US, people in tens of usability and increased consumption of
place to interact with the users but are
millions have subscribed to digital audio mobile phones and content. YouTube is
also a hub for brands to communicate,
services such as Apple Music, Spotify, the biggest video digital media platform.
interact, and sell their products.
Pandora, etc.

Online Gaming News & Literature

Online gaming is a huge sector and has a lot of potential in terms The traditional way of consuming news and reading books
of advertising. Marketers are taking advantage of the online has been changing by news apps, eBooks, electronic reading
gaming sector by placing ads in the forms of pop-ups, in-game gadgets (kindle). According to the pew research centre in the
visual ads, auto-play ads, etc. US, 38% of adults read news online.

The pandemic has affected

Impact of almost every industry

majorly since it struck us in
March 2020.
Covid 19 Here we highlight it's

on Media
impact on the OOT, news,
e-commerce, healthcare,
gaming, and social media
industries in particular.
Rise in OTT

With the closing down of The lack of readily Even major production The lockdown thus
film corridors and available streaming houses chose to deliver impaired the viewership
theaters, individuals went content on traditional their movies on in the traditional TV
to OTT Digital stages for TV, shifted the major these platforms to keep industry, but instead,
their entertainment. viewership to OTT their productions running caused a boom in the
platforms such as Netflix, OTT world.
Amazon Prime,
Disney+Hotstar, etc.

07 Consumption
Shift from traditional to digital

Traditional newspapers were being done away with due to

the fear of transmission of the infection.News applications
like InShorts, The Guardian, The Economic Times, and
numerous others have made it simpler for individuals to
consume daily news at a glance with information being
only a click away. This “news in a click” has made it hard
for print papers to regain the market and has thus caused
a major decline in traditional news readership.

Healthcare in
08 Digital
Support from online applications

The pandemic has taken a hit on all the industries at large and
Healthcare is no different.
Major hospitals have been completely converted to COVID
centres and in others, the emergency wards have been
compulsorily trained to prioritise COVID patients. In times like
these, online platforms like Practo, 1mg, among others, have
helped people get consultations from the comfort of their
homes, with the ease of taking a VIDEO CALL appointment
with the concerned doctors and getting the prescribed
medications delivered to their doorsteps.

E- Commerce Platforms
From mass purchasing to web based shopping, individuals are changing their complete shopping
Superfluous organizations are being requested to close, and customers are maintaining distance from
crowded public spots.
Individuals have flocked to e-commerce sites like Flipkart and Myntra as an approach to slow the spread
of the pandemic, thus causing a drop in physical shopping.
Staple internet businesses took off in the second seven day stretch of March, after customers went
online to discover the products they required which weren't accessible at their local stores.
Online Gaming

Numerous associations needed to change plans for

With more individuals going to video games and
their games, progressing from live occasions to far
10 the web as a wellspring of diversion at home, the
computer game and eSports industry is one of only
off play or retraction through and through. Bits of
the area that depended on actual items or in-
a handful few areas to have encountered a blast
person, likewise battled with worldwide stay-at-
because of the emergency.
home requests which was fulfilled by digital media.

As opposed to numerous other monetary areas that are

The pandemic additionally affected the stock chains
definitely influenced by the pandemic, the computer
for gadgets restricting equipment accessibility. This
game industry has been unmistakably stronger to the
anyway didn't affect plans for Microsoft and Sony to
pandemic. Further, with numerous individuals
deliver their cutting edge reassures, the Xbox Series
internationally at home and unfit to work, internet
X and PlayStation 5 in Fall 2020 which ran it’s supply
gaming has seen record quantities of players during the
operations digitally.
Social Media
Commitments on posts have Also, noticed that online Individuals can use the
expanded across all media buzz got from 0.4 adaptability & inescapability of
businesses. Individuals need million in January & 1.6 web-based media advances to

11 social connection, on top of

being on the web more, and
million in February to a
stunning 20.3 million in
expand the public's adherence
to the security measures
that is making them connect March first week. The number proposed by worldwide
more than they used to. purportedly spiked all the wellbeing associations to battle
while as Covid cases hopped the spread of COVID-19.
from only one in January to
the more than 500 in March

The Gen-Z express that

admittance to web-based
Instructors, strict and political
media and being capable
pioneers approached to post
interface with loved ones has
about COVID-19 via online
been useful – with almost a
Statistical surveying firm media that is enlightening &
quarter (24%) saying web-
Nielsen said online media ensured that their audiences
based media has helped
volume saw an incredible 50X understand what's going on
support their mind-set &
flood in the first seven day and the circumstance in
feeling of prosperity; however
stretch of March in Quite a general in their premises,
over a third (34%) feel it has
while in the wake of Covid-19 neighborhood, National and
had an awful impact.
pandemic. worldwide level.

With the advent of pandemic and ongoing

crisis in various sector, digital media
industry still sees a huge amount of growth

12 scope as the consumption patterns change
and digital transformation occurs within
various organizations.

OUTLOOK Moreover, there's a lot of the acceleration in

the market as people start looking forward
to the media as a vital channel for
advertising and promotion, implying a
remarkable future positivity as mentioned
Future Positives
01 02 03
13 It can be predicted that India would As businesses approach to
The technological advances in
AR & VR forecasts a higher rate
have 30-35 million paying OTT video integrate with the trend, the
of engagement in the digital
subscribers and 6-7 million paying media agencies & companies
media. Additionally, companies
audio subscribers by 2021. By the might see a change in revenue
& brands including such
same year, the estimation for the ad models so as to make it simpler
interfaces on their online
model is $4.3 billion and the and applicable with the changing
presence makes it more
subscription model is predicted to be times and exponential
obvious to outgrow the user
$0.8 billion. consumption on the medium
experience & inclination.

With the evolution of VoD & 05 06
Due to COVID 19, ad revenues
streaming preferences amongst the As per the 2020 FICCI reports, the ad are to be severely affected in
consumers, this opens up an spends on digital media has been 2021. Digital is the only sector
opportunity of growth for digital growing exponentially, the industry that shows the possibility of
media as new ways of distribution foresees an incredible growth with growth, outdoing traditional
keep springing. respect to choosing as a distribution television.
Future Positives

14 07 08
The growing consumption also implies a
FICCI reports mention that the Media and
remarkable inclusivity to sensitize the young
Entertainment sector in India is predicted to cross
generation for the same. It can be said that digital
INR 2,35,000 crore by 2021 at a CAGR of 11.6%. T.V.
literacy as a part of education will be parrying the
takes the place of the largest segment, the digital
limits of only for media & communication students
sector is expected to overtake print by 2021 and to
but also be a part in early education too
reach $5.1 Billion.

Omnichannel Marketing will boost the consumption
As the technological sectors continue to venture into
of digital media as it allows the marketing plans to
big media, this gives a large boost for the industry to
integrate all the platforms in order to increase
heighten its lengths technologically too.
consumer engagement.
Future Challenges

15 01 02
With the cluttering comes the advertising
As the consumption on all the mediums increases,
conundrum which brings the implication
there is going to be an increased cluttering that
exploitation of data harvested in order to drive
might blur the lines between the channels. This
profits by contextual advertising. This might create
cluttering might counterstrike the whole idea of
an image in the consumers that digital media is
practicality of the mediums. Digital industry per se, it
just an updated version of traditional cable TV as
might get hard to stand out as everything will be up
the private information might go in wrong hands.
on this too.

03 04
Human tendency can be another challenge to deal with.
It can also be forecasted that with the rise of digitization
as a new channel, Indian government has been reacting This is the least possible but it might happen that as the
so as to regulate the vague & offensive content. This changing lifestyle of adapting everything available
might create a problem for the liberal outlook for the digitally, it might cause an human tendency to incline
contents digitally regardless of whatsoever is the integrity more or less towards what’s said not to be done i.e.
tied up. outdoor media consumption like theatres or OOH.

Best Media Info, News and Analysis on Indian Advertising, Marketing and Media Industry. (n.d.).
16 Retrieved from

Bhandari, K. (n.d.). 4 emerging trends and challenges shaping the future of the media industry. Retrieved from
creators are helping people,from $666.9 billion in 2017

The Future of Media: Concepts and Trends for Communication Professionals. (2019, May 23). Retrieved from

Team, C. I. (2020, September 30). Covid to have a two year impact on the media and entertainment industry in
India: KPMG: Advertising. Retrieved from

What does the future look like for digital media? (n.d.). Retrieved from

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