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Respondent’s Profile:

Name (Optional):_______________________ Sex:  Male  Female

Age: ______ Religion: _______

Ordinal Position in the family:

 First  Middle  Last  others (please specify):________________

Educational Level:  Grade 9  Grade 10

II. Parenting style use by the respondent’s parent/guardian: This part of the

tool will determine the style to be considered in parenting. Please indicate your

honest response to the given statements by checking the box of your answer.

 Authoritarian Parenting

Parents establish the rules and expect that children will follow them without exception.

 Authoritative Parenting

Also have rules that children are expected to follow. However, they allow some exceptions to

the rule. They often tell children the reasons for the rules and they are more willing to consider

a child’s feelings when setting limits.

 Indulgent Parenting

Parents may take on more of a friend role than a parent role. They always allow their children

to enjoy their lives.

 Neglectful parenting

Parents tend to have little knowledge of what their children are doing. They often do not meet

their children’s basic needs and may not receive any nurturing or guidance and they lack the

much need parental attention.

III. Effects of parenting style to the social functioning of children: This part

of the tool will determine how parenting style affects the development of children

in different aspect. Please indicate your honest response to the given statements

by checking the box of your answer.


I generally think in a positive way
I feel satisfied with the way my body looks right now
I am aware and open about my emotions and feelings
I appreciate all the things that surround me
I feel satisfied or happy about what I do with my time, my
relationships and my future
I know how to ask for the things I want and I need, and I am
also able to listen to others
I believe I am important
I deserve to be treated well and I will look after myself as well
I make mistakes and that is ok. I try to see mistakes as an
opportunity to learn so I don’t do the same again
I ask forgiveness to those people I have done wrong
I have some ideas about the future and what I want to achieve
such as travel and work
I believe that I can achieve good things and that I make a
positive contribution to my environment and in my relationship

I am satisfied with my relationship with my family and
I am able to show the real and genuine “me” in my
family and peers
I tend to have an enthusiastic outlook on life and
generally trust people
I like to communicate by talking
I am polite and respectful to other people
I love meeting new people
I am friendly and easy to get to know with
I look to others as an outside sources for ideas and
I enjoys group work
I am open and willing to share my thoughts and
I can support and cheer other people who have a
I find social interaction as refreshing and it help me feel
less stressed out
I am excited to go to school and eagerly attend class
I actively participate in school activities
I considered studies as test that I must accomplish
I want to accomplish my task nor assignment ahead of
I always read books related to my studies
I prefer to study/work my requirements by myself and
submit it on time
I only surf in networking sites to gain knowledge for
our subject matter
I browse my notes and study a head of the time
I pay attention to my teacher attentively
At the end of the day I recall and summarized all the
lesson of my teacher
I value my grades as a self-fulfillments
I have a good grades




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