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Biological Science Long Bones

Introduction to the Skeletal System - Found in the limbs

Structure, function, and classification of - Each bone is made
bones of a body (diaphysis)
and two extremities
Skeletal System (epiphyses)
Interconnected system of bones - Wall consists of
ligaments and tendons dense tissue
Provide support and protection for - Central canal called
Composed of 206 bones medullary canal is filled with marrow

Functions of Skeletal System Short Bones

1) Support – provides solid axis for muscles - Found in skeleton where strength,
to act against, creating motion. compactness, and limited movement are
2) Protection- bones such as skull provide
- 2 main examples
barrier of protection from external forces
 Tarsus
3) Hematopoiesis- production of red blood
 Carpus

Flat Bones
Types of Bones
- Used in spots where protection or muscular
Bones are divisible into 5 class
attachment is desired
 Long - Main locations are skull and scapula
 Short
Irregular Bones
 Flat
 Irregular - Bones which don’t fit
 Sesamoid into other categories
due to irregular shapes
- Examples: vertebrae
- ; sphenoid; hyoid

Sesamoid (Round) Bones

- Usually small and round.

- Embedded within tendons adjacent to
- Example: patella (kneecap)
Bone Formation and Fractures - Human growth hormone
- Begins as mainly cartilage - Somatotropin
- Calcifies in utero - -Both hormones stimulate activity in the
- At birth, fontanels remain epiphyseal plate

Ossification Physical Activity

- Bone production process gives bone - Increase in physical exertion on bone tissue
extreme tensile and compressional increases bone density and strength
Bone maintenance
- Several things contribute to strength
 Osteoblasts- constantly producing new
bone tissue
 Osteoclasts – clean out old bone tissue
- Causes holes or tunnels in bone which
osteoblasts then fill in with calcium and
phosphate compounds

Factors which contribute to bone growth

- Nutrition
- Exposure to sunlight
- Hormonal Secretion
- Physical Exercise

- Mainly calcium consumption
- Increased blood calcium triggers release of
- Causes uptake of calcium by osteoblasts
(bone builders)

Nutrition (contd)

- Decrease in calcium triggers release of

Parathyroid hormone
- Triggers osteoclasts to break down bone,
releasing calcium into blood

Exposure to Sunlight

- UV light on the skin causes Vitamin D

- Promotes proper absorption of calcium in
the SI

Hormonal Secretion
Simple Fracture Greenstick Fracture
- Also called closed - Bone breaks incompletely
- fracture - Common in children due to more collagen
- Bone breaks in bones
cleanly and does
not penetrate skin. Repairing Fractures
- Little chance of Closed reduction = bones are eased back into
infection alignment and “reset”
Compound Fracture Open reduction = bones are surgically reset
- Bone breaks using screws or wires
completely After either, a cast is usually applied to
- Bone ends immobilize the bone; healing begins
through skin Internal Bone Repair
- Major chance of
1) Hematoma forms from ruptured blood
serious bone
2) After new capillaries form, fibrocartilage
Comminuted Fracture callus “splints” broken bone using cartilage and
- Bone breaks into many fragments bony matrix.
- Common in elderly 3) Osteoblasts migrate to area, forming bone
Compression Fracture “patch” over break. Fibrocartilage is replaced by
bony callus.
- Bone is crushed
- Common in porous bones
- Especially common in vertebrae of
osteoporosis patients

Depression fracture
- Broken bones are forced inward
- Common in skull fractures

Impacted Fracture
- Broken bone ends are forced into each
- Common in falls (ie. From ladder) where
person attempts to break their fall Spiral
The Axial Skeleton
Spiral Fracture
- Occurs from excessive twisting force on Divisions of the Skeletal System
- Common in sports injuries
Skeletal system is divided into two main  Cranium – collection of 8 bones
division which hold and protect brain
 Facial bones – 14 bones that
 Axial – central skeleton that protects
make up the face; all but 2 are
and supports vital organs
 Appendicular – skeleton of the
extremities Cranium
- Frontal Bone – makes up forehead,
eyebrows, and superior section of eye
- Parietal Bone – form most of the
superior and lateral walls of cranium
- Temporal bones – lie inferior to parietal
- Occipital bone – forms back and floor of
cranium; foramen magnum (large hole)
allows spinal cord to meet brain
Axial Skeleton
- Composed of skull and vertebrae
- Mainly flat and irregular bones
- Serve to protect organs such as brain,
heart, and lungs
- Also helps to support body along central
axis (backbone) Facial Bones
- Mandible- lower jawbone
Parts of the axial skeleton - Maxillary bones (maxillae) fuse
Skull – protects brain together to form upper jaw
- Palatine processes –
Vertebrae – protect spinal cord; also serves directly posterior to
to keep skeleton upright maxillae; forms rear
Ribs – protect lungs and heart; gives of hard palate
intercostal muscles a hard surface to move
against for breathing

Divisions of the skull Facial Bones Contd.

- Skull is divided into 2 sets of bones  Zygomatic bones – cheekbones
 Lacrimal bones – inferior - 12 pairs of ribs, each connects to a thoracic
section of orbital bones; vertebra
- First 7 pairs = true ribs; attach directly to
provides passageway for tears
 Ethmoid bone- forms roof of - Last 5 pairs = false ribs; indirect or no
nasal cavity attachment; last two are floating (no
More Facial Bones sternal attachment)
 Nasal bones- form bridge of
nose Sternum
Fusion of three bones ⚫ 1) Manubrium
 Vomer – divides nasal cavity in (top) ⚫ 2) Body (middle) ⚫ 3) Xiphoid
half Process (bottom) ⚫ Location for rib
 Inferior conchae- thin curved attachment ⚫ Surrounded by costal
bones which project from cartilage Sternal Puncture ⚫ Process by
which marrow is removed from sternum ⚫
interior of nasal cavity
Good location because of proximity to body
surface The Spinal Column Intro ⚫
Supports body ⚫ Connects skull to pelvis ⚫
Sends weight down to pelvis, where it is
transmitted through the legs ⚫ Surrounds
and protects spinal cord ⚫ 26 total bones
Divisions of the Spinal Column ⚫ 4 main
divisions 1) Cervical curvature
2)Thoracic curvature 3)Lumbar
Axial Skeleton curvature 4)Pelvic ⚫Sacrum ⚫Thorax
Intervertebral Discs Spinal Curvatures Bony Cervical curvature ⚫ Begins where skull
Thorax meets spine ⚫ Composed of 7 vertebrae ⚫
Labeled C1-C7, starting at skull ⚫ First two
Intervertebral Discs vertebrae (C1 and C2)are different C1 and
C2 ⚫ Perform different jobs than other
- Pads of cartilage between each vertebra
vertebrae ⚫ C1 (atlas) has depressions that
- Provide cushioning; reduce shock
accept the occipital codyles (“yes nod”) ⚫
- High water content
C2 (axis) acts as pivot point for skull (“ no ”
- As you age, water content lowers, drying
head shake) Thoracic Curvature ⚫ 12
bones ⚫ T1-T12 ⚫ Costal demifacet – point
- Can cause herniated (slipped) disc; where
of attachment of ribs Lumbar Vertebrae ⚫
disc protrudes from spine
5 vertebrae ⚫ (L1-L5) ⚫ Sturdiest because
Bony Thorax under the most stress Sacrum ⚫ 1 bone
composed of 5 fused vertebrae ⚫ “wing-
- Made of bones which connect and protect like” alae connect laterally with hip bones
heart and lungs (forms sacroiliac joints) ⚫ Makes up
- Ribs, Costal Cartilage, and Sternum posterior wall of pelvis Coccyx ⚫ 1 bone
Ribs formed by fusion of 3 vertebrae ⚫ Tailbone
⚫ Thought to be left over from when our
ancestors had tails Spinal Curvatures great range of motion ⚫ Also dislocates
⚫Scoliosis- lateral curvature ⚫Lordosis- easily Movement in the Shoulder Girdle ⚫
Apex towards anterior (ie. Lumbar Very free moving because 1)Only attaches
curvature) ⚫Kyphosis- Apex towards at one point to axial skeleton 2)Loose
posterior (Osteoporosis patients) attachment of scapula allows it to slide
Appendicular Skeleton Pelvic Girdle Pelvis 3)Glenoid cavity very shallow Arm Bones
⚫ Juncture point for axial skeleton and ⚫ Arms composed of long bones ⚫
lower body ⚫ Holds internal organs ⚫ Humerus (upper arm) ⚫ Radius and Ulna
Distributes weight down legs ⚫ 3 fused (forearm) Humerus ⚫ Simple long bone ⚫
bones ⚫ Obturator foramenlarge hole Greater and lesser tubercle allow for
through which nerves and muscles pass muscle attachment ⚫ Deltoid
Bones of the Pelvis ⚫Ilium ⚫Ischium tuberosityplace of attachment for deltoid
⚫Pubis ⚫Become fused into “pelvis” at muscle Attachment to the forearm ⚫
puberty Ilium ⚫Makes up top of hip (iliac Trochlea articulates against bones of
crest) ⚫Lateral portions of the pelvis forearm ⚫ Olecranon fossa shaped like
⚫Contains hip socket Features of the Ilium spoon Forearm bones ⚫ Ulna – pinkie-side
⚫ Iliac crest – rounded projection on of forearm ⚫ Radius – Thumb side of
superior surface; makes up “hip” ⚫ forearm Processes of the ulna ⚫ Olecranon
Acetabulum- joint between femure and process attaches to humerus at olecranon
pelvis ⚫ Width from crest to crest = false fossa ⚫ Allows for articulation between
pelvis ⚫ Width of actual inlet = true pelvis upper and lower arm Hands and Feet Joints
Ischium ⚫Inferior portion of pelvis ⚫Ischial Intro ⚫ Any point where bones meet ⚫
Tuberosity – point of muscle attachment; Also called articulations ⚫ Every bone
“sit bones” Pubis ⚫Anterior portion of (except hyoid) articulates with at least 1
pelvis ⚫Joined medially by pubic symphysis other bone Classifications of Joints ⚫ Can
Leg bones Hands and Feet Appendicular be classified by mobility, or by the type of
Skeleton Superior Extremities Shoulder tissue which connects the bones Joint
Girdle ⚫ Also called pectoral girdle ⚫ classification by Mobility ⚫ Can be one of
Composed of only two bones Clavicle three types. 1) Synarthroses – immovable
Scapula Clavicle ⚫ Collar bone ⚫ Double- joint 2)amphiarthroses- slightly moveable
curved ⚫ Attaches medially to manubrium joint 3)diarthroses- freely movable
of sternum ⚫ Attaches laterally to scapula Classification by connective tissue type ⚫
⚫ Acts as a brace, keeping arm away from Joints are connected by either fibrous,
thorax ⚫ Also prevents shoulder cartilage, or synovial connective tissue. ⚫
dislocation Scapula ⚫ Shoulder Blade ⚫ Fibrous is usually synarthroses, ⚫ Synovial
Main function is attachment of shoulder ⚫ – diarthroses Fibrous Joints ⚫ Fibrous
Major point of muscle attachment for tissue ⚫ Example= sutures of the skull ⚫
movement of arms ⚫ Weakly attached to Tight fibrous tissue allows for essentially no
thorax, so moves easily Major Processes of movement Cartilaginous Joints ⚫ Cartilage
the Scapulae ⚫ 1)Acromion – extends from ⚫ Example= intervertebral joints ⚫ Can
spine of scapulae Point of attachment of express either type of movement Synovial
clavicle ⚫ 2)Coracoid- main site of arm Joints ⚫ Bones separated by synovial cavity
muscle attachment Glenoid Cavity ⚫ ⚫ Empty pocket serves to reduce friction
Socket of arm joint ⚫ Shallow ⚫ Allows for between moving bones ⚫ Usually located
in extremities, where movement is sinussurrounds nasal cavity ⚫ Lighten skull,
necessary So… What does it mean to be and thought to amplify sounds when
double-jointed? ⚫ Usually not actually two speaking Deformations ⚫ Cleft palate =
joint cavities ⚫ Ligaments are simply less when palatine bones fail to properly or
taut than normal, allowing for more completely fuse. ⚫ Leads to inability to
flexibility ⚫ Can be indicative of serious nurse, due to failure to form a vacuum.
genetic defects Joint Problems ⚫ Male vs. Female Skeleton In general ⚫Male
Osteoarthritis – general break-down of skeleton is larger, with thicker bones
joints, leading to ossification, and then ⚫Female bones maintain many
pain. ⚫ Rheumatoid Arthritis – characteristics of prepubescent skeleton
autoimmune disease where body attacks its ⚫Male features change at puberty (usually
own tissues; cause unknown Features of at points of muscular attachment) Skull ⚫
the Skull Sutures of the cranium ⚫ Suture – Male mastoid process more pronounced ⚫
location where flat bones of the cranium Superior portion of female orbital (brow
meet and fuse ⚫ Squamous- fuses ridge) less pronounced ⚫ Female mandible
temporal and parietal ⚫ Coronal – fuses is pointed, while male is squared Facial
frontal to parietal ⚫ Saggital – fuses plates Differences ⚫ Female face wider than male
of parietal bones ⚫ Lambdoid – fuses ⚫ Females have more pointed nose, while
occipital to parietal Bone markings of the males are more blunt ⚫ Female forehead
Temporal Bones ⚫ 1) external auditory less sloping ⚫ Eyebrows positioned higher
meatus – canal which leads to inner ear ⚫ in females Pelvis ⚫ Female Pelvis wider and
2) styloid process – sharp, needlelike more shallow ⚫ Male iliac crests more
projections inferior to the e.a.m.;location pointed ⚫ Male pelvis more narrow
of muscle attachment ⚫ 3) zygomatic Sacrum ⚫Female sacrum wider and flatter
processforms cheek bones;forms large hole ⚫Usually more rounded than male The
which allows jaw muscles to pass through “Homologous” Limb of Vertebrates
to mandible Temporal bone markings Homology—Two Interpretations
(contd.) ⚫ 4) mastoid process – posterior ⚫Evolutionists say: Homologous organs
and inferior to e.a.m.;location of muscle have similar structures because they
attachment for muscles of the neck ⚫ 5) evolved from a common ancestor.
jugular foramen- at junction of occipital ⚫Creationists say: Homologous organs
and temporal bones; allows jugular vein to are similar because they were designed and
pass through from brain ⚫ 6) carotid canal built following a common plan or common
– anterior to j.f. Allows carotid artery to planner
pass to brain Occipital Condyles ⚫ Lie
lateral to the foramen magnum ⚫ Rest
upon the spinal column ⚫ Provides point of
attachment for skull to spinal column
Cribriform Bones ⚫ Cribriform bones –
“holey” bone plates which make up roof of
nasal cavity;allow for olfactory sensors to
pass from nose to brain Sinuses ⚫ Empty
pocket inside bones which are lines with
mucous membranes ⚫ Paranasal

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