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Selection & Training of Pran

Executive Summary Selection is a key component in the acquisition of human resources. Without a reliable and effective selection mechanism, a business can
never flourish, especially in the present world of market economy, which is fiercely competitive. Big multinational corporate houses try to recruit the best
people in order to continue their dominance in the market. In such circumstances, local firms should also be concerned and put their best to select best available
persons. Training is another component of human resource management, which needs special attention. Selecting the potential candidates will not serve the
purpose until they are grouped up appropriately to meet the requirements of the job . At present many sophisticated techniques are Selection & Training
available for providing training to employees. But unfortunately, in Bangladesh, traditional techniques, whose affectivity is relatively lower, are mostly used .
There are ample scopes in most of the local organization to enhance the performance level of employees by adequate and effective training programs. It is my
pleasure to acknowledge the effort of the report of “Selection and Training process in PRAN Group” and lecturer’s, students and other personnel for supporting
such a nice program, from which I have earned a wonderful experience. I would like to thank my honorable advisor and course coordinator Ms. Farzana Elahi
Asian University of Bangladesh , for providing proper guidance and help to complete the research project. I would also like to acknowledge the following
personnel and classmates for helping me to make report in several ways. Iqbal Hossain (Manager, HRD PRAN Group) Mamunur Rashid (GM, PRAN Group).
To study the selection process and selection devices used in PRAN group.
To study the training programs and methods used in PRAN Group.
To evaluate the selection process and training programs of PRAN Group.
To coordinate the theories of selection and training in a real life
To coordinate the scope of improvement in the selection and training of PRAN Group. 2 Methodologies Reviewing the theory of selection and
Selection of the organization to be studied.
Determining the variables required.
Developing a questionnaire on the basis of required information.
Interviewing the personnel orally and with the questionnaire.
Studying the supplied materials by the organization.
Analyzing the collected materials and information.
Correlating the analyzed information with theory.
Assessing the overall selection and training procedures in PRAN Group. 3 Limitations of the study It was often difficult to correlate theory with practice
as the selection and training processes of PRAN Group, which is not very well defined and systematic.
Due to secrecy of business strategy, the authority of PRAN GROUP did not disclose much in-depth information regarding organization.
Corporate executives usually remain very busy. It is difficult to get adequate time from them. More importantly, sometimes they expressed once, which
was embarrassing for the authors. History of PRAN PRAN is the brand name of Agricultural Marketing Co.
It was launched in 1983 as an agricultural business. The company was established to serve diverse purposes like serving small farmers with inputs, marketing
farm products, organizing contract growers to grow specific crops and exporting of agricultural products. PRAN stands for 11 “Program for Rural Advancement
Nationally”. The Mission of the company is to generate employment opportunity and to earn dignity and self-respect for their compatriots. The objective of the
company is to achieve social values with sustainable pecuniary advantage. The company is very much vertically integrated that starts from the mango
cultivation up to the finished products in different forms. The company makes available farm inputs at the farmer's doorstep. They go for cultivation and
processing of hybrid tomato, baby corn and mango through contract farmers on commercial scale. PRAN has latest technology that can produce pineapple
round the year. PRAN also introduced tissue culturing, cultivation, processing, canning and dehydration of the mushrooms on commercial basis. In the factory
it has food processing plant and pulping plant, which supply the ingredients for the main plant. Unlike other companies who are importing raw materials from
other countries, PRAN is basically trying to help the farmer community of Bangladesh. Country can be proud to have PRAN because it is made from our
mango and sugar. AMCL set up its bottling and canning factory on 8 acres of land in May 1991. Over the years the factory has expanded substantially in all
spheres of food processing such bottling, canning, pulping, pickling, concentrating, dehydrating as well as installation of Bangladesh's first tetra pack facility
for juices and modem extrusion plant for snack food. Machinery for all these lines are being installed, expanded, modified and fabricated continuously. PRAN
became very successful competing with strong multinational companies like Coke, Pepsi, and big companies from different parts of the world from very
beginning. It has a strong distribution channel, which helped the company to become successful in the beverage industry. One other important factor that is
needed to sustain in this business is to have a very strong market. Though Bangladesh is a highly populated country with 120 million people, there are very few
people who can afford to have a quality product like PRAN. If market grows and over all macro economic condition improves then companies like PRAN can
sell high volumes. For the development of beverage industry three things are needed. One is company like PRAN should come with quality products, good
distribution network and important thing is increasing the income level of people to afford quality products. 2 Subsidiary Enterprises PRAN Group is one of the
fastest growing corporate houses in the country. It has got quit good number of subsidiary enterprises, which includes:

Property Development Ltd. (PDL): This is the oldest enterprise of PRAN Group.
The Group was established on the profit made by PDL. This enterprise is one of the pioneers in apartment business in Dhaka.
Property Lifts: It is a new enterprise of PRAN Group. It imports elevators and other accessories to meet the growing demand of modern lifts and
Rangpur Foundry Ltd. (RFL): This is an established engineering enterprise, which focuses to meet the demand of rural community of Bangladesh. A
tube well made by RFL is most prominent in the country.
Agricultural Marketing Co Ltd. (AMCL): AMCL was started as a fruit processing enterprise.

Gradually, other sectors of food industry (e. g. Chips, mineral water, Tomato Ketchup etc. ) were also incorporated in the manifold of AMCL. At present,
AMCL has become the flagship enterprise of PRAN Group. Most of the resources of PRAN Group are now devoted for the growth and operation of AMCL. In
the long run, the group intends to become a global leader in the field of agricultural industry. 3 Products of PRAN The average sales growth of PRAN is more
than 70%, which is an extraordinary growth. PRAN is in bottles, tetra packs, and in plastic bottles. RAN currently producing and marketing the following
products: ? Mango, Orange and Pineapple juice, ? Pineapple slices, ? Orange, Apple and Litchi drink, ? Mushrooms, gherkin, mango, pineapple, lemon and
orange squashes, ? Mango, mixed fruit and Pineapple jams, ? Orange and Apple jelly, ? Tomato ketchup, ? Mango, Olive, Chili, Garlic, Jujube and Satkora
pickles ? White and Malted vinegar ? Rose Kewra flavored water, ? Mineral water ? Dehydrated Banana, Jackfruit, Mango and Pineapple. ? Full cream liquid
Milk etc. 4) Present Activities of PRAN PRAN exports processed and semi-processed fruits, vegetables and mushroom products to U. S. A. , UK, France, Italy,
Australia Germany, India, Nepal, and Bhutan etc. It is focusing heavily on export of their products to many parts of the world. The quality control measures of
PRAN are much stricter than any other company. PRAN is selling their products to Biman Bangladesh Airlines, Hotel Sonargaon and Sheraton and many other
companies. This year PRAN has started production of snakes. They will also introduce confectionery products. They are planning to process aseptic bagging
and storage juices for the local market. It is trying to tie up joint ventures with India to make PRAN plant in India and Nepal. PRAN's target is to go out of
Bangladesh and compete in the global level, which will bring foreign currency to our country. It has also several futures backward forward expansion plans like
expansion of bottling, packing and tetra-pack line. It is also planning to set up 3000 MT capacity cold storage, potato cultivation, processing, freezing,
pineapple plantation, export of mango, pineapple and tomato juice and paste, production of dairy milk products, set up poultry project, production of potato
chips and French fries. (A) Steps in Selection Process 1. Getting Requisition of the Vacant Posts Prior to the selection process a requisition of the vacant posts
is obtained from the CEO as per approved by the individual department heads. Then starts actual searching of suitable candidates. Internal search is done first,
and if necessary then external search is done. 2. Raising Advertisement In case of internal search an advertisement of specified pattern (attached in the
appendix) is circulated over the various department notice board. If no suitable candidates are found in internal search, an option of head hunting comes first. A
sample notice of head hunting is also included in appendix. Then the company goes to advertise in the renowned national daily newspaper. Specifically, for mid
level and top level management, the company directly goes to newspaper advertisement. The higher the position in the organization the more specialized the
skills, or the shorter the supply of that kind in the labor market, the more widely dispersed the advertisement 3. Receiving Application Form Always more than
adequate numbers of candidates submit application. These applications usually include the candidates' name, letter address and phone numbers. PRAN Group
doesn't provide these application forms. Applicants submit their curriculum vitae or comprehensive Personal profile with me application form. So the company
gets a synopsis of what the applicants have been doing during their adult life, their skill and accomplishments. It is to note that PRAN Group doesn't bother
about initial screening of selection process. 4. Short Listing the Candidates In PRAN Group during short listing, at first, a preliminary review of potentially
acceptable candidates is made- Then the selectors are confronted with a number of potential candidates. Based on the curriculum vitae, job description, and job
specification some of these respondents are eliminated- Factors that lead to a negative decision include inadequate or inappropriate experience or similarly
inadequate or inappropriate education. For an example, how they make the short list of candidates we can mention that recently they seek a production manager
having 5 - 7 years' related experience. For this post several application forms were received. Among these one was such that the applicant is currently doing job
in a project getting Tk. 50000 salary per month. He did his graduation from a British University having related job experience of 5 years. As the selection
committee knows about the range of salary package, and considering other practical aspects they initially rejected that application form. 5. Preparing and
Sending Interview Cards On receipt of application forms the short listed candidates are considered to receive interview cards. Specially, for mid4evel and
top4evel management posts, interview cards are issued. These interview cards are usually sent in normal national postal service. Applicants are given no TA
(transport allowance) or DA (day allowance). The company bears no responsibility of Accidentally missing interview cards. 6. Employment Tests Usually
employment tests are designed for lower-mind and mid level management posts. These tests usually include intelligence, aptitude, ability, and interest tests.
However, many of the general intelligence tests have a disparate impact on minorities. But, the company doesn't pay attention to alter the existing test procedure
through validity testing. 7. Final Comprehensive Interview After employment tests being held, every individual candidate is taken to face a comprehensive
interview. Since, in the PRAN Group, there is no initial screening interview; in this comprehensive interview the management describes the job in enough detail
to the candidates so that whether they were really serious about the job. The management also bargains about salary range with the applicants. They check
whether the applicant is willing to work at any place in the country where their office is available. In the PRAN Group, the final comprehensive interview the
selection department officials, the Officials of the department that has vacant post(s) and an official of legal administration interview applicants. The
interviewers try to probe into that hidden area of the applicants that can't be addressed by the application form of tests viz. ssessing one's motivation, ability to
work under pressure, and ability to 'fit in' with the organization. 7. 1 Modalities of Interview Process Usually the interview board comprises of 3/4 persons.
Before the interview starts, interviewers are supplied with all the information of the candidates. This includes the curriculum vitae and the result of the written
test. There are no predetermined criteria of evaluation or questions. Interviewers ask questions according to their individual judgment. Interviewers together
usually give a combined grade. That is, after the departure of a candidate from the room; interviewers discuss among themselves regarding the strong and weak
points of the candidate and compare the candidate with other candidates. Finally, with the consent of other members of the board, the chairman of the interview
board gives a final grade. That grade is considered as the opinion of the whole board. 7. 2 Features of Interview: The following features characterize the
interview process, typically carried out in PRAN group. Qualifications evaluated. Through the interview process, it is tried to ascertain whether the applicant is
serious to get the appointment. The management of PRAN Group does not want to face a situation where they select the best available person in terms of
education, written test score and other qualifications; but who does not feel motivated to do the concern job. Interviewers. Interview board in PRAN Group
typically consists of the representatives from HRM Department, representatives of the concerned department for which employee is being selected and
sometimes representatives of the CEO. No training for the Interviewers. - Interviewers are not given any special training for taking interview. It is assumed that
since the persons taking the interview are related with the job (a senior official of the concerned department, for which appointment is being made is always
present), so the selection would be flawless. No structured questionnaire: Interviewers ask different questions to different applicants using their discretion and
experience. No standard score sheet. After departure of an applicant, chairman of the interview board discusses with other members of the board and they reach
a consensus regarding a grade to be provided to the applicant. The chairman thus gives the final grade. 8. Making List of Suitable Candidates After having a
comprehensive interview, the selection committee (headed by the responsible department head) makes a list of suitable candidates who may be selected finally.
Specially, written test scores are given more weightage. If an applicant perform poorly in the final comprehensive interview, he still has opportunity to be
selected depending upon his written test score. However, sometimes the selection committee selects candidate if the candidate perform very well during the
interview. Final Employment decision This crucial decision always takes the Chief Executive Officer of the PRAN Group. The CEO takes a list of suitable
candidates from the selection committee (headed by the responsible department head) from which he selects the final candidates. The CEO may ignore the
suggested candidate without showing any reason. Suppose, the selection committee has selected a candidate looking at her agile and intelligent performance
during interview ignoring his poor performance in written test, the CEO can discard that candidate outright. However, the manager in the department that had
the position should make the actual final decision open. The applicant will eventually work for this manager not for the chief executive officer and therefore a
good 'fit between the boss and the employee is necessary- Moreover, if the decision of selecting that applicant will appear wrong the concerned department
manager will be solely responsible. Elements of Selecting Applicants The following elements are considered in selection process Education of the candidate
Age of the candidate PersonalityPolitical involvement Profession Social involvement Discipline Work Experience Reasons for changing Job Pattern of the job
change Salary requirement Reasons of applying Introductions Every organization needs to have well-trained and experienced. People to perform the activities
We have to be done. If current or potential job occupants can meet this requirement, training is not important. When this is not the case, it is necessary to raise
the skill levels and increase the versatility and adaptability of employees- As jobs have become more complex, the importance of employee training has
increased. The PRAN-Group is a conglomerate company and Wishes to be one of the top companies in the country as well as in the world; it needs highly
skilled and trained employees. Realizing the importance of training, PRAN has set up a different department for training, named Training Department. The
Organogram of Training Department Though the training department is not a big one as other departments, it does a huge task every year. The head of this
department is Chief Trainer and a Junior Executive assists him. This department is under direct supervision of Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Thus this
department gets very importance within the group. The organogram of this department is shown bellow. (3 ) Training Need Assessment CEO Chief Trainer
(PRAN-Group) Junior Executive Fig: Organogram of Training Department This is the vital part of training. Before designing training program it needs to
assess the training It is surprising that there was no formal or planned training need assessment system in PRAN Group though they consider training as the
vital part of the organization. Without prior assessment they used to do some pre selected training every years and years. Of course the training that they used to
give is nevertheless less important yet it demands appropriate training needs assessment. This year they have realized the needs of assessment and accordingly
have launched a training need assessment system. They have designed an assessment form to be filled up by various departments. From that form they will the
areas of training needs and will design the training program accordingly- However they used to assess training needs by the following ways. What are the
organization's goals? What tasks must be completed to achieve these goals What are the behaviors necessary to complete the tasks? What are the deficiencies
the employees have? Formal Employee-Training Methods There are two types of training methods followed by PRAN. These are on- the-job training and off-
the-job training. On-the-job Training The most widely used methods of training take place on the job. This can be attributed to the simplicity of such methods
and the impression that they are less costly to operate. On-the -job training places the employees in an actual work situation and makes them appear to be
immediately productive. It is learning by doing. For jobs that either are difficult to simulate or can be learned quickly by watching and doing, on4heAob
training makes sense. One of the drawbacks to on4heAob training can be low productivity while the employees develop their skills. Another drawback can be
the errors made by the trainees while they learn. However, when the damage the trainees can do is minimal, where training facilities and personnel are limited
or costly, and where it is desirable for the workers to loam the job under normal working conditions, the benefits of on-the-job training frequently offset its
drawbacks. Apprenticeship Programs: Employees seeking to enter skilled trades - to become, for example, special machine operators are often required to
undergo apprenticeship training before they are accepted to journeyman status. Typically, this apprenticeship period is two to five years. In PRAN this period is
for only six months. This period is often called Probationary period. During the apprenticeship period, the trainee is paid less than a fully qualified worker is.
Job Instruction Training (JIT) This is one of the most systematic approaches to train employees. This program is usually carried out in the factories for those
employees, who are in the operative positions. JIT consists of four basic steps: Preparing the trainees by telling them about the job and overcoming their
uncertainties. The basic instructions are: o Breaking down the job o Preparing an instruction plan o Putting the learners at ease Presenting the instruction, giving
essential information in a clear manner. The instructions are: o Telling o Showing o Demonstration o Explaining Having the trainees try out the job to
demonstrate their understanding. The basic instructions are: ? Have the learner 'talk through' the job. ? Have the learner instruct the supervisor on how the job is
done. ? Let the learner do the job. Provide feedback both positive and negative. ? Let the learner practice. Placing the workers into the job, on their own, with a
designated resource person to call upon should they need assistance. The basic instructions are: ? Checking progress frequently at first. ? Telling the learner
whom to go to for help. ? Gradually taper off progress checks. Off-the-job Training Most of the training covered by this company is off-the-job training. Most
of these training programs are conducted are in the premises of the training department and in the factory of the company. Sometimes the company arranges
training outside the company. There are variety techniques that are followed to provide such training. The mostly used technique is classroom lectures. The
other techniques are films, demonstrations, case studies and other simulation exercises. Classroom lectures This is well-adapted method to convey specific
information-rules, procedures, or methods. Most of the off-the-job training programs are conducted by this method. Sometimes the use of overhead projector
(OHP), films and demonstration make the session interesting. The lectures that are given are well structured and formatted. Mainly the chief trainer and junior
executive trainer take these lectures. For some training programs the head of different departments also give lectures. These lectures mainly cover the detailed
view of the respective departments. The department heads give information about the type of jobs, their internal organizational structure, and areas of
responsibilities etc. After each day lecture an exam is taken to get the feedback from the employees. And at the end of the training session a comprehensive
exam is taken and the evaluated score is send to the CEO for his consideration. Films PRAN is a large group and it is not an easy task for each employee to get
the overall picture of the organizational structure and its activities. There is every possibility that many employees will be in the dark about their organization.
Though it is not so much necessary for the employees to know about the whole organization to perform their duties, the vastness of the company may give the
employees additional motivation and a sense of security of their jobs. Further more the understanding of the organization will help the employees to understand
the organizational goals and their future plans. It will help the employees to be prepared mentally for the forthcoming challenges. With this view the training
department arranges films show for the new entries. Demonstration Sometimes during the training session the trainees are asked to demonstrate the behavior on
which they are being trained. As for example for sales training, trainees are asked to mockup the behavior that they will exhibit during sales for convincing the
clients. This type of training removes the inertia of the employees and helps the employees to be friendly and free with other employees. This is considered as
an important part of the training program. Case study Case study programs are usually done for those, who are in the managerial position. But these types of
programs are very occasionally done. In fact the training department is not matured and equipped (qualified personnel) enough to arrange such programs. More
over the training department concentrates mainly on employee training who will work in the field and in the factory. Training outside the company Sometimes
the company arranges training programs outside of the company. These training programs are mainly for engineers. The engineers are sending to Institution of
Engineers Bangladesh (IEB). Some top and mid level personnel are sending to Chambers. Because the personnel of the training department are not capable to
provide such technical training. These training programs need fund and the, company is always ready to such funds. In one occasion the company sends an
engineer to Japan for advanced special training. (5)Types of Training provided The training department arranges various types of training programs for different
purposes and for different levels. There are some basic courses for all and some refresher courses. The detailed classification of the training programs is shown
bellow. New employee training program This is the basic orientation program for the new management trainee for the head office. This is a three days program.
Here the trainees are given a detailed about the total organization and usually conducted by different department heads. Mid management level training
program This training is only for mid management level. The purpose of this training is to develop managerial skill and increase their job performance
efficiency. Factory management training This is behavior- modification training and given to the factory supervisors. The purpose of this training is to modify
the behavior of the supervisors to supervise the employees and to exhibit such behavior that are necessary to with co-workers to attain the desired production
level. Sales training This training is for the employees of the sales department. The purpose of this training is to help the sales person to perform their work
activities. This includes method of filling the sales form, the sales technique, the company sales policy, distribution channel etc. There is two of this type of
training programs. They are: ? Basic sales course for new entries Senior sales management training ? Junior sales management training. Factory training There
are two types: Factory union training Distribution loaders Factory union training: PRAN has labor union in its entire factory. To handle the unions the training
department gives training to employees and supervisors. Any disruption in the production would hamper its market share. So the department gives employees
some behavioral modification training to have an effective and efficient employee union. Distribution loaders: PRAN has a very effective distribution network
and skilled work force. To ensure smooth distribution the department frequently gives necessary training to its employees Store management training This
training program is for store employees of factory and head office. Office assistant training This training is given to the employees, who work as office
assistant. Distribution sales management training This is vital training as sales managers play a vital role for the growth of the company. This program mainly
includes the techniques of sales decisions that are taken frequently on the spot by the managers. It also includes the making of future sales forecast for planning
purposes. Material management training PRAN procure raw materials from inside the country as well as from outside of the country. It handles raw material
which are highly perishable in nature such mango, tomato, orange pineapples etc. To handle such raw materials it requires special training. The training
department provides such training to the employees who deal with material management. Supervisors training PRAN has a huge supervising force. It has sales
supervisors, distribution and loading supervisors, factory supervisors etc. Depending on the type of works supervisors are given different training . Basic
English course In the near future the training department is planning to introduce this course for management level employees. As PRAN is going into joint
venture with some international companies, it is considering to preparing the employees to fit in the international business atmosphere. Further more, now
English is required in all respects of office works. PRAN follows English in most its official works. But as our present education system doesn't ensure good
command on English for the graduates, it is preparing to introduce English Course in training program. Future Plan of Employee Training The training
department is planning to need basis training instead of course basis. At present the department is offering different preset training programs for different
employees. Sometimes it overlooks the real needs of the appropriate training. So the department has planned for offering need-basis training and for this it is
preparing a systematic procedure for assessment of training needs. The idea behind this training is that though existing training programs are doing a lot for the
development of the skills and behavior of the employees, it needs a change due to change in corporate culture and competitiveness among the organizations.
The vision of this group is to be top organization in all respects. To cope its employees with all these change in the global business atmosphere it requires
immediate review of all the present training programs. In this circumstance the company is planning to take a modem approach for its training programs. With
this view PRAN is going for following need basis training. Findings about Selection Discreet selection Process PRAN Group follows a discrete selection
process that comprises of mainly application form, written tests, and comprehensive interview. Initial screening, physical examination, and background
investigation are not in the selection process of PRAN Group. No Structured Interview Interview taken during the selection process is not structured.
Interviewers ask questions according to their discretion. All the applicants are not asked the same questions. Final Employment Decision Final Employment
Decision in PRAN Group is taken by the CEO. Reliability of Selection Tests There is no proof of reliability of the selection devices used in PRAN Group.
Validity of Selection Tests In most cases there is no evaluation of the validity of selection devices in PRAN Group. However, in few cases, such as mid level
management positions, content validity exists. Applicants of mid-level management positions are often given tests, which resembles actual job. Emphasis on
Written Test The top management emphasizes most on written test. Person with poor performance in interview can expect to be employed if he / she had done
well in the written test. But the reverse is not true. Variable cut score Cut scores in the selection tests are frequently changed considering the environmental
change. If number of applicants is quite big relative to job openings, then a high cut-score is set. On the contrary, if number of qualified applicants is relatively
low, then a moderate or law cut-score is fixed. No quota There is no quota system in PRAN Group for selecting an employee. The sole criterion of getting
selected is one's qualifications. Findings about Training Absence of Paper Training need Assessment No comprehensive system is there to determine the
training need of the employees of PRAN Group. Training programs provided are determined by the traditional view about the training needs (e. g. employees
need basic training course to know about the organization). With the changing circumstances, it is not possible for the management to know about the changing
pattern of training needs of the employees well in advance. Diversified Training Program Training department of PRAN Group provides variety of training
programs to cater the need of the employees. Employees are trained about desired behavior, about the Objective and operation Of the Organization; even they
are trained on trade unions. Such diversified array of training programs is a plus point for PRAN Group as various types of training needs can be fulfilled using
internal resources. Lack of Management Development programs Though there are ample scope and arrangements of training for employees, but the training
opportunity for the managers is relatively low. Special and customized need of managers cannot be fulfilled by the training programs provided by the training
department of PRAN Group. Poor Evaluation Of the effectiveness of Training Programs At present, sales volume and Annual Confidential Report are
considered as an index to determine the effectiveness of a training program. 13ut there could e many reasons besides training, such as Provision of incentives,
need for growth etc. which could have affected the sales volume or ACR of an individual. No mechanism is there to filter the effectiveness of training program
alone. Moreover, in many cases the evaluation of the effectiveness is based fully on the subjective perception of individuals. Less Simulation Exercises
Training methods employed in PRAN Group are mostly lecture-oriented. There is a dearth of simulation exercises. Though limited opportunity of simulation
exercises. Like mock sales by the sales representative or case study by the line managers are there in PRAN Group, but overall quantity of such training
mechanism is low. (1) Recommendations About Selection Increase of Reliability and Validity of the Selection Devices No measure of reliability of the
selection devices used in PRAN Group has yet been done. Validity of the devices is also very low. To enhance the possibility of choosing the right candidate,
reliability and validity of the selection devices should be taken into consideration. For this purpose, advice of a management expert might be taken. Introduction
of Structured Interview Interviews should be structured in order to have n increased reliability. A fixed set of questions should be presented to every applicant.
Thus a more consistent and unbiased result might be reached. Avoidance of Prior information before the Interview Placing the curriculum vitae and scores of
written test in front of the interview board beforehand causes a possibility of bias. This practice should be stopped in order to have unbiased result. Training of
Interviewers Interviewers should know about how to take interview in order to select the suitable employee. Brief training might be provided to the interviewers
for this purpose. Introduction of Realistic Job Preview In order to remove undue and inflated ideas of applicants regarding the job or the organization, realistic
job preview should be emphasized. At present, there is no way that an aspirant employee can know about the problems and hardship associated with the job. If
an employee knows beforehand about the negative points of the job and then join, then the possibility of turnover would decrease significantly. So, realistic job
preview should be provided to the applicants. This may be done by providing brochures, or script made up of realistic statements that accurately portray the job.
Introduction of Physical Examination Appearance always does not reflect the true health of an individual. So, a basic physical examination should be applicable
to all new recruits just to ensure that they have the minimum qualifications needed to bear the stress of the workload. (2) Recommendations about Training
Training Need Assessment To develop and implement an effective training program, it is important to know the areas where training is mostly needed. There
should be specific mechanism whereby the management can know which type of training is needed by the employees and take action accordingly. The
management can adopt any of the following methods to determine training needs: Observation and analysis of job performance, Management and staff
conferences, Analysis of job requirements, Consideration of current and projected changes etc. Comprehensive Evaluation of Training Effectiveness No
systematic and flawless evaluation method is followed in PRAN Group to evaluate the effectiveness of different training programs. Minimizing subjective
perception, the management should try to evaluate the training programs quantitatively. While measuring the effectiveness of a training program, effort should
be there to ensure that other factors besides training do not contaminate the final result. Experimental-control group method would be better to evaluate the
training programs. Use of Simulation Exercises Simulation techniques are very effective for training, especially for management development. At present, the
use of simulation techniques is not sufficient. More simulation techniques like, case study, decision games, and role plays should be used in order to make the
training programs more effective. More Personnel for the Training Department At present, only two persons look after the training department. They have the
responsibility to determine the training needs of employees, as well as to develop and implement the training programs. Though, experts of other departments
often come to training department as instructor and this reduces the workload of the two personnel of training department to a certain extent; but still the
departments need more personnel to carry out its operation smoothly. Inclusion of New Training Programs: Training programs provided by the training
department of PRAN Group are not adequate enough to meet the changing requirements of the employees. To keep track with the fast moving corporate world
and market economy, PRAN Group should introduce new training programs.

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