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Quiz 1 (1st Quarter)

Direction: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
_____1. It is a mode of communication done through mouth.
A. Oral Communication
B. Verbal Communication
C. Non-verbal Communication

_____2. It includes both spoken and written communication.

A. Oral Communication
B. Verbal Communication
C. Non-verbal Communication

_____3. It refers to the transmission of messages through facial expressions, gestures,

sign language, and body language.
A. Oral Communication
B. Verbal Communication
C. Non-verbal Communication

_____4. The following are nature of communication EXCEPT one.

A. Communication is a process.
B. Communication occurs between two people only.
C. Communication can be expressed through written, spoken, and non-verbal cues.

_____5. This model of communication explains the one-way process of communication,

whereby a sender transmits a message and a receiver absorbs it.
A. Linear Model
B. Interactive Model
C. Transactional Model

_____6. IThese are the factors that affect the flow of communication. The best example is
A. Feedback
B. Context
C. Barriers

_____7. Effective communication is more than just exchanging information. It is about

understanding the emotions and intentions behind the message.
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe

_____8. The following are examples of effective communication skills EXCEPT one.
A. Assert yourself
B. Become an engage listener
C. Don't pay attention to non-verbal signals

_____9. It refers to verbal and non-verbal interaction between people from different
cultural background.
A. Cultural differences
B. Communication breakdown
C. Intercultural Communication

_____10. It is one example of strategies to avoid communication breakdown.

A. Accept only positive feedback
B.Be a positive thinker
C. Focus more on speaking rather than listening

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