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Evaluate each of the following without the use of a calculator'

(a) -3 - (-e) (b) 8+(-12)-6

(c) -6 + (-15) + a (d) -5 + (-4) - (-r2)

(e) 18 + (-8) - (-1s) (f) s-(-10) -a+(7)

@ Casco Publications Pte Ltd

:^ l'.1-, ::ll.rti.'s Ttrtor lA
(g) -16-(-20)-5+(-6) (h) 24 - (-5) + (-11) - (-e)

(i) -13 - [-1 + (-1s)] 0) [-6 + (-e)] + [13 - (-zz)]

(k) [-3 + (-17) - 10] - t(-s)' + (-tZ) - (-8)l

L Casco Pwblications Pte Ltd Chapter 2: Real Numbers

Evaluate each of the following without the use of a calculator'


i (a) (-8) x (-4) 10 x (-18)

(c) -68 + 4
(d) -72 + (-8)

(e) 0 + (-9) (f) -t2+(-4)x(-7)

(e) (-3) x (-4) x (-s) (h) (-7) x (-2) x 4

(1) (J)xtr8)x0x6x(-5) O t2+3x(-16)

A Casco Publications Pte Ltd

Mathematics Tutor 1A
(k) (-24) x 2 + (-8) (1) -56 + (-7) x t2

(m) -108 + (-3)' + (-2) (n) (-288)+(-8) + (-3)

8. Evaluate each of the following without the use of a calculator.

(a) 15 x (-2) + (-11) x 5 (b) 32+8-l-zsx(-4)l

(c) -5 + (-3) x L2 + (-4) (d) l-28 + (-14) - 4l x (-20)

e Casco Publications Pte Ltd Chapter 2: Real Numbers =,..S

(e) 3 x (-8) x 5 + (-6) (f) Cr' x t-(-5)I -4x(-z)'

(g) 8-(-tz) x 5 + 6-22 x (-3) (h) 36-(t4-41)+3x(-5)

(i) {tl8 + (-3)l x 3 + (-1s)} + [-6 xZ + (-3)]

(j) (-7)' + (-z)' - lezq + 4o - :{A x (-e)l

G @ Casco Publications Pte Ltd

lvlathematics Tutor 1A
9. Evaluate each of the following without the use of a calculator.

(a) -t+. * (b) + -( ?)

(d) -3 (-,*) . (;)

(c) (, i) . (- *)

(e) ,I*( ;) ( *) (f)

[-3)' (+) .(-i)

(e) (-3) (h) (-'*) . (-';)


i- Cusco Publications Pte Ltd Chapter 2: Real Numbers :.O

// -\\
(i) rr " [-1)
\ r/
:'[ I -- -1

(i) -?]

(k) -r | . [-i, ,+) .) -* = t-+.+-*)

[3)'- (,*-],;)
(m) .3 .l *; 2 - 1
i= (n)
-) ^
535 =i

{^0Z } Mathematics Tutor lA @ Casco Publications Pte Ltd

+ (-i)l. [+.(-*)] (p) ( +) .(-T).(j) *x 6

1 ,rr

-i " ti


a Casco Pwblications Pte Ltd Chapter 2: Real Numbers


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