Potw Week 11 (Nov11-Nov15)

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VPI Battalion – Plan of the Week: 04NOV-08NOV

Day of the
Location UOD Workout Notes

WAR GYM VPI/ Corps PT Gear WAR GYM WORKOUT (ALL TIERS) Form up by 0515
Reflector Belt
Tuesday CLASS
UOD VPI Pro Lab See below



Reflector Belt

WAR GYM VPI/Corps PT Gear WAR GYM WORKOUT (TIERS 2 AND 3) Form up by 0515
Reflector Belt

Upcoming Events:
 VTCC Blood Drive Nov 13-15 in the GLC from 1100-1700
o Last opportunity to complete mandatory service project
o https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bT0KBSKe4bSO8h5OupUkCS-eG-

 Service Survey
o the company with the highest average of service hours will receive their choice of
a PT cut, ice cream or pizza party to be used before Reading Day, 12 DEC 19.
o Hours due by 30 NOV 19 at 1900
o Volunteer Hours Survey:

Pro Lab Locations:
Who What Where
Freshmen Basic Social Media DER 3038
Sophomores Study Hall ---
Juniors Art of Presentation LAV 340
Seniors Project Management 3 Surge 118C

If you wish to post an announcement, please contact C/MAJ Olszewski- adamo@vt.edu

See your canvas site for assignments due this week.

Tuesday: War Gym Stations

Form up time: 0515

Form up location: War Gym

UOD: VTCC/ VPI PT gear w/ PT belt

Station 1: Squad Pushup Pyramid

Station 2: Company PT Circle

Station 3: Ab Workout

Each company will be assigned to a station and then twitch every 15 minutes.

Station 1: Squads will get into circles and go one at a time in a circle going from 1
pushup to 10 pushups. If you are not the one doing the pushups at that moment you are
holding front leaning rest.

Station 2: Minimum reps is 20 or one minute hold

Station 3:

10 Jack-knives
20 situps
30 4-count flutterkicks
40 2-count Russian twists
50 crunches

Thursday: Company Dependent Workouts (Tiers 3)

V Co. : Run
Form up time: 0515
Form up location: Shanks
UOD: Cits w/ reflector belt

Form up on the NCH corner of shanks

If you wish to post an announcement, please contact C/MAJ Olszewski- adamo@vt.edu

Run to the O-course
Turn left to go into the cage parking lot
Run to the other end of the parking lot, going around cars as necessary
Run down Duckpond Dr. on side path
Follow side-path to the right of the traffic circle and under the highway
Take left at run circle
Run to the chicken lot parking lot
Run up and then down the chicken hill parking lot hill
Run behind Lane stadium and take a right to go up the hill leading to the rappel tower
Take a right on Washington St. until Main St.
Take left on Main St
Take left on Turner St
Return to shanks plain

P Co. : Shanks Workout

Form up time: 0520

Form up location: Shanks
UOD: Cits w/ reflector belt

This will be an individual effort workout.

If you wish to post an announcement, please contact C/MAJ Olszewski- adamo@vt.edu

There will be one workout on each of the three corners of shanks plain. At corner 1
(closest to Pearson) do 10 diamond pushups, then bear crawl to corner 2 (closest to
New Cadet Hall) and do 20 burpees, then lunge to corner corner 3 (closest to old flag
pole) and do 30 sit-ups, then sprint back to corner 1 and repeat. The goal is to complete
as many laps as possible before 0610.

I Co. : I Co. : Ab Workout

Form up time: 0515

Form up location: Shanks
UOD: Cits w/ reflector belt

50 Diamond Pushups
100 Pushups
50 Wide Arm Pushups
Repeat on knees
20 Pushup Negatives
Burpee Ladder to 10
2 Minute Drills
1 Minute Front Leaning Rest

Friday: War Gym Circuit Workout (All Tiers)

Form up time: 0515

Form up location: War Gym

UOD: VTCC/ VPI PT gear w/ PT belt

Start with the suicide workout and complete the exercise at half and full court areas.
Then, complete the lab doing the said workout.

Back right corner: 30 pushups

Back left corner: 30 situps

Suicides will be half-court, then full court.

Suicide 1: Run

Lap 1: Light Jog

If you wish to post an announcement, please contact C/MAJ Olszewski- adamo@vt.edu

Suicide 2: 30 4-count Flutter Kicks

Lap 2: Lunges

Suicide 3: 20 Leg-raises

Lap 3: Burpee Broad Jumps

Suicide 4: 10 Diamond Pushups

Lap 4: Bear Crawls

Suicide 5: 1-Min Plank

Lap 5: Squat Broad Jumps

Repeat until 0615.

Grab water after a lap when necessary.

Instructions will be taped on the wall.

If you wish to post an announcement, please contact C/MAJ Olszewski- adamo@vt.edu

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