Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6

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A. Read carefully and put an (X) on the correct answer!

Summer Holiday
Last year, Mr dan Mrs. Jones and their family went to the seaside for their summer
holidays. They left the city in the morning on. The weather was not very fine and they wore
their overcoats because they felt cold. They took off their overcoats and they all went to the
same restaurant where they sat down to a good lunch. After lunch, they went to the sea,
which their little girl Betty saw for the first time. After dinner, they returned to the inn. Then
they went to bed, and slept very well. The next morning, mrs. Jones awoke late, got up and
had breakfast. Her little girl wanted to go into the sea again, but the wind blew so hard that it
was not possible to bathe. They went out, however, and stood and looked at the sea for some
time. When they were going back to the hotel. Betty fell down, tore her dress and cut her
hand. The day began badnya for her.
 Answer the questions from 1-5 according to the text above!
1. Where did Mr and Mrs Jones go last year?
a. Mountain b. Waterfall c. Seaside d. Zoo
2. How was the weather that time?
a. Very fine b. Not very fine c. Good d. Awesome
3. In the midday, what do they do after having lunch?
a. Slept b. Went to the home c. Just sat d. Went to the sea
4. How was the weather in the next morning?
a. heavy rain b. Windy c. Sunny d. cloudy
5. What happened to Betty when they were going back to the hotel?
a. fell and was hurt b. Laugh all day c. Cry loudly d. Slept
6. Andi ..... in the bedroom last night
a. Cooking b. Sleep c. Slept d. Swam
7. Dodi is twelve years old. Andi is ten years old. Andi is ... than Dodi.
a. Old b. Young c. Older d. Younger
8. She is ... the floor.
a. Driving b. Sweeping c. Swimming d. Speaking
9. The nurse works in the ....
a. School b. Garden c. Market d. Hospital
10. Toni: whose car is that?
Andi: that car is........
a. I am b. My c. Me d. Mine
B. Complete and interpret the questions below correctly!
1. Expensive - That - is - car - too
2. My teacher told us to be....because it was an exam
3. They in the school yard
4. Case - a - pencil - new - My - me - sister - gave
5. yesterday
C. Answer this questions correctly!
1. Apa yang disebut past continuous tense? Berikan contohnya!
2. “My son swept the floor this morning” merupakan contoh dari tense?
3. “Andrew akan makan ayam nanti malam” (future continuous tense)
4. Berikan 2 contoh present tense!
5. “I dring water” ubahlah menjadi past tense!

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