State Management in React Js

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in React Js
There are basically 2 types of state in
any React application

1. Server Cache
2. UI State
Server Cache

➡️ It's the data that comes from the

server ( through API calls )

➡️ We need to act upon that data

and store it locally / globally in our
React application
Server Cache ( Example )

➡️ React Query
➡️ Apollo Client ( For GraphQL )
➡️ RTK Query ( For Redux )
UI / Client State

➡️ The client state describes the

user actions such as toggle navbar,
open / close modal, change theme
preference, etc.
It's also used to hold values for
component specific task. Example -
UI State ( Example )

➡️ useState, useEffect,
useRef Hooks (For smaller projects)

➡️ Context API + Basic Hooks

( For medium projects)
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