Ielts Speaking Part 3

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IELTS Speaking Test

Recent Questions
2020-02-08: Part 3

1. At what age should a child start reading and writing?

2. Is it school's responsibility to take care of children's reading and writing? Why?
3. Which place is better for children reading and writing, home, or school? Why?
4. What’s the difference between your generation and the new generation regarding
writing and reading?
5. What is the importance of reading and writing for children?
6. Do you think reading and writing is important in our lives? Why?

2020-02-08: Part 3

1. What are the most common colours which people use to decorate houses in your
country? Why?
2. Are there any differences between males and females when it comes to interior
color preferences? Why?
3. How do colours in the room affect people’s mood?
4. Does the colour of merchandise have an influence on shopping habits? Why?
5. Do you think textbooks should be colorful?
6. What do you think about colored advertisements on roads?
7. Do any colours have a significant meaning in your culture?
8. Are colours important in advertisements?

2020-02-08: Part 3

1. What is the difference between man and women conversation? Why?

2. What is the difference between face to face conversation and on phone?
3. Why do some people get nervous while giving a public speaking?
4. Do you think visual graphic is important in presentations?
5. Do you think humour is important in presentation? Why?
6. Do you think it is necessary to use visual aids during oral presentation? Why?

2020-02-07: Part 3

1. Why do people like to keep pets?

2. What kind of animals do people have in their home?
3. People are turning vegetarian. What do you think about this?
4. Do you think animal are important to human beings?
5. Do you think people do not respect animals these days? What about 20 years ago?
6. So many animals are extinct these days. What do you think about this? Why is it
2020-02-02: Part 3

1. What qualities make a good manager?

2. How can a manager be defined good?
3. How the manager should behave with his staff to be a good manager or team
4. Should he be friendly with them or strict?
5. If the manager is friendly with employees what are the side-effects of it?
6. How can a manager take out the worker who are not willing to work?
7. How should companies train their staff on new technology?
8. How can a new employee learn something new at work?
9. Do you think what you learn in university will help in your future job?

2020-02-02: Part 3

1. What kind of people lack sleep?

2. Why do people feel tired a lot nowadays?
3. How do people manage to stay awake when they are tired?
4. What occasions do people need to keep awake even though they feel tired?
5. Do you think that people are more interested in work than home? Why?
6. How does social media affect people's self estimation?
7. Does social media bring the pressures on people?
8. How can it be prevented?
9. Will pressure by social media to people decrease or increase? Why?

2020-02-02: Part 3

1. Do you think traditional letter is a good way to send messages?

2. Why do people make phone calls instead of sending messages when there is
something important?
3. Is it politer to make phone calls than send text messages?
4. Does technology development have a negative impact on communication among

2020-02-01: Part 3

1. How do people get news in your country?

2. Do you think the delivery of news has changed over the years?
3. DO you think it is easier to report a news now than before? why?
4. Do you think it’s necessary for people to watch foreign news? Why?
5. What kinds of celebrities that are always on the news? Why?
6. Are stories about celebrities in the news always true?
7. Is news often about famous people? Why?
8. Could superstar bring positive influence to the public?
2020-02-01: Part 3

1. Do you borrow valuable things? why?

2. o you think people shouldn't borrow the expensive things from others?
3. Do you think people should always take permission while borrowing something?
4. Do you think it is necessary to take permission from musicians before using their
5. What do you think about unauthorised music downloads? Why do you think so?
6. Do you know any companies borrowed the ideas, or products, or service, from
others? Why?

2020-02-01: Part 3

1. What jobs do young people in your country want to do?

2. Which is more important for you: interesting job or well-paid job? Why?
3. Do you think hard work lead to success?
4. What could employers do to improve employees’ work motivation?
5. Do you think that physical efforts are decreased due to technology development?
6. Do you think that we need less human efforts due to advanced researches? Why?
7. Do you think that artificial intelligence is taking away lot of jobs? What can be done?

2020-02-01: Part 3

1. Do people like to change? why or why not?

2. Do you think some people do not accept changes? Why?
3. Is change always better? Why?
4. Do people in your country like living in a community?
5. Why are people living in a community-friendly with others?
6. What are the popular activities in a community?
7. Where do people in a community usually have a social gathering?

2020-02-01: Part 3

1. In general, why do people help others?

2. Is it important to help people who need help? Why?
3. Should parents help children with homework? Why?
4. Should parents often give advice to teenagers? Why?
5. What kinds of advice should parents give to their children?
6. Should parents make decisions for their children?
7. Should children help parents? Why?
2020-01-31: Part 3

1. What imported products are popular in your country?

2. What are the effects of imported products to your country?
3. What are some of the main food products that your country produces?
4. Do you think it's important that a country is self-sufficient in food?
5. Do you think the globalization of industry and commerce is a good thing?
6. Do you think every country should make everything it needs or should it import
some things?

2020-01-30: Part 3

1. Are there any places in your country where cellphones are banned?
2. Do you think that cellphones can cause disturbance in some places?
3. Should there be areas where cellphones do not be allowed?
4. Do you think it is necessary to be polite?
5. Does politeness depend on culture and location?
6. In your opinion, at what age do you think is appropriate for owning a cell phone?

2020-01-28: Part 3

1. Which one is more important, individual development or teams’goals?

2. Do you think it is a good thing to have disagreements within a team?
3. Do you think it is good for kids to join a team?
4. What does it mean to be a team player in the workplace?
5. Why is international collaboration important?

2020-01-25: Part 3

1. How do young people find new friends?

2. Do you think it is strange to make friends online?
3. How long does it take to get to know someone as a friend?
4. Do you think finding new friends is beneficial or keeping old friends?
5. Why do some people have few friends?
6. How do companies welcome their new employees?

2020-01-23: Part 3

1. How could a company get ahead?

2. Do you think it’s good to work in a family business?
3. Should the family business hire their children over someone from the outside?
4. What is a challenge in a family business?
5. Which do you think is better, to start your own business or to work for others?
6. Do you think the ownership of the company should be private or state-owned?
7. Why do some businesses become successful while others do not?
2020-01-21: Part 3

1. Do you think children should have art classes from the beginning?
2. What are the benefits of learning painting for children?
3. Do you think photography is a good profession?
4. Why is art so expensive?
5. What skills does a photographer/artist need?
6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking photos with smartphones?
7. Do you think photographers are artists?
8. Why do some artists become more famous than others?

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