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Q-1) Define the consumer market and describe the four major sets of factors that influence consumer buyer behavior.
Which characteristics influenced your choice when deciding on the school you would attend? Are those the same
characteristics that would influence you when deciding what to do on Saturday night? Explain?

 A market is a place where the buying and selling of a product or service happens. There are
two types of markets. They are consumer Markets and buisness markets.
 A consumer market is where individuals and households buy and sell products or service for
their personal consumption. It normally consists of prdoucts that are final goods and parts
of everyday life.
 There are four factors that influence consumer buying behavior. They are as follows. First
of all, it is the cultural factor.It is based on the values perception and social classs category.
Customer will have different level different levels of buying behavior. The second factor is
social factor. Social factors include the network they are in, the family background, and the
status they hold in society. According to these factors, customers may prefer premium
products. The third factor is personal factor.These factor include occupation, age, lifecycle,
economic situation, lifestyle, and personality. Based on the occupation or income level, the
prefrence and the buying behavior may vary. The economic situation of the person in the
society also influences the buying behavior. Finally, psychological factors. It include
motivation, perception, learning behavior, and attitude. Customers may tend to buy a
product due to motivational channel factors, for example, hunger is a motivational factor
which stimulate the person to buy food realeted products.
 At the time of selecting a school to study, the factor that would affect the selection process
are personal factor and social factors. The age of the student , occupation of the student,
and economic situation will influence this decision. If the person is a working individual then
due to this occupation and life cycle stage, they cannot go for the regular educational
institution. They may prefer distance education institutions. Secondly, the family
background also influences the selection of colleges and institutions. If the family is having a
rich background and high status in a society, it may select the college that gives premium
quality of education.
 The factor that may influence the decision of selecting a school may not necessarily affect
the decision of selecting in Saturday night club. In this context, the factor that may influence
is cultural and psychological factors. The basic values and perception of aperson may
influence the decision of going to a Saturday part. At the same time, the motivational
factors like having fun with friends , drinking, and dancing may also influence the decision.
Q2) what is subculture? Describe at least two subcultures to which you belong and identify any reference
groups that might influence your consumption behavior.

Subculture is a cultural group within a culture where they have different forms of that culture.
These people have values and follow different norms which are different from a society.

There are different ways we can see these subculture like difference in tastes, preferences,
interest, economics status etc.

Example: Male, Female, Jews, Hindus, Foodies etc.

I belong to sub culture of body building and games.

Most of the time I will be working out in gym to build by Muscular Body .So it is like I am more
interested in buying gym equipment, sports shoes, protiens etc. Due to my body building activity
which I do I will buy thing which are best in the market and I consume more than what other do.
So Subculture always Influence our consumption.

I will be playing games most of the time so I have to have new games and new gaming devices. So
I will spend money to buy these which influencing by consumption behavior of these goods and

Q3) what is a total market strategy. And why do marketers use this approach? Provide a recent example of a
product or service that uses the total market strategy approach and discuss the components that make it
effective or ineffective.

The market in every country has become so much diverse due to globalization and
immigration. Many people often settle down in other countries making the products
availability much more wider .Total market strategy can be simply defined as the strategy
which serves the entire market as a whole by making different product available in different
segments of the market is termed as total market strategy.

Total Market is a marketing approach used when a brand acknowledges that its message
needs to be communicated to more than one type of audience and it proactively integrates
culturally relevant insights from diverse consumer segments from inception and throughout
the entire strategic process until we see it come to life. These efforts can only be achieved
with a cohesive collaboration of all internal and external brand partners - General Market
agencies, Hispanic Market agencies, brand managers, marketing consultants, research firms,
etc. By doing this, the brand will certainly increase its value and market share.

Example: Coca-Cola and McDonald’s are great examples of brands that adopted the Total
Market approach early on, leading with multicultural insights to drive marketing strategy. But
this shift in approach transcends retailers as well as the beverage and food industry reaching
the finance, pharmaceutical, automotive and so many other industries. They all concede that
it takes commitment and discipline but recognize that it’s critical to the success of their
business from my Galaxy
Q4) of the factors that influence consumer behavior. Which category or categories (cultural,
social, personal, or psychological) best explain the existence of a blue toy aisle and a pink aisle?

The categories that that best explain the existence of blue and pink toy aisles are culture and
society. The culture we live in associate’s women and girls with pink whereas boys are associated
with blue. Our culture, and many others, associate pink with characteristics that are deemed
“girly”, like sensitivity whereas blue is associated with characteristic that are deemed more
macho and are “boyish”. Our culture and society has influenced us to categorized gender with
color. It is pretty universally accepted that the color blue is for boys and the color pink is for girls.

Q5) explain the stages of the consumer buyer decision process and describe how you or your
family went through this process to make a recent purchase?

The consumer decision-making process can seem mysterious, but all consumers go through
basic steps when making a purchase to determine what products and services will best fit their

Steps in the consumer decision process:

Generally speaking, the consumer decision-making process involves five basic steps.

1. Problem recognition
The first step of the consumer decision-making process is recognizing the need for a service or
product. Need recognition, whether prompted internally or externally, results in the same
response: a want. Once consumers recognize a want, they need to gather information to
understand how they can fulfill that want, which leads to step 2.

2. Information search
When researching their options, consumers again rely on internal and external factors, as well as
past interactions with a product or brand, both positive and negative. In the information stage,
they may browse through options at a physical location or consult online resources, such as
Google or customer reviews.

3. Alternatives evaluation:
At this point in the consumer decision-making process, prospective buyers have developed
criteria for what they want in a product. Now they weigh their prospective choices against
comparable alternatives.
4. Purchase decision:
This is the moment the consumer has been waiting for: the actual purchase.
Once they have gathered all the facts, including feedback from previous
customers, consumers should arrive at a logical conclusion on the product or
service to purchase.

5. Post-purchase evaluation:
This part of the consumer decision-making process involves reflection from both the
consumer and the seller. As a seller, you should try to gauge the following:

 Did the purchase meet the need the consumer identified?

 Is the customer happy with the purchase?
 How can you continue to engage with this customer?

Purchasing Smartphone:
I have purchased a smartphone brand name is Techno. Now I shall be describe my decision
making process in the following headings.

1) Need Recognition:
I decided my need for possessing a smartphone. I have a specific budget which was
given to me by my elder brother. I have Utilize the phone to surf the internet and chat
with friends. Apart from this, a good camera and RAM is also my one of the needs.

2) Information:
I asked my close friends and family members. Even, I read blogs related to
technological advancement in smartphones industry. People suggested me many
brands like Samsung, Apple, Tec no, Real me etc.
3) Evaluation:
I given rating to my proposed phone under 5 major categories battery backup, camera,
budget, overall quality and added features. Then, I ranked each brands with a total
marks of 25, each items were given 5 points rating.
4) Purchase:
I choose Tec no due to its almost equal rating points with Samsung. Actually, both have
same rating by the way. I decided Tec no due to its establish image in HONG KONG.
Apart from this, I choose my indigenous brand of smart phones.
5) Post purchase:
Customer support desk called me after one week of my purchase. I feel good after owning a
great product from the company Techno.

Q6) Discuss how lifestyle influence consumers’ buying behavior and how
marketers measure lifestyle.
Lifestyle plays a major role for any consumer purchase because it’s a buying attitude and it’s
a way of life in which an individual survive in any society. For example: a person who is
health conscious and follows a healthy life style will eventually purchase healthier
alternatives than junk products. Marketers measures life on the basis of customer
preferences for example how they lead their life, how much money will be willing to spend,
what are their economical standing and their beliefs and perception about things that they
care about. According to any marketer these are the individual’s traits by which they
measure consumer’s buying perception and brand preferences.

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