Esa President Speech

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Do feel free to stop me at any point if you can’t hear me!

Hey everyone! For those of you who may not know me, my name is Grace. I am a biology
major, and I joined esa during the fall of my freshman year. I have loved being a part of it since.
Last year, I served as one of your St. Jude Chairs, but I want to do more for ESA and serve in a
leadership role which is why I am running to be your next president.

I believe that through serving as St. Jude Chair and in other roles I have held on campus
including serving as a resident mentor, serving on exec for up ‘til dawn, and on a committee for
the big event, I have gained valuable leadership, organizational, and communication skills that
would help me in this role.

I have several goals and ideas for this position that I would like to implement that I want to share
with y'all:

1) It is incredibly important to be organized in this position. I am very organized, but also I

have several ideas to continue to keep everything running smoothly in our chapter:

a) I want to create a google form to use for officers to send me requests to book
their rooms for events on campus. I believe this will keep me organized and give
officers a way to relay this information to me so that it is all in one place and I can
be held accountable for getting rooms booked.

b) I also want to have all dates for mandatory events set by our first chapter so that
we can be considerate of your time throughout the semester by planning ahead.

2) Another goal that I have is to encourage more communication between exec, officers,
and members and to ensure that everyone feels like they have a voice and a say in our
chapter. I feel like Ayla did an incredible job making everyone feel very included in esa
and providing opportunities to give feedback, so I want to continue doing this and do
more of it.

a) I especially want to make our pledges feel super welcome and provide them with
opportunities to communicate any ideas of feedback they have with officers and
exec whether this be through a google form or by making myself available to
pledges before or after pledge ed and/or chapter to answer questions and get
feedback from yall.

b) I want to incorporate more open discussion during chapter specifically when we

are trying to make decisions about certain things.
c) I also want to have more committees for various officer and exec positions. From
talking to several officers and from my own experience, this is a great way to get
ideas and feedback from sisters. I also firmly believe that sisters who want to be
involved should have the opportunity to do so, and I anticipate a lot of sisters
wanting to get more involved next year.

3) My last point that I have for y’all is that I would like to incorporate into our chapter is
alumni involvement.

a) I want you all to have the opportunity to make connections through our alumni
network and for job opportunities, encouragement, and insight into how esa has
changed over the years.

b) I have talked to Mama J about this, and I have been contacting people who are a
part of Greek life and other organizations similar to esa here at USC and at other
universities in south carolina to see what their alumni relations are like and what
could be replicated in our chapter.

i) I have several ideas including:

(1) I would like to give sisters the opportunity to sign up to have an
alumni mentor buddy.

(2) Giving pledges the opportunity to interview an alumni during the

pledge process

(3) Hosting alumni speakers every semester or year.

This is something that I would love feedback from yall on should we decide to go through with it.

So these were all of my goals and ideas. Does anyone have any questions for me?

Overall, I am very excited to be running for this position. I truly love ESA and being part of this
organization has honestly shaped my entire college experience. ESA has done so much for me
and has brought me so many opportunities and has given me my best friends. It would be an
honor to have the privilege of giving back to ESA what ESA has given to me.

I hope that you all will entrust me. That being said, I would appreciate your vote!!

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