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Discussion Post
Everyone posted a link to a Nearpod lesson, with 5 being created from scratch from the learners
and 10 being links to pre-built Nearpod lessons.

Summative Assessment
Everyone did very well on the assessment. I only had two questions that were consistently
missed. The most missed was people not remembering that you can embed questions into a
video. The second most missed question was which method(s) were the best for teacher-paced,
and several learners forgot front-board. This was not that surprising for me, as I didn’t mention a
lot about Front-Board as it doesn’t have as many features as the other two methods of
presentation. All of the different uses of Nearpod for classroom lessons were accurate from the
constructed response question, with small-group instruction, independent work, and formative
assessments being some of the more popular answers. Overall assessment data confirms that
learners understood the basic concepts from the workshop.


I received a lot of positive feedback from the evaluation survey and everyone did fairly well on
the summative assessment. Most of the links provided for the Nearpod lessons were from pre-
built lessons. This may have been more of a time issue as many teachers just grabbed
something that was quick to finish the workshop instead of creating one that could be used as a
lesson for the classroom. This may be addressed next time if I did specific workshops for
different subjects so that more collaboration could occur between learners to create relevant
Nearpod lessons they can use.

For next time I would add another Nearpod lesson to illustrate the various ways on how to use
Nearpod in the classroom for differentiation. A lot of teachers told me they appreciated the
Nearpod lesson for the classroom integration section. One thing missing was videos of actually
using this in the classroom, which I hope I can do more next year without fighting Covid
restrictions. I think this would be more effective for teachers to see this modeled in an actual
class instead of just an abstract concept. I also did not do a lot for classes that do not have one-
to-one technology and need to add strategies for those different scenarios of technology

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