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Manual Move IQ

The Move IQ

1. LCD-Screen

2. Home button: Confirm / Change the view

3. Backward button: Click backward

4. Forward button: Click forward

5. Power button: Turn device On / Off

& turn background light On / Off

6. Menu button: Access Menu / in Menu click backward / Exit Menu

7. USB-Interface

8. Reset: Press at the same time the backward (3) and the menu button (6)

I. Power On / Off

Press the Power button (5) two seconds to turn Move IQ on or off.

Once you have turned on the Move IQ, the Mapjack logo appears.
Your are now in the mode „Trip Info“. Use the backward (3) and forward button (4) to
click forward or backward, to see the following data information*:

 Route
 Distance
 Speed
 GPS Info
 Compass
 Time*
 Altimeter*
 Calories*
 Average speed*
 Max. speed*

• Please follow the next steps, if the above data are not visible:

a) Press shortly the Menu button (6)

b) Select with the button 4 „Settings“
c) Press button 2 to confirm
d) Select with the button 4 „Show yes/no” and confirm with button 2
e) Now you can confirm all the information listed with the button 2 (You can see
a √ for the confirmation), then the information will be visible in the modes.
It is up to you which data information you want to see on the screen.
f) Press the button 6 till you are again in the mode „Trip Info“.

II. Weight

Before you start recording with the Move IQ, it is important that you set your weight to
achieve accurate results.

a) Press shortly the button 6

b) Select with the button 4 „Settings“
c) Press button 2 to confirm
d) Select „My Weight“ and confirm with button 2.
e) Now you can enter your weight, here an example how to proceed:

Your weight is 65 kg > in the standby mode you can see 070 (current)
- Press shortly the button 6, to change the average value
- Press the button 4, to change the value from 7 to 6
- Press shortly the button 6, to change the last value
- Press the button 3 till you have changed the value from 0 to 5
Displayed is now: 065 kg
- Confirm with button 2

III. Recording

We will explain you how to record your activities.

First of all you have to change the mode „Trip Info“ to the mode „Tracking“.
Please follow the next steps:
a) Please make sure that you have GPS connection (see the bar, top left on the
b) Press shortly the button and choose with the button 4 „Settings“
c) Confirm it with the button 2
d) Select „Tracking“ and confirm it with the button 2
e) Select „On“ and confirm it again with the button 2
f) Press the button 6 till you are in the „Tracking“ mode.
g) At the top right of the display you can see a black square.
h) Please press the button 2 for 2 seconds, until the three following character
appears: Start, Pause und Stop.
> Select with the button 3 „Start“
i) Confirm with button 2.

From that point on the Move IQ records all data such as distance, speed, calories and so

NOTE: Data as altimeter and calories are only displayed on the device in

Analyze your activities and watch them on Google Maps.

a) Connect the Move IQ with your computer using the USB cable
> Now you can see the connection Icon on the Move IQ
b) Double-click on the Move IQ icon
> Software is starting automatically

c) Click on the tab „Track“

d) Finally click on the image to download the saved data „Device Operations“

e) Your saved data appear in the left chart, where you can see the tracks and in
the right chart the corresponding tack points.
f) Please click on „Draw“, so that data can be transmitted to the Google Maps


g) Now you can see on the map, where you have been with your Move IQ.

h) If you click on the tab „Data“ , your speed and altitude will appear in a

You have the possibility to set and record POI (Point of Interests) with your Move IQ.
That means that you can save in your Move IQ at any time POIs (in the „Tracking“ mode)
and later readout with the software. For example, you are in London at the Big Ben,
which is a POI and you want to save only this point (not a route, only a point) and see
this one later on the Google Map.
Please follow the next steps:
a) Please make sure that you have a GPS connection (see the bar, top left on the
b) Convert to „Tracking“ mode as described in point III (if you have not done
it till now)
c) You can see now in the middle of the display „Tracking“ and below “ODO”
d) Press shortly the button 2 (a gallery of icons opens, the icon is used for
identification later in the POI list).
e) Please select for each of your POIs that you want to save one icon.
Simply select the icon by pressing 3 or 4, and finally 2 to confirm.
Repeat this last operation for each new place you want to save.
These POIs are stored in the folder „POI“ in your Move IQ.

Display POIs on the computer and show them on Google Maps:

a) Connect the Move IQ with your computer using the USB cable
> Now you can see the connection Icon on the Move IQ
b) Double-click on the Move IQ icon
> Software is starting automatically

c) Click on the tab „POI“

d) Finally click on the image to download the saved data „Device Operations“

e) Your saved Geodata of POIs appears in the right chart.

f) Double-click on one point in the chart, to see them on Google Maps on the left
side of the window.
V. Route plan

Before you start with your sporting activity, you can save your own planned route,
made yourself with Google Maps on your Move IQ. The compass will guide you.
Therefore you need the Move IQ software, please follow the next steps:

a) Connect the Move IQ with your computer using the USB cable
> Now you can see the connection Icon on the Move IQ
b) Double-click on the Move IQ icon
> Software is starting automatically

c) Click on the tab „Plan“

d) Afterwards you set your own route, with points on the map. Please zoom first
of all to the desired target – with the slider on the left side and then click on
the map itself to define the points).
e) The points you have marked on the map are visible in the right chart.

Note: To delete a point, please click in the chart on the point you want
delete, then click the right mouse button on this point and select

f) Once you have set all the point, click on „Device Operations“ on the left icon,

this may take a few seconds.

g) Your Move IQ flashes briefly (data are in Move IQ)
h) Remove the USB cable from Move IQ
i) Turn on your Move IQ and make sure that you are in the „Tracking“ mode
(see point III)
j) Press shortly the button 6, select „Route plan“, confirm it with button 2.
> Here you can see your created routes
Track your route plan:

a) You are now in the menu point „Route plan“

b) Select the first point of the route set by you and press 2. The following appears on
the display:

 A-D (Move IQ takes you directly from first point to the last point)
 A-B-C-D (Move IQ takes you over all the set points to the last point)
c) Select A-D or A-B-C-D
d) Now you get back in the „tracking“ mode
Please select with the button 3 the compass, which will show you the direction
e) If you select with the button 3 „Distance”, you can see how far away the next point is
until you finally reach the last point.


Menu > Tracking

Here you can see your stores routes of sporting activities with date and time.
By pressing 2 you can choose between:
Forward (Move IQ will lead the already-recorded track from beginning to end)

Backward (Move IQ will lead you back to the starting point of the recorded route)

Clear Data

Menu > Settings > Clear Data

You can clear your data (POI, Route Pan, Tracking) at any time..
a) Press button 6
b) With the button 4 you can select Settings and confirm with the button 2
c) Select with the button 4 „Clear Data“ and confirm it again with the button 2
d) Now you can select which data you want to clear (POI, Route Plan or Tracking)
e) By pressing the button 2 on the respective data shown on the display
 No
 Yes
Confirm „Yes“ with the button 2 if you want to delete permanently, otherwise please
select „No“.
f) Press the button 6 till you are again in the initial menu.

Power Mode

Menu > Settings > Power Mode

You can choose here after how many seconds the backlight will automatically shut off the
IQ Move (after 10 seconds, 30 seconds or 60 seconds) or if you want to turn it off
You can also select how many minutes after the Move IQ will automatically shut off (after
10 minutes, 30 minutes or 60 minutes) or if you do not need this feature (off).
Confirm your selection with button 2, you will see a hook behind your selection.

Press the button 6 till you are again in the initial menu.

Time zone

Menu > Settings > Time zone

The time zone in your Move IQ is set on UTC +2 (summertime).

If you want to change the time zone on wintertime on UTC +1, press button 4 to select
UTC+1 and confirm with the button 2.
Press the button 6 till you are in the initial menu.

You can change the time zone whenever you want, if you are in another country in
another time zone.


Menu > Settings > Calibration

You can calibrate here the compass, press the bottom 2 to enter the menu. Make sure
that you have a GPS connection.
Place the Move IQ on a horizontal plane and turn the Move IQ clock wise, till the word
“calibration” is not anymore displayed.


Menu > Settings > Unit

Please choose here the unit km or Miles and confirm with button 2.
Press the button 6 till you are in the initial menu.

My weight

Menu > Settings > My weight

See point II.

Show yes/no

Menu > Settings > Show yes/no

See point I.


Menu > Settings > Stopwatch

Start and stop with the button 2


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