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Lesson: Equation of Motions in Straight Line with Constant

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Acceleration : Equations s = ut + at and v = u + 2as

1. s = ut + 1 at 2

a. A roller blader travelling through a park at 10 ms-1 accelerates uniformly at 0.5 ms-2 for 12 s, until
she reaches the lake. How far will she travel in this time?

b. At the lake the roller blader has reached a speed of 16 ms-1, but sees a road ahead. She
decelerates at a rate of 2.6 ms-2 for 10s and stops at the edge of the road, just in time. How far
away was the roller blader from road when she first spotted it?

c. Read again the motion of the roller blader described in 1a and 1b.
i. Sketch the velocity-time graph that describes te roller blader’s motion.
ii. Sketch the acceleration-time graph that describes the roller blader’s motion.

2. v2 = u2 + 2as

a. A lorry is moving at 8 ms-1. Then the driver accelerates steadily at 1.5 m-2 for a distance of 19m.
What velocity does the driver reach?

b. A train is accelerating steadily from rest out of a railway station to a velocity of 16 ms-1 in 1.28 km.
What is the train’s acceleration?

c. A car driver turns into the street where he lives. he approaches his house, decelerating steadily at a
rate of 0.75 ms-2 for a distance of 54m, until he reaches his driveway straight ahead where he parks.
What velocity was the car driver doing when he entered his street?

3. All equations of motion

a. A van is travelling at 18 ms-1 along a road. A dog runs out into the road 40 m ahead.
i. What must the car’s acceleration be if the car is to stop before hitting the dog?
ii. Experts estimate that no car can achieve a greater deceleration than 5 ms-2. Does the
driver stop in time?

b. A boy drops a ball from a stationary chairlift. the ball hits the ground 2s later. With what velocity
did the ball hits the ground?

c. A train travelling on a straight track leaves railway station A, heading for railway station C, at a
constant acceleration of 0.05ms-2.

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c. A train travelling on a straight track leaves railway station A, heading for railway station C, at a
constant acceleration of 0.05ms-2.

i. 4 minutes after leaving railway station A train passes through railway station B, but does
not stop. How far in kilometers is it between railway station A and B?
ii. 1.25km outside railway station C, the train is travelling at a velocity of 25 ms-1. At what
constant rate must the train decelerate to reach a stop at the station?

4 . A car takes 40s to travel between two sets of traffic lights. The car starts from rest at the first set,
steadily accelerates to a velocity of 12ms-1, then steadily decelerates again to rest at the second set.
What is the distance between the two sets of lights?

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