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COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)




This unit is geared towards helping the learner identify and distinguish the classes,
categories, and types of police reports. it is necessary that the learners will be exposed to the
classification, categories, and types of police reports. The classes of reports that are
elaborated in this unit are: Technical Reports, Problem Determining Reports, Problem
Solution Reports, Fact Finding Reports, and Performance Reports. Moreover, the categories of
reports like Operational Reports, internal Business Reports, and Summary Reports are also
emphasized. The specific types and examples of police reports are also discussed in this unit.

The learners will be exposed to all of these reports, specifically, they will be able to
identify its importance, and refer to authentic examples used in law enforcement and its
related agencies. At the end of this unit, they wit be able to compose their own reports basing
from the conventions, requirements, and rules of police report writing.

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, learners are expected to:

1. Classify different police reports;

2. Categorize the different police reports used in law enforcement;

3. Distinguish the two general types of police reports;

4. Identify the specific types of police reports;

5. Examine actual and authentic samples of police reports;

6. Utilize actual report samples and formats for writing exercises;

7. Write reports using actual formats of different police reports.

COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)


Concept of police report

1. Generally, the common thinking about police report is any written matter prepared by the
police involving their interaction with the community.

2. Another concept is that a police report is an exact narration of facts discovered during the
course of crime investigation which serves as a permanent written record for future reference.

3. Likewise, it is a permanent written record of police activities classified as informal and

formal which communicates important facts concerning people involved in criminal activities.

Classes of Reports

In every activity that a law enforcer engages himself in, it is expected that there will
always be a corresponding report. Therefore, it is expected that he is an expert in writing and
utilizing any of the reports classes, categories and types of police reports.

Reports are classified into any of the following Technical, Problem Determining,
Problem Solution, Fact-Finding, and Performance reports. These are mentioned by Soriano
(2005), and are further elaborated below:

1. Technical Reports- These are written reports dealing with technical and specialized

2. Problem Determining Reports- These are written reports identifying the existence and
causes of certain problems. Examples of these are case reports on Causes of Juvenile
Delinquency, Causes of Drug Addiction, and Causes of Human Trafficking.

3. Problem Solution Reports- These are written reports identifying the processes and
solutions of certain problems. Examples of these are case studies on preventive measures
against Juvenile Delinquency, Drug Addiction, and Human Trafficking

4. Fact Finding Reports- These are written reports on the methods of logical gathering and
presentation of data. Examples of these are reports about Facts and Figures of Terrorism,
Drug Trafficking, Human Trafficking, etc.

5. Performance Reports- These are written reports referring to information on the status of
an activity or operation within a unit or organization.

Categories of Reports

Foronda (2009) enumerated that reports are categorized according to whether they are
Operational Internal Business, or Summary Reports Below are the descriptions of these

COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

1. Operational Reports- these are written reports about police incidents, investigations,
arrests, identification of persons, and other miscellaneous reports for routine
operations of police organization.

2. Internal Business Reports these are written reports on financial personnel purchase,
equipment, property maintenance, and general correspondence which are important in
the agency or organization's management.

3. Technical Reports presents data on any specialized subject, but usually relate to
completed staff work and add to the specific knowledge necessary to proper
functioning of police management.

4. Summary Reports- these are reports that are furnished for the necessity of the
solution of crime accident, and other police administrative related problems

Two General Types of Reports

There are two general types of police reports as stated by Guevarra, et al (2008), these
are the Basic or informal Reports and the investigative or Formal Reports These two types are
elaborated below:

1. Basic or informal report- these are reports that are mostly related with ordinary,
miscellaneous incidents, usually in letter of memorandum form These are
accomplished by any member of a unit, section, bureau, of division within a
department in accordance with prescribed regulation. Basically, these reports contain
the generic format like the heading, the person or office to whom it is addressed or
submitted, the text or the body and the name of the writer or the source of the report.

2. Investigative or Formal Reports- these are reports that cover all the exact and
exhaustive narration of facts. These reports are classified as Initial or Advance,
Progress or Follow-up, and Final or Closing Reports (Each of these reports will be
discussed in details on the topic about Specific Types of Police Report)

Specific Types of Police Report

The world of police work is always confronted with tons of writing requirements to be
submitted to superiors in preparation for this police work, it is important that a criminology
student will be familiar with ail the format, description, styles and conventions of the
different types of police reports Some examples of police reports are. Spot Report, Special
Report, Beat Inspection Report, Situation Report, Wanted Persons Report, Miscellaneous
incident Report, Arrest Report Investigation Reports and Traffic Accident Report Each type of
report is discussed in the follow ng concepts:

1. Spot Report

This s a verbal or written report done within twenty-four hours after an important
incident. This report is written to inform an immediate chief or those in higher posit on of

COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

particular occurrences in his command of responsibility. This report should be acted upon
within 24 hours. In some cases, a spot report may be in the form of a radiographic message if
the reporting unit is far from the receiving office. The following are indicated in a
radiographic message: Originating office, Addressee Cite Numbers Precedence actions,
Precedence info Date-time group, Text written capital letters.

2. Special Report

This is written by a police unit or office based from a directive or instruction from
higher police officers. This type of report follows the memorandum format of correspondence.
The commander or chief signs this report, or an authorized person signs if the commander is
not around. This report should contain the „rationale‟ and the „action‟. The rationale is the
specifications and details related to the problem, and the action is the expected action or
response the receiver or reader will do after reading the report.

3. Beat inspection Report/After Patrol Reports

This is one of the widely practiced written forms of communication in a station This is
a routine report because the duty beat supervisor submits this report daily, those assigned
on beat inspection do their routine check on foot, while those on patrol sectors use patrol
cars. The Beat inspection and After Patrol reports use the memorandum format.

4. Wanted Person Report

Using the notice on Wanted Person, this report is about those persons who are wanted
by the police. Information of wanted persons are flashed on local and national television, as
well as posted in conspicuous areas as a notice to the public. This report is done in four (4)
copies to be submitted to the following: To the PNP Provincial Director, or to the PNP Chief in
Camp Crame if the province is not under the provincial commander, to the Department
concerned which will have the original copy in the “Persons Wanted File”, to the National
Bureau of Investigation which will have one copy, and the Rogues‟ Gallery will have the
fourth copy.

5. Arrest Report

This is a report that documents all the events in arresting a suspect including
personal information, jail bookings, information about control and release of prisoners, and
court proceedings This report is based on information received, ensuring probable cause for a
warrant/warrantless arrest.

6. Crime Report

These are reports written after the conclusion from the preliminary investigation that a
crime truly happened. This report also includes important factors like corpus delict:
(elements of the crime), suspect descriptions, properties taken, evidences collected, property
damages, victims‟ injuries, and suspects‟ modus operandi.

COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

7. Situation Report

Also known as SI/TREP, this is similar to patrol report which is submitted every eight
hours but on a need-only basis.

It is important when reporting on a situation to higher authorities, to present the

information in a way that is concise, easily transmitted on unreliable radio or telephone
systems, easily read and which covers key areas. Normally, they are sent to some central
control authority at set times of the day or week, to provide a „snapshot‟ of the situation as it
develops. This also helps to cut down the pressure on communications that may themselves
be disrupted or reduced. The value of the SITREP is to help both the area affected, and the
local government authorities to deal with the disaster and ongoing developments in it.

(Source: html)

The importance of a SITREP:

 Completing the SITREP covers all key aspects of community survival.

 A structured message is easier to carry as a document or to send over radio or the


 The SITREP can be copied to organizations with different responsibilities, to initiate

action and ensure that action is coordinated.

 SITREPs from various parts of an affected area can be used to detect variations in
general need and so assist in allocating resources most effectively.

 SITREPS form a record for the future of the actual situation and the results of action
to deal with.

Steps in Preparing a SITREP

1. Gather information on each aspect covered by the SITRFP Remember that this can be
done by several people and the information assembled centrally

2. Draft the SITREP at an agreed time, preparing one copy to file locally and one to be
taken transmitted to higher authorities

3. If possible, arrange for the message to be sent through secure official channels (e g
Fax, Police radio, local authority radio) that are hard for others to interfere with or to
monitor for a malicious purpose

4. Alternatively, send a copy of the SITREP by messenger or transmit by the most secure
channel available (in order of security line telephone, mobile telephone, amateur radio,
CB radio).

COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

5. Prepare a modified version of the SITREP as headed paragraphs for a news bulletin for
local Rest Centers and official notice boards.

Parts of a SITREP.

In view of the Government advice, it is wisest to adopt these parts, which match the
effects of the disaster rather than the cause The following classifications are advised but may
need to be modified according to events.

1. To (The Police or local authority control center in charge of relief operations).

2. From (Author of the Report e g Community Council, Community Volunteer).

3. Date and Time of Sitrep draft

4. Area referred to in the Sitrep (e g street, community council area, village, town

5. Nature of the Emergency (e g location, type and scale of crisis)

6. Law and order situation (Used ONLY in the absence of any Police presence)

7. Medical Situation (e g persons killed, missing or injured, medical support or

ambulance needs, vulnerable people needing support)

8. Feeding Problems (eg. food or drinking water shortages, emergency feeding or delivery

9. Welfare Problems {e g. accommodation, rest center, social service needs, vulnerable

groups needing support)

10. Road Access (e g roads blocked, best routes tn.

11. Telephone and Radio Communications (e g systems available and any disruptions)

12. Public Utility Availability (e g disruptions to water, electricity, gas and sewerage)

13. Organizations Active (e.g. Emergency Services, Voluntary Aid Societies, WRVS,
Emergency Volunteers, local authority services and commercial firms)

14. Local assessment of the general situation (keep it brief)

8. Miscellaneous incident Report

Also known as MI Report, this s used to document any incident, situation, or

circumstances that are not crimes, or may not be designated by a particular titl. The
purpose of this report is simply to maintain the integrity of the department's reporting

9. The traffic Accident Report

COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

This report is written by the officer who investigates the accident. This type of report
documents all the facts and information about any vehicular accident whether it is fatal or
nonfatal. This also examines the nature of the damage of any property, the location of the
accident and its causes included in this type of report are statements of witnesses, diagrams,
and photographs.

Delizo (2008) pointed out that the officer of the case should do the these Follow the
uniform traffic accident reporting system, prepare the traffic accident report from evidences,
diagram, sketches, and sworn statements of witnesses The traffic investigation report will be
accomplished in five copies to be submitted to the court or prosecutor's office, TRAFCOM
(TMG) of Traffic Division, the investigator, the insurance Company for party involved # 1, and
the insurance Company for party involved # 2.

10. The Investigation Report

An investigation report is written to investigate a particular case of crime. This is an

internal form of communication that requires the addressee, the officer-on-case, and the
chief of investigation section. The addressee of investigation report ts the chief or head of a
police unit, the officer-on-case will write and sign the report, and it will be noted by the chef
of investigation section. An investigation report ts important in court proceedings, the
prosecutor‟s office can use this in filing appropriate cases, while the court can use this for
minor offenses and for determining whether the accused ts guilty of innocent.

The investigator writes an investigation report to achieve these objectives for Record,
leads, and Prosecution An investigation report provides a permanent official record of the
pertinent information procured during the course of the investigation, it also provides other
investigators the lead and information relevant to further advance their own investigation,
and provides statement of facts for prosecution action on which designated authorities may
base a criminal, either for corrective or disciplinary action

Like any other reports, an investigation report is subject to close scrutiny at all levels
of command, therefore it must be grammatically correct, & must use correct and appropriate
abbreviations, and it must be free from slang, colloquialism, and unnecessary technical

Classification of investigation Report:

There are three classifications of investigation report namely: The Initial or Advance
Report, the Progress or Follow up Report, and the Final Report.

A. Initial or Advance Report this is an advance information on a new or fresh case assigned
to an investigator; the data in this report is not yet complete, but it ts written and
immediately submitted after the preliminary investigation of the case.

Points to Remember in Writing the Initial/Advance Report:

1. Paragraph No. 1 is the introductory paragraph of an initial report

COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

2. The objective of the introductory paragraph is to point out to the reader the
statement of the objective, and the subject of the report.

3. After presenting the introductory paragraph, the report writer will proceed with
paragraph No. 2, narrating the facts gathered in the course of the ongoing

B. Progress Report this is a written narration of facts developed by the investigator in the
course of the follow-up investigation. This is a report on subsequent details which are very
vital to the case but have not been incorporated in the initial report. This report should be
submitted within three days after the initial report has been submitted, and consequently a
monthly report thereafter.

Points to Remember in Writing the Progress Report:

1. In the Progress Report, the statement of the objective or the subject of the report is

2.The opening statement of the introductory paragraph is also changed from Initial
Report to Progress Report

3.For administrative purposes, the case number is not mentioned, an original number
is assigned to every new fresh cases throughout the investigation until it is solved.

4. The report progresses through the follow-up investigation done by the investigator.

C. Final Reports complete written narration of facts based from a thorough investigation of
the case. This is a result of evaluation, summation, and analysis of all facts and
circumstances of the case, and the complete accumulation and collection of data.

Points to Remember in Writing the Final Report

1.The final report bears the mark “CASE SOLVED/CLOSED”

2. The heading has the same letterhead, case number, date, nature of the crime. The
introductory paragraph presents the original facts of the case.

3. The body has the main contents of the report and related facts about the crime and
the final sequence of events are unfolded here.

4. The ending has the usual administrative data like the signature of the report writer,
the official endorsement of the section, and the department offices.

COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

Parts of an investigation Report

An investigation report has the following parts: Authority, Matters Investigated, Facts
of the Case, Discussion, Conclusion, and Recommendation. Each of this part is elaborated as

1. Authority- this is the part where the investigator cites the authority for making the
report, and he states briefly the date, the place, and the person by whom the
investigation is made.

2. Matters Investigated- this is the part where the investigator writes the purpose of his
report by generally stating what the investigation is all about. Included in this part are
the complaints, and the allegations of committed crimes.

3. Facts of the Case- this part is the coherent presentation of all the important facts
supported by evidences involving the whole investigation.

4. Discussion- this is the part indicating all the factual information related to the
investigation. The investigator discusses all the circumstances to give the reader a
clear picture of the whole investigation in order to establish the conclusion and
recommendation of the report.

5. Conclusion this is the part indicating the summary of the result of the whole
Investigation process The summary should be supported by facts basing from the
order of statement of allegations.

6. Recommendation this is the last part which is consistent with the conclusion. This ls
where the investigator writes his judgment and the practical suggestions for
appropriate actions to be taken, for proper disposition of the case, for remedy of
unsatisfactory situation, and fur a recommendation that a case be closed

Steps in Writing an Investigation Report

In order for an investigator to write a good and complete report, he needs to follow
certain steps, and these steps are discussed below:

1. Initial preparation this is the first step of writing the Investigation report where the
investigator determines his purposes and objectives in writing the report. He then
gathers the facts and circumstances related to the case

2. Final Organization of the collected data using chronological order, all the gathered
facts, and evidences related to the case should be sequentially presented

3. Preparation of the first draft just like the second step, the first draft should also
follow the chronological order of presentation. The draft should be based from the
outline and should be presented in a clear manner with the use of appropriate
transitions to maintain the coherent flow of ideas.

COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

4. Rewriting and polishing the report this is the step where the investigator will
recheck, edit, and review the rough draft to check and correct the errors, and goes on
rewriting to improve the whole report.

5. Finalize the report this is the last step where the investigator prepares the final
report based from the rewritten and corrected draft.

11. After-Operation Report

After-Operation Report, which may well be classified under spot report (if reported
within 24 hours after the operation,) is an informative report on common operational
activities involving police action such as service of warrant of arrests or apprehension of
suspects and/or fugitives from the law.

The standard memorandum format is used in this type of report. Some police stations
however have a customized format on this particular report.

12. After-Encounter Report

After-Encounter Report is a report on special missions or combat Operations involving

lawless elements and subversive terrorists or rebels. This report also includes salient
supporting documents such as sketch of the encounter scene, list of participating troops,
summary of ammunition expended, summary of ammunition stock status, recommendation
for award for troop members (for exhibiting superior combat skills and unflinching bravery in
the face of danger) and the proposed citation.

Aside from the reports mentioned in this section, there are still other types of special
reports unique to a particular public safety agency (i.e. BFP, BJMP and PNP). In the police
service, for instance, those who are involved in the investigation of sensitive cases may be
required to prepare additional reports such as background investigation, coordination,
intelligence and after-mission reports, among others, which are normally prepared by officers
on Specialized missions. While such reports are not covered in this book, the principles
governing the form (i.e. grammar and conventions) and content (elements of good writing) in
the preparation of these types of reports are essentially the same.

{Refer to the next pages for the samples of these 12 types of police reports.)

RMB 10
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

Form 1. Sample Format of Spot Report in Memorandum Form

Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Interior and Local Government




SUBJECT : Spot Report


1. (Indicate briefly the date/time, and place of occurrence)

2. (Brief facts of the case)

3. (Other Facts)

4. Requested/recommended actions from Hqs.

5. Progress report will follow


RMB 11
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

Form 2. Actual Sample of Spot Report in Memorandum Form

RMB 12
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Form 3. Actual Sample of Spot Report in Radio Message Form

RMB 13
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

Form 4. Sample Format of Special Report in Memorandum Format

RMB 14
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Form 5. Sample Format of Special Report in Civilian Letter Format

RMB 15
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Form 6. Sample Format of Beat Inspection Report in Memorandum Form

RMB 16
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Form 7. Sample Format of Patrol Report

RMB 17
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

Form 8. Actual Sample of Beat Inspection Report

RMB 18
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Form 9. Sample Format of After Operation Report

RMB 19
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

Form 10. Sample of Booking Sheet and Arrest Report

RMB 20
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

RMB 21
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

Form 11. Booking of Arrested Suspects Flow Chart

RMB 22
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

Form 12. PNP Booking Form-4 “jailer’s Receipt of Suspects” Form

RMB 23
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

Form 13. Actual Sample of Certificate of Detention

RMB 24
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

Form 14. Sample Release Order (NPS Form 2)

RMB 25
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RMB 26
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

Form 15. Sample Form of Turn-Over of Arrested Suspect

RMB 27
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

Form 16. Sample Format of Crime Report

RMB 28
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

Form 17. Sample Format of Situation Report

Form 18. Sample Incident Report Form

RMB 29
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RMB 30
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

Form 19. Sample Format of a Traffic Accident Investigation Report

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RMB 32
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RMB 33
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

RMB 34
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RMB 35
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

Form 20. Sample Format of Miscellaneous Incident Report

RMB 36
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Form 21. Sample Format of Investigation Data Form

RMB 37
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

Form. 22. Sample Request for Preliminary Investigation and Waiver of Article 125,
Revised Penal Code (NPS Form 3)

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RMB 39
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

Form 23. Sample of Memo for Preliminary Investigation

RMB 40
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RMB 41
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

Form 24. Sample Format of Initial Investigation Report

RMB 42
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

Form 25. Sample Format of Progress Report

Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Interior and Local Government




SUBJECT : Progress Report


1. Reference: (previous related Memos)

2. (Indicate briefly the date/time and place of occurrence) example

3. (Brief facts of the case)

4. (Other Facts)

5. Requested/recommended actions from Hqs.

6. Disposition/ Action Taken

7. Final Report will follow


RMB 43
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

Form 26. Sample Format of Final Report

Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Interior and Local Government




SUBJECT : Final Report


1. Reference: (previous related Memos)

2. (Indicated briefly the date/time, and place of occurrence)

3. Background/Brief facts of the case

4. Sequence of Events

5. Summary of Action

6. Recommendation/ Conclusion

7. Disposition/findings

8. For your information


RMB 44
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

Form 27. Actual Sample of After- Operation Report

RMB 45
COC- CDI5 Technical English 1 (Investigative Report Writing and Presentation)

Form 28. Actual Sample of After- Encounter Report

RMB 46

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