Iniatory Phase Iniatory Phase: +y Mother Used To Go A Arlor Sho To +y Mother Used To Go A Arlor Sho To

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a. Prayer
b. Checking
Checking of Attend
ance & Physica
Physicall Classro
om Envir

1. Review

Okay, Let us have a brief review of our ast

Last meeting we had discussed the !"#E O$
%AL CA'E (OOL# A%) E*"P+E%(.

Anyone who can recite of what heshe

learned on using the nail care tools and
hat we should remember in using the nail
care tools and e-uiment/ +a8am  have learned how to use roerly
some of the nail care tools or imlements.
Any 0olunteer/ Okay, (ina what have you Like for e3amle Cuticle Nail Pusher.
learned/  (he roer
roer way of holding
holding the cuticle
cuticle nail
usher is in the same manner of writing a
hile in using 1and and $oot #a
+achine, we must ensure that electrical
wirings are dry and rotected from
accidental water sillage.
+a8am  have learned that by learning to
 (hank you (ina.
(ina. 1ow about others/
others/ use tools and e-uiment roerly, t will
 2es, #ally/ ensure us that we give our client a care
service safely.
Okay, (hank you.
 think we must roceed now to our ne3t
lesson, but before that  will give you an
activity rior  resent our new lesson. s that  2es
 2es ma8am.
alright to you/

Please get your activity notebook in (LE and

answer !hat 2ou Already 4now/5 for __
minutes then later we will 6nd out how much
you learned by doing #elf7check .


1. !

Class, how does your mother take care of +y mother used to go a arlor sho to
their hands articularly on 6ngernails/ clean her nails.
 2es #arah/

 (hen, who among of you went to a salon

to undergo nail care services like hand
sa, foot sa, manicure and edicure/
Okay, hat did you observe/ Are they
following or observing health and safety
ractices in the rearation of cleaning
the nail care tools and e-uiment/
 (o revent accidents, in<ury and sread
#o is it imortance to observe health and of otential diseases and to give the
safety ractices/ (hen why is it highest
imortant/ rofessional nail care service.

 2es very good9 t is really imortant that a

arlor sho or a salon should observe
health and safety ractices in the
rearation of using the nail care tools
and e-uiment as well after using it. :y
sterili;ation and saniti;ation we can
ensure that we are safe from the
infectious diseases.

Sa"itati!" ( hygiene= cleanliness
Sterili)ati!" ( killing of germs and
viruses by using heat, radiation and or
Sa"iti)ati!" * Cleansing, uri6cation
Disi"+ecta"t ( Chlorine :leach
A"tise,tic ( alcohol= hydrogen


 have here a chart with di>erent

ictures. Look closely to the icture in
column A and Column :, how do they

hat have you observe in this


Class, do you agree with Elaine/


Another illustration is the 0enn

#howing the di>erences and
similarities of the two sub<ects.

Anyone who can tell the di>erence

between sterili;ation and saniti;ation/
1ow about the disinfectant and

%ow that you have learned the

di>erences of the two,  must now
show to you the stes on how to
reare e-uiment that is to be
saniti;ed, metals imlements for
sterili;ation and the stes on
rearing the saniti;ing <ar.

Can you read it ?oan/

@@@:ased on the ictures or

illustrations and our activity awhile t is Ensuring #afety and Cleanliness in the
ago, what do you think is our toic for #alon +a8am9
this morning/

 2es 4evin/
#it roerly, listen and cooerate9
0ery ood9

:ut before we roceed, what will you

do if the teacher is discussing in front
of you/
Check the condition of the nail care tools
Can  e3ect that from you/ and e-uiment. +ake it clean and free from
/. DISC$SSION germs and harmful bacteria. #terili;ed it,
disinfect it, use antisetics before and after
0hat will !u 2!3 H!w 2! we doing nail care services.
e"sure sa+et a"2 clea"li"ess i" a
sal!" !r a ,arl!r sh!,4

0h is it i5,!rta"t t! us clie"ts

that the sal!" !r ,arl!r sh!, that
we visit !6serve sa+et rules a"2

0hat is3are the 6e"e7ts !r e8ects

!+ these i" !ur li+e4

H!w a6!ut t! the +ault !r "!"

+u"cti!"al t!!ls a"2 e9ui,5e"t:
what are we ;!i"; t! 2! !" that4

A+ter usi"; "ail care

t!!ls3i5,le5e"ts a"2 e9ui,5e"t
what we sh!ul2 2!4

(Next slide after every working


<Rea2 te=t reminder  !" ,a;e >.?


Class, how we will ensure safety and

cleanliness in the salon/

hat is the di>erence and similarity

between sterili;ation and saniti;ation/

hen do we use disinfectant and


hat are we going to do to a non

functional or defective nail care tools
and e-uiment/

  want you to form a grou with 6ve
members each, then do the activity on
age B !1ow do you aly what you
have learned/

Am  understood/


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