Answers Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

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g Blue Box Questions

h y daes a KampaSheedle get dllutd

uhen baught naar a han magnekt

Aa- A Lampass nadla gets dallactad whun oraught

neana Jaan maghat hecausa tha ban magnat
At A magnake CRAN ha compass hadle
which is jtáal tny pivotod magnit. ree
to mouw în the
Jarizantal plana).
0aund a
2.raw magniic iald

N Bar PMagnat SE

Maqrutic eld lines

3 . s t to propouis omaghute lins o t

Oudaida th magnet ha magnetic l d lints
aa diructad am Narth lal of maqhib townds
Suth pala. Houuin, inaidk a manut i uld Linas
dirackad am Sauth palto Varth hlu. Thua
maarukcld inam a clase lasp.
) The sulaiut sbunath magnatic Jelds is gin
Sasonas ield lines. Te
Rald is strang in he ugtan whin
t old lin ane
i No suo maguic ld linas can ON int-
Sect ach otr

Lo don't tuo magnatic ines o futs irtun-

Sac uwth sach athwn?

Au a tuo maqndic Jan o Jaue do nat

teand each otho Jbecaus Jhe uultat
antaon a neih pola at o point on a
mognatic na kaua can be anly in ane
icion. I . houu, uo magnatic lws
auaintaseddCa rasaed) pauh othn, it
0uld muan that ak ta ponct o itoseckin,
tha tampass nudla wsuld point in too dinarion.
at tha sama tima, which is not -possible

5.snsidsn a tiuular Loop aire lying in the

plon t h tahla ut, tha cunt pas
thauh tha Loap slackuise dpply tu sight
hand rule to ind out dha dinuckian o da
magnalic ald Jnaida and autside thu sap.

dn Flaming Right Hand Rula atates that ha dioet-

ion magrutie tiald ts peypendiculat to tha
dirarian a sant flau.
To and tu dirucion magnekic Jild, usd
unnt and
Run hand in he dinckian stha
aun humb oill point to he direction magngh

A pen this, se lind het jnsidk be lop, u
magnatic pald lnas a r diracted perpendiculas h
plans pape in the inusard dvlctian. Audsde
tha losp
Lsop magnuic kild lines Ars divruted sut
atha plan papen.
G.The maqnetc ield in a given rugian is
wilaum.Doaus adiagram o rupresent it.

Auniam magnutic lialel in a gian is

aphusantud by drauing aquidistart, pasallel
straight ina, al pointing in t u 3ama dreckion.
fan ocample. he unikaun magnelie pield which
ecists insidaa Lwiant-taxuing salenoid
Can o upruanted p a r a t a t g h t
lins potnti ng pom ts douthto Naxth Pa.
Mogmatic ield linas

tha allauing

ate Elming's Jt-hand

states Hhat strutt
hand sulh
luming 's t ingen and u hun
tha eulingin,tr central
peopendicular to
hand mutually
u u l tt
shaws tba dincton
Lach atwn u arlingen
sthe magratic eld and inge hat ol
will paint tousards
hu curunt, hen the thumb
the diruitan asaar he canductan
2. Lohad b tha rale theplit ring n an ehubic

sh- The split singin tha slectic matan also

knaun osommutatan roersea the directian
Curant lauaing thoraugh tha cailalter e y
hal Htation ththa Caid Dus to his tail
. ntiueso Jatate Jn he sama directisn.
dn 2cbuc aen o 2 Rw pau rating is spaba
tad inA doastic slactic tireuit C220 v) that
has aurvunt sating a 5A. what i t do ypu
pt Eoplain

bolaurrunt draon b u slectuic ouun tan be

abtained by tho AOxpression, PVI
- 1-
Cuovwnd - I

eautn P 2kw =2000 W

Valtane V 49-A 220 V
e o 9.09..
'.unsnt (I) =
200 3A

The wtun dauon y be dactruc oKen is

8 dmpaus whidh is high as tomparud Jo tha

Jue in tha alactic sinuit uhich is anly

5 Ampaas s a JOult ho Juse uill blaw
utting h pauaatupply when th sbutrie
Nen wil Jopoata thsee seuues magnati ields.

Ans Tuue saurcn maqnehc lds are as lallas

Juound-tamying conductars
eumanont Magts
9Ha daus a 30lanaid Jhehane like a magnet
Jan 4u_deteumine the North and dath pols q
wrunl-Aanuing solonaid wth tha hlp K
a bay magnt 2 Eapkain.

adra salaraid dk a lang cail acirculan loaps

insulloted coappii ualu. lhon cwrnl s
passed xaugh a salonaid toal, magnuti peld
praduced. Dua to u
ptesence a urns in
20re dirutian. thu resultant magnetic Jicld

vey stang and luularm. Hentu, Salerad behauus

Jika a strang bar magnet.
le can deteumine he narth and 30uth
poles al
ALwrnt-carying salenaid by using a or
maonat. This tan bedana aa allaus th bring the
nath pale a ban maqnet near bath he onds
aA eely Suspendod cuwrent catruing 3aloraid.
The endathe solanaid uwhith will he rapelled
b tu nath pola h e han magnat uill be
tha narth pale od a solenoid. Because like hatggs
epell Lath athen dnd a end solenaid whick
wiil be attracthd hy he nanth pele thu ban
magratand mae towards t , uill be its sauth
poL as AunlikeChargs attract Lach athwr

lo han is the Jance ecperiented by a wrent-

carsing canducter platud in o magnete peld

The aue Locperienced by a cuwwunt casyiry

Bnductan s he
mapimun whun he dractan
Luvunt ls perpendialar o ta direckon
tu magrehe ld.
IlNam. some dovices in uwhich alutic maturs

ns lctic Matars ake used dn aluutic Jans, soalen

uigaots, mixur and qrinders, washing mathines
utun pumps and alortric LasLhey canNernt
lertrical enwgy into machanical antwgy

12. ail insulatod capper wlba s cannoctd to

abvangmatn. Lwhat will happan bar magt

)is pushad jnto ha cail?

Ans he naedla al a galuanamaten uill shao a monun
&ay dallockian Jn a pakiuulan diroctian.

i is uaithdrawn m inslide tha tail .

draha naedle el agaluanomatur shaws a mamrtasy
doecton in tha oppaste divuctan

u l d atationa inalda tha cail?

AnNo induced wwnt is sot and Aalwanameten
daus nat shaw ary dellectian

ww Litulan Lails A arnd B ane platedclesed to

A is changed,
h . tha uunt in u Lail
wall a0m uvunt be induced in tha toil 87 ive
Lwo uiuular cails A and B a u plated
lase fo lach athen. lhun he cwrrnt in
Jnil A s changed, ha magvehc iald 80
ataduith it also changgs. ds a oslt,
h maguic Jild araund coil B also changus.
uis tdhange in magneic
held lineR araud
Jail B Jindurss. a n electric ctntin it.
scalacd 2lcbramagratic Inductian. So
wwnt will he inducd
yea, darnu
in thu cail

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