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International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 28 (2018) 701–710

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International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction

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Analysis of the interrelationship between houses, trees and damage in a T

cyclone affected city: Can landscape design and planning utilising trees
minimise cyclone impact?
F.J. Van der Sommena, D.M. Pearsona, , G.S. Boggsa,2
Research Institute for Environment & Livelihoods, School of Environment, Faculty of Engineering, Health, Science and the Environment, Charles Darwin University,
Darwin, Northern Territory 0909, Australia


Keywords: Under scenarios of climate change the likelihood of more intensive extreme weather events like tropical cyclones
Arboreal services is expected to increase and many tropical regions most at risk from cyclones are still developing economically.
Risk mitigation With increased urbanisation predicted over the next 20–50 years to cope with population growth, it is important
Disaster management that planning for urban development in these regions considers amelioration of danger, especially the impacts
Landscape ecology
associated with cyclone damage. Approaches to risk management can learn a lot from past experiences with
Climate change
cyclonic events. The knowledge that was accumulated after the devastation of Darwin, Australia by Cyclone
Green infrastructure
Tracy in 1974 provides important evidence that can contribute towards risk mitigation and disaster management
in the future. Applying a mixed methods approach, this study examines historical information collected at the
time of Cyclone Tracy to help understand the role of the urban forest and positioning of housing in reducing
cyclone damage. It includes a review of whether the pattern of tree cover, which is influenced by geophysical
and socio-cultural factors, mitigates or exacerbates cyclone damage. The results of the study show that although
the relationship is complex, trees appear to have a role to play in ameliorating cyclone damage under certain
conditions. This potential gain, along with the other benefits trees offer to tropical urban areas, means that trees
are an important consideration for future urban planning in developing regions.

1. Introduction 20–50 years and associated urban construction activity in developing

tropical regions is carried out in the context of planning for urban de-
Climate change is thought to be one of the most significant chal- velopment that considers amelioration of cyclone impacts, strategies to
lenges facing the world and in particular urban centres, in the 21st minimise the risks associated with cyclone damage and possible ways of
Century [1]. Under scenarios of climate change the likelihood of more reducing the exposure of people to these potentially deadly natural
intense extreme weather events like tropical cyclones is expected to hazards.
increase [21,27,69]. Cyclones are storm systems that are characterised When constructing urban areas certain physical features can help to
by a low pressure centre, thunderstorms, very strong winds and tor- reduce damage to buildings from natural hazards and protect lives.
rential rain that can bring devastating consequences for urban centres. Action can also be taken to reduce urban vulnerability and improve
Tropical cyclones form over tropical or sub-tropical seas between 5 and resilience to extreme events. This can include the construction of more
30 degrees latitude [44], a region characterised by developing econo- wind resistant homes and buildings and the inclusion of features like
mies, with some of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged people shutters which can act as shock absorbers against debris and strong
living in these areas. Steiner [60]. It is not possible to stop cyclones winds [12]. Proactive human behaviour can also increase the level of
occurring but measures can be taken to lessen the severity of impacts, preparedness to face these extreme events which can have the knock on
reducing possible loss of life and damage to infrastructure that can effect of reducing personal vulnerability. Insight to risk management
cause issues for socio-economic functioning after an extreme event solutions can also be gained from past experiences with cyclonic events
(Hoque et al. 2016). It is important that population growth in the next and learnings from the patterns of previous damage [60].

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (D.M. Pearson), (G.S. Boggs).
Present address: Institute of Agriculture and Environment, College of Sciences, Massey University, Palmerston North, 4442, New Zealand.
Present address: Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute. University of Western Australia, Perth, 6401, Western Australia.
Received 17 October 2017; Received in revised form 24 January 2018; Accepted 27 January 2018
Available online 05 February 2018
2212-4209/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F.J. Van der Sommen et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 28 (2018) 701–710

Planning to reduce the impacts of cyclones is of particular concern needs to pay particular attention to the effect urban development has
to regions like monsoonal northern Australia that experience cyclones on environmental processes and be aware of important feedback me-
each year and fast developing cities like Darwin, in the Northern chanisms between the urban and more natural elements of the en-
Territory, that are located in this zone and that have already borne vironment. A popular opinion of a sustainable city is one that has
witness to the extreme devastation that cyclones can cause. The buildings and infrastructure that are built to conserve energy. Of par-
knowledge that was accumulated after the devastation of Darwin by ticular concern to urban developments in areas affected by cyclones and
Cyclone Tracy in 1974 has the potential to provide important scientific other extreme climatic events and natural hazards is how to make a city
and anecdotal evidence that can contribute towards risk mitigation and sustainable in the sense of being able to sustain and withstand the
disaster management in the future. This paper presents the findings of a impact of these events, particularly if they become more frequent or
study that examined historical information collected at the time of intense.
Cyclone Tracy, and ecological studies looking at the impact of sub- It is known that urban development changes local climatology [71].
sequent severe cyclones that have hit northern Australia, to help un- In fact, urbanisation has been noted as something that alters the local
derstand the role of trees and positioning of housing, relative to land- environment, by causing an increase in air temperature and altering
scape characteristics, in reducing cyclone damage. water cycles, and by affecting ecological processes and landscape
Trees under cyclonic conditions have the potential to be both a functioning [2]. Urbanisation also changes the structure of landscapes
source of, and a buffer for, flying debris impacting on houses. Tropical so that patterning of vegetation as well as natural processes are altered.
Cyclone Tracy, which struck Darwin city on Christmas Eve in 1974, can This means that urbanisation causes the landscape to become ‘compo-
provide a valuable insight into the impact of cyclones on both trees and sitionally more heterogeneous’, ‘geometrically more complex’, and
houses and the relationship between the two. From reviewing available ‘ecologically more fragmented’ ([2] pg 1; [74]). The implications of
historical information, it is evident that arboreal landscape design, what these changes mean under situations associated with extreme
planning and management in tropical landscapes has the potential to climatic events and natural disasters and how appropriate landscape
ameliorate the impact of cyclone damage providing that the trees design can ameliorate negative impacts is something that needs to be
planted can cope with the stresses imposed and do not contribute to the better understood.
hazard. The science of integrating and managing trees for ecological or Due to the potential catastrophic impact of cyclones there is a re-
arboreal services, particularly, in urban landscapes, is a growing field of cognised need to consider the vulnerability of urban areas to these
research with particular interest associated with climate change adap- events especially given the severe impact they can have on the socio-
tation and mitigation ([43]; Mellaney et al. 2015). However, to date, economic systems that operate within urban environments [29]. Vul-
most cyclone research in urban landscapes has been reductionist in nerability can be described as being ‘exposure to an event’, ‘sensitivity
approach, focusing on the role of structural and material attributes of of a system to an event’, and the ‘system's ability to adapt to an event’
houses in relation to cyclone damage ([24,55]; Pielke and Landsea [29]. The key to vulnerability is exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive
1998), with the work that has focused on trees and cyclones mainly capacity. In order to assess vulnerability one needs to understand the
examining their response from a debris source perspective [64,67]. systems exposure to a hazard, as well as its sensitivity and resilience to
Little research to date has taken the more holistic approach needed to the hazard. An important part of human vulnerability to global en-
examine complex interacting factors and the possible positive role vironmental change is associated with the danger of extreme climatic
played by trees on urban landscapes during cyclones. In contrast, in events [29]. Climate change adaptation strategies need to be in-
non-urban environments, but in similar bioclimatic regions, there has corporated into urban and land use planning and actions taken to help
been more in-depth research into the response of trees to cyclones and empower the people that are the most at risk from extreme climatic
role of trees in the wider natural environment [14,57,68,69]. By taking events by getting them to participate in activities and strategies that
a more holistic spatial landscape ecological approach to the analysis of will increase resilience and reduce vulnerability [21]. In areas likely to
tree response in urban areas under cyclonic situations it is possible to be affected by extreme climatic events as a regular occurrence, urban
develop a greater understanding of the ecology of cyclone impacts and design needs to consider the best way to minimise the impact of these
effects and knowledge acquired that is more relevant to urban land- events on infrastructure and human wellbeing [66]. This can be done
scape planning for both houses and trees. This is particularly important by reducing exposure, decreasing the sensitivity of the landscape or
given the growing value placed on incorporating urban green infra- improving the urban environments adaptive capacity and resilience to
structure into urban design and planning [49]. extreme climatic events.
In this paper the authors examine the influence of geophysical and The physical benefits of trees in urban areas is now well recognised
socio-cultural factors on tree and housing characteristics using a spatial [3,34,38,43,48,66,75]. In urban areas trees can play an important role
landscape analysis. Presented are findings from the case study using in evaporative cooling, reducing heat island effects, cooling buildings,
Cyclone Tracy that demonstrate the complex nature of the relationships providing shade, reducing surface run off following rainfall, reducing
between these factors. This research highlights the need for greater noise, reducing particulate pollution, sequesting carbon, reducing
understanding of the relationship between trees and urban environ- crime, and increasing property prices (Roy et al. 2012; [23]; Boland and
ments and provides justification for further in depth analysis into the Hunhammer 1999). There is also evidence to suggest that trees in urban
role of trees in mitigating or exacerbating cyclone caused housing da- areas make economic, environmental, social, cultural and spiritual
mage. This paper provides a valuable contribution to the discussion contributions to the wellbeing of people [34]. Also, it has been noted
about sustainable urban design for growing cities in tropical regions in that different types of trees have different impacts on the urban en-
the face of climate change. vironment and the ecosystem services they provide is often species
specific [34]. This means that trees can be seen to be economically,
1.1. Background socially and culturally important components of urban areas [35].
Urban greenways have also been seen to have multiple functions,
It is expected that by 2030 61% of the world's population will live in helping with urban sustainability and counteracting fragmentation of
urban areas [71]. As development intensifies and human use of land habitat [65]. Current priorities based on sustainable urban develop-
grows, there is inevitably greater competition for land and as a result ment are making urban planners pay more attention to the important
there is more of a need for good landscape and urban design and role trees can play in urban environments [3,34,38,43,48,71,75].
planning [17]. Effective planning and design needs to take into account However, trees in disaster prone urban areas, including high cyclone
biological, social and physical components of the landscape and make and bushfire risk areas, are often considered to exacerbate this risk
strong links to landscape architecture. Sustainable urban planning which results in active removal campaigns undertaken post disaster

F.J. Van der Sommen et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 28 (2018) 701–710

[32]. Recent research by Roy [54] has highlighted the influence of

personal opinions on perceived threats to vital infrastructure posed by
street trees in municipal areas and cite an absence of research to bal-
ance views and opinions. The subjective nature of current thinking and
available information highlights the need to more scientifically under-
stand and document the relationship between trees, tree cover and
damage from cyclones to support evidence based decision making.
Cyclones, which can also go by the common name of typhoons and
hurricanes depending on where they occur geographically, are cate-
gorized based on their strength and can range in intensity from what
are classed as weak systems, with wind speeds of about 160 km per
hour, to the extremely destructive classification which can have winds
in excess of 350 km per hour [69]. Category 1 are the weakest cyclones
and category 5 are the strongest. In this paper the authors hypothesize
that certain species of trees growing in specific locations might be able
to mitigate some of the extreme damage caused by cyclonic winds. In
doing so the authors highlight the important connections between
landscape pattern in the form of tree distribution in relation to house
location, environmental functioning and urban design, and the need to
consider these with regard to any development of tropical cities likely
to be affected by cyclones. As such the authors suggest taking a land-
scape ecological approach to urban planning and design that considers
pattern and function. A holistic approach such as this that considers
complex interactions and interrelationships has the potential to better
inform urban planning decisions in tropical areas affected by cyclonic
events. This could be particularly useful in guiding planning and policy
making decisions necessary to cope with the implications society will
face from the growing need for more extensive urban development in
areas prone to cyclone risk, whilst trying to minimise vulnerability of
the urban areas to cyclones. A key consideration in this paper is the
general view that tropical cyclone intensity will increase under sce-
narios of climate change meaning that newly developing urban areas
such as the proposed expansion planned for urban Darwin [18] need to
be designed to withstand the onslaught of what could be possibly
stronger winds than previously experienced.

1.2. Study area Fig. 1. a) Map showing the geographic location of Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia
and b) the distribution of housing allotments (red) during the time of TC Tracy (1974)
With a predominantly coastal based population and an already relative to Darwin in 1999 estimated cyclone centre line (CCL), eyewall boundary and
coastline datum.
harsh climate and high incidence of natural disasters and extreme cli-
matic events, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction are
major considerations for Australia [21]. Tropical cyclones are a regular Wood et al., [20,72] and serve as an indicator of the spatial varia-
feature of northern Australia. Cyclones can occur in northern Australia bility of environmental constraints imposed on land use for both con-
any time between November and May. In this locality they have a mean struction and tree cultivation. Trees in these landscape have to deal
rate of occurrence of 9.4 per year [57]. This study focuses on Darwin, with inherently infertile soil, highly seasonal rainfall and soil moisture,
which is the capital city of the Northern Territory and is located at a high temperature associated evapotranspiration rates, damage from fire
geographical location of 12°28'S 130°50′E (see Fig. 1a). Its climate is and more relevant to this study direct wind destruction. In urbanised
tropical with a distinct wet and dry season. The wet season falls from landscapes additional cultural processes of soil scalping, vehicle com-
October to April and mean annual rainfall is in the order of 1730 mm/ paction, top soiling, fertilization, mulching and irrigation, construction
year [8]. Climatically Darwin is more closely associated with its south with associated building microclimate has create a complex “anthropic”
Asian neighbouring capitals than Sydney. Its location makes it the most landscape ecology.
northerly of Australian capital cities. It is also currently the smallest but Cyclone Tracy, an estimated category 4 cyclone, crossed directly
growth in population is one of the highest in Australia. over suburban Darwin, on 24th December 1974 (Fig. 1b). Much of the
The city has been rebuilt twice due to the bombing of Darwin in city was encompassed by the eye wall zone of the cyclone [40,6,7,70].
February 1942 from Japanese air raids and Cyclone Tracy in 1974. The Cyclone Tracy is a prime example of the tenuous relationship between
city has recently been going through an economic boom and develop- the scale of a hazard and its social and environmental consequences, as
ment is high on the agenda. Post war suburban development of the although comparatively small in size, with a variable albeit small core
Darwin landscape up to 1974 saw a progressive change of tree cover size and shape, it had a devastating impact on Darwin suburban houses,
from naturally evolved eucalypt dominated savanna woodland, open trees, and people, causing 71 deaths and many injuries, mainly from
forest and monsoon rainforest to fragmentation of trees in these com- flying debris. It was also responsible for causing approximately $800
munities and cultivation of introduced trees in parks and gardens. (AUD 1974) million in damage with more than 70% of Darwin's
These form a complex mosaic with buildings and associated infra- buildings (about 80% of houses) destroyed. Over 80% of the population
structure. of Darwin at the time became homeless and about 60% were evacuated.
The geophysical environment of the land systems and land units on The social, cultural and psychological impact of this cyclone is well
which Darwin is built, identifiable by their land forms, soils and natural documented [13,42,62,63]. Details of the effects of the cyclone and
vegetation, have been described elsewhere associated debris on buildings has been described in an extensive report

F.J. Van der Sommen et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 28 (2018) 701–710

[70] and recorded in a unpublished survey undertaken for the Darwin these two indices showed a highly significant correlation value (0.94,
Reconstruction Commission (DRC) between 1975 and 1977 and held in p < 001) in all cases suggesting that similar criteria were used.
the National Archives of Australia. An estimate of house and tree age was determined using ‘year of
More recent severe cyclones (category 4 and above) to hit northern street naming’ data provided by the Darwin Street Naming Committee
Australia include: Debbie – northern Queensland March 2017; Lam – within the Northern Territory Government Department of Lands and
Arnhem land Northern Territory February 2015; Marcia – northern Planning. House ownership data was derived from the DRC survey.
Queensland February 2015; Yasi – northern Queensland February 2011; Houses were categorized into ‘Government’, ‘Housing Commission’ and
Monica – Arnhem land, Northern Territory April 2006; and Larry – ‘Private’ ownership. Allotment area data was derived from the Northern
northern Queensland March 2006. Territory Cadastral data set on the assumption that this had remained
largely unaltered since Cyclone Tracy.
2. Methods To evaluate what variables appeared to contribute to the state of
houses before and following Cyclone Tracy spatial and statistical ana-
The study outlined in this paper reviews and evaluates aspects of the lyses were performed. The binning extension in SPSS was used to group
hypothesis that trees are not just responsible for damage under cyclonic tree cover into three and five classes, elevation and slope (%) for
conditions but if strategically placed can help to mitigate the damage combined data into six classes, and elevation and Ln slope for north and
caused by cyclones. To do this a mixed methods landscape ecosystem south of the CCL into five classes. Statistical analysis involved de-
approach is taken which is interdisciplinary and draws on a range of termining and plotting means for total Darwin data together with
available resources and multiple layers of historical biophysical and standard deviation (95%) confidence level to assess trends and, differ-
sociological data, as well as available ecological information associated ences between, the various landscape determinants, TCI and HDI and
with cyclone impact. The analysis examines the spatial patterns of their interactive responses. Pearson's Correlation coefficient was used to
house damage in relation to tree location and age and considers the test for trends in such relationships with ANOVA together with the
response and role of trees by reviewing available literature covering Dunnett's C test used to test for significance between responses as re-
previous ecological studies relating to tree damage and reactions during quired.
recent severe cyclones in northern Australia. For an evaluation of the impact of cyclones on trees in northern
Biophysical data analysed in this study includes information re- Australian landscapes ecological research undertaken after some of the
lating to the cyclone, as well as topographic and tree cover data. To most severe cyclones to hit the region was investigated. Published work
undertake the spatial analysis, the Cyclone centerline (CCL), as defined on these events that was reviewed as part of this mixed methods ap-
by the Bureau of Meteorology [7], was digitized and a 1 km buffer proach included Turton [69], Turton, [68] Cook and Goydens [14] and
applied using GIS software. Contour, slope, and aspect layers were Staben and Evans [57].
created from a DEM generated from 1:10 K spot height data. Tree cover
data, derived from shadow proxies, was estimated for each house al- 3. Results
lotment in the study area using 1:7500 black and white aerial photo-
graphy taken at about 15,000 m altitude at 10 am on the 7/6/74. These 3.1. Cyclone tree damage review
photos were scanned with a high-resolution scanner at 400dpi and
rectified using image-to-cadastre georeferencing and then were con- The results of the mixed methods approach show that of the re-
verted to pseudo-colour to discriminate shades of black shadows from search that has taken place on the impacts of recent cyclones to hit the
white roofed buildings. The outcome was two images which were di- Northern Territory coast, Staben and Evans [57] (who looked at the
gitally placed over the original photo. The house shadow was removed impact of destructive winds on vegetation in the Magela Creek Catch-
from other shadows by determining the shadow offset (in pixels) from ment by evaluating tree canopy loss in natural areas, and at the Ranger
the building at the centre of the image relative to coordinates of the mine near Kakadu National Park using remotely sensed data through an
corners. When processed, the composite files with house shadows lar- evaluation of the first ten days after Cyclone Monica and then the same
gely eliminated were merged into a mosaic and the proportion of each area one year later), found that areas closer to water e.g. in riparian
cadastral block occupied by tree shadow was analysed. Zonal statistics zones or inundated areas exhibited a bigger loss in terms of tree canopy
were used to calculate the percentage cover of shadow /tree cover for cover than upland areas. Cook and Goydens [14] also looked at the
each allotment in the cadastre dataset and converted to a 0–1 scale (the impact of Cyclone Monica and found that from their investigation that
‘Tree Cover Index (TCI)’). Validation of the shadow/tree cover mapping different species of trees react differently to cyclones, with their ob-
was undertaken by comparison with manual measurement of tree cover servations indicating that the sclerophyllous leaves of eucalypts found
for 50 randomly selected producing a significant liner regression (R2 in the savanna woodlands of the Northern Territory tend to resist de-
= 0.68). foliation under cyclonic conditions for longer than the typical leaves of
Sociological data analysed in this study consisted of house type and rainforest species found in northern Queensland. They also observed
house damage data. This was extracted from an unpublished post that the harder wood species appeared to resist breakage for longer.
Cyclone Tracy survey undertaken for the Darwin Reconstruction However, their findings suggested that retention of leaves could result
Commission (DRC) between 1975 and 1977 and held in National in an increased proportion of trees snapped and uprooted in cyclones
Archives of Australia. From this study information could be obtained on due to greater wind load [14]. The damage that cyclones cause has been
house type (elevated open, elevated built under and ground level), observed to be affected by – wind velocity, variations in site exposure or
house material (brick, cement, fibrocement, fibrocement and brick, effects of topography, and response of systems to wind disturbance as a
others), and house damage (House Damage Index (HDI) scaled from 0 function of species composition and vegetation structure [69]. Tur-
to 1). As no record of how HDI was estimated, it was assumed that ton's [69] research looked at trying to secure resilience to cyclones in
similar statistical criteria were used to calculate this damage index to the wet tropical forests of northern Queensland using information from
those reported by Waker (1975), i.e. the Walker Building Damage Index Cyclone Larry and Yasi. He found that at the local scale within forest
(BDI) which is a function of maximum wind velocity impacting on the structures the impact of the cyclone is controlled by composition and
building and a measure of structural resistance of the building. structure and small scale topography. This provides evidence that the
Comparison of HDI and BDI revealed that both data sets showed similar relationship between tree behaviour and cyclones is complex. In urban
normal distribution patterns. The normalized basic damage distribution environments, this is further complicated by modified physical land-
curve was rescaled to that of the DRC survey, called HDIw. A Kendall scapes, varied species selection, active tree management and the built
tua_b correlation analysis in SPSS 15 (SPSS Inc 2006) performed on environment, patterns of which are heavily influenced by socio,

F.J. Van der Sommen et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 28 (2018) 701–710

cultural and economic drivers. Within the scope of this study which north and south of the cyclone centreline may have played a role in
used historical data and literature it was not possible to evaluate the damage, although how this might have occurred was not fully ex-
direct impact relevant to species composition but the effects of some of plained. The role of landforms in regulating wind flow and determining
the socio-cultural characteristics are illustrated in the results below. the degree of cyclone exposure is generally recognised [26]. Bluff
bodies such as hills can establish pressure gradients which are positive
3.2. Cyclone Tracy characterisation on the windward side and negative on the lee side. According to
Reardon [53], structures located on the crest of hills, can be expected to
An evaluation of historical information relevant to Cyclone Tracy experience wind speed increases in the order of 20–50% depending
showed that extent of house damage was influenced by their structural upon the extent and slope of the hill. For small hills and rises or de-
attributes such as house type (i.e. elevated or ground level), cladding pressions, typifying the Darwin landscape, topographic barriers of
material, as well as the construction process associated with ownership, 3–6 m may also have modified wind impact [70].
and landscape topography relative to the cyclone path, although the This study suggests that north of the CCL HDI increased with ele-
relative contribution of these factors is poorly documented. vation, while TCI decreased (Fig. 3a to d). This contributes to the ob-
The damage to trees, both in the remnant native forest and in the served inverse relationship between tree cover and damage. HDI did
suburban landscapes of relic endemic and cultivated parts of Darwin however increase with tree cover on higher elevation sites suggesting
has also been well documented [10,22]. Following Cyclone Tracy, Ca- that increased exposure increased tree related hazards. However, the
meron, et al. [10] observed an inverse relationship between tree cover influence of elevation on HDI is not apparent from data south of the
and housing damage suggesting that trees provided cyclone protection, CCL. Here damage appears to increase with tree cover but only at low
although there was no statistical evidence to support this. However, elevation sites. Low elevation sites are located closer to the coast where
reports that document the fact that during periods of strong winds there trees are older, and where the winds from both the approaching cyclone
is alteration to the predicted uplift forces on flat roofed, low buildings would have been stronger. At the more sheltered mid elevation sites
which can be seen to be associated with surrounding trees of similar (both north and south of the CCL) there appears to be both higher TCI
dimension [58,73], lend support to this hypothesis. Possibly more sig- and lower HDI suggesting that in these locations topography and tree
nificantly in favour of this argument is the fact that much house damage cover combine to enhance house protection. HDI is also observed to
noted at the time of Cyclone Tracy appears to result from flying debris, increase with slope angle north of the CCL, particularly where there is
which has much greater force than the transporting wind [26]. It is increased tree cover although this relationship is not observed south of
argued from this interpretation of the information available that urban the CCL.
tree cover may act as “debris filters” absorbing both debris energy and Results of one-way ANOVA and Dunnett's C post hoc test indicates
matter thereby playing some role in reducing damage, providing that both north and south of the CCL NE aspect (0–90) had marginally lower
trees themselves do not become a hazard. HDI than NW (90–180) (p < 0.05) but significantly lower HDI than SE
Evidence from general cyclone models and from cyclone damage (180–360) (p < 0.001). More broadly, locations where aspect had a
pattern data analysed in this study, as well as from the post Cyclone westerly component, significantly higher HDI (p < 0.001) values were
Tracy survey [70], indicates that the winds of the approaching cyclone observed than those locations with an easterly aspect, while TCI values
had a stronger on-shore (westerly) component, associated with reduced appeared lower. This inverse relationship, although indicative of pro-
boundary layer friction, on the northern (left) side than southern (right) tection benefits, also indicates the influence of exposure to the eastward
side of the cyclone path where they were weaker and more off shore moving cyclone and associated westerly winds. North of the CCL only
(easterly). The mean wind velocity in such a tract has also been shown the more sheltered south easterly aspects indicated a significantly lower
to increase radially out from the cyclone centre to the eye-wall and then HDI with increased tree cover both benefitting from the microclimate of
decrease beyond from the centre (see [15]). this location. South of the CCL most aspects showed the reverse trend
suggesting that higher tree cover, particularly significant for south
3.3. Cyclone Tracy housing damage and tree cover analysis westerly aspects, was associated with higher HDI. Therefore, it is pos-
sible that the older trees found here were contributing to higher HDI
The landscape analysis of housing damage and tree cover patterns values.
provides insights into potential relationships between trees, cyclones The spatial and topographic landscape factors described above, that
and damage to the built environment. The radial HDI profile in this influence both the pattern of house construction and associated tree
study followed the wind profile closely with damage peaking close to cover management, are under pinned by a number of cultural factors.
the eye-wall (5–6 km) estimated by the Bureau of Meteorology [6]. The For example, certain house attributes were shown to also influence the
cyclone tract intercepted and divided the south to north spatio-tem- damage caused by Cyclone Tracy. Such attributes include the material
poral gradient of developing allotments, such that the decrease in used to clad the house and the style of house. The resistance to wind
modelled radial wind field intensity was accompanied by newer houses offered by a house has been noted to be a function of the nature of
with lower tree cover northwards of the CCL (Fig. 2a). This was in cladding material, internal structural members, windows and other
contrast to an increase in house and tree age (and tree cover) south- modular units by the eminent civil engineer Joseph Minor [45,46] who
wards of the CCL. Here the modelled wind velocity increased at least up is recognised in wind engineering. The results of one way ANOVA and
to the eye-wall, contributing to a direct correlation between the TCI and Dunnett's Ç test for difference in HDI scores for house structures and
HDI. materials indicates a significant difference (P < 0.05) between all
The anticipated influence of decreasing cyclone intensity inland house types and all materials except between fibrocement, cement and
from the coast was not evident in HDI patterns (Fig. 2b). What was others which were not significantly different. Overall, this study shows
observed in the data was an increase in HDI with distance inland, that brick houses demonstrated significantly less damage than fi-
particularly north of the CCL. Whilst the TCI, consistent with devel- brocement and HDI was significantly greater for elevated open houses
opment patterns, was seen to decrease with distance inland. This pat- than those at ground level. As emphasised by Holmes [26], debris pe-
tern was less evident, if not reversed south of the CCL. This relationship netration of cladding is the primary mechanism by which internal
is further explored in this study through the analysis of a range of social pressure is rapidly increased. Trees may have played a role in both
and biophysical parameters that may underlie the relationship between being a source of and intercepting debris that impacted on elevated
tree cover and housing damage, and can affect the role of trees in homes constructed largely of fibrocement.
protecting or inflicting damage. Although there was a significantly negative correlation with TCI and
The Walker report [70] had previously identified that terrain factors HDI, particularly north of the CCL, this relationship was weaker and

F.J. Van der Sommen et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 28 (2018) 701–710

Fig. 2. Mean pooled HDI and TCI with distance to the a) CCL b) and Coastline).

Fig. 3. Least distance means square plot of HDI as a function of landscape elevation (contour) and slope (log percent) for a) south the CCL and b) north of the CCL and Least distance
means square plot of tree cover (Arcsine cover %) in Darwin, 1974, as a function of landscape elevation (contour) and slope (log %) for c) south of the CCL and d) north of the CCL.

reversed south of the cyclone centreline particularly for elevated explaining temporal patterns of TCI influencing relationships to HDI.
houses, with no relationship evident for elevated “built under” and Both TCI generally increased and HDI decreased with age, the latter
“ground level” houses (Fig. 4). This suggests that younger, smaller trees showing greater temporal variability with similar cyclic changes evi-
to the north may have provided more protection against stronger winds dent north and south of the CCL, suggesting a progressive improvement
for these more vulnerable houses, whereas the older, taller trees to the followed by deterioration in house vulnerability.
south of the CCL may have exacerbated such damage even under the The influence of the ‘human factor’ on house construction, as well as
weaker wind regime. tree planting and maintenance influencing cyclone vulnerability, is
Reference has been made to the important role played by age in reflected in primary house ownership. Of the ‘Government’ houses, the

F.J. Van der Sommen et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 28 (2018) 701–710

Fig. 4. Mean and standard deviation of HDI and their relationship to five binned TCI classes for three house structures a) north (N) and b) south (S) of the CCL.

a) b)

Fig. 5. Relationship between house ownership a) north and b) south of CCL and the HDI for three tree cover classes.

post cyclone damage assessment in Walker [70] noted that ‘Housing et al. [10] that there is an inverse relation between these two variables.
Commission’ houses appeared from general inspection to have fared That is, trees can offer some form of protection to houses during cy-
somewhat better than departmental ones, although the greater number clones. However, further analysis of data revealed that the relationship
of hipped roofs amongst ‘Housing Commission’ houses also increased between the cyclone wind field, houses and trees is a complex one, as it
their vulnerability as noted in this study. The analysis of data also appears to be influenced by temporal, spatial, topographic and cultural
showed that the pooled ‘Government’ and ‘Housing Commission’ houses factors. These, individually or collectively, have been shown to dom-
were found to have sustained significantly higher HDI values than inate, and, in some circumstances, reverse the relationship. The com-
‘Private’ houses, with an inverse relationship to TCI (Fig. 5). North of plexity of the relationship is illustrated by the fact that the tract of
the CCL the more vulnerable ‘Government’ houses showed an inverse Cyclone Tracy and the associated cyclone wind field, particularly
relationship with TCI, not evident in ‘Private’ houses. South of the CCL within the eye-wall zone that covered most of Darwin, inflicted damage
higher tree cover, linked to larger older trees in ‘Private’ house allot- on both houses and trees that intersected a north south spatio-temporal
ments, generally located along the western coastal margin, was asso- gradient of changing house construction and associated tree age and
ciated with increased HDI. cover.
The space around and between houses in cyclone affected land- The spatial analysis of HDI and TCI across a range of landscape si-
scapes has had different, often conflicting, affects. Walker [70] sug- tuations in the Darwin study area revealed a consistent inverse corre-
gested that brick houses, mixed with elevated houses may have pro- lation between these two variables, particularly in landscapes involving
vided some protection. Building height /spacing ratio or house density stronger winds, more vulnerable houses and smaller trees. This there-
has also been considered a contributing factor in shielding [25,30,39]. fore provides sufficient indication that here tree cover may minimise
In this study increased allotment area, up to 2800 m2, serving as a proxy house damage from cyclone debris. In landscapes where trees are larger
for house spacing, showed a small change in HDI for ‘Private’ houses, and where both house and trees have greater topographic exposure to
but did not for ‘Government’ houses. TCI both north and south of the winds, even though houses are less inherently vulnerable, tree cover as
CCL also increased with allotment area suggesting that the combination a source of debris may contribute to cyclone hazards. Within the
of area and TCI reduced housing damage for the more sensitive houses. moving cyclone wind field there are sites where combined and alter-
nating winds may amplify the tree cover house interaction effects,
providing both benefits and dis-benefits depending on the type of cover
4. Discussion and the vulnerability of houses and the effects of topography on both.
The landscape analysis approach adopted in this study demonstrates
Relationships identified in the initial analysis of pre-Cyclone Tracy the complex relationship between tree cover and cyclone damage
allotment tree cover and post-Cyclone Tracy house damage data held in within the urban environment, providing an important base to develop
archives lends strong support to the hypothesis put forward by Cameron

F.J. Van der Sommen et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 28 (2018) 701–710

more detailed investigation from which to unravel the real complexities house design, construction and management based on policies with
in this relationship. In particular, the historical analysis undertaken in little evidence or understanding of the complex processes involved. This
this study was unable, due to limited data, to reveal spatial patterns in means that optimum strategies for dealing with phenomena such as
tree species distribution across the 1974 Darwin landscape. Examining cyclones are not adequately being implemented at the current time. It is
the relationship of tree species to cyclone damage is important and important to use the results of this study and further recommended
should be explored in future studies, but needs to consider both the analysis to inform future urban planning and decision making. There is
species based and edaphic factors affecting tree physiology and cyclone great power in using historical information and knowledge to reveal
response. In particular, their context within the built environment, important information on exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity of
modified physical landscape and management. houses and urban centres, and in association with tree cover informa-
Recognising that trees can also be a source of cyclone debris means tion, this information needs to form the basis of directing further re-
that models that try to understand tree debris generated from cyclonic search and guidelines for development in cyclone prone urban areas
events (e.g. [67]) might be able to assist in getting a better under- moving forward.
standing of how much debris can result from a cyclone and what its The urgency of developing informed policies and guidelines around
impact might have. These finding suggest that debris modelling re- minimising the impact of cyclones on urban area, based on a re-
levant to species composition and impact should be explored in more assessment of the effects of Cyclone Tracy and other cyclonic events,
detail in future studies. Debris estimation methods are complex but combined with further targeted research on other urban cyclone phe-
models based on tree density, tree height and wind data have tried to nomena, has increased as a result of the pressures associated with cli-
understand the potential amount of tree debris caused by cyclones [67]. mate change. Evidence of increases in atmospheric and ocean tem-
Thompson et al. [67] pointed out that most estimates of debris were peratures, rainfall, wind and frequency of thunderstorms, are some
however based on the assumption that all trees behave uniformly and indicators of possible anthropogenic, environmental feedback effects,
that trees greater than 30 m will generate debris. The result being that impinging on tropical landscapes. Projections from albeit limited cy-
models generated for hurricanes in Virginia and North Carolina have clone data coupled with thermodynamic understanding of cyclone
overestimated debris quite considerably by 90% and 42% respectively. genesis and its link to the raising of sea surface temperature suggest that
Interesting for this study is that an evaluation of the results of the the intensity of cyclones may be increasing and could be maintained
modelling and analysis conducted by Thompson et al. [67] shows that longer. The relatively recent occurrences of high intensity Cyclones
non-storm variables were found to be more important predictors of Ingrid and Monica following on from Tracey that struck within the
debris than storm variables. These findings also supported the results of Darwin region and the devastation that resulted across Queensland and
work carried out by Staudhammer et al. [59], Kupfer et al. [37] and northern New South Wales from the very recent destructive Cyclone
Duryea et al. [19] that suggested tree damage caused by hurricanes was Debbie appear to support this with implications for both houses and
more than likely attributed to trees being improperly located, poorly trees
maintained or a species that has a low tolerance to hurricane force Urban planning solutions for the future lie in implementing adap-
winds. The conclusion being that tree, or site specific variables, and tive approaches that contribute towards building urban resilience and
land cover, might have a stronger causal relationship with debris than sustainability to the changing climate [1]. Factors such as vulnerability
meteorological variables. This means that as the Cyclone Tracy study to cyclones, taking into account exposure, sensitivity and adaptive ca-
hypothesises it might be possible for urban planners and tree managers pacity, are vital considerations for future urban developments. This
to proactively undertake action by careful planting of trees i.e. con- study provides weight to the argument that informed urban landscape
sidering structure, composition and location, that can reduce the pro- planning and design incorporating trees can potentially contribute to
duction of tree debris from cyclones and contribute towards trees the amelioration of the impact of such changes. However, when con-
playing a more protective role against the damage by cyclones. To add sidering the role of trees, as Kirkpatrick et al. [33] point out, the level of
more evidence to this argument and to provide more accurate in- engagement people have with them needs to be considered as this tends
formation for urban tree management it is suggested that these factors to vary. The result of this being that some conflict exists between those
be explored more fully through further experimental and modelling who see trees as cost effective for achieving urban goals and love them,
exercises. and those that are described as being scared of trees. This conflict may
As we move through the 21st century planning to reduce the risks serve to restrict up-take of tree planting to cushion against cyclone
associated with cyclones will be vital to deal with the impact of climate events. However, it has been noted that some of the negative feelings
change on urban areas. Some of the measures taken will be major in towards tree use in urban areas can be reduced by better tree man-
terms of modifications to buildings and the structure of urban areas but agement which includes more appropriate choice of species planted.
we know from past experience that small actions taken prior to the Also increasing evidence does show that the potential for tree cover to
cyclone can also help to reduce the damage [31]. Being prepared from ameliorate the impact of climate change, can complement the arboreal
knowledge of what has been experienced before and taking pre- services currently recognised as being offered to urban environments in
ventative measures can reduce the impact of cyclones and in- terms of effluent treatment [47,61], amelioration of urban air quality
corporating a spatial understanding of patterns of damage can reduce and carbon dioxide assimilation [36,4], changing urban microclimate
risk. This means that spatial and temporal analysis of damage combined [50], reduction of urban heat islands [41,56] and shade cooling of
with predictive modelling from known behaviour can be very important houses [28], and offer a contribution to greenhouse gas reduction
for risk reduction and decision making about natural hazards (Hoque which can only be positive for urban development moving forward.
et al., 2016). This being the case the increasing use of what has become known as
The development of fast growing urban areas like Darwin and their ‘green infrastructure’ to help build resilient urban systems has potential
recovery from catastrophic events such as Cyclone Tracy is common to to minimise impacts associated with natural disasters like cyclones, as
the evolution of natural complex systems involving adaptive adjust- well as contributing to the health and economic wellbeing of tropical
ment. In anthropic ecosystems such adaptation involves selection of communities, However, as Matthews et al. [43] point out there is still
ideas that, from experience, work towards contributing to responses in some confusion over what exactly green infrastructure is. However,
design, planning and management. However, many of the lessons from whatever way planners want to look at green infrastructure it appears
Cyclone Tracy are in jeopardy of having slipped from community that growing trees and considering plant life in urban development can
memory risking a repeat of some past mistakes. Much of the vulner- have multiple benefits for the urban environment. This study con-
ability was, and still is, a result of complex human processes within the tributes to the mounting evidence that points to the value of trees in
urban community ranging from tree species selection and cultivation, to urban areas, the need for further research into the ecosystem services

F.J. Van der Sommen et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 28 (2018) 701–710

that trees can provide, the impact of natural disasters on urban areas also like to thank the many people who read and commented on earlier
and the role of green infrastructure in helping to mitigate the con- versions of this work, in particular Professors Bob Wasson, Andrew
sequences of climate change. Campbell and Julian Gorman
The research presented in this paper illustrates that there are
complex relationships that need more in depth and targeted analysis to Dedication
understand completely. Significantly, this study demonstrates that trees
can play both a protective and destructive role in cyclone affected This paper is dedicated to the memory and work of Dr Frans-Josef
urban landscapes, and the mixed methods analysis undertaken in this (Frank) Van der Sommen who sadly lost his fight with cancer on 10th
paper has highlighted the complex interplay of species, age, physical January 2013. Frank was a passionate scholar and landscape ecologist,
environment and management of trees and the layout and structural with an eager quest to gain a better understanding of landscape func-
attributes of houses that contributes to the role trees and the urban tioning right up to the end. His inquisitive mind, his holistic thinking,
forest play during cyclones. These findings add considerable strength to and his enthusiasm for the natural environment and its interactions
the justification that further investigation is not only warranted but with people, and the academic conversations that his conceptualizing
timely. The many questions that arise from this study such as around a generated are sorely missed by all who had the pleasure of working
deeper understanding of particular tree species that might act as po- with him. It is hoped that finally through this paper aspects of the re-
tential debris or debris barriers, need to be more fully explored. Future search conducted towards the fulfillment of his PhD, will inspire others
research should be focused on addressing fundamental questions that to further pursue the knowledge required to address the yet to be an-
will be capable of informing strategic planting and positioning of ap- swered complex questions on associations between trees, cyclones and
propriate urban trees. These questions centre round determining defi- urban environments.
nitive answers to which species of trees to use, what density and dis-
tribution, what distance should they be from buildings and References
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