Civics Grade 1 Pts 2

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Name : Subject : Civics

Class : Times : 45 Minutes
Number :

Read the following text to answer questions no. 1 to 4!

1. Arin is a female, Sultan is a male

They have different characteristics

Tick () the correct characteristics below to the suitable column!

Characteristic Male Female
Wearing trousers
Long hair
Short hair
Wearing skirt

2. I like to play doll

I wear mukenah when I am praying
My name is….
A. Shinta
B. Luqman
C. Ali

My name My name
is Angga is Fia

These are my friends. They are Angga and Fia.

They have differences.
Write 4 characteristics of them!
4. Tick the correct statements below!
 I am a female, I have moustache
 I am a male, I wear sarong and kopiah
 I am a female and I wear skirt
 I am a male and I wear high heels

Read the following text to answer questions no. 5 to 7

Indonesia has 6 religions

We can find friends with another religions around us
Although we are different, we should live in harmony
Because diversity is a gift from Allah

5. Write 4 religions in Indonesia!

_______________________, ___________________________
_______________________, ___________________________

Hi, my name is Ling-ling

I am confucianism
I celebrate__________________
7. Each religions has worship place
Match the religions below with the right worship place!

Hinduism Vihara


Islam Temple


Christian Masjid

Read the following text to answer questions no. 7 to 9

All people are different in physical feature

We won’t find same person in the world
They have different characteristic

8. Rafi is a thin boy

Jeremy is a fat boy
They are different, but they should not…
A. love
B. respect
C. quarrel


Hi, I am Ghina

I have fair skin and straight hair

Hi, I am Vina

I have fair skin and __________ hair

10. Look at the picture!
Match the picture below with the correct characteristic!

I am a female
I have fair skin
I like to read a book

I am a male
I have curly hair
I like to play violin

I am a female
I have curly hair
I like to make cakes

11. I am a muslim. My friend is a budhism

What should I do?
 Pray together
 Play together
 Chat angrily
 Share each other
12. Diversity is about respecting people regardless their physical features,
gender, hobby, economic, religions and the language they use.

Match the differences below with the correct answer!

I like to play ball, and my

friend like to play
Different in physical badminton
I am a male and my
friend is a female

Different in religions I am Islam and my friend

is hinduism

My name is Riri and my

friend’s name is Sisi
Different in gender
Gilang is tall and
Rahman is short

My mother is busy. She is making some cakes
As a good girl, Naila should ________________mother

14. Agung and his friends are playing football

But, they don’t want to play with Malik,
because Malik is a Christian
Explain what should they do!

15. My mother makes donuts
I don’t like it
I like pizza
What should I do?
A. Eat grimly and don’t tell to mother that I don’t like
B. Angry to mother and don’t want to eat
C. Eat happily and tell mother that I don’t like

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