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cpoPte, Pith = & Listen and check (V) the things Grandma had. hula-hoops dictionaries computers an ink pen acar Listen again and write the words laptop -ehalle encyclopedic: next to the clues. interactive whiteboard ink pen She wrote with chalk on chalkboard hulo-hoops Gi bell dictionary She brings her computer. It's a We use an .... We look at the to check facts. on the wall. She rang a big loud We wrote in our notebooks with an for recess. The girls played with We use a... to check spelling Read. How was school different in the past? e Dried There were only two classrooms. Dae ee ba ke ake ones Children of all ages were in the same class. Se cher cea ™ The girls wore dresses and the boys wore shorts. TES er uae ee oan TORO They studied reading, writing, and math. SMT They used dictionaries and encyclopedias. Re MEURIE They wrote with ink pens. up and go to a class! Ree ee ksi ML Anca kal 1 farms or in factories. Write the verbs in the past tense in two columns in your notebook. regular irregular Sees [studied ___dwas/were_ work wear have to Imagine a dialogue with Molly. Ask and answer. Use the verbs in = Activity 2. tz —_—_ \ 3 Simple past ——. ee a) ere A They...studied... reading, writing, and math. fille . The boys and girls _ sit separately. i r i 2 Did they wear uniforms? esti ihe os oa No, they didn’t. The boys wore shorts What - they with? and the girls wore dresses. Te RainnReere Psd Listen and read. “For homework, | want you to find out about the Aztecs..." said Mr. Cunningham. < “Lhate history,” thought Zak. “It's boring” Hey, Frida, do you remember your first school? (Yes, do. | remember | my teacher. | remember my best friend, Talk to a friend about first | 2 grade. F e e-29 He put his cell phone on the desk. Three more minutes ... “Zak Harris, my teacher my classroom my best friend my first day Do you remember first grade? Yes, | do. | remember my no cell phones in class!" shouted Mr. teacher. Her name was Cunningham. "When | was a boy, Miss Gray. we didnt have phones. We had to work hard. Stay inside at lunchtime.” “Sorry, Mr. Cunningham,” said Zak. | ££ «az Zak wanted to check the time but he didn't rack atitelstocys have a watch. His cell phone was in his. ie, Who do you think is bag, Under the desk, he saw a small door. ‘© the boy named Edward? “What's behind that door?” he thought. Read the story extract and answer. Why did Zak have to stay inside at lunchtime? How do you think Zak feels about Mr. Cunningham? What type of story is this? Why do you think this? was bored. He wanted to play soccer with his friends. Then he remembered the door. He pushed it with his foot. It opened, and Zak crawled through, n Time to Think @ ») Read the story in your Reader. Did you guess who Edward was? What were the clues? © comprehension 1 What time was lunch at Edward's school? 2 Why did the boys laugh at Edward? 3 How did Mr. Cunningham know it was his cap? 4 Why are some of the pictures in this story in color and others in black and white? © Critical Literacy 1 Would you like to go to school now or in the past? 2 How do you think Zak felt about the school he visited in the past? - Writin shop comparing the past and present. rena Ware lig il © Imagine your classroom 60 years a ago. Write about the difference Writing Tools between then and now. Give your Use time expressions to write opinions. he about the past and present: In the old days, students had to sit separately. Bagh} /n the past, ... Inl9......, Today, we can sit together. Before, ... In the old days, T think that’s good because I like working Today,... These days, ... Now... with other people .. z: Z © Text Connections Do you know any other stories about time travel from ‘books or movies? © ») Listen and read. Was Scatlett’s school like Edward's ¢ cL school in the past? © Gircie) used to or didn’t use to. 1 Angelo(used fo)/ didn't use to have an imaginary friend. 2 The boys used to / didn't use to wear shorts. 3 They used to / didn't use to have computers. 4 The children used to / didn't use to have lunch at home. 5 Rufus used to / didn't use to be a good student © © Talk to a friend about what you used to do, play with like have do talkto be A: Lused to play with dolls. Did you use to have an imaginary friend? B: No, I didn’t, but | used to talk to my teddy bear. Scarlett: Did you like that story? Yasmin: Yes, | did. I'd love to travel back in time. Scarlett: Me, too. Angelo: | used to have an imaginary friend, just like Edward. | used to talk to him in my room. Yasmin: Ha, ha! That's funny! Scarlett: You know, our school used to be like Edward's many years ago. My mom told me. There were chalkboards and chalk. The boys used to wear shorts. There weren't any computers. Angelo: Did the children use to have lunch at school? Scarlett: No, they used to go home for lunch. And they didn't use to have pizza and fries! Did you ever have to stay in at lunchtime, Rufus? Rufus: No way! was.a good student. used to + verb In 1950, the boys used to...._. wear shor They... have comput Did you have lunch at school when you were young? Yes, we 7 No, we. Listen and sing. How is Grandpa speaking to his grandson? When | was young, my friends and | met. Ss Now we have cell phones and we text. We used to talk and go for a walk. We chat online. That's how we talk! We used to play soccer in the park. i play games online with my friend Mark. We listened to records by the Rolling Stones Now people download music and use earphones, xx: | had an encyclopedia of facts. The Internet’s much better than that! | wrote letters with my favorite ink pen | type emails. Then | press “send.” | can see and talk to you, but you're miles away. I know, it’s so cool, | have so much to say. Let's have another video call soon. sete OK, Grandpa, | miss you, too AL | © © Talk to a friend about then and now. Use the words from the song. In the past, they used to listen to records. Now, we download music. word that you can’t hear. frjends when talk walk Write the words and their silent letters in the chart. Can you add more silent letter words? word silent letter friends Read. What is a time capsule? Write T (true) or F (false). Time capsules are sometimes sent into space. There's a cell phone in the Westinghouse Time Capsule. Albert Einstein typed a letter which is in the time capsule. Nobody knows where the Westinghouse Time Capsule is buried. The Westinghouse Time Capsule should be opened in 6939, Time Capsules ‘Atime capsule has different things in it to show how people used to live in the past. I's like a little museum in a box! People usually bury time capsules in the ground, but there are also some time capsules in space. In 1939, the Westinghouse Time Capsule was created as a message to the future. It was shown at the New York World's Fair before being buried. It still lies under the ground. It contains many things, including a telephone, ‘acamera, money, plant seeds, a dictionary, and also photographs, movies, records, and magazines. There's even letter from the famous scientist Albert tein, written in his ink pen. This time capsule is buried in a secret place. in many libraries around the world, there is a book with a map of ‘where to find the time capsule and instructions on how to, pen it in 5,000 years. Discuss. Is it important to remember the past? Why? / Why not? Find Out More! What are the most interesting and useful things that have been put in a time capsule? What shouldn't you put in? When you're searching for advice it’s good | to compare ideas. Find out what different people put in their time capsules. 5 PRO! in19....., they didn’t .. 0 In groups, talk about In the old days, people atime and place in When my mom was young, she the past. My grandpa used to © © write a Time Travel story. Writ ng Tools . When you describe the Choose a time and place. setting for a time travel story: ae re = Use the simple past and the Write a paragraph describing what Beer progressive force and who you saw. | Zmclatsiman whe Sachada tae) | ge ieee pag tachi | | Shane © © Present your Time Travel story setting to the class. o Vote for the best Time Travel story and talk to the class. I liked it because | it was exciting. | | liked it when he opened the —py door and saw his old bedroom. | Listen and write the missing words. Zak wore. long pants and he had __very different herr. That day, they... find out about ancient temples. Edward had a big... on his desk. Edword didn't have a in those days Those boys chase Edwand every day. He lost his a and never found it ‘Write sentences in your notebook about the picture. Use used to or didn’t use to with these verbs. listen to have play read chat online download wear In the past, they In the 19508, children © © Think about Chapter 1. Color the bone. o ah oO) (« wet write tip to help you remember adivty was ‘— ( eye | { aiptits) \ ciend oe ; > a i ey li) Vaart (Tease : ate Look back at pages 4 and 5. 2 Whizekidl Where was the Westinghouse Time Capsule shown? Find the co ox. city on the map Im not sure. Find something from that city. ete What is it? \17

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