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BALABHARATI Samskar for Kids


! Panchang
Our Hindu calendar is called as years when an additional month
Panchang. Panchang is made of called adhik-mas is added. A
two words - ‘Panch' meaning 5 month is divided into 2 parts -
and ‘Ang’ meaning parts. Every Shukla Paksha and Krishna
day in the Hindu calendar is Paksha. The first fortnight
made of 5 parts and hence the between New Moon Day and
calendar is called Panchang.. Full Moon Day is called Shukla
Paksha. The period of the
Hindu calendars are inherited
brightening moon (waxing
from a system first defined in
moon), and the second fortnight
Amrutvachan Vedāṅga Jyotiṣa's of Lagadha, a
of the month is called Krishna
late BCE adjunct to the Vedas,
! standardized in the Sūrya

कायर ना ब', शि*तशाली  Siddhānta (3rd century CE) and Each day starts with sunrise and
subsequently refor med by is made of 5 parts - Vara, Tithi,
ब' और /व1ास र34 की astronomers such as Āryabhaṭa Yoga, Nakshatra and Karana.
(499 CE), Varāhamihira (6th
ई1र आप8 साथ : ! Vara indicate the day of the
century CE), and Bhāskara II
week such as ‘ravi- vara’.
(12th century CE).
! The Hindu calendar is based
Tithi, Naksahtra and Yoga
- Lokmanya Tilak indicate the relative path,
upon the lunar and solar
position and longitude of the
! systems. With the new moon
moon with respect to the Sun.
appearing after every 27.1/2
nnn T h e re a re 3 0 T i t h i s, 2 7
days, the 12 lunar months take
! 354 days. The difference of 11
Nakshatras and 27 Yogas.
Karana is half of a Tithi and
! days is adjusted every three
there are 60 Karanas.

About Balabharati -
! is anis coordinated
This attempt to awaken the patriotic and cultural values hidden in the kids. The
!You too can participateacross
attempt Bangalore, in various localities, by the coordinators.
in these events as a coordinator. Your ideas would add value to the
center. Send your feedback to the editor - Vivasvan Shastri ( !1
Balabharati - December 2013


We cannot draw a circle without a center point. The Lord is the center, source and
essence of our lives. Recognising Him as the focal point in our lives, we go about doing
our daily chores. This is the significance of pradakshina.
Also every point on the circumference of a circle is equidistant from the center. This
means that wherever or whoever we may be, we are equally close to the Lord. His grace
flows towards us without partiality.
! nnn

! !
1. Name the first reincarnation (avatar) of Lord Vishnu?
a) Kurma (Tortoise)  b)Matsya (Fish) c) Varaha (Wild Boar) d) Narasimha (Man-lion)
2. Which avatar did Vishnu Bhagwan take to save his devotee Prahalad?
a)Narasimha (Man-lion) b)Vamana (Dwarf)  c)Varaha (Wild Boar) d) Kurma (Tortoise)
3. The Kurma (Tortoise) avatar helped in which mythological event?
a) Slaying Hiranyakashyapu  b)Samudra-Manthan  c)Helping Rama cross the ocean to Lanka 
d) Rescuing mother Earth from the depths of the underworld
4. Which two avatars are major characters of the two epics of Indian mythology (Ramayana
and Mahabharata)?
a) Rama and Parshurama  b)Parshurama and Vamana c) Krishna and Parshurama  d)Rama
and Krishna
5. Which Vishnu avatar occurs in both the epics Ramayana and Mahabharata?
a) Hanuman b) Parshurama c) Krishna d)Rama
Answers on page 8 !2
Balabharati - December 2013

! !
जननी ज$मभ'िम )वग, - महान 0 jananī janmabhūmi svarga se mahān hai

िजस2 वा)3 4 तन 0 मन 0 और 8ाण 0 ॥ध;॥ jisake vāste ye tana hai man hai aur prāṇahai
! !
ईस2 कण कण > िलखा रामकABण नाम 0

CताDमाआe2 Giधर- भ'िम सBय Jयाम 0
 īsake kaṇ kaṇ mein likhā rāmakṛṣṇa nām hai

धम, का 4 धाम 0 सदा ई- 8णाम 0
 hutātmāoke rudhirase bhūmi saṣya shyam hai

dharma kā ye dhāma hai sadā īse praṇām hai

)वतLM 0 यह धरा )वतLM आसमान 0 ॥१॥
svataṁtra hai yaha dharā
ईसकी आन पर अगर जो बात कोई आ पडe
 svataṁtra āsamāna hai
ईस2 सामU जो जuWम 2 पहाड हो खडe
शMu सब जहान हो iवGY आसमान हो

īsakī āan par agar jo baat jo aa paḍe

मuकाबला कZ[ जब तक जान \ 4 जान 0 ॥२॥
īsake sāmane jo julma ke pahāḍ ho khaḍe

! śatru saba jahān ho viruddha āsamān ho

ईसकी गोद \ हजारो गLगा यमuना झ'मती
 mukābalā kareṁge jab tak
ईस2 पव,तoकी चोiटयाb गगन को च'मती

jān me ye jān hai
भ'िम यह महान 0 iनराली ईसकी शान 0

ईसकी जयपताक पर िलखा iवजय iनशान 0 ॥३॥ !
īsakī god me hajāro ganga yamunā jhūmatī

īsake parvato kī choṭiyā gagan ko cūmatī

bhūmi yaha mahān hai nirālī īsakī shan hai

īsakī jayapatāk par likhā vijay niśhan hai

Shanti Mantra
! !!
ॐ सव$ भव&त( स(िखनः
सव$ स&त( -नरामयाः ।
सव$ भ2ािण प5य&त(
मा कि789ःखभा:भ;त् ।
ॐ शाि&तः शाि&तः शाि&तः ॥
! !3
Balabharati - December 2013

Know our Scientists
! C R Rao
Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao was born to C.D. Naidu and A. Laxmikantamma on
10 September 1920 in Huvvina Hadagalli in present day Karnataka. He was the
eighth in a family of 10 children. After his father’s retirement, the family settled down
in Vishakapatnam in Andhra Pradesh. From his earliest years, Rao had an interest in
mathematics. After completing high school he joined the Mrs. A.V.N. College at
Vishakapatnam for the Intermediate course. He received his M.A. in Mathematics
with first rank in 1940. Rao decided to pursue a research career in mathematics, but
was denied a scholarship on the grounds of late submission of the application.
He then went to Kolkata for an interview for a job. He did not get the job, but by
chance he visited the Indian Statistical Institute, then located in a couple of rooms in
the Physics Department of the Presidency College, Kolkata. He applied for a one-year
training course at the Institute and was admitted to the Training Section of the
Institute from 1 January 1941. In July 1941 he joined the M.A Statistics program of
the Calcutta University. By the time he passed the M.A. exam in 1943, winning the
gold medal of the University, he had already published some research papers!
In 1946 he was deputed to the Cambridge University on a project. While working full
time on this, he also worked in the genetic laboratory of R.A. Fisher, the father of
modern statistics and completed his Ph.D. under Fisher. By this time Rao had already
completed some of the work which carries his name: Cramer-Rao inequality, Rao-
Blackwell theorem, Rao’s score test and Rao’s orthogonal arrays. He returned to ISI in
1948 and in 1949 was made a Professor at the very young age of 29. He headed and
developed the Research and Training Section of the ISI, and went on to become
Director of the ISI.
The American Statistical Association has described him as "a living legend whose work
has influenced not just statistics, but has had far reaching implications for fields as
varied as economics, genetics, anthropology, geology, national planning, demography,
biometry, and medicine !4
Balabharati - December 2013

Colouring Activity !5
Balabharati - December 2013

Activity: Pompom with Fork

Material needed: Place the wool in the middle Now holding the beginning end of
Wool, sharp scissors, fork of the fork. the wool in one hand, wrap the wool
around the fork many times. more you
wrap the yarn, denser will the
pompom be.

Once you have wrapped the After tying the knot, it will look like
Cut the wool this.
wool, and cut it, tie a knot of
both the ends of the wool.

In the middle of the fork, take the Now tie a tight knot Tie
Take another long piece of wool.
long piece of wool that you have more knots to make it
just cut and place it like this. secure

It should look like this Fluff the pompom and

Remove fork , cut the
snip off some wool from
ends of both sides
all sides
Pompom is ready ! !6
Balabharati - December 2013

Story - Maharana Pratap

Your dreams come true and you become successful if you have determination and a
strong will. God helps those who help themselves. There is nothing impossible in the
world for those with will power and unyielding determination. Although, Bharat’s
history is full of such examples that convey this message, Maharana Pratap’s example
is the unique one.

The Rajputs (a community in Northern Bharat) are brave, chivalrous and gallant
people. They were the first to resist the Mughal invaders. Many wars were fought
between the Rajputs and the Mughals. Rajputs of Mewar (a province in Northern
Bharat) surpassed all in deeds of bravery and personal sacrifice.

Maharana Udai Singh II ruled the kingdom of Mewar (province of Northern Bharat),
with his capital at Chittor. Maharana Pratap was his eldest son who was given the title
of Crown Prince.

Those days, Mughal King Akbar wanted to rule the whole of Bharat and used forces
to over come the Rajput kings. As a result, almost all major Rajput Kings surrendered
to Akbar, but Maharana Pratap didn’t!! In fact, Maharana Pratap and his few loyal
Rajput chieftain took pledge in front of Goddess Kali, “Hey Kali!! We take a pledge
that we will not sleep on a bed but on the ground. We will not wear any fancy clothes
until we defeat our enemies!!”

Mughal King Akbar sent his associate ManaSingh to convince Maharana Pratap. In
his meeting with Maharana, ManaSingh asked, “Why don’t you join Akbar?”
Maharana replied back, “I have not sold my honor to Akbar!! Rajputs like their honor
most. You are not true Rajput!!”. !7
Balabharati - December 2013

! !
!ManaSingh furiously said, “I came as a friend and you have insulted me. You shall pay
for this”. Maharana bravely replied, “Very well then!! we shall meet in the battle!!” At
!last Akbar and ManaSingh decided to use  force against Maharana Pratap.
!The great battle between Maharana Pratap and ManaSingh was fought in the valley
!of Haldi-Ghati in June 21 1576. Maharana had only twenty thousand soldiers where
!as ManaSingh and his associate Salim had eighty thousand soldiers. There wasn’t any
!possibility of winning the battle. Maharana thought, “If I somehow manage to kill
ManaSingh, there is a slight chance of winning the battle”
!Maharana Pratap advanced towards ManaSingh without any support or backup.
!ManaSingh was riding an elephant. Pratap, riding a horse Chetak, attacked him like a
!fierce lion. He threw his spear aiming at ManaSingh, but elephant moved and spear
!missed its target. Soon Maharana was surrounded from all sides by enemy soldiers. But
he was saved by his wise horse Chetak, who took him in an unconscious state away
!from the battle scene. Chetak was also badly wounded, but he did not stop until he
!took his master to safe place.
!Maharana fought bravely. In this battle he lost almost all his army. After the battle, he
!and his family lived in exile. But he didn’t give up. He again started raising army with
!the help of his friend Bhama Shah and Bhil Tribals. Bhama Shah helped him raise the
money and weapons. Bhil Tribals provided him with man-power.
!Maharana Pratap fought relentlessly for fifteen years to get his kingdom back. By the
!end of 1584, he managed to liberate his most of the lost territories. But he could not
!get his Chittor (Capital of Mewar) back. It was still occupied by the enemies. His
!dream was partially fulfilled. After the relentless efforts, he died in 1597.
!“Where there is a will, there is a way” is a familiar and well-known saying. This saying
!underlines a very vital fact of life, very few truly understand and practice it. Maharana
Pratap practiced it. He did not give up until his last breath.
Quiz Answers
1. Matsya (Fish) 2. Narasimha (Man-lion) 3. Samudra-Manthan 4. Rama and Krishna 5. Parshurama


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