Alabharati: Samskar For Kids

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BALABHARATI Samskar for Kids

J U LY 2 0 1 5 , A A S H A A DA M A A S A

Va r k a r i m o v e m e n t i s Pundalik who was attending
Amrutvachan associated with the Indian to his parents inside, threw a
states of Maharashtra and brick in his direction for the
northern Karnataka. The visitor to stand on.
term Varkari is made up of Obediently, Vitthal stood
two words -- "Vari" means outside the door waiting for
going on pilgrimage, and Pundalik to see him. The
"Kari" means one who supreme shrine of Vitthala
undertakes it. Every year, is shown as standing on the
Varkaris walk hundreds of brick as waiting with his
miles to the holy town of both hands clasping the
Pandharpur, gathering there waist in Pandharpur.
on ekadashi (11th day) of !
“We are worshipers of the Hindu month of Varkaris wear tulasi-mala,
India's timeless past, Aashaadha(July). Varkaris f o l l o w p i o u s l i f e, a r e
dynamic present and worship Vithoba (Vitthal), vegetarians, fast on ekadashi
the presiding deity of and follow brahmacharya.
eternal future.
Pandharpur. Vithoba is a They move in g roups,
Confident of victory, form of Krishna, an avatar irrespective of caste and
let us pledge to (incarnation) of Vishnu. creed, performing bhajans
endeavour in this ! and singing songs of saints
direction" Vitthal has several legends like Dnyaneshwar, Namdev,
surrounding him. The most Tukaram. Varkaris prostrate
! popular is that of Pundalik, in front of each other
an ardent devotee who he because "God is in
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya
decided to pay a visit. everyone."Let us try to
nnn Unmindful of the divine imbibe such virtues of
! visitor at his doorstep, Varkaris in our life.

About Balabharati -
This is an attempt to awaken the patriotic and cultural values hidden in the kids. The
attempt is coordinated across Bangalore, in various localities, by the coordinators.
You too can participate in these events as a coordinator. Your ideas would add value to the
centre. Send your feedback to the editor - Vivasvan Shastri (
Balabharati - July 2015


In Hinduism, unless 'Bhojan-Mantra' is chanted nobody
eat's the served food. Untill each and every person is served
food 'Bhojan-Mantra' is not chanted. Why so ?
In Shreemad Bhagawad-Geeta Lord Krishna redefined
'Yagya Karma', also known as Sacrifice. Till then it was
understood as the physical Yagya karma as described in
Vedas. Lord Krishna says all the aspects of Yagya (as
described in Vedas) eg. arpana (Ghee), the fire, aahuti everything is Brahman itself and it
reaches Brahman when put in the fire of Yagya because Brahma = Karma.
Even the act of consuming food (Bhojana) is a Yagya, where the fire is the Jatharagni (fire
inside stomach), the aahuti is food and the person who does this arpan is also Brahma
swarup. But unless we know this fact and appreciate this we will not be able to take this
Yagya to its completeness. When it’s done with such understanding nobody will overeat,
waste food and hence nobody would sleep hungry. When someone overeats he is actually
eating other’s share, Lord Krishna calls such person a thief. To remind ourselves of this
concept, we chant ‘Bhojan Mantra’.



Mangal Pandey Chandra Shekhar Azad Bal Gangadhar Tilak

19th July 1827 23rd July 1906 23 July 1856
! ! !
We pay our tributes on their Janma Tithi !
! !
yah kal kal chal chal bahati, kya kehti ganga dhaara यह कल कल छल छल बहती )या कहती ग,गा धारा ?
yug yug se bahata aata, yah punya pravaah hamara
य/ग य/ग 0 बहता आता यह प/3य 4वाह हमारा……………………।ध7
! हम इस: लघ/तम जलकण बन? िमट? Bै Dण Dण
ham iske laghutam jalkan, bante mitate hain kshan kshan
अपना अिFतGव िमटाकर तन मन धन कर? अपHण
apana astitva mitaakar, tan man dhan karte arpan

badhte jaane kaa shubh pran, praanon se hamko pyaara (1) बढ? जाJ का श/भ 4ण 4ाणM 0 हमको Oयारा………………।……।१

! इस धारा Q घ/ल िमलकर वीरM की राख बही S

is dhaara mein ghul milakar, veeron ki raakh bahi hai इस धाराQ TकतJ ही ऋTषयM J शरण Wही S
is dhaara mein kitne hi, rushiyon ne sharan grahi hai
इस धाराकी गोTद Q, Yला ईTतहास हमारा…।………………………।२
is dhaara ki jodi mein, khela itihaas hamara (2)
यह अTवरल तप का फल S यह रा]^4वाह 4बल S
Balabharati - July 2015

श/भ स,Fक_Tत का पTरचायक भारत मa का आ,चल S

yah aviral tap ka phal hai, yah raashtra pravaah prabal hai
shubh sanskriti ka parichaayak, Bharat maan ka aanchal hai bहcकी िचरजीवन मयdदा धमH सहारा…………………………।…………।३

Hindu ki chira jeevan, maryaada dharma sahara (3) !

Balabharati - July 2015


Arrange the following letters to form the names of our Gods and Goddesses :
1. E G H A N A S 2. X A L M A H I M A
3. N A H A S K R 4. W A R S A S I A T
5. M I R A N A S H A 6. R H I N A S K
7. A T H I L V T !4
!बरसा सहजान)दॊ रामान)द-तथा महान ।
!वतर)त1 सद2व2त3 द2व4 स56णस8पदम् ॥ (19)
भरत<ष: कािलदास: Aीभॊजॊ जकण-तथा ।
सCरदास-Dयागराजॊ रसखानH सDक!वः ॥ (20)
र!ववमJ भातखKद3 भाLयच)N: स भCप!त:।
कलाव)तH !वOयाता: -मरणीया !नर)तरम्॥(21)
Birasa sahajanando ramanandastatha mahan
vitarantu sadaivete daiveem sadguna sampadam(19)
Bharatarshih kaalidasah Shri Bhojojakanastatha
Suradasastyagarajo rasakhanascha satkavih(20)
Ravivarma Bhatakhande Bhagyachandrah sa bhupatih
kalavantashcha vikhyatah smaraneeya nirantaram(21)
Birsa Munda of Bihar, Swami Sahajananda and Swami Ramananda (the great saviour of Hinudism in the
medieval period), Poet Kalidasa, Sri Bhojaraja, Jakana, Hindi poet Bhakt Surdas, Bhakta Thyagaraja, and
poet Rasakhan, Ravi Varma (the famous painter), Bhata Khanda (the great Musician), and Bhagya
Chandra (a King of Manipur), all fit to be remembered.


1. Ayodhya ~ ~ Temple of Lord Vishwanatha
2. Mathura ~ ~ Birth place of Vardhman Mahavir
3. Kashi ~ ~ Presently known as Ujjain
4. Avantika ~ ~ Lord Jagannath Temple

5. Vaishali ~ ~ Birth place of Lord Krishna
6. Puri ~ ~ Ancient University (now in Pakistan)
! !5
Balabharati - July 2015

Ektaara making activity

The pilgrimsof the varkari sampraday, or the varkaris often use the musical
instrument called the ektaara while singing bhajans and kirtans. Let's make our
own simple ektaara. Material needed: empty cardboard chips tin,
scissors, compass to pierce holes, craft wire, button.

Step 1: As shown in the picture on the left, ask an adult to

cut out a small window in the cardboard tin.
Step 2: As shown in the picture on the right, pierce two
holes each in the plastic lid of the tin as well as in the
metal base of the tin.

Step 3: As shown in the pictures on the left, pass the wire

through the holes at the bottom of the tin. After passing the
wire, it will look as shown in the picture.

Step 4: After inserting the wire from the bottom of the tin, pull it up inside
the tin and then pass it through the holes that you have pierced in the
plastic lid and close the lid. Refer to the picture on the right.

Step 5: Now pass the wire through the button and pull it
out fully.
Step 6: Now pull up the wire fully and tightly twist it on
top of the button. Refer to picture on the right.

Step 7: Now hold the lid with one hand and the tin with the other hand
and twist it. The lid and the tin should move in direction opposite to
each other. In this step, the wire inside is getting twisted. Twist it as
much as you can. The more you twist, the higher the pitch will be of the
sound that is produced by plucking the wire.

Step 8: Hold the lid with one hand placing your forefinger on
the button on top of the lid and hold the tin with the otehr hand.
Insert your finger inside the window that has been cut out. When
you insert your finger inside, you will feel the wire inside. Now
pluck the wire like plucking a wire of a guitar and you will hear
sound of the ektaara. Use this hand made instrument while
chanting bhajans or shlokas.

You can also watch a video of this method on the link
minute-Stringed-Instrument-from-Household-Item/ . Know more about the Ektaara
Balabharati - July 2015

Little Heros : Gaurav Kumar Bharati

15 year old Gaurav, who hailed from Devariya, U.P. lost his life
while saving a friend of his from drowning. He died on 11th
March 2014.
Two friends of his, Vikas and Deva were bathing in Saryu
River when Vikas started drowning.
As soon as Gaurav saw this, he jumped into the 30 feet deep
waters and managed to save his life however, got strangled in a
maelstrom and couldn’t save himself.
His father Shambhunath Bharti wants everybody to know about
his son’s brave deed while his mother says that he was intelligent and wanted to become an

Ancient Indian Science - KAILASHNATH TEMPLE – ELLORA

The Kailasa temple also known as Kailasanatha temple is one of the largest rock-cut
ancient Hindu temples located in Ellora, Maharashtra. It was built in the 8th century by
the Rashtrakuta king Krishna I as attested in Kannada inscriptions.
The temple was commissioned and completed between 757-783 CE, when Krishna I
ruled the Rashtrakuta dynasty. It is designed to recall Mount Kailash, the home of Lord
Shiva. It is a megalith carved out of one single
The Kailasa Temple is notable for its vertical
excavations. Carvers started at the top of the
original rock, and excavated downward. The
traditional methods were rigidly followed by the
master architect which could not have been
achieved by excavating from the front.
It is estimated that about 400,000 tons of rocks
were scooped out over hundreds of years to
construct this monolithic structure. From the chisel marks on walls of this temple,
archeologists could conclude that three types of chisels were used to carve this temple.


KRISHNA, VITTHAL . Match the pair: 1-7, 2-5, 3-1, 4-3, 5-2, 6-4, 7-6 !7
Balabharati - July 2015

The Story of Dadhiichi Maharshi

Rishis and sadhus perform tapas for the benefit of mankind and all
creation. They tolerate hardships and insults without any thought of
personal gain. One such rishi was Dadhichi. He willingly offered his
body to save the devas.
Once a Brahmin named Vrutra became the head of the demons. He
gave up his dharma – duty – of doing good to others. Instead he
turned to violence and began to battle with the devas. Hence, he
became known as Vrutrasur. ‘Asur’ means demon. He began to win.
The devas became frightened against his evil might. Along with
Indra, they approached Shri Vishnu for help. He told them that
Vrutra could not be destroyed with ordinary weapons. “Only a weapon made from the
bones of a saintly rishi will kill Vrutrasur,” revealed Vishnu. “But nobody will give up his
beloved body. Who would die to provide a weapon?” inquired the devas.
“O devas! Go to Dadhichi rishi. Make a weapon with his bones. A saintly sage will
not worry about giving up his life for the good of others. Ask Dadhichi for his bones as
bhikhsha – alms.” The devas went off in search of Dadhichi rishi. When they reached his
ashram, they felt anxious. Would the rishi help? “What can I do for you?” asked Dadhichi
rishi. “Vrutrasur, the leader of the demons, is destroying us. We are losing against his evil
might. Sri Vishnu advised us to make a weapon from your bones." said the devas. The
supreme donor is one who gives happily what is asked. “O devas!” said Dadhichi. “It is
better that my bones help you attain victory, rather than rot in the ground. The message
of Sanatan Dharma is to remain happy in the happiness of others. Here, I give you my
body.” So saying, he sat in meditation and meditated upon Paramatma. With his yogic
power he then left his human body.
The devas collected the bones. Indra made the vajra weapon from them. With this
the devas battled with Vrutrasur for 360 days and won. In life, we should always first seek
guidance from God and the God-realised Sadhu for success and happiness.
BALABHARATI NEWS: International Yoga Day and World Environment day

Ullal (AGS Layout) JC Nagar Shobha Apt (HSR)


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