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Philippine Christian University

Union High School of Manila



Group IV
Grade 12- Saul
Paula Nicolai F. Sael
Assistant Leader:
Abegail C. Ordoñez
Ma. Veronica M. Del Rosario
Julian Christopher A. Lopez
Jert Rude C. Punay
Lenard Carl H. Cruz
Christian R. Martinez
Jake Luis A. Pasawa

Prof. Faye L. Guinto

Research Adviser

Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

Chapter I
The Problem and Its Background


Cyber-bullying is one of the most important issues our society is facing

today. It continues to become a bigger issue as technology keeps improving.
Unlike the type of bullying we commonly known, cyber-bullying does not need
any physical interaction for the perpetrator to harm the victim. Nowadays, we
have what we call as “social media” which is defined as any electronic
medium that allows interaction among people in which they create, share, or
exchange information and ideas, including, but not limited to uploading or
downloading videos, still photographs, blogs, video blogs, podcasts, instant
messages, electronic mail, internet website profiles, accounts, or location.
Sending pictures and videos from user to user with the help of gadgets
including cell phones, computers, tablets, and communication tools including
social media sites, text messages, chat, website, and many more became
much easier especially with cheaper access to these devices and faster
internet connection. The viral nature of online life and cell phones makes
sending degrading messages, pictures, or videos simple and quick that makes
it easy for everyone to say what they want to say. With this, it was only a
matter of time until bullies found their way to make new opportunity to satisfy
themselves with their wrongdoings.
Cyber-bullies became capable of doing their nasty deeds and uses
social media to harm or harass other people in a deliberate, repetitive, and
hostile manner. They insult their victims or call them pet names that can
usually hurt their feelings and feel bad about themselves. They also make
threats, spread rumors, attack someone verbally, and excluding someone
from a group on purpose. Sometimes, they even pretend to be the victims,
posting comments that tend to look like the real victims were the ones who did
something wrong to them. Other times, cyber-bullying can take the form of
direct threats which can either affect the emotional and/or mental stability of a
person which makes them unable to interact with others well.

Cyber-bullying presents unique challenges in the sense that the
perpetrator can attempt to be anonymous, and attacks can happen at any
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

time of the day or night. It can take the form of individual harassment, public
humiliation, or both. This issue greatly impacts the behavior of many people
here in around the world. Unluckily, these people are commonly teenagers
and in most cases, students. It causes problems for many teens and even
their families and love ones. Teens have been reported killing each other and
committing suicide after being involved in a cyber-bullying incident. It may
even be a bigger problem than we know of. Cyber-bullying is no little problem
that we can take lightly and act like it doesn't happen. It has always been an
issue in our society but people are still not aware of what really happens if you
experience being a victim of cyber-bullying. There needs to be some sort of
regulations out there to protect children because parents can only be in so
many places in so many times.
This proposed study is made to verify the effects of cyber-bullying to
the Grade 12 students of Philippine Christian University – Senior High School
Batch 2017-2018.

Statement of the Problem

This study primarily deals with the effects of cyber-bullying on the
behavior of the Grade 12 students of the Philippine Christian University –
Senior High School

Specifically, the following were inquiries that the study will answer:

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of:

1.1 Age
1.2 Gender

2. What are the effects of cyber-bullying on the behavior of the 2

Grade 12 students of Philippine Christian University – Senior
High School S.Y. 2017-2018?
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

3. What are the possible remedies that should be proposed to

minimize the effects of cyber-bullying on the behavior of the
Grade 12 students of Philippine Christian University – Senior
High School S.Y. 2017-2018?

Importance/Significance of the Study

The importance of this research is for the following:
TO THE STUDENTS – They may use this study to be aware of the
current issues in our country and the world. It is also to bear in their
mind that they are luckier than those students who were cyber-
bullied. Even if they struggle in life because of economic problems,
they are still being sent to school and are supported by their
parents. With that, they are able to study, learn, and perform well in
class which enables them to have more knowledge about things so
that the difficulties experienced by their parents in sending them to
school to attain their goals will not be in vain.

TO THE PARENTS –They will be able to know that they should

have a sense of dedication and devotion in their duty as people who
guide and support their children well in everything they do. They
could make use of some strategies for the development of their kids
and supporting them especially if their children have experienced
being cyber-bullied.

TO THE COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS - It is imperative for them

to know the characteristics of youth in the community. It enables
them to further adopt precautionary measures or remedies to
forestall their favorable behavior.

TO THE SCHOOLS – Schools can use this study as a material to

add up to their student's knowledge and have awareness of the
effects on the behavior of students who have been cyber-bullied.
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

TO THE ADMINISTRATORS –Administrators can use this study as

a reference for their awareness on the behavior of their students,
specifically the ones that have experienced being a victim of cyber-

TO THE FUTURE RESEARCHERS -The findings of this study will

serve as a good source of accurate and useful information for them
and their future studies.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The research will tackle the effects of cyber-bullying to the behavior of
grade 12 students in Philippine Christian University – Senior High School. The
research will make use of the grade 12 students in the Philippine Christian
University – Senior High School. The age of the students will be 17-20 years
The research will not be tackling the effects on the academic
performance of the students. The research will not be including the grade 11
students in Philippine Christian University – Senior High School.

Conceptual Framework
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

Input Process Output

1. Profile of the 1. Distribution of

students: survey
1.1 Age questionnaire.
1.2 Gender
2. Gathering of Proposed
2. What are the Data Remedies to
effects of cyber- Minimize the
bullying on the 3. Presentation of Effects of Cyber-
behavior of the Data bullying on the
Grade 12 students Behavior of the
of Philippine 4. Analysis of Data Grade 12
Christian Students
University – Senior 5. Interpretation of
High School S.Y. Data

3. Survey Form

The effects of cyber-bullying on the behavior of the students can be

conceptualized in a framework, generally, to be aware and to discover the
resolutions that are need to be done in order to prevent the issue.

Definition of Terms
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

Anxiety a disorder in which a person feels uneasiness,

worry, and nervousness and is usually felt by a
person that has panic attacks or a compulsive

Behavior an individual’s action in response to a particular


Blog it is usually used by a person or an individual to

update his/her life events to certain audience and
is written in an informal style.

Bullycide referred to as the act of taking a person’s own life

because he/she has been a victim of cyber-

Cyber-bullying the act of criticisms, discriminations and other

forms of bullying done in social media with the use
of technology.

Cyber stalking a type of cyber-bullying described as sending

repeated messages to a person and causes
disturbance to the receiver.

Denigration a type of cyber-bullying that involves posting or

sending cruel rumors about a person Depression
a condition in which a person is extremely
sad and hopeless and usually leads to having
suicidal thoughts.

Flaming a type of cyber-bullying that involves online fights

which user vulgar language

Harassment a type of cyber-bullying which involves sending

offensive, rude, and insulting messages to a
person. 6

Impersonation a type of cyber-bullying that is described as an act

of pretending to be someone else to damage their
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

reputation. Websitea location connected to the

internet that contains webpages online.

Internet a computer network that connects a user to other

users around theworld.

Perpetrator a person who attacks, threatens and does harmful

or immoral acts to other people.

Podcast a digital audio file that is made by a person for

certain audience to listen to and can be
downloaded to a computer or mobile device.

Social Media a form of electronic communication through which

people create online communities to share
information, opinions, and personal messages.

Technology an application of scientific knowledge that is

usually used in our everyday life.

Threat any action that has the intension to inflict pain,

damage, or harm you in any way.

Chapter II
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Union High School of Manila

Review of Related Literature and Related


This chapter includes the review of related literature and studies which
the researchers have pursued to shed light on the topic under study.

Related Literature:

How to Beat Cyberbullying

Judy M. Peterson
Judy M. Peterson (2013) in her article “How to Beat Cyberbullying,”
discussed that cyberbullying occurs in many ways such as through the use of
unwanted and rude e-mail, instant messaging, text messaging, and wall posts.
Teens who are different in some way or have behaviors that others find
annoying or amusing are likely to become victims of cyber-bullying. It
discussed about the National Crime Prevention Association, cyber-bullying
affects abo Cyberstaking is repeated harassment such as usage of the
internet to follow and observe someone in a threatening way which causes the
victim to feel very fearful. A teen can be bullied without directly interacting with
the bully. Cyber-bullying is upsetting and painful to the victim. Some targets of
cyber-bullying may lose interest in hobbies and friends, have low energy, and
have difficulty making decisions. Those who are depressed might abuse
alcohol or other drugs or drive recklessly. Sometimes victims need to change
schools to escape their cyber-bullies. Cyber-bullying victims may have low
self-esteem and feel insecure. Some may not have the social skills and the
ability to communicate to stop cyber-bullying or get help. The effects might be
long lasting and can include anxiety, depression, and abuse of family
members. One of the main causes for teen depression is cyber-bullying, that
in extreme cases, particular targets may feel that the only way out of
depression is to commit suicide or bullycide. Bullycide is the act of killing
oneself purposely as a result of bullying.
This literature is closely related to the current study for it directly
mention the effects of cyberbullying on the behavior of the victims. The
present study like the article reviewed aims to know the effect of cyberbullying 8
on the behavior of the victims.
The Rise of Cyber-bullying
Phil Mckenna
May 2008
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
Phil Mckenna (May 2008) in his article "The Rise of Cyberbullying,"
research into cyber bullying is still in its infancy but as internet usage around
the world increases, it seems cyber bullying will be on the increase too.
Internet usage by children has increased enormously, so it’s likely that online
bullying—which includes sending threatening messages, displaying private
messages and posting embarrassing video footage and photos on the internet
—is also increasing.
One reason for this is the sheer number of people who can view
anything posted online. According to John Carr, chair of the Children’s
Charities’ Coalition for Internet Safety in London. Another reason why cyber-
bullying is so harmful is its sheer relentlessness.
The internet does not just amplify the effect of bullying. The option to
stay anonymous online means people can write things they wouldn’t dare to if
their identity were known. Anonymity can also amplify bullying’s negative
effect on the victim. The lack of face-to-face contact might tempt bullies to
new levels of cruelty.

Cyber Bullying is Worse Than Bullying (2015)

According to Stephanie Smith (2010), an CNN medical producer, a
cyber bully victim may feel more isolated, dehumanized, and/or helpless
because they may not know who they’re being attacked by. These attacks
may lead to many psychological disorders, and can ultimately influence the
victim to commit suicide or harm other people.
In one incident, a teenage girl from Missouri named Megan Meier was
harassed by another girl named Lori Drew on her MySpace account. Drew
took the identity of a 16 year old boy named Josh Evans and became friends
with Meier on MySpace. Drew intended to get personal information with the
fabricated account and later humiliate Meier by exploiting her info. Drew was
successful and Meier ultimately committed suicide. Depression is the most
common psychological disorder in cyber bully victims.
According to Dilmac (2009), victims of bullying generally manifest
internalizing psychological problems such as depression, loneliness, low self-
esteem, school phobias, and social anxiety (p. 1310). Meier’s family reported
that before she committed suicide, her self-esteem lowered and her attitude
became negative. Her family didn’t know what was happening to her before it
was too late.

Modern Abuse: Cyberbullying in the Philippines

Ana Phyllis Isla 9
March 13, 2012
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
According to Ana Phyllis Isla, there are many detrimental outcomes of
cyberbullying. Many targets of cyberbullying was reported to be feeling
depressed, sad, angry, and frustrated. And some victims who experienced
cyberbullying are also afraid or embarrassed to go to school. Victims of
cyberbullying also tend to develop low self-esteem. Research also shows that
there are links between cyberbullying and family problems, academic
problems, school violence, and delinquent behavior. And while cyberbullying
rarely inflicts physical harm to their victims, the psychological damage they
cause, if bad enough, can compel the cyber victims to inflict physical harm on
themselves. In fact, there have already been a number of young people
around the world taking their own lives due to cyberbullying.

Mr. Reynante S.Tagum
May 21, 2012

According to Tagum,R.S.(2012), face-to-face bullying can result in

long-term psychological harm to targets. This harm includes low self-esteem,
depression, anger, school failure and avoidance, and, in some cases, school
violence or suicide. It is possible that the harm caused by cyberbullying may
be greater than harm caused by traditional bullying because first of all, online
communications can be extremely vicious. There is no escape for those who
are being cyberbullied—victimization is ongoing, 24/7. Cyberbullying material
can also be distributed worldwide and is often irretrievable. Cyberbullies can
be anonymous and can solicit the involvement of unknown “friends.”
Also, teens may be reluctant to tell adults what is happening online or through
their cell phones because they are emotionally traumatized, think it is their
fault, fear greater retribution, or fear online activities or cell phone use will be

Cyberbullying among Private High Schools in Tarlac City: Basis of a

Proposed Intervention Plan
Viuya May M, 10
December 28, 2015
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

Viuya May M (December 28, 2015) in her article "Cyberbullying

among Private High Schools in Tarlac City: Basis of a Proposed Intervention
Plan," Cyber bullying appears in different forms, which are mentioned and
discussed in this study. It appeared that victims are usually students inside the
schools, but bullies are mostly studying in the other schools are not being
known at all. The cyber bullies usually use the internet through social network
sites and cellphones as methods of victimizing others. As for the forms of
bullies are making use most of the time, the study shows that the top among
the list is flaming/harassment. Victims of cyber bullying inside the schools are
affected but not in a way that they are already threatened to the extent of
letting it affect their studies. However, they themselves are trying some ways
within what they can do to stop it, and even to avoid it from happening. But
then, this does not eliminate them from feeling sad, angry, or embarrassed
about the experience of being bullied. Therefore it appears that not only those
who are directly bullied are being frightened, but also those who might be
involved because they are already aware of it.

Lexier, Coppell

According to Coppell, cyberbullying is when people attack other people

on the Internet through social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter,
Myspace, etc. It said to be very serious and can lead to teens being self-
Facts for teens stated that nearly 50 percent of teens have been bullied
online before. Nine out of ten teens have gotten their feelings hurt online.
They also stated that girls are way more likely to be victims of cyberbullying.
This makes sense because girls tend to have more drama, this concerns me
because girls aren't strong enough to handle all of the insults like guys are.
Girls are more emotional and sensitive. 
It was also said that cyberbullying can lead to anxiety, depression, and
suicidal thoughts.
Most of the bullying is done via instant messaging. It is proven by
statistics that cyberbullying decreases kid’s self-esteem. Self-esteem is very
important. A person is just incomplete without it. Middle school students are
the most likely to commit suicide. Sexting is also a version of cyber bullying.
Many times, when girls send nude pictures to guys, they somehow get out,
and the girls nudes are quickly exposed on social networks. 
I stated that fifty eight percent of kids admit that they have not
told a parent/adult about being insulted online. It seems like kids are afraid to
speak up about being cyber bullied. They are probably scared of being called 11
a snitch, or being bullied even more. It’s important that we let kids/teens know
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
that they shouldn't be afraid to let someone know. An adult is more powerful
than a kid or teen. 
This can be put to a stop. “Think before you post!” It is very important to do so.
You never know how much of a negative impact your post could be on
someone. Be cautious. Is your hurtful post worth risking someone’s life?

Related Studies: Local

Batch 2015 Social and Emotional Act of Cyberbullying, a

Phenomelogical Study
According to this study, cyberbullying affects the social interaction of
the victims with other people and also in the internet. Some of the victims
became conscious about their behaviour and physical appearance and is
being paranoid of what other people might think of them. Cyberbullying
caused the victims to deactivate their accounts on these social media sites to
avoid the situation. Victims felt depression, frustration and even loss of
confidence after being bullied online. Some victims think of doing the same
act (cyberbullying) to get even with their bullies. However, most victims think
that they should not reciprocate the action just to get even because they know
the feeling of being the subject of online humiliation. The victims, after
experiencing the negative side of the internet became more cautious of what
they click in the World Wide Web.

Cyber bullying: A Case Study

Igno, Arra Czarina D,

According to Igno, A.D.(n.d.), the majority of those who are being

bullied online are teenagers. They are the ones who have access to the
Internet. They use social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter or
even blog sites like Tumbler, BlogSpot, or Word press more frequently as
compared to adults, and this becomes one major reason why they are prone
to cyber bullying.
It was also stated that the more careless a person is in online and
offline life, the more prone one is to be a victim of cyber bullying. Teenagers
did not expect any occurrences regarding fight especially if these were
inconsequential. They are self-centered people to the point that they ignore
others opinion regarding their life, and they do not take into consideration the
scope of the cyber space. Hence, with the belief that the web cannot be a
mode of causing pain to anybody, it can be inferred that the participants were
caught off guard by the whole incident. 12
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
It can be deduced, according to this study, that the bullying
regardless of the specific stories the participants have comes from a post or
something the participants may have done in the past that caused the
resentment, jealously, or misunderstanding from the bully. This cyber bullying
serves as an evolution of the traditional bullying often seen in grade school.
The bullying may have happened online, but the effects it has brought to its
victims are not limited to the virtual world. The narrations of the participants
show that there are numerous offline effects the cyber bullying can cause to
its victims personal, social, and professional lives. Despite the truth that the
bullying did not happen in the real world, its effect manifest in the real lives of
the participants and can even affect them in the worst ways possible.

Related Studies: Foreign

Cyberbullying in High Schools: A Study of Students' Behaviors and

Beliefs about This New Phenomenon
Qing Li

Qing Li in her article "Cyberbullying in High Schools: A Study of

Students' Behaviors and Beliefs about This New Phenomenon,"Addressing
cyberbullying should be a collective effort on the part of schools, families,
students, and society. However, cyberbullying can be rooted in school or vice
versa, even if the incidents appear to be initiated using school property. This
requires schools to consider the development of comprehensive programs to
fight cyberbullying, including detailed and unified policies as well as effective
programs to educate students. The following are some recommendations
intended to solve the problem.
First, schools need to establish systematic programs to stop
cyberbullying. Such programs should develop strong policies on both
traditional bullying and cyberbullying. Administrators should investigate
current acceptable-use policies for technology (e.g., mobile, Internet) in the
Second, schools should educate school adults, students, and parents
about cyberbullying and provide clear procedures to follow when cyberbullying
occurs. Schools can use forums not only to mediate between cyberbullies and
cyber victims, but also to offer opportunities for students to develop adaptive
skills, such as dealing with emotional conflict and building positive behavioral
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
Bullying and Cyberbullying: History, Statistics, Law, Prevention and
Richard Donegan

Richard Donegan, in his article, discussed about Bullying and Cyberbullying.

Bullying is deeply engrained in American culture. The issues of bullying and
cyberbullying can only be contained in the short term and not eliminated
completely due to how deep-seeded they have become in our competitive
The clinical repercussions that bullying and cyberbullying have on
today’s youth present the most troubling issue at hand. The permanent mental
effects are what both the law and prevention programs are striving to
eliminate. The fact that these initial emotional responses to bullying in any
form have been proven to escalate to the point of suicidal thoughts and violent
response is the primary reason for why this issue has become a matter of
pressing public concern. The thought of children getting so caught up in the
psychological battery of bullying that they commit suicide is extremely
troubling, an issue that must be dealt with. Though the legislative and judicial
branches at both the state and federal levels are having a difficult time
adapting laws to encompass cyberbullying as technology advances, there is
assurance in the fact that the issue is a pressing concern. However, it is
unsettling that it takes drastic cases such as United States vs. Lori Drew to
bring about a direct. As more is learned about the reasons behind bullying and
the specific tactics utilized, prevention programs are becoming increasingly
more effective. As discussed previously, a successful program needs to
clearly identify the problem, establish recognition, and formulate consistent
ways of dealing with the issue across all platforms. The biggest struggle for
cyberbullying prevention in the future is matching the fast pace of
technological innovation with effective preventative techniques.

Cyber bullying Less Frequent than Traditional Bullying

August 4, 2012

According to international studies, traditional in-person bullying is far

more common than cyber bullying among today’s youth and should be the
primary focus of prevention programs, according to research findings
presented at the American Psychological Association’s 120th Annual
To demonstrate that cyber bullying is less frequent than “traditional”
bullying, Olweus cited several large-scale studies he conducted. Along with 14
other analyses, it showed that 80 percent to 90 percent of cyber bullied
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
students were also exposed to traditional forms of bullying — that is, they
were bullied verbally, physically or in more indirect, relational ways, such as
being the subject of false, mean rumors. Similarly, most cyber bullies also
bullied in more traditional ways..
According to Olweus, cyber bullied children, like targets of more traditional
bullying, often suffer from depression, poor self-esteem, anxiety and even
suicidal thoughts. However, it is difficult to know to what extent these
problems actually are a consequence of cyber bullying itself. According to the
study, this is because the great majority of cyber bullied children and youth
are also bullied in traditional ways, and it is well documented that victims of
traditional bullying suffer from the bad treatment they receive. Nonetheless,
there are some forms of cyber bullying — such as having painful or
embarrassing pictures or videos posted — which almost certainly have
negative effects. It is therefore important also to take cyber bullying seriously
both in research and prevention.”
Olweus recommends that schools and communities invest time and
technical efforts in anonymously disclosing identified cases of cyber bullying
— and then communicating clearly and openly the results to the students.
This strategy can substantially increase the perceived risk of disclosure and is
likely to reduce further the already low prevalence of cyber bullying. Given that
traditional bullying is much more prevalent than cyber bullying, it is natural to
recommend schools to direct most of their efforts to counteracting traditional
bullying. I don’t want to trivialize or downplay cyber bullying but I definitely
think it is necessary and beneficial to place cyber bullying in proper context
and to have a more realistic picture of its prevalence and nature.

Chapter III
This chapter gives an outline of research methods that were followed in
the study. It provides information on the participants, that is, the criteria for
inclusion in the study, who the participants were and how they were sampled.
The researchers described the research design that was chosen for the
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
purpose of this study and the reasons for this choice. The instrument that was
used for data collection was also described and the procedures that were
followed to carry out this study were included. Lastly, the statistical treatment
of data that were followed in the process were also discussed.

Research Design
The researchers used the descriptive method which is the most
appropriate research method to determine the effects of cyberbullying on the
behavior of the grade 12 students of Philippine Christian University – Senior
High School S.Y. 2017-2018. The researchers also used random and
purposive sampling to gather data from the respondents. The gathered data
will be organized and analyzed in order to come up with a significant study.

Subjects of the Study

The subjects were taken from selected sections of Grade 12 of
Philippine Christian University – Senior High School. Adam, Aaron, and Abel
are from the Accountancy and Business Management Strand. Stephen and
Seth are from the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Strand. Cyrus and Cleophas are from the Information and Communications
Technology Strand. Philip is from Housekeeping Strand, and Theophilus is
from Tourism Strand.

Locale of the Study

The research was conducted in Philippine Christian University located
at 1648 Taft Ave. cor. Pedro Gil St., Malate, Manila.

Data Gathering Procedure

1. The researchers made an appropriate questionnaire for them to be
able to conduct a survey.
2. The researchers photocopied the questionnaires according to the
number of their respondents.
3. The researchers wrote a letter to all the teacher and principal as
well to have a permission so conduct a survey.
4. The researchers conducted the survey from Grade 12 students.
5. The researchers separated the gathered questionnaires with
complete answers from the questionnaires with incomplete
answers. 16
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
6. After gathering the needed data, the researchers tallied the results
according to the respondent’s personal data.

Research Instrument
The researchers used the questionnaire for gathering data about the
effects of cyberbullying to the behavior of the grade 12 students in Philippine
Christian University Senior High School. The questionnaire conducted by the
researchers included a comment section where the respondents can express
their thoughts about the problem.
The questionnaire consisted of two parts. Part I aimed to gather
information on the respondent’s personal data as his/her name, gender,
section and strand. Part II dealt with the behavior of the respondents when
being involved in the act of cyberbullying as a victim and as a perpetrator and
also asked for some recommendations from the respondents that would help
minimize the possible effects of cyberbullying.

Statistical Treatment of Data

This study used the following statistical formulas to help the
researchers in the analysis of the gathered data.
Percentage – This technique is used to determine the proportion of the
total number of respondents to their responses in each section.

Percentage Formula:
P = x 100 %
P = percentage
f = frequency
n = total number of respondents

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation
of Data 17
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
This chapter presents the given data gathered from the instrument
used that were taken from the respondents. It also includes the analysis and
interpretation of data that were based on the tables and graphs that were
constructed in this chapter.

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

Table 1.1
Age Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
20 yrs. old 2 1
19 yrs. old 8 4
18 yrs. old 115 52
17 yrs. old 94 43
Total 219 100

Figure 1.1

4% 1%
17 yrs. old

18 yrs. old

53% 19 yrs. old

20 yrs. old

The table shows that 115 or 52% of the respondents are age 18, 94 or
43% are aged 17, 8 or 4% are age 19, and 2 or 1% are age 20.

The figure shows that the majority of the respondents are age 18 and
the minority are ages 17, 19, and 20.

Table 1.2 18
Gender Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
Male 97 44
Female 122 56
Total 219 100

Figure 1.2


44% Female



The table shows that 97 or 44% of the respondents are male and 122
or 56% of the respondents are female.


The figure shows that the majority of the respondents are female and
the minority of the respondents are male.

Q1. Have you ever been cyber-bullied?

Table 2.1
Choices Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
Yes 84 38 19
No 135 62
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
Total 219 100

Figure 2.1




The table shows, 84 or 38% of the respondents experienced being

victims of cyber-bullying and 135 or 62% did not.

The graph shows majority of the respondents haven’t experienced
being victims of cyber-bullying and the minority have experienced being
victims of cyber-bullying.

Respondents Who Answered Yes

Table 2.2
Gender Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
Male 41 49%
Female 43 51% 20
Total 84 100%
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

Respondents Who Answered Yes

Figure 2.2

Respondents Who Answered Yes


49% Female

The table shows 41 or 49% of the respondents who answered yes are
male, and 43 or 51% are female.

The figure shows that females are more prone to be victims of cyber-
bullying than males.

According to Coppell, Lexier, “Cyberbullying”, Facts for teens stated

that girls are way more likely to be victims of cyberbullying. This makes sense
because girls tend to have more drama, this concerns me because girls aren't
strong enough to handle all of the insults like guys are. Girls are more
emotional and sensitive.

Q2. If yes, what kind?

Kinds of Cyber-bullying
Table 3.1
Choices Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
Cyberstalking 43 29 21
Denigration 20 14
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
Harassment 41 28
Flaming 31 21
Impersonation 12 8
Total 147 100

Kinds of Cyber-bullying
Figure 3.1

Kinds of Cyber-bullying

% Cyberstalking
29% Denigration


The table shows 43 or 29% of the respondents answered Cyber

stalking, 20 or 14% answered Denigration, 41 or 28% answered Harassment,
31 or 21% answered Flaming, and 12 or 8% answered Impersonation.

The figure shows that Cyber stalking is the kind of cyber-bullying that
is most likely to happen to the respondents. Next is Harassment, followed by
Flaming, Denigration, then, Impersonation.
According to Viuya May M. "Cyberbullying among Private High
Schools in Tarlac City: Basis of a Proposed Intervention Plan", Cyberbullying
can take different forms, with the main forms ranging from flaming, to
harassment, to denigration, to impersonation, to cyberstalking.

Q3. How did you feel after you have been bullied?

Feeling After Being Cyber-bullied

Table 4.1
Choices Frequency (f) Percentage (%) 22
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
Sad 41 34
Angry 33 27
Afraid 22 18
Nothing 26 21
Total 122 100

Feeling After Being Cyber-bullied

Figure 4.1

Feeling After Being Cyber-bullied

34% Angry



The table shows 41 or 34% of the respondents felt sad, 33 or 27% felt
angry, 22 or 18% felt afraid, and 26 or 21% felt nothing after they have been

The figure shows the majority of the respondents were most likely to
feel sad after they have been cyber-bullied. Followed by being angry, doing
nothing, then, being afraid.
Q4. How did it affect you?

Table 5.1
Choices Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
Loss of confidence 35 27
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
Loss of interest in school/work 13 10
Loss of interest in things you usually 22 17
Anxiety and/or depression 31 23
Self-harm 17 13
Suicidal thoughts 13 10
Total 131 100

Figure 5.1

Responses Loss of confidence

Loss of interest in school/work

27% Loss of interest in things you usually enjoy
Anxiety and/or depression

10% Self-harm
Suicidal thoughts


The table shows 35 or 27% loss their confidence, 13 or 10% loss their
interest in school/work, 22 or 17% loss their interest in things they usually
enjoy, 31 or 23% had anxiety and/or depression, 17 or 13% chose to harm
themselves, and 13 or 10% had suicidal thoughts after experiencing being
victims of cyber-bullying.

The figure shows that the respondents are more likely to experience
loss of confidence after being cyber-bullied rather than having anxiety and/or
depression, loss of interest in things they usually enjoy, harm themselves, loss
interest in school/work and have suicidal thoughts after experiencing being
victims of cyber-bullying.
According to Tagum,R.S.(2012), face-to-face bullying can result in 24
long-term psychological harm to targets. This harm includes low self-esteem,
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
depression, anger, school failure and avoidance, and, in some cases, school
violence or suicide.

Q5. How do you feel about people being cyberbullied?

Feeling About People Being Cyber-bullied

Table 6.1
Choices Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
They deserve it 13 6
It’s too bad, but there is 41 20
nothing we can do about
It’s a very serious 152 74
problem and we need to
stop it
Total 206 100

Feeling About People Being Cyber-bullied

Figure 6.1

Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

Feeling About People Being Cyber-bullied

6% They deserve it
It's too bad, but there is noth-
20% ing we can do about it
It's a very serious problem and
we need to stop it



The table shows 13 or 6% of the respondents felt that cyber-bullying

victims deserved it, 41 or 20% feels bad but there is nothing they can do
about it, and 152 or 74% feels that this is a very serious problem and needs to
be stopped.

The figure shows that the majority of the respondents think that cyber-
bullying is a very serious matter that needs to be stopped, and the minority of
the respondents think that there is nothing they can do about it, and the
victims deserved it.

A Proposed Regulation to Minimize the Effects

of 26
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
Cyber-bullying on the Behavior of the Grade 12
This proposed possible ways can prevent cyber bullying on the behavior
of Grade 12 SHS; to advise them not to respond in order to avoid cyber
bullying; to avoid to have more cyber-bullying victims; to inform a person that
cyber-bullying will not benefit the victim neither the perpetrator; to be able to
prevent unnecessary viewers of profiles and posts; to avert any person who
will try to post anything that can harm a personal life; to avoid persons that
have the intention to cyber-bully.

To minimize the effects of cyber-bullying on the students, the

researchers and the students suggest that:
1. Students should know when and how to respond, and that
prevention is better than cure. Cyber-bullying is a very serious matter, and
being wise in the presence of this act is what will save them.
2. Students must be more aware of their environment and what is
happening around them because ignorance is not an option, any action or
words said in the right way can persuade a person’s mind to do what is
3. Students should secure their social media accounts for their own
privacy and safety because any information about themselves can be used
against them.
4. Students should learn how to use social media properly, know that
the social media is a much different and more bizarre environment than that in
reality, and limit the use of it to prevent cyber-bullying.
5. Students have to know their own limitations to the things that have
nothing to do with them. They should put a great amount of respect to the 27
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
privacy of others like social accounts, password, messages, and personal
belongings, and that cyber-bullying is not an option.

Chapter V
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
Summary, Conclusions, and
This chapter presents the summarization of the research work
undertaken, and is where generalizations in the form of conclusions are made;
and the recommendations for the solution of problems discovered in the study
are addressed to those concerned.

This study focuses on knowing the effects of cyber-bullying on the
behavior of grade 12 students in PCU-SHS. This will help the people in
identifying the effects of cyberbullying to the behavior of grade 12 students in
PCU-SHS, and it may also offer solutions to the problems that the students
may face.
The researchers used a descriptive method in performing the study.
The research was conducted at Philippine Christian University – Manila
Campus. The survey forms were used in gathering the data. The
questionnaires were used to gather data from 219 respondents. The
frequency ( f )
researchers used the equation, x 100 in
total no . of respondents/answers
conducting their study. The data gathered were analyzed and interpreted by
the researchers using tables and pie graphs. The result of our study showed
numerous effects on the behavior of Grade 12 students in PCU-SHS.

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of:

1.1 Age
Majority of the respondents are age 18 then the minority are
ages 17, 19, and 20.
2.2 Gender

Majority of the respondents are female and the minority of the

respondents are male.
2. What are the effects of cyber-bullying on the behavior of the Grade
12 students of Philippine Christian University – Senior High School
S.Y. 2017-2018?

After the needed data were gathered for the study, the
researchers found out that after being cyber-bullied, the 29
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

A. Lost confidence
B. Lost interest in school/work
C. Lost interest in things they usually enjoy
D. Had anxiety/depression
E. Resorted to self-harm
F. Had suicidal thoughts

1. The future researchers may study about the effects of cyber-
bullying on the academic performance of the students and use
this study as a basis to know if the behavior of a cyber-bullying
victim can affect his/her academic performance.

2. The future researchers may advocate for schools’ awareness

about cyber-bullying and its effects on the behavior of their
students to provide educational programs and conduct seminars
to reduce and prevent cyber-bullying incidents.

3. The future researchers may urge parents and other caretakers

of children and adolescents to be actively involved in their child’s
school and community activities and to monitor their social
media accounts to reduce and prevent the possible cases of

4. The future researchers may use this study to encourage

teenagers and children to be aware of the consequences of
misuse of technology to promote responsible behavior at their
early age. They need to understand the dangers that exist and
the importance of getting help from responsible adults when
cyberbullying occurs.

A. Researches
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
(2010) "Cyberbullying in High Schools: A Study of Students' Behaviors
and Beliefs about This New Phenomenon" Series: Journal of Aggression,
Maltreatment and Trauma, 19(4): 372-392
Isla A. (2012 February) "Modern Abuse : Cyber bullying in the
Orlando F. (2012 August 4) "Cyber bullying less frequent to traditional
bullying : According to national studies"
Li Q. ( 2015 May) "Cyber bullying in high schools : A study of behavior
and beliefs of the students about this phenomena"
Polytechnic University of the Philippines (2013) "Cyberbullying : A case
study" Manila, xii : 257 leaves.

B. Books
Elon Journal (2012) "Undergraduate Reasearch In Communication"
Vol. 3, No.1
McKenna P. (2008 February) "The Rise of Cyberbullying"
Rogers, M. (2011, September) "Kids and Virtual Words"
Tagum R. ( SY 2010-2011 ) "Cyber bullying"

C. Magazines
Lexie R. (2012 February) "Cyberbullying"

D. Websites
Isla A. (2012 February) "Modern Abuse : Cyber bullying in the
Philippines" Retrieved from
Lexie R. (2012 February) "Cyberbullying" Retrieved from
Li Q. ( 2015 May) "Cyber bullying in high schools : A study of behavior
and beliefs of the students about this phenomena" Retrieved from
McKenna P. (2008 February) "the rise of cyberbullying" Retrieved from
Orlando F. (2012 August 4) "Cyber bullying less frequent to traditional
bullying : According to national studies" Retrieved from
Rogers, M. (2011, September) "Kids and Virtual Words" Retrieved from
udy+peterson+pdf&source=bl&ots=7- 31
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
Tagum R. ( SY 2010-2011 ) "Cyber bullying" Retrieved from

Philippine Christian University – Senior High School
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
The Effects of Cyber-bullying on the Behavior of the Grade 12 Students

of Philippine Christian University – Senior High School S.Y. 2017-2018

Name (optional): ____________________________ Date:

Strand & Section: _____________ Age: _____ Gender: ___ Male

Directions: Please read carefully before answering the questions. Put a

check on the blank or write your answers on the space provided (for
selected items).

1. Have you ever been cyberbullied? ____ Yes ____ No

If your answer is no, please proceed to question #5.

2. If yes, what kind? (check all that applies)

____ Cyber stalking (sending repeated messages)
____ Denigration (posting/sending cruel rumors)
____ Harassment (sending offensive, rude, and insulting
____ Flaming (online fights using vulgar language)
____ Impersonation (pretending to be someone else to
damage their reputation)

3. How did you feel after you have been bullied? (check all that
___ Sad ___ Angry ___ Afraid ___ Nothing

4. How did it affect you? (check all that applies)

____ Loss of confidence
____ Loss of interest in school/work
____ Loss of interest in things you usually enjoy doing
____ Anxiety and/or depression
____ Self-harm
____ Suicidal thoughts

5. How do you feel about people being cyberbullied?
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
____ They deserve it
____ It’s too bad, but there is nothing we can do about it
____ It’s a very serious problem and we need to stop it

6. In what ways can you prevent cyberbullying?

____ Don’t respond or retaliate
____ Tell the person to stop
____ Protect your accounts
____ Don’t post anything that is very private
____ Never open messages from people you don’t
personally know


Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

Prof. Angelito Alfonso


Dear Sir,
Greetings in the name of the Lord!
We, Group 4 in Research from section Saul of Grade 12, would like to
ask permission to allow us to conduct a survey in selected sections of Grade
12. Our research is entitled “The Effects of Cyber-bullying on the Behavior of
the Grade 12 Students of Philippine Christian University – Senior High School
S.Y. 2017-2018”. This survey would help us have a better understanding
regarding the issue for us to be able to come up with a significant study.
This study is for the completion of the requirements for S.Y. 2017-2018.
Your approval on this matter would be highly appreciated.
Thank you for your kind consideration.

Respectfully yours,
Paula Nicolai Sael
Group Leader

Abegail Ordonez
Assistant Leader
Ma. Veronica Del
Julian Christopher
Lenard Carl Cruz
Christian Martinez
Jert Rude Punay
Jake Luis Pasawa

Noted by:
Prof. Faye L. Guinto
Research Adviser

Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

Dear Ma’am/Sir,
Greetings in the name of the Lord!
We, Group 4 in Research from section Saul of Grade 12, would like to
ask your permission to conduct a survey in this class for our Research
subject. Our research is entitled “The Effects of Cyber-bullying on the
Behavior of the Grade 12 Students of Philippine Christian University – Senior
High School S.Y. 2017-2018”. We would like the students of your class to give
us their insights regarding the topic. This will only take 5 to 10 minutes of your
Thank you for your kind consideration.

Respectfully yours,
Paula Nicolai Sael
Group Leader

Abegail Ordonez
Assistant Leader
Ma. Veronica Del
Julian Christopher
Lenard Carl Cruz
Christian Martinez
Jert Rude Punay
Jake Luis Pasawa

Noted by:
Prof. Faye L. Guinto
Research Adviser

Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

Dear Respondents,
Good day!
We are the Group 4 in Research from section Saul of Grade 12. We
will be conducting a survey in your class for our Research subject. Our
research is entitled “The Effects of Cyber-bullying on the Behavior of the
Grade 12 Students of Philippine Christian University – Senior High School
S.Y. 2017-2018”. We would like to request you to give us your insight
regarding the topic. We hope that you will take this seriously and answer the
questions truthfully and we assure you that your answers will be treated with
Thank you for your cooperation.

Respectfully yours,
Paula Nicolai Sael
Group Leader

Abegail Ordonez
Assistant Leader
Ma. Veronica Del
Julian Christopher
Lenard Carl Cruz
Christian Martinez
Jert Rude Punay
Jake Luis Pasawa

Noted by:
Prof. Faye L. Guinto
Research Adviser

Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in Research II, this study

entitled, “A Survey on the Effects of Cyber-bullying on the Behavior of

the Grade 12 Students of Philippine Christian University – Senior High

School S.Y. 2017-2018”, was prepared by Group IV of Grade 12 – Saul in

Research II, S.Y. 2017-2018. It has been examined and hereby

recommended for acceptance and approval.


Research Adviser

Approval by the committee on oral examinations with a grade of _________




Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Research II



Table of Contents
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

Title Page……………………………………………………………………………..i
Approval Sheet……………………………………………………………………...ii
Table of Contents………………………………………………………………….iv
Chapter 1: The Problem and Its Background…………………………………1
Statement of the Problem……………………………………………. 2
Importance/Significance of the Study………………………………. 3
Scope and Limitation of the Study…………………………………...4
Conceptual Framework………………………………………………. 5
Definition of Terms……………………………………………………. 6
Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature and Related Studies……………..8
Related Literature……………………………………………………...8
Related Studies: Local……………………………………………….12
Related Studies: Foreign…………………………………………….13
Chapter 3: Methodology………………………………………………………… 16
Research Design……………………………………………………..16
Subjects of the Study……………………………………………...... 16
Locale of the Study…………………………………………………..16
Data Gathering Procedure…………………………………………..16
Research Instrument…………………………………………………17
Statistical Treatment of Data…………………………………….. …17 ..

Chapter 4: Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data………….. 18

Profile of the Respondents………………………………………….18
Question 1…………………………………………………………….20
Question 2…………………………………………………………….22
Question 3…………………………………………………………….23
Question 4…………………………………………………………….24
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
Question 5…………………………………………………………….25
Proposed Plan………………………………………………………..27
Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations……………..29
Survey Questionnaire………………………………………………..33
Letter to the Principal………………………………………………...35
Letter to the Teachers………………………………………………. 36 ..

Letter to the Respondents…………………………………………...37

Curriculum Vitae…………………………………………………………………..38

Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

This research paper is made possible through the help and support
from everyone, including: parents, teachers, family, friends, and classmates.
Especially, the researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude to the
following significant advisors and contributors.

First, and foremost, to our dearest adviser, Mrs. Virgines Mendoza for
guiding throughout this research and giving a never-ending support and
encouragement nor being in the process of giving up on her students despite
all the work she has, she still manages to got time just to show her concern in
finishing this research.

Second, to Mrs. Mylene Dinglasan for helping the researchers

construct an error-free research paper.

Third, to Mrs. Rufina Guinto who provided and step by step procedure
and lessons on making this research paper.

Fourth, to the Almighty God who was with the researchers’ side all
throughout the research to bless their heart with determination, knowledge
and wisdom unconditionally for the completion of the research paper.

The Researchers


Curriculum Vitae
Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

Name: Paula Nicolai F. Sael

Age: 17 years old
Sex: Female
Birthday: November 18, 2000
Address: 18B San Rafael 1 Noveleta, Cavite

Ladislao Diwa Elementary School
Junior High School
Emiliano Tria Tirona Memorial National High School
Senior High School
Philippine Christian University

Watching movies while reading during sleeping

Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

Name: Abegail C. Ordoñez

Age: 19 years old
Sex: Female
Birthday: September 7, 1998
Address: 1216 A President Quirino Ave. Malate, Manila

Epifanio Delos Santos Elementary School
Junior High School
Araullo High School
Senior High School
Philippine Christian University

Reading and watching.

Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila
Name: Christian R. Martinez
Age: 18 years old
Sex: Male
Birthday: September 30, 1999
Address: 1804 Dosal St. Kahilom, Pandacan, Manila

Fernando Maria Guerrero Elementary School
Junior High School
Mariano Marcos Memorial High School
Senior High School
Philippine Christian University

Gaming, Anime, and Hollywood series.

Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

Name: Jert Rude C. Punay

Age: 18 years old
Sex: Male
Birthday: December 11, 1999
Address: 1314 D Lt. Garcia St, Baclaran, Parañaque City

Saverona Elementary School
Junior High School
Parañaque National High Schoo - Baclaran
Senior High School
Philippine Christian University

Basketball, Anime and Computer games.

Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

Name: Julian Christoper A. Lopez

Age: 18 years old
Sex: Male
Birthday: November 4, 1999
Address: 2331 Esmeralda St, San Andres Bukid, Manila

Rafael Palma Elementary School
Junior High School
Mariano Marcos Memorial High School
Senior High School
Philippine Christian University

Singing and Drawing.

Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

Name: Lenard Carl H. Cruz

Age: 18 years old
Sex: Male
Birthday: April 11, 1999
Address: 2062 Onyx st, Paco, Manila

Fernando Maria Guerrero Elementary School
Junior High School
Mariano Marcos Memorial High School
Senior High School
Philippine Christian University

Dancing and Playing basketball

Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

Name: Ma. Veronica M. Del Rosario

Age: 18 years old
Sex: Female
Birthday: December 27, 1999
Address: 1182 Camatchille st, Singalong, Manila

Palanan Elementary School
Junior High School
San Antonio High School
Senior High School
Philippine Christian University

Listening to music, watching movies, and playing basketball,
volleyball and badminton.

Philippine Christian University
Union High School of Manila

Name: Jake Luis A. Pasawa

Age: 18 years old
Sex: Male
Birthday: February 15, 2000
Address: 359 Lakandula st, Tondo, Manila

Holy Child Catholic School
Junior High School
Lakandula High School
Senior High School
Philippine Christian University

I like reading books and watching documentary, also I am into
reading mysteries of a crime.


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